LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

Breathost - $4.95 256MB OpenVZ VPS

Updated July 2011 — BreatHost is no longer resolving. Sebastian did a runner again it seems. FAIL.

BreatHost Sebastian from Breathost emailed me about their launch promotion on WHT. No recurring discount there — only once off 50% off first month using promo code 50off. Otherwise their “Bronze Plan” is $4.95/month with the following spec.

  • 256MB guaranteed/512MB burstable memory
  • 30GB storage
  • 500GB/month data transfer
  • OpenVZ/SolusVM

Direct sign up link. Servers in Kansas City MO, with test IP (WholeSale Internet). Business would be Germany based according to domain’s WHOIS, but somehow VAT is never displayed on the site (is it required for EU countries?) Domain registered only 2 weeks ago.

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  1. Jim Snow:

    Hi Lea

    Looks Like this is a BGB Company or a One-man-Business (or None of both just a single person)

    Normaly you have to Put your VAT number along with other legal Information on the about us Page (In Germany) However this websites looks like to not intended To German Customers according to the whois-information i checked the adress from the whois via Google maps wich looks like a apartment building instead of a Corporate Building

    December 21, 2010 @ 4:36 pm | Reply
    • Amyt:

      Good research man!

      December 21, 2010 @ 5:02 pm | Reply
    • BGB?

      December 21, 2010 @ 6:06 pm | Reply
    • Hi Jim,

      that’s correct. This is a single person company. However, I do have employees in Sweden and UK.

      @drmike, I’ve already ordered an SSL cerificate for the site, this should be done today or tomorrow.

      btw. SynHost.eu was founded by me in 2009 and sold to igsobe.com.

      Let me know if you have any other questions.

      December 21, 2010 @ 8:12 pm | Reply
  2. The direct link is not a secure link. That makes it iffy to me as well.

    December 21, 2010 @ 6:01 pm | Reply
  3. @Jim,Lowendadmin

    I need a Vat ID if BreatHost has an income over 50 000€ per year.

    December 21, 2010 @ 8:30 pm | Reply
    • Jim Snow:

      You always need a Vat ID in Germany if you run a business or do you betray the tax authorities ???

      Even as a Single-person company…

      and the “i need a vat id only when i make 50.000 euro /year” is Just Bogus

      December 23, 2010 @ 9:04 pm | Reply
    • Jim Snow:

      Just done a bit of research

      its 7.680 euro where you dont need a Vat ID i guess you make more than this

      if i would notice the tax authorities they would give you a Hard time

      December 23, 2010 @ 9:08 pm | Reply
      • If I may ask, are you from germany?

        I was 2 weeks ago at the tax office and a friendly assistent told me that.

        The company BreatHost is registered as a “Kleinunternehmen” (german name), but I don’t need a VAC id.

        I am allowed to have this year an income of 17 500€ and next year an income of 50 000€.

        December 24, 2010 @ 12:31 pm | Reply
        • Jim Snow:


          May i ask since when you are in Business ?

          December 24, 2010 @ 4:34 pm | Reply
        • Jim Snow:

          No entry of your company on the municipal court for you district wich would be automatic be noticed upon
          the request for an trade license

          domain only Registered for 3 weeks sorry for my Skeptic…

          December 24, 2010 @ 4:46 pm | Reply
  4. Forgot to mention, we do also offer IPv6 now.

    December 21, 2010 @ 8:36 pm | Reply
  5. Hi Sebo,

    Long time no see yaa. Is this your own or part of igsobe.com?

    I’ll be your customer if you can manage this for more than e years. SynHost.eu really freak me out.

    December 22, 2010 @ 9:15 am | Reply
  6. Hi vRozenSch00n,

    It’s my own as I had some problems with the owner of igsobe.com.

    I am sorry what happened to you with synhost, let me know if your interested in a free vps month.

    December 22, 2010 @ 9:36 am | Reply
    • Well Sebo, its in the past and life must go on, no hard feeling at all.

      I do hope that this time your business will be better than before. Thanks for the nice offer, but I know that you are starting a new business, so I just have to pass.

      Sometimes we experience something that is beyond our control, so I’m just wishing you a good luck, because I know you can do better.

      Just visit LEB and LowEndTalk.com from time to time, as many people here also got a great fortune after LEA post their offers.

      @LEA – Thank you and sorry for “spamming” with links to several of my sites, heh heh heh….

      December 22, 2010 @ 10:46 am | Reply
  7. vRozenSch00n:

    @circus – Heh heh heh you know me :P

    What about now?

    December 24, 2010 @ 8:31 pm | Reply
  8. circus:

    Awesome hehe :P

    December 25, 2010 @ 1:50 am | Reply
  9. Hi Sebo, Long time no see yaa. Is this your own or part of igsobe.com? I’ll be your customer if you can manage this for more than e years. SynHost.eu really freak me out.

