BlueVM is back one again with a special offer for LowEndBox readers. These offers all feature their own panel: Feathur. Feathur is an Open Source (AGPL V3.0) control panel for OpenVZ and KVM and is available on GitHub. BlueVM Communications LLC are based in Colorado and are dedicated to offering “low cost, high quality Virtual Private Servers (VPS)”. We have featured BlueVM quite some times since early 2012 and reviews have been mainly positive. After they had enough of SolusVM after numerous security incidents, BlueVM decided to write their own panel. Feathur is the result of that. It’s already in use at BlueVM (and has been for a while) but it is also available to the public and I believe other providers have started using it as well. Their hardware primarily consists of Intel E3-1240 servers (@ 3.4GHz) with 32 GB of RAM and 4 x 1TB or 2TB hard drives in RAID10. A review of their service (which includes Feathur screenshots & serverbear link) can be found here.
The offer
- 3 CPU cores
- 1GB vSwap
- 40GB HDD space
- 2TB traffic
- 1Gbps uplink
- OpenVZ/Feathur
- $4.99/month
- $23.99/semi-annually
- Order here
BlueVM accept PayPal, Google Checkout and Bitcoin via Bitpay. Due to abuse of their previous refund policy, they no longer offer refunds on their services except in special cases. They provide a 99.99% uptime guarantee and provide service credits if they fail to meet this. According to their website, they undersell (typically they leave 500GB of HDD space free and 2-4GB of ram free). For more information, have a read of their Terms of Service.
Network Information
Buffalo, NY, USA
Test IPv4:
Test file:
Chicago, IL, USA
Test IPv4:
Test file:
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Test IPv4:
Test file:
Atlanta, GA, USA
Test IPv4:
Test file:
Dallas, TX, USA
Test IPv4:
Test file:
Piscataway, NJ, USA
Test IPv4:
Test file:
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these guys are nice, they provide good service in my opinion :D !!
the support is faster now, and my vps don’t go down as much as before. I they they improve !!
Thank you for the feedback.
A review of their service (which includes Feathur screenshots & serverbear link) can be found here.
Why did you link to such old offer? All the recent offers (they are featured frequent) are not so good with reviews that say the service is not so good. ):
We are working extremely hard to improve our services and the quality of our support.
Yeah, right. My VPS has been unresponsive for at least 20 hours now. Response tickets take at least a day or two to get a response, and staff are either idle or AFK in IRC when support tickets are waiting in the queue.
I’ve been a customer for almost a year now and I must say your support is getting worse, not better.
idle/AFK** messing around / AFK, sorry about the confusion.
Just last month I had an issue which meant my VPS with BlueVM was offline for over a week. Tickets to support always took at least 24h, but oftentimes more like 48h-56h to see a response. And three time I got what was basically a copy-and-paste response that did not fix the issue.
I was abundantly clear what the issue was in the ticket, and how you could tell when it was fixed. It wasn’t until they finally forwarded it to their top tier support that it was fixed. None of the lower tier support staff were capable of anything other than doing seemingly-nothing and claiming it was fixed **without testing if it was**. They literally send me replies “Should be fixed now” without testing if it was. Anyone with the slightest bit of knowledge would have known how to see if the problem was fixed or not based on the ticket I sent, but none of them bothered.
Extremely poor support. That said, their services have been more stable recently compared to the past. They’re not bad as a cheap box that you don’t worry about being constantly available.
Their “community support” IRC is also flooded with people who have no idea what they’re talking about, but talk a lot so people believe their rubbish.
No you aren’t. My VPS freezes, loses connection, or reboots constantly. Have had it for months and put in multiple tickets. The only response I ever get is “should be good now”. Whatever’s causing the issue has never been resolved. This is the worst vps service I have used so far.
May i use for red5 streaming server ?
Yes provided your usage of it doesn’t abuse the server
I have to say I am a bit disappointed with BlueVM as a provider.
I have a KVM VPS located on one of their Zurich hosts which I purchased through an offer here on LEB late last year.
The VPS has constantly been rebooted and losing connection, with maybe the longest uninterrupted period running being around a month. BlueVM support either did not answer my requests or took over a week to respond to “high” tickets. The fastest response was always by using their IRC channel where most of the staff present were unable to comment because only one person named “Johnson” had the password to login to the Swiss setup. At one point Johnson was traveling and so my VPS was down for about a week.
To be fair, when the VPS did work it was very good… but unfortunately this was so rare and so short lived that I have moved my entire project to a competitor. While I didn’t lose a lot of money on this deal, I think the price was $40-something for a year, they should still operate their services in a more professional and responsible manner and be able to support what they put into writing of 99.whatever% availability, no matter what people pay. I would rather they charge extra than be dishonest about the expected operational availability.
I found a very good deal on LEB for Liquid Solutions which is of a comparable price (they are out of stock now) which has had only one downtime, which was fixed within an hour, in the two years I have had my service with them. So I don’t think I should lower my expectations based on the aggressive pricing.
We’ve been having issues with our Zurich location and it’s one of the reasons we haven’t continued to expand there. I am debating dropping the location as a whole.
My travel had very little to do with the server being down. The datacenter we are with is having issues with their network denying our network card based on the number of MAC addresses that card tries to use (KVM virtualization has a unique MAC per IP.)
As far as it’s concerned; if you’re interested I can offer you 3 months of free service elsewhere to hopefully make up for the service you’ve received and with that I’ll include my apology as frankly we both deserve better.
I am of the same opinion as Martin.
The service is not good. Servers are overselling. Support is not very helpful and often unfriendly.
Only is even worse.
If you have a ticket number I can see if there’s anything we can do to make your services better.
My VPS worked really well for the first month, then I had constant packet loss. I submitted a ticket and about a week later they responded saying it should work now and it worked for a couple of hours/days and the packet loss would come back again. We went back and forth about this over 2 tickets and multiple replies before I was sick of them and wanted a refund, when I requested a refund, their policy reserved the right to provide a refund if the felt so “…BlueVM Communications LLC will deny any and all refund requests at it’s own discretion. BlueVM Communications LLC may agree to refund the client for their payment, but has every right not to do such…” and after literally fighting tooth and nail over every little detail, they wouldn’t budge and kept pushing unused credit for what I guess must be more bad services instead of cash refund hiding behind their TOS instead of fixing the problems. I guess now they must have changed the refund policy to absolutely make sure that no one can get a refund.
I gave up on the refund and they offered to move my VPS to another location, this worked well i guess, i wasn’t really using it but coincidentally, just yesterday, my VPS was suspended for email spam, support was surprisingly speedy for some reason and they unsuspended it, i am going through my logs now to see what exactly happened.
I got my BLUE3 from them at May with the same specs for $16.99/yr and expected decent service, even at this price point. I have another VPS from another provider mentioned here on LEB for $19/yr, it is marginally worse (4vcpu, 1gb ram, 1gb vswap, 30gb hdd, 1gb port, 1tb/month bandwidth) and although the I/O speed is not the greatest speed in the world, i have never had problems with it, or their support.
I would steer clear of BlueVM.
We have been working extremely hard to improve the quality of our support services. We realize reply times weren’t the greatest in the past and we have hired new technicians and really focused on improving the quality of our services. If you would like to give us another try I can arrange some free time for you on our services. Feel free to email me at: admin[at] with one of your original ticket numbers.
Some pricing confusion! Is it $23.99 per quarter (as indicated in the headline) or $23.99 for 6 months as indicated in the post? I suspect it’s the latter, as $23.99/quarter is much more expensive than paying monthly $4.99 for 3 months. Also, $23.99/quarter is more than $7/mo.
It is $23.99 per 6 months or semi-annually… however you want to say it. I’ll bug martin and see if he’ll fix the header.
My BlueVM is stable… I guess Martin had a bad experience
Last 10 failures (according to node query)
2014-07-15 17:08:01 · 3 days ago
2014-06-30 12:41:01 · 18 days ago
2014-06-30 06:40:02 · 18 days ago
2014-06-30 00:40:01 · 19 days ago
2014-06-29 18:39:01 · 19 days ago
2014-06-29 12:38:01 · 19 days ago
2014-06-29 06:37:01 · 19 days ago
2014-06-29 00:36:01 · 20 days ago
2014-06-28 18:35:01 · 20 days ago
2014-06-24 18:00:01 · 24 days ago
We are working to make it more reliable. Feel free to open a ticket if you have any issues.
