Shawn at BurstNET has let us know that they’re running an exclusive coupon for everyone interested. You can check out the offers and order over here with the coupon WINTER20.
512MB OpenVZ
- 1Ghz CPU
- 512MB Dedicated RAM
- 20GB Disk Space
- 1000GB Bandwidth
- VePortal Panel
- 2 IPV4 & 2 IPV6
$4.76/month after WINTER20 – Order Here
Reviews are always mixed with BurstNET but that’s due to the massive amount of customers they take care of. BurstNET also just recently got funding to expand into new markets including recently announcing a new location in Chicago, IL.
Test IP’s
Scranton, PA – / 2607:F878:1:634::3 / Test File
Los Angeles, CA – / 2607:F878:3::2 / Test File
Miami, FL – / 2607:F878:4:2F:A::1 / Test File
Manchester, UK – / 2A02:21A8:1:6::3 / Test File
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Chicago IP And Test file?
hey burst can we get xen or kvm or vmware soon :(
none of my stuff works on ovz
Xen VPS services are ready, just have to add the info/plans to our site/system.
Next week you will be able to buy Xen in all locations except Miami.
Miami will be available in mid-March.
Why such a delay in Miami?
We need to fly down there to do the install, whereas we have our own staff at all other locations except Chicago, which we were just at for the initial install and installed them while there. We staff any Dedicated Server locations, whereas VPS locations are handled remotely, or with the facilities remote hands.
no ballooning right? (hopefully)
Not sure what you mean by that…please explain? Hot air balloon you mean? ;-)
‘ballooning’ is xen’s way of over subscribing RAM :)
Shouldn’t “OpenVZ” be on the tags?
It is :)
Seeing all Cogent to Machester, UK facility. This is true from the United States as well as from Europe.
Hard to tell overall latency since Burst drops many ping/ICMP packets.
But seeing +15ms latency it appears from their router to server in same facility.
The order page from the link, doesn’t list VPSes in the UK.
Probably because you are riding Cogent from your test location to our UK location, since both locations are probably on-net with Cogent, it would be fastest route. Only about 1/3 of our UK traffic rides Cogent, with the rest going out over Highwinds or LINX/LONAP peering. We are turning up PCCW in on our EU network in the next couple months, and also lighting up Amsterdam (with transport connectivity between Manchester, London, & Amsterdam…) including peering with AM-SIX!.
UK/EU order system:
Well, so far I see routing to London via:
HE – from two west coast US locations – from Atlanta
Altrato – from FDCServers
Every other point we tested is Cogent, although on those networks we never see Cogent normally…
Not bad times to the UK. 81.9ms from Scranton :)
106ms from Kansas City. 139ms from Los Angeles.
As for the ordering system, the link in the offer pushes you to Scranton VPSes… Wonder if anyone will find they other site and order UK VPSes…
Congrats to the Burst folks for recent funding and growth. Always dug the DIY bootstrap operation.
I sure hope you’ll be offering dedicated server’s in your new location’s soon…
I would expect Miami Dedicated Servers to be available in the next 2-3 months.
Chicago probably not for 4-6 months yet.
So you offer dedicated servers in LA , PA , UK already and Miami is 2-3months and chicago 6 month?
I’ve had a $5.95 (512MB RAM) VPS from BurstNET for a year and a half. No downtime. (Except for the entire DC outage one Thanksgiving caused by a city power outage.) No issues.
I just signed up a VPS#1 in LA, how long does it usually take to provision? I’ve already paid the invoice with a CC.
just to update, my order was processed and the vps was provisioned within a few hours. No problems, works good.
Great but still no xen linux plan :(
Read above…
coupon is valid for first month only?
Discount is recurring for as long as that service remains active…not just the first month.
Too bad the coupon not work with Chicago location lol :D
Just ordered for VPS in LA with DirectAdmin, but the DA license looks like not attached to the VPS information.
We typically do not provide discounts on brand new locations just opened.
Is Manchester price correct? really 4,76 usd after discount?
i guess it’s 3,96 British pounds = 6,233436 U.S. dollars + vat for all European customers.