    December 25, 2010 @ 9:06 pm | Reply
  10. disgruntled customer:

    you gotta be kidding me?

    this is the same guy that ran ‘synhost.eu’ and ripped alot of his customers off. i am one of his customers which he ripped off. paid for a service and did NOT receieve what i paid for.

    constant down times, and by constant i mean at least twice a week for over 24hrs each time and the client site was down, email was offline, etc, so there was NO way of contacting them to correct it.

    my service is paid up until march 2011 yet i have not had access to my VPS for over 2 months, due to constant IP changes (and yeh they are static) because that they do NOT pay their bills.

    original service dropped them, then new service and ip via cogent, then cogent dropped them (didnt pay their bills), then new service and ip from mzima, then mzima dropped them… why? they DONT pay their bills!.

    stay well clear of this guy Sebastian Goehring. if you want to get ripped off, i suggest you sign up. he owned/owns synhost.eu (which i had/still have a service on but cant access), and after everything that has happened, im HAPPY as a pig in mud to get away from this guy, i lost money due to this guy ripping me off.

    let this be a warning to you all to be very very weary of him. you can also see posts on him on wht.com (and john from igsobe)


    January 3, 2011 @ 4:21 am | Reply
  11. Hello mrtyke,

    as you got told per email, synhost was sold to igsobe. I am just owning the domain synhost.eu and have nothing to do with the company itself. Anyways, if you want me to tell you that again in another forum, I can do.


    January 3, 2011 @ 9:30 am | Reply
  12. James:

    Hey Sebastian, how about provisioning the VPS I ordered 3 days ago?

    January 3, 2011 @ 8:08 pm | Reply
    • Hello James,

      I apologize for the delay. I had to order more IP addresses and still waiting for them.

      Your ticket has been answered.

      January 3, 2011 @ 10:14 pm | Reply
    • Your vps has been setup and billing date has been updated.

      January 3, 2011 @ 10:57 pm | Reply
    • disgruntled customer:

      and the cycle begins again… 3 days with no response from Sebastian is nothing James, soon you may be waiting for over a week for response, even then you may not get a straight answer, or an answer full of excuses (as i see here).

      cmon now, if youre going to promote a NEW VPS business Sebastian, dont you think you should have it all setup and ready for clients BEFORE advertising and launch, rather than make excuses to why new accounts are not yet provisioned 3 days later and no responses to tickets?… idk if its just me, but this is just laughable and expected to me (from previous history).

      had to order more IP’s? what you only ordered a small amount of IP’s to begin with? didnt you do the math and split the server into the recommended required IP count, and then have leftover/free IPs that clients may want for multiple IP addons?

      on another note…

      synhost.eu was not sold to igsobe.com, it was upon agreement for a partnership between sebastian(synhost) and john(igsobe) that ended up going very sour. sebastian was a part of synhost up until November 2010 (he had full control of the servers, own admin email address, etc via synhost.eu and igsobe.com).

      theres NO hosting if your service provider cancels your accounts, access, and locks/seizes your server racks due to non payment of bills for services and thats exactly what happened previously via cogent and mzima.

      thats why i and many others lost money on our VPS’s and Dedicated Servers that were hosted with them.

      be very cautious people!

      January 4, 2011 @ 6:52 am | Reply
      • Hello again,

        do you know when he did open the ticket?

        I’ve ordered the IP addresses on friday, but there was a weekend and the most sales staff won’t work on weekends, you know? (especially on new year)
        There was no other customer waiting on IP addresses, he was just the only one.

        So, who said it was not sold to igsobe? It was sold to igsobe as we moved all vps over to their network. “sebastian was a part of synhost up until November 2010” So, where did you read that?

        Just go and put your rumors somewhere else.

        Anyways, I won’t reply to your messages anymore as I am wasting much time with you. Most said on http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?p=7201074

        January 4, 2011 @ 10:27 am | Reply
      • so who are you? lol. you sound like an anonymous coward to me.

        February 2, 2012 @ 12:09 pm | Reply
  13. TJR:

    I bought about 2 months ago. And since then it was quite OK – you know, nothing special, but sill OK. And really fast response time – everything I needed was resolved withing a few hours. But! (This is the bad part so the good really doesn’t matter) For about 4-5 days my VPS is not working, first down (I guess) was only one node, then another, then client area was switched off, and today the main site is down. No information what is going on, no respond for email. I understand that sometimes things happen, but come on, zero information for 4 days?!

    So, definitely I discourage you from using their services!

    May 20, 2011 @ 9:53 pm | Reply
  14. i still have a VPS with breathost to host our website but i also use it for IRC and file transfer.

    i dont understand all the hate – i’m really happy with them. they have an awesome network with mojohost. the cost is less than $5 and you wont find latency any better to south america. i think you guys must be crazy to complain but you cant make everyone happy all the time!!

    February 2, 2012 @ 12:06 pm | Reply

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