The 99.99% uptime guarantee is bullshit.
Not that for the price you should expect a great HA service, but their uptime is generally way worse than 99.99 %.
It depends entirely on the server and location. We have some servers with over a year of uptime without any incidents. If you aren’t experiencing the uptime you would like you’re more than welcome to submit a ticket and ask for a transfer to another node or ask for credit.
tl;dr – BlueVM is terribly overloaded, slabbed Xen machines, and you will be lucky to get 90% + uptime. I purchased a yearly machine idling there, half the time it was inaccessible.
Proceed with caution.
We are working incredibly hard to improve our services. I am sorry you feel that our services aren’t up to the specification you expected at signup. Perhaps we can help you improve that uptime? If you have a ticket number I’ll gladly take a look into it and see how we can improve your services.
The Chicago and Los Angeles test IPs are on Spamhaus blacklists.
Anyone considering this offer should be aware of the fact that BlueVM uses ColoCrossing IP addresses and 63.5% of all ColoCrossing Ip addresses (that’s 459K of 724K total) are currently blacklisted by Spamhaus so there is a high likelihood that you’ll either receive an IP address that is blacklisted, or your IP address will be blacklisted in the future.
In addition, Spamhaus is currently advising it’s users to block ALL SMTP traffic from ANY ColoCrossing IP address.
current ColoCrossing blacklistings (includes 3 x /15 blocks and 2 x /17 blocks):
Not to mention, their amateur made script that will automatically suspend your VPS if there’s more than 8 concurrent connections to your SMTP server (which is bound to happen with the high number of bots scanning for open relays and/or vulnerable SMTP servers). It also allows anyone to shutdown anyone’s VPS with BlueVM by opening 8 concurrent connections with their SMTP server.
That 8 connection SMTP auto suspend feature is not listed anywhere in the TOS / AUP. I complained about that back in April and the tech told me they’d get it updated. Great to see it was done *rolls eyes*
We have actually disabled this system. We plan to implement a new system in the near future which will block port 25 until the user requests via ticket that it be opened.
We have actually disabled this system. We plan to implement a new system in the near future which will block port 25 until the user requests via ticket that it be opened.
We are working with Spamhaus to be removed from those lists. This literally is not our fault.
Yes it is your fault. You chose ColoCrossing. None of your customers will every reach my mail server. And you know what? I don’t give a damn. Anyone who choses a provider who subs through Colo and intends to host an email server will figure out quickly the mistake they made and cancel their account.
Uptime 70% ~ 80% … Based on experience
I am sorry this was your experience. Is there anything we can do to improve that or offer you some free time and a node transfer perhaps?
I have also not good experiences with my VPS. They are very easily suspend VPS, ticket respond is even up to 2 days, uptime is… below average. IO speed was bad, network was very good. Just my two cents…
OpenVZ @ California DC
Do you happen to have a ticket number? I can certainly take a look at the I/O speed and credit you for the suspension. We’ve been working very hard to improve the quality of our VPS and our support.
Very disappointed with my BlueVM VPS to be honest.
Service CONSTANTLY drops. I run a very small IRC network and I have a VPS with BlueVM that runs my second server. It netsplits every few days at best, sometimes it does it every day. Also, my VPS has been down since about 3 o’clock today, probably because they oversold on these new offers and the nodes been overloaded. Will not be renewing my server with them when my year runs out, that’s for sure.
Do you happen to have a ticket number so I can take a look into this?
Stay away if you want uptime.
I’ve used their Dallas location and had nothing but problems. The box will go down for no reason, it’ll just become inaccessible for no reason (can’t even SSH to it), and yes — they suspend using some BS automated system and don’t bother to notify you. If you ask why they even suspended you they can’t provide any proof — the automated system just does it.
Stay far far away. Don’t waste your money. Just go to DigitalOcean or Vultr instead. You won’t have to deal with any the same BS you will deal with if you use BlueVM.
to add — support response time is typically 2 days. Yep, so if their little automated abuse system accidentally suspends your VPS — they won’t notify you, once you notice and open a support ticket expect it to take 2 days before they reply saying “oops, it’s re-enabled now”.
