Hamonangan from Carstensz Pyramid Server has sent me their special offer for the LowEndBox readers. Promo code EULEB applies to their EU-based KVM boxes, and that gives you 52% off recurring discount. Their “CFK-512” package would be $6.91/month after the discount, and it has
- 512MB memory/1024MB swap
- 15GB storage
- 300GB/month data transfer
- Linux KVM
Click this link to sign up. Servers are with OVH in France, and Hamonangan has got a whole page on configuring network on your KVM VPS there. There is currently no control panel for these KVM, although CPS is coding up some scripts to do basic management (still work in progress). There are quite a few other work-in-progress there. For example About page is still in Indonesian.
CPS has been in business since 2007, domain registered since 2009, and is operated from Indonesia. Hamonangan has also been an active member at LowEndTalk. It’s nice to see more KVM offers especially in Europe.
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Any idea what the CPU cap is on this? Equal share?
2 CPU core from the VPS page. Equal share I guess.
I try to avoid buying “Equal share”, too scammy meaning when you need 800-1000 dedicated.
With no idea how many contains is on the node advertising “Equal share” is just pointless.
That’s what i was thinking.
Are you talking about OpenVZ servers, or Xen/KVM servers?
Almost *all* of my VPS running production sites are on equal share. All my Linode boxes are on 4 CPU core equal share. I hate it when Xen/KVM providers deliberately cap the CPU, where you see the loadavg goes way up when CPU user/sys merely makes a blip.
I didn’t think there was a difference when it came to CPU usage.. What is the difference between equal share on OpenVZ and Kvm/Xen?
i don’t know about “equal CPU share” means, but we’re using dual CPU with 4 cores, each CPU. http://ark.intel.com/Product.aspx?id=40711 not a brand new processor thought, maybe i’ll grab the OVH’s new batch. :p
and to be honest this Node with Raid 1 SATA + BFS + non-overloaded system + some more tweaks from me. i hope the result not too bad. -__-”
IRC allowed for this node, but i’m not sure why OVH only block the 6667 port by default.
if anyone having some other question please open ticket to our pre-sales support. i’ll try answering here, but i’m a LET member not LEB.. (whistling)
I guess it refers to CFS. But you have just mentioned that BFS is used. :)
em,, Completely Fair Scheduler? nope, i use Brain Fuck Scheduler. :D because i love that name. lol
Ah,, sorry i didn’t notice this post. :p thanks LEA. i mean it. but for one or more correction we still use Virtualizor for our control panel, but as long as OVH need us to put they Virtual Mac Addres per each ips we can’t do automagically instant setup. at least for network only.
Right now i’m trying to coding some script for client-side so they can put they mac address by themself. VIrtualizor using libvirt and libvirt didn’t care about mac address. they keep random generating over and over again when you reinstalling OS. they have some good API documentation here http://www.ovh.com/soapi/en/
Virtualizor has encoded script so i’ll put my code on WHMCS module.
mmm,, about us… man. i forgot to change that page!! hahaha later :p
well, grab it. it’s still a huge discount for just one “open VNC > vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 or /etc/network/interfaces” action. :p
You could use SolusVM
V2 of the SolusVM WHMCS Module is Open-Source, simply change it so perhaps it calls setmacaddressapi.php?ip=182.111.511 when it provisions a VPS which then calls the OVH API and sets the MAC. :P
yup.. i was thinking to use solusvm before i saw they announcement in ticket support form. :p kidding.
how many ipv4 come with the 512 and 1024 plans?
all included 1 IPv4. IPv6 still in progress. and 2 maximum additional IPv4 for $2/ip. :D
Recommendation: never take the servers in France is very controlled and there are many scams
Hm, i misread this comment, what is your base argumentation for France is very controlled and had many scams? i didn’t see some serious problem here. at least our server still up and without having any problem.
Hamonangan KPS Nababan
First I;ve heard of it as well. And I believe OVH, the seedbox kingpin of the world, is based out of France….
I do hope they’re based out of France. I’m going off of memory as they’re blocked from here.
What is the port speed?
exactly we capped this to 100mbps. but it’s on 1gbps port.
wget http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test
104,857,600 10.3M/s in 9.3s
wget http://ovh.net/1Gb.dat
125,000,000 58.3M/s in 2.0s
ah. i forgot putting the pre tag.. sorry LEA. :(
Test IPs
sorry, maybe it’s my fault. please use this:
small notes:
– Promo code has been expired (June 07, 2011).
– IPv6 available upon request (8 by default).
Sorry LEA for hijacking your ads. but we’ve got some huge demand here. