Via this WHT offer. For the next
7 only 6 days now, BoxVPS will give all sign ups half price, double disk space and triple bandwidth. Their “small box” starts at $5/month or $50/year, so with coupon code 50off, it’s only $25/year and you get:
- 256MB memory
- 4GB storage
- 150GB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ
Softlayer DC in Dallas TX. According to this comment there is no burstable memory. Justin also emailed me that for every LOWENDBOX signups, they are giving you double memory which brings it to 512MB.
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Just read the comments of this post before you decide…
The small box plan has sold out currently.
The special still applies to the higher plans(double ram).
As alea said above, always read/research any company before buying. I would suggest contacting us for any questions/comments.
Livechat, email/tickets, or give us a call.
I liked the performance but support is terrible.
My vps was reset two days ago and now I am waiting for a support answer for almost 48 hours.
Dont recommend it for production environment.
Yeah I would hate the fact that the entire VM just “got lost” which forces you to build from scratch. I had the VM for almost a week now, and so far
– It was offline for a while. Emailed them, and the box came back — without any explanation.
– My “double space” “double memory” is still not applied.
– It sits on a dual core Opteron 1216. Sometimes it’s fully burstable, and sometimes it’s CPU limited. Looks like they are still tuning.
– /etc/resolv.conf has been set to OPENDNS! No wonder everything resolves on my end.
– Performance is okay. Haven’t done anything serious yet.
It past 10 days since my VPS got lost and I didnt got a support help till now.
boxvps support sucks! Dont recommend it!
I have had a good experience with BoxVPS when I first got my VPS with double memory and double space….until I needed a new OS install a few days ago. After 48 hours nothing had happened to my ticket and I had to call them for them to even look at it. Now I put in a ticket for a reset of the Root Password (because their Control Panel is down and won’t tell you what your Root Password is) and I haven’t receive a response for 24 hours…..its getting annoying.