Very Difficult to order if new client..he want verified payment’s take more than 2 days
Most orders do not require such. You order must have been flagged for fraud, or you did not passthe initial fraud checking basic screening…
Do you have plan to open DC in asia? maybe japan or singapore
It is being considered, but would not occur atleast until late 2012.
I’ve had a $5.95 (512MB RAM) VPS from BurstNET for a year, but yesterday when I tried to place a new order.. my order flagged for fraud, Please help, my Invoice number is #10739382
Do you have any plans to peer with ANY2IX LA directly?
We have been peered with Any2 in LA for almost a year now already.
what is the speed port?
Below 100mbps as there the budget VMs not premium
Some older nodes are 100Mbps, but most nodes in the past couple years are 1Gbps (sometimes capped fractional), on the budget VPS plans. Premium VPS plans are guaranteed 1Gbps ports.
Oh right I thought Budget VPS’s were 100mbps +/-.
Is there a contract or is it month-to-month without a contract term required?
Month-to-Month ;-) …but you can order annual service for a two-month discount.
So is it possible to order US based VPS and have it transferred to UK?
Finding the UK ordering system problematic (money conversion + VAT surcharge).
We are based in the US so neither ever applies to us and no way to otherwise steer clear of these it seems.
The UK/EU ordering system will not charge you VAT if you are not based in a EU VAT country.
Your ordering system doesn’t work, like I suspected.
While we didn’t get VAT slapped, we did get screwed by money conversion issues from pound to dollar.
Just ordered the special and the total did not come out correctly:
Registration Date: 05/03/2012
Product/Service: Virtual Private Server – (VPS) – LINUX – (MANCHESTER, UK) – VPS #1 (Virtual Private Server) – vePortal – (MANCHESTER, UK)
Payment Method: PayPal
First Payment Amount: £3.96GBP
Recurring Amount: £3.96GBP
Next Due Date: 05/04/2012
On the PayPal side:
Net amount:
-£3.96 GBP (equals -$6.44 USD)
$6.44 for a $4.76 special?
How do we get the VPS in UK at the $4.76 special price? I’d say we are due a refund or credit will suffice.
Yes we ordered and paid. Paypal transaction ID#: 5FR959819N643070Y
We never said the UK VPS packages are $4.76…
Our UK VPS packages start at £4.95/month, and our US VPS packages start at $5.95/month
…and 20% off those retail prices with the current promotion.
Well, excuse me for the confusion, but it says this in the ad above:
512MB OpenVZ
1Ghz CPU
512MB Dedicated RAM
20GB Disk Space
1000GB Bandwidth
VePortal Panel
2 IPV4 & 2 IPV6
$4.76/month after WINTER20
That’s where I got this idea that $4.76 was the special price.
Care to explain where I should think the monthly amount should be something other than $4.76?
And, when I go to your own website:
There is a link that says: PRODUCT LINE DETAILS
Which goes to:
On that page:
Right thereunder:
VPS Software: vePortal™ / OpenVZ™
Bandwidth: 1000GB/MONTH
IP Addresses: 2 (IPv4) + IPv6
$5.95 – 20% = $4.76.
Make sense?
Our UK/EU ordering system is at
All links for UK/EU service on our site, transfers to our UK/EU website and/or ordering system.
There is no EU/UK services provided thru our US division.
The promo code, however, is valid at all locations mentioned.
I’d consider this ad to be more than somewhat deceptive as it relates to the UK.
£4.95/month in the UK
$5.95/month in the US
If a dollar was a dollar or money was based on something universally valued the same (gold anyone?), then the UK package and the US package would be in price sync. But since they are not in parity at current, we get massively overcharged. Well, a 26% price difference.
Are all of your services more costly to provide in the UK?
If I go looking at other products we learn the following:
US: $69.95 / mo
UK: £39.95/ mo = $63.13
So colo in UK is $6.82 less a month
Dedicated Server:
US: Dual Xeon E5645 SIX CORE 2.4GHZ 12GB 1TB SATA FREE $449.95
UK: Dual Xeon E5645 SIX CORE 2.4GHZ 12GB 1TB SATA FREE £339.95 or $537.22 or $86.27 more in the UK
Odd pricing.
See no reason why the VPS costs aren’t the same. The ads are deceptive.
I’ll file my grievances via billing ticket. Makes no sense whatsoever.
Yes, extremely more expensive in the UK than the US, ridiculously so actually.
PS: Burst’s signup process is a real cluster mess. Have to go to another site to create a login for support, what the…
When you finally figure all that out, the form for support asks a bunch of non standard sort of stuff. Highly non intuitive.
I just *heart* providers that send 7 emails for one account setup and then make support a feat of patience.
In brighter news, their VPS does actually work and provision about 10-15 minutes after payment. Download speeds are respectable and overall the VPS performs on the fast side. We’ll she how it holds up once we put it into production.
You have to create one extra login for the support system (stop exaggerating with your “7” logins comment…).
Our US and UK/EU divisions are separate companies, and the billing/ordering systems must be seperate therefore.
We use a more customized support system (developed for over a decade…) than we would be able to use if we went with the built-in billing/ordering system support system.
Are you telling me Burst can’t automate creation of accounts for support as part of the signup process? Is that so complicated :) Even new companies setup by 13 year olds yesterday do this.
I’ll go rip that process apart in exact detail so those who haven’t navigated the process are forewarned.
The process you folks have for signups and support is way counterintuitive and I am far from the first person to point this out.
I never said 7 logins, what I said was:
“I just *heart* providers that send 7 emails for one account setup and then make support a feat of patience.”
As far as costs go, call me a cheapskate if you’d like, but pricing that is 26% more than advertised, that’s no small matter. How about if your bandwidth providers surcharge you 26% more next month just for fun’s sake? It’s misleading, it constitutes false advertising and I know the Attorney Generals office in Pennsylvania doesn’t take lightly to such practices.
We are not advertising prices differently from what we actually charge anywhere. I think you are a bit confused, or misread something. We have sold tens of thousands of VPS services, and you are the first person to claim such a thing. I think you are mistaken.
“As far as costs go, call me a cheapskate if you’d like, but pricing that is 26% more than advertised, that’s no small matter. How about if your bandwidth providers surcharge you 26% more next month just for fun’s sake? It’s misleading, it constitutes false advertising and I know the Attorney Generals office in Pennsylvania doesn’t take lightly to such practices.”
It’s not 26% more than advertised. It’s not misleading. It’s not false advertising.
A US-based 512 MB VPS costs $5.95, with the 20% coupon it is $4.76.
A UK-based 512 MB VPS costs £4.95, with the 20% coupon it is £3.96.
£3.96 works out to $6.28 with the US/UK exchange rate at the time of this comment.
All of this is very clear and quite simple.
Billing-Support is deadly slow if not non-existent. Tried to pay my invoice with CC, failed. Paid via PayPal but no one noticed that, wrote dozens of e-mails explaining my issue but only got two human e-mails explaining the billing-pin was missing.
After that no response at all until now. They have my money and I have a terminated order, great :(
I filed a PayPal-complaint now since nothing has changed and they still have my money.
Paypal payments are automated. The payment should have posted to our billing system automatically, as long as you followed procedure and paid thru the system, instead of sending us a direct payment. Our system if automated for payment posting, if your payment did not post, issue would be on your end, not ours, except in rare circumstances that there is a connection error. I’m sure our billing dept will assist you further, if you remain patient.
BURSTNET showing there true colours.
” if your payment did not post, *issue would be on your end*”
Everyone to blame but them.
Nice selective reading you have going on there! The full context of my statement was:
“Our system if automated for payment posting, if your payment did not post, issue would be on your end, not ours, except in rare circumstances that there is a connection error. I’m sure our billing dept will assist you further, if you remain patient”.
Seeing that our system is automated, that is absolutely true.
Once in awhile Paypal/WHMCS have a connection issue, but that is rare…and it is far more likely that the client made a manual Paypal payment, which we do not permit…and causes their own issue. ;-(
Is this shawn replying? if so can i have you direct email please?
Are you able to provide a ticket number? Without one, there is little we can do to ensure that we received your message(s) and that your issue will be addressed.
Billing support is available via ticket and phone Monday-Friday between 9AM and 5PM Eastern Time. Tickets are answered in the order in which they are received. Please note that submitting “dozens” of tickets about an issue may actually delay responses. If everyone submits multiple tickets per request, I’m sure you can imagine how that could increase call volume. Therefore, we do kindly request that you keep only one ticket open and close the others. Also, since some billing information is sensitive, it helps to provide billing pin codes with each request.
Please provide a ticket number and I can check the status of your ticket, to ensure that it is properly handled as soon as possible. I assure you that we are not in the business of taking money for services that are not delivered.
Of course I paid the ticket via your system after my CC-Payment failed and there was absolutely NO error on my side, as you will see when you look up the PayPal-Payment (number of the payment is included in the ticket mentioned below).
One Ticket-Number would be {100-3142857}. However, Billing-Support answered me only ONCE, the instant replies to tickets were never answered until now.
I think you agree with me that billing-support should answer within 24 hours to ensure that financial problems are adressed FAST because they are critical.
Your normal support answers within a reasonable time, but they couldn’t help much as they don’t have access to necessary billing details.
I got an answer in which I was actually forced to close the PayPal-dispute or a chargeback-fee of 35$ will occur in my account – not that nice.
However, I hope my account will finally be credited with the 63,60$ I paid in time.
I finally got the money credited to my account w/o any fee. After nearly one week it finally happened. I hope the waiting times are reduced in the future / the support will be improved.
However, the ticket system is horrible, as the tickets can’t be accessed via browser (the links provided in the e-mails simply don’t work) and the time until you get a response is high.
I got authorized a few minutes later after mailing my government ID and received the VPS. I’m quite happy everything did go fast now. In the future it should go directly like that.
The same experience we are also having now with we tried to purchase with credit card it failed to go through, dont know the reason, immediately we got an notice for due in invoice ( this is the only thing burst will send quickly after that they will vanish). We had paid through paypal account and the payment went through but there is no reply, no information on login, in the account its showing that the product is active but no mail send with login information. Seriously this is ridiculous, they dont even bother about your mails, its mere waste of time to write in their ticketing system no one is going to read or reply to your tickets, at least for a month of time. I have some 4-5 mails send to sales, support, billing mail ids there is no reply, raised few tickets to billing, sales, no reply, to support, Gosh, it doesn’t exist.
I dont know why they are advertising and getting orders if they cannot process and inform the buyers about their product, they had completely automated their billing system so that they receive amount after that they are still in paleolithic age nothing will work fine, only collection of amount will work fine and once its done you are under their mercy to get a reply, in my experience this kind of poor support is not faced.
This kind of companies should be stopped advertising unless they improve.
Sounds like a problem specific to you. Check your spam filter, or maybe your provider has email issues (such as blocking things for no reason constantly). You can always verify emails via the online ordering system client login, which displays all the emails we sent you. All payment are automated, so if it indeed went thru, then service would have been delivered…unless of course, you were flagged for fraud, overdue invoices, etc….
“All payment are automated, so if it indeed went thru, then service would have been delivered…unless of course, you were flagged for fraud, overdue invoices, etc…”
No spam filter is there because we are using google apps, if your mail is going to spam in google apps you better check your mail server, already mails are not going to yahoo domain from your servers…..
Hope you understand what you are writing here…. All payments are automated? I dont know then what happened to our payment, my paypal is verified paypal, If i am flagged for fraud dont know what to write here… Overdue invoice? It is the first payment and first service i had obtained and also the last service in my life with Burst.. Already cancelled because of nice service, ordered a control panel, server came without it… Then after long hours of ticketing with your great support team who replies when there is no TV show going on in the TV which they are watching in your nice office… They said its fixed.. nothing fixed, control panel not working, i tried my level best… but not working fine.. scrap… went on canceling, done, left the server,…. happy…
Hail Burst…..
I used 512mb 1 TB bandwidth in Manchester, UK (EU) VPS and would recommend to users.
you also get VePortals, you can install lots of Linux ISO, sadly you can not upload your own.
to make a good use of the cheapest VPS you really do need good administrator experience. users just starting out and do not know what a terminal is, or ssh please don’t bother with a VPS until you know what it is.
just a little advice, for Windows XP Service Pack 2, and 3 users
if you get slow speeds from Manchester, UK (EU), Patch your TCP Max Connection settings to 800.