We have been working incredibly hard to improve our support times. Average First Response is currently at 3.82 Hours… We’ve also disabled the automatic suspension systems until we can make sure there are no false positives.
My last 5 tickets:
Opened 7/20 14:55 – Still open (20 hours old)
Opened 7/16 12:59 – Replied 15:54 – 3 hours
Opened 7/9 19:33 – Replied 7/10 12:49 – 17 hours
Opened 6/18 15:05 – Replied 6/19 15:47 – 24.5 hours
Opened 6/4 16:43 – Replied 6/4 17:02 (server down until 6/9 18:21) but I’ll grant you the first response time of 19min
So you’re averaging 12.96 hours to first response for me (and one ticket, for a down server, is still unresponded). Maybe I’m an outlier or maybe you’re just fudging the numbers. Either way, you have a long way to go.
We are working incredibly hard to improve our uptime and we have disabled the automatic suspension systems.
Avoid BlueVM. Don’t waste your money. What good is their 99.99% uptime guarantee if they fail to provide adequate service? If your VPS is down for a month (as mine was) do you really want them to extend your pain by another month? If you sign up and pay for one of their VPSs, consider it a donation, not a purchase.
I can’t believe that they have the balls to be posting another offer, when their Zurich node is still actively dropping communications every few minutes! I suppose that your “donation” will help them pay for whatever they need to fix the ongoing problems in Zurich. You can find a detailed review of my recent experience with BlueVM here:
We are painfully aware of the issues in Zurich. I would like to invite you to try our services elsewhere free for 3 months as a show of good faith. We’ve been working incredibly hard to improve our uptime and our support. If you’d like to take me up on this offer you’re free to email me at: admin[at]
You are blocking port 25?
Not currently. We will be enabling a system which will block port 25 on new VPS (so existing VPS will be left alone). Those new VPS will need to submit a ticket to get the port unblocked. This system will not be ready or in use for at least 2 months.
glad to hear, I will close the ticket…:)
Bluevm you are an actor here, you are a lier you won’t improve anything at all, you are just a little scammer.
Support is great, but many down times and too much time to fix them.
In the other hand, I have another VPS in other host company which is exactly the opposite!
Nice offer
BlueVM is a budget host, and for the price my service has been great. 2/3 of my VPS’s have 100% uptime, however one has been down for a day or so in the past (s19.NY).
My shared hosting also has %100 uptime! Performance veries, so expect to see around 100mbit up and down and 100 – 300 MB/s disk IO on dd. Support can be slow, but there are normally friendly staff on IRC to sort stuff.
Now i think about this – very bad provider.
I have two VPS in location ZY and NY.
Before beginning trouble in ZY location I lost more one mounth to prove it to them – 20-50% packets loss on this location.
I said them cancel VPS and refund money.
Money not refund and all VPS be destroyed. Why??
Summary – very bad quality and slow support. Stated SLA are not met.
BlueVM has gone downhill in the last 6 months or so — ticket response is extremely slow. My server (BLUE4 – Atlanta, Georgia) is down frequently.. in fact, it’s down right now. I opened a “high priority” ticket nearly 24 hours ago which is, as of now, unanswered.
Other than that, the network is extremely packet-lossy and unreliable. I guess some people get lucky with a decent VPS but I definitely haven’t.
My tickets usually sit 1-3 days and even mentioning support in the IRC gets you screamed at while all of the staff are either mucking around or AFK. Your “we’re trying to make support better” claim doesn’t look to be the truth. If anything, it’s going down the toilet.
Here’s my latest uptime percentage!
Very ugly service is provided by bluevm!
VPS permanetly down and unavailable via network. This this situation continues for several months and still not fixed. I have the impression bluevm offers only old and faulty servers for vps on this site. I do not advise you to use their services.
p.s. my english is bad and it is difficult for me to be explain situation but it is very similar to Martin’s problem (4th comment)
Steer clear of BlueVM. Very poor response time for tickets. Server constantly running super slow or not at all. Not just going down for a few hours, but days and days.
No I don’t have a ticket open now. I have given up on BlueVM, but wanted to warn people now. I wish someone had warned me before wasting time/money on BlueVM.