Manchester, UK (EU), again was fun to use, had lots of fun with torrenting :) i might go back again when i complete my scripts
What in the world? Burst allows torrents?
Funny that Burst runs 9AM-5PM Eastern time support for a UK based service. Why are they as a US company charging me, a US citizen in British Pounds for service? Shady and random business practices. Hey where the UK phone support fellas?
In other less than flattering Burst news, the Manchester VPS I am on was rebooted 14 hours ago. Not a big fan of unscheduled VPS reboots.
When the month is up (or sooner) calling it quits on Burst.
We are not asking for your input on how to run our business operations.
Besides, you really have no idea what you are talking about.
UK services are provided in the UK, by our UK divisions (a registered UK company).
Where you are based has no bearing on the matter…it is where we are based and where our services are rendered from.
Our support services are all provided out of our US corporate headquarters….9AM-5PM EST for billing and customer services, 24/7 for technical support. We do not offer phone support in the UK on a local UK number yet (coming mid-2012…), but UK clientele can optionally call the US number. Our onsite UK staff handle server installations, reboots, remote hands, and colocation services only…not support services.
And yet, we allow the torrent “format”…just like we allow zip files, ftp servers, and perl scripts. As long as the content is legal, that is fine. Illegal content is not permitted, regardless of the format it is transferred via.
I understand you are cranky, but atleast have valid points, based on facts…not wrong assumptions or misconceptions.
No one is here to advice you how to run business even if we advise you are not going to change the way your business run with a shaddy website which seems to be at least one century old design with procedures of paleolithic age…If the service is not good everyone who relied on that service and paid for have the right to comment on it….
Sales and support answers comfortably but that time you will be uncomfortable…
Yes…go sign up with a LEB provider that will be out of business in 3 months, rather than a 20+ year old company like us that will still be around tomorrow.
Real smart there…
At least in that three months the server will be of some use rather than going to a great provider who is there for 20 years without any use even for one hour….. Am i right in my point of view, the professionalism that a provider might have acquired in great 20 years of service is completely missing with Burst… This is my opinion not a general view…
You are entitled to your opinion of course.
Fortunately, we have 30,000+ clientele that disagree with you!
“Fortunately, we have 30,000+ clientele that disagree with you!” Fortunately to whom ? Burstnet or to the customer? There are 1000’s of thread across all the forums related to hosting about the great quality of service. You can even prepare detailed threads on date wise from the date your company started and till date which is wrote by dissatisfied customers, just do google with your company name it will never show your achievements but will show the ” customer satisfaction” you are speaking here. In WHT just type your name in the search box it will show at least 100+ threads to prove your expertise level and the 30,000 customers story…..
Nonsense. But thank you for the good laugh!
Any news for XEN? Do u have pricing info?
Any time now. Ran into some delays. Finishing up getting things configured currently in the ordering system currently. Pricing will be the same as our SolusVM Xen Windows VPS product line.
If I sign up for monthly billing cycle now using the 20% off coupon, I pay $4.76/mo,
What happens if I wish to switch to annual billing at a later point of time ?
Will I get 20% off + 2 months free ?
ie., will it be ($47.6 / year) ?
I will just wait for XEN. Hope that there will be discounts for XEN.
BURSTNET: any chance to see XEN VPS while winter20 is active? :D
Our coupons never function on newly released products/locations.
We typically do not offer coupons on such until 60-90 days after release.
Do you allow VPNs? If so, do you allow GRE tunnels? Or just the basic OpenVPN ones?
Do you allow proxies? I will use squid and put a password on it… It will be use for our office… Waiting for the response… I am about to press buy button cannot wait for xen. Thanks…
May I ask the public if somebody tried running proxy server on Thanks…
@Burstnet – Billing Ticket 3164475 & 3164628 pls..
nvm abt it… my Paypal went thru..
Well, another day and another reboot of our Burst VPS.
Think we are running about once a week reboots with them now. All unplanned and unannounced.
Fine for a hobby type VPS, but not for a business.
Sorry folks.
If you tell this Burst sales man will come and write that its because of you and you are running proxy… IRC.. and all thing so its down,… but they are giving you a rock solid server and you dont know how to manage it… see… or he wont write here and ignore this… Still not aware why people still want to go for burst….
My VPS is active and all, but they didn’t assign me an IP address. Anyone else having this issue?
Hello it is quite common, they have more than 30000 customers to look they will reply some time when they are free, write to their sales and wait….
Xen Linux VPS is now available from BurstNET!
This service just reuses old IPs that are constantly getting DDoSed and refuses to replace IP addresses unless you pay them more money to get a new IP.
Bottom line: You get what you pay for.
I can assure you that this is not a common issue. We will troubleshoot reports of service interruption and/or latency and work with clients to determine the best course of action. Occasionally, we do encounter problems that cannot be resolved by normal means. If the client has not been engaging in activities – in violation of the Acceptable Use Policy – that may ATTRACT DoS attacks, we have been known to take extraordinary measures to ensure customer satisfaction.
If this was not your experience, perhaps you can provide a ticket number. Alternatively, feel free to ask in a response that your ticket is reviewed by a manager.
Are all Scranton boxes down?
no , Mines up.
I just used Burstnet for a month. It worths every penny. I have setup a VPN server in the box for watching hulu and netflix from Hong Kong. I got pretty decent response time 170ms and can watch HD vid streaming without lagging. The customer service is awesome as well. Keep up the good work Burstnet. You guys ROCK!
I am really satisfied with service. I subscribed for 512MB OpenVZ for one year and configured squid proxy server. Very decent connection. No lag when viewing video streaming. I can now watch youtube videos that are not served by our country. I read burst policy –> [anonymizers/proxies without password protection and sufficient logging (including open mail proxies, anonymous web surfing proxies)
proxy detection scripts]. So I am safe with them since my proxy config is not open and also have a password. I tempted to get their premium service but this lowest service they offered satisfied my need.Cheers!
Sent this company 2 emails about what they could offer but no reply dont think they want customers
What are the ticket number(s) you received when you contacted us?
I’ll check to see what happened for you…
If you did not get ticket numbers, we did not receive your inquiries…
I did but deleted them, when i found a company to supply what i needed, its a shame your support is so shamefull you lost a good customer.
Well, what is the email address you opened the tickets from, let’s find them that way.
We don’t just not respond to sales inquiries, so I want to validate your claim.
i would have used or i left it over a week, everyone else i emailed sent me a reply not sure whats happened to ours but reading here seems like it happens alot.
Bloody Hell Just got a reply from you, bit late tho and its mad when you have to complain to get someone to situp and reply. defo do not recommend this supplier,
A missed sales ticket and you go bezerk not recommending a vendor?
Sorry, but it happens from time to time…no reason to flip out.
We have 30,000+ happy active clientele…obviously your “recommendation” is of base…
As a it company ourselves with over 64,000 customers a missed ticket is a big deal and telling customers sorry it happens isnt a professional way to deal with things, must be a common thing with you as it states here that support tickets seem to go a stray aswell. it seems your quote of having over 30,000 customers is a common thing with you guys i wonder how many of them are truely happy.
You are entitled to your opinion, and to do business with whom you choose. Do not tell us how to run our business though, and we won’t tell you how to run yours.
I don’t believe Wayne is telling you how to run your business at all. He’s saying, though, that the way you guys *are* running it and the attitude you have towards your customers (who are meant to come first before anything) will most likely put other potential customers off. Which is undoubtedly true; people look up hosting companies to see how other people got along with them. In fact, this very blog post will appear on search engines. And your potential customers will be put off.
Nobody’s telling you how to run your business, we’re simply telling you it’s probably a good idea to be more organized with your customers tickets. Is there something wrong with that?
When/if we want such suggestions, we will open a suggestion box, or hold a client poll/inquiry. We have been in business nearly 21 years, know what we are doing, and are not looking for someone to tell us how to run our business. Go ahead, call up Ford, General Mills, Starbucks, and see if they are looking for you to tell them how to run their business. You’ll be lucky if you get by the first barrier of phone responders, and your call/input will die there, plain and simple. We have our own internal checks and balances, and methods for knowing what works, what doesn’t, and what may need to be changed in our operations internally. We are not looking for assistance, plain and simple. If you feel that you can do better than we do, start your own competing company then.