I see all these poor reviews. So I decided to post mine. This is only the first week, however here is my experience so far.
I ordered the VPS and received e-mails for accessing feathur. Well as I attempted to install Debian 6 & 7 it seemed to work, however each time it would not boot up and I kept getting an error message during starting the VPS. I submitted a ticket that night then finally after about 20 hours of waiting I finally joined BlueVM IRC channel and sent a PM to Ishaq. He asked for the ticket ID. I did get a reply to the ticket stating the error was fixed.
Since this issue I have not had a single problem. The VPS seems to run very great! The box is fast and doesn’t seem to be oversold one bit. The network seems to be excellent. I hope it will continue. As long as things stay positive from here on out I do plan to keep the VPS. I use it for personal development and testing so isn’t nothing important being hosted from it. The VPS is hosted in Atlanta, Georgia.
Support could be a bit better, however just like the old saying goes “you get what you pay for”.
919863296 bytes (920 MB) copied, 207.895 s, 4.4 MB/s
speaks for itself, no? been down way too much down 3 days now this time :( no irc support helping
Same with S21-IL. Unusable for well over 48 hours now. No reply to tickets, no help in IRC.
Support is an absolute JOKE. We have been hearing for MONTHS from the BlueVM team that they are working on their support and reliability issues. They are not. If anything, it has become worse.
Avoid BlueVM like the plague and you’ll be much happier for it.
Been getting packet loss daily on S27-NY, and today for the past hour it’s been average around 80% packet loss.
I do want to add on that the vps i’m experiencing this on isn’t a plan listed here but a yearly one picked up 2 or 3 months ago.
Biggest joke ever. School kids running the servers? I NEVER GOT MY VPS UP AND RUNNING FOR MORE THAN 15 DAYS. ABSOLUTE JOKE. I am not expecting super support for dirt cheap price but hell at least get the server up and running. You guys either reboot server every week ..or the server hanges uncontactable host node for hours! sometime goes up to a day!
Get your act together or consider shutting it down for good. I am referring to node S24-CA by the way!
I haven’t been able to access their website, was going to place an order then came here and seen all these comments. Looks like I’ll be finding another host.
Wow 80% packetloss again on S27-NY. Guess i will never be buying services from these guys again by far worst networking issues i’ve ever had with a provider. Considering it was purchased for a small teamspeak server between friends (8 people) it’s bad.
BlueVM has informed me that there was an abuser on the node i was on sending an outbound DDOS attack that wasn’t detected by their system and the issue has been resolved.
The issue isn’t fixed, BlueVM can’t keep a stable network without over 50% packetloss.
I agree with all the negative comments. Support has been very slow and takes them 24+ hours to reply for a “server down” notice. My site has been down for 28 hours now. The total uptime int he past 7 days is only 71%.
It’s true the VPS are slower than they used to be but it’s still ok
UnixBench score: 748.1
I/O rate: 62.2 MB/second
Bandwidth rate: 49.5 MB/second
(full report
When they are online the speed can be okay but when it is down more than 30% of the time it does not matter how fast the disk is.
My node hasn’t been offline for more than a year. Guess you’re just unlucky
They even moved mine once as the node I was on was offline so much. After a few months of minor problems it has become really bad again. How are you monitoring yours? Mine would respond to ping but nothing else so I started using a monitor that grabs a special .html page and verifies the content to show it is online or not. When I see it is offline I check their control panel and it could not connect and neither could ssh.
Oh, and were is your located? Maybe I should suggest they move it there.
Guess what S24-CA is down again after 7 days online. OMFG ….retards
I strongly agree to all of the negative feedback in the above comments!
They are the worst service!
Extremely poor response time!
99.9% SLA is plain BS.
My VPS has gone down atleast 3 times within a week of using their new special promo – Blue5 and the response time is 36-48 hours.
Please stay away from using their services.
All links are dead, especially the test links 404 in 000webhost page, it SCARES me out A LOT.
Their website domain recently got hijacked I believe, but they are back up now.
Crap experience with this provider as with, it appears, most everybody else on this thread.
AVOID giving them your money for a server that may or may not be online, depending on whether they feel like rebooting it at the time, or their network shits itself, etc. Utterly incompetent.