Did you even read the comment you were replying to? I said we are NOT telling you how to run your business! Honestly…
I’ve given many business suggestions. Some they took on board. But they don’t whine about people telling them “how to run their business”, because *amazingly* (sarcasm), they understand that the customer comes first and if the suggestion seems realistic then they should try their best to get something done. You’re just telling your customers and previous customers off for leaving some simple suggestions. Do you think that’s professional?
I’ll have you know I helped run a successful Xen VPS provider, but I went in pursuit to do what I’ve really wanted to do; backend and frontend development. And… “competing”? That’d be easy as pie. I love how you think you’re the greatest hosting company ever founded because you have [xx] years amount of experience and [xxx, xxx] amount of customers.
No Problems, you are doing a great job on your own. and it is my opinion dont use these people……..
After 20+ years in business, and as a founder of the web hosting industry, yes, regardless of your sarcasm, we are.
Support payments should be able to google chekout of Spain there are many people who can only pay out there and more and more people do it
Can’t recommend BurstNET. Terrible network in Scranton, oversold. My VPS was rebooted 6 times in 3 weeks — not good. Their website is seriously out of date and doesn’t exactly attract me. In fact, their site is almost confusing.
And judging by responses here, they aren’t exactly professional with their dealings with customers. I understand that they need to defend themselves but it seems like they get tickets mixed up or misread a lot and one misread ticket could cost you a customer.
No factual basis to anything you posted regarding our firm. We are anything but oversold, with nearly 80% of our available network capacity unused in all of our locations. You may not like our website, that is your opinion, but many others do, and it serves us just fine.
I would recommend you contact our support dept to look into your reboot issue. That would be the logical thing to do, rather than making a nonsense posting like this.
Wow, what?
I was on one of your Budget VPS plans. You guys use OpenVZ for virtualization. Since OpenVZ doesn’t natively monitor usage of any of the node’s performance, you can oversell. Which is what I’m on about and judging by my experience with you its true. Other people’s nodes mightn’t be/have been oversold, but the one I was on was.
Too late for that, cancelled about 2 months ago and never going back to you.
Nonsense post? Wow. Are you trying to get your company a bad name for support and helpfulness? Because judging by this whole comment feed, you’re doing a good job at it!
*node’s resources
EVERY OpenVZ based budget providers oversells—that’s a fact.
We have Xen VPS packages available as well, if OpenVZ is not suitable for you.
That’s a contradiction. Before you accusing me of putting up nonsense comments, I advise you think a bit more before you reply. But, oh! I’m sorry! I’m not meant to give you any suggestions whatever! Please don’t whine at me for telling you “how to run your business”!
Keep doing what you’re doing, BURSTNET. Good job.
Not a contradiction at all.
The first comment is referring to network capacity (in response to your comment stating their Scranton network is terrible and oversold).
The second comment is about OpenVZ VPS’s.
Ah, you’re right WhichGun. I understand now; I said network. I meant to make network and oversold two different sentences in my initial comment.
Sorry about that BURSTNET, disregard that comment.
Seems like they are on the defensive again lol, god this company has no idea.
After nearly 21 years successfully operating in the hosting industry, obviously we are doing something right—contrary to your opinion. Realistically, you cannot please every single client in a service based industry. This is especially true the hosting industry, where newbies, children, and abusers, and just plain naive individuals expect more than what they are paying for, or just don’t have a clue. This is besides language barriers with foreign clients, and their potentially different business methods/ethics that US/EU based standards. We please 99%+ of our clientele…so we are doing just fine, contrary to your obvious opinion. ;-)
Since you would like to be realistic about things, please give us realistic and factual proof of this statement.
We are not going to share out business data, model, and reporting data with you. Don’t be ridiculous. We know exactly what our churn rate is now and historically for 20 years.
I never asked for your business data, model or reporting data, therefore I’m not really being ridiculous. I asked you to back up your claim with some realistic proof which it appears you are reluctant to provide.
As a business, you shouldn’t throw around statements like that without any factual basis/proof.
In order to “prove it” we would have to provide sensitive reporting data, which no privately held company ever would do. It’s not that we can’t prove it, it’s just that we don’t, nor feel the need to. We know what our churn rate is, and based on that data we feel comfortable making that statement, regardless of your thoughts on the matter.
i can see from this blog that everyone here is totally happy NOT!!!!
…they are a drop in the bucket of our overall client base.
After seeing this blog post and the comments I’d like to just raise some points for anyone wondering whether to purchase a VPS from BurstNET or not.
1. Take a look at the comments on this post, and other offers they’ve posted here.
Sure, they get good comments. But what I’d like to draw you to are the negative reviews. Unread tickets, deleted tickets, deleted VPSes (from what I read), and many, many invoicing issues. Not only that, but issues with the professionalism of their staff which I will get to next.
2. Professionalism. Again, take a look at the negative reviews, now look at the replies from BurstNET. They continuously say that we (the clients/past clients) are talking nonsense and not making sense. They also frequently state we’re just a “drop in the bucket of our client base”. This implies that because we are/were a small number of their clients, they don’t care about us. Which is quite evident. Just read their responses.
However, they’re quick and confident to state that they have something like 20+ years experience in the industry and their business operations are optimal and they’re doing the best for their business. Being rude and arrogant is not the best for their business and I hope that someday they learn that. But I doubt that’ll ever happen.
It would be really nice too, if you (BurstNET) would sign your replies here on LEB so we know who’s actually replying.
Chose wisely my friends. If you’re looking for a UK VPS (Xen) I highly recommend Evorack. In fact, go look at how professionally and maturely they handle comments on LEB. That’s the kind of company I’d trust, and hopefully you too.
On the Netherlands of things, DotVPS (OpenVZ) have pretty good offers and are very reliable in my experience.
Thanks for the recommendation Fudge.
Anytime :)
I too can recommend one pound webhosting stuart there is a saint and he has no problems helping anyone…. keep up the good work mate and thankyou fudge for seeing what Burstnet are like i have posted loads on other blogs ect so i hope all there customers move else where.
Not gonna happen. Only a small minority of our clientele frequent such places, including this forum, and most can see right thru such nonsense posts, and have enough sense to make up their own minds.
Is this Shawn replying?
If it is get someone to fix your Scranton network as it has Packetloss at peak hours.
Just thought id let you know :)
Please open a support ticket with details, and we will gladly assist you, as this is probably specific your service, as we are not having any known network-wide issues…
I doubt it’s my server only when doing an MTR to it also has packetloss at the same time of day.
Hey, keep telling yourself all the negative reviews are utter nonsense. After all, your company is completely flawless at handling clients and support tickets. Everyone that says something negative about you is obviously stupid, right?
It may just be the route you are coming in on…
Open a ticket, with traceroute details please, and the techs will get to the bottom of it for you… ;-)
They will reply as soon as all their missing tickets show up
Is there any current valid promo codes for UK based VPS servers?
We should have a new promo code coming out in the next 24-48 hours.
Many thanks, I will wait for the promo code before placing my order.
Scranton, PA – Los Angeles, CA – Miami, FL – Chicago, IL – Manchester, UK/EU
Thanks for the SPAM Shawn much appreciated got the email like 5 times…
Then you signed up with us with 5 different email address, or opened 5 different accounts with us.
We only send one email per address on our list on our marketing materials, not multiple.
Use the unsubscribe link to remove any/all thatyou desire…it is automated/instant.
I Have signed up with my personal email and a company email but I got the email atleast twice on both emails.
Anyway Thanks for the promo code Could you share some bandwidth graphs of Scranton to prove it’s not oversold? as I still get packetloss a lot.
Something must forward then to those emails, as our software only allows one per address (it removes all duplicates.
Did you open a ticket regarding the packet loss?
I did not see Ubuntu 12.04 as a OpenVZ OS options. Do you have that?
Unfortunately due to the kernel requirements of the Ubuntu 12.xx templates, we do not offer these versions as of yet. We are looking into solutions for this, but in the mean time if you require these OS’s, our Xen services offer these versions of Ubuntu.
I think this post should be mark expired.
Hey are using WordPress for your blog platform? I’m new to the blog world but I’m trying to get started and create my
own. Do you need any html coding expertise to make your own blog?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!