I have 1 VPS on this company I have 1 year more on this VPS company.
Your support not good. Your Respon too late. Please don’t make statement you have busy and need more patient to your customes because you got ton mail from your customer it’s your risk open hosting provider.
I thing this company oversold due I got maxed out IO always.
some times my VPS move on other server.
Please fix your internal problem sir.
and my 1 VPS suspended because too many mail in and out what the hell.
It’s just 1 underconstruction website inside.
blue vm support is shit. don’t buy it.
BlueVM sucks the big hairy meatball.
They keep billing for 6 months after you cancel, and send overdue notices like they can’t take a hint.
Slow service, poor uptime, semi-literate admin, FAIL.
Avoid BlueVM at all costs. Their payment system was broken and they deleted my whole VPS because of a late invoice. But I could not pay because their site was broken, which they acknowledged.
yes don’t buy vps from BlueVM, the support like shit, seriously don’t buy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Problems on S24-CA node again. up for less a day, down for another few hours. Driving me super crazy. Avoid this provider at all cost. I just hope that it comes back up again for me to grab latest file and get the f out from the provider.
This company blatantly ripped us off. They are straight up thieves. We were customers for over 2 years and recently they got hacked and we never got our invoice and the server was suspended due their website being down and hacked. This happened while their website was hacked for about 5 days, so that explains why we never got our invoices. In turn we got several emails from customers that this particular server was down and it has effected our reputation and revenues. We attempted to contact them checking their site everyday for multiple days. Finally when their site is fixed from being hacked we submitted a ticket to re-activate and promptly paid the invoice that we never received because their site was down and hacked. We finally got a response after 7-10 days explaining that they are under alot of pressure from being hacked. So I give them some additional time to resolve because we understand. Multiple days pass by again and we inquire about re-activation that we paid $140 approx for, they never responded. We posted a ticket explaining that they are harming our business and reputation and they never responded again. So after many weeks pass with no response. We file a claim with paypal to get our money back because obviously they are ignoring us and we want our re-activation fee back. They never respond again besides the (were under alot of pressure update) we were very calm and patient never threatened or anything, in fact we were understanding they were hacked. Then they update the paypal claim and say it was delivered and basically robbed us of our re-activation fee and never reactivated. This costs us many clients and we lost approx $1300 monthly from customers upset ($16,000 annually) in monthly revenues from customers pissed off and they cancelled other services as well.
They intentionally lied in the paypal claim to keep our money and defrauded us. We are in the process of contacting attorneys for our lost revenues and for defrauding us. I updated the ticket one last time questioning how they have the nerve and time to update the paypal claim with falsified information but refuse to update their own customer. They took our fees by defrauding us and cost us alot of monthly revenues.
As you can see by @boyriot says stay away and many others. This company is a scam collecting fees for things that were never delivered and intentionally defrauding us. I am perusing legal action against the company for all lost revenues and attorney fees.
These are not professionals, they intentionally and willfully defrauded us collected payments and submitted fraudulent information to paypal stating that they have delivered what we paid for.
STAY away! Any company that would harm another business intentionally does not care about their customers only themselves. Knowing how hard it is to build a client base and intentionally defrauding Paypal and their customers is not a company I suggest doing business with.
These guys are complete jerks. I cant believe a so-called professional company would intentionally defraud customers and update Paypal claim with fraudulent information.
First of all, they have problem with invoice processing. And they cancel your VPS because of THEIR problems. What the fuck?
And there is the service: they have the WORST uptime this side of the universe. I have many VPS with them, and I’m migrating to another provider. Recently they had problems on several nodes, and VPS were offline for WEEKS. Weeks, you know? I’m not talking about hours or days. WEEKS. Support doesn’t answer the tickets, and if they do they say “we don’t know when your VPS will be up again”. So, they run the business, and they don’t know.
Avoid BLUEVM at all cost. You’ll be paying a few extra bucks, but you’ll get a decent service.
Lately my server has been going down for a few days at a time. I’m currently locked out and can’t access it through my FTP settings.
I’ve sent tickets twice in the last two weeks. One because my sites were down and another because now I can’t connect through FTP.
Both replies were simply: ‘We’re working on it.’ !!!
Oh yeah, and the website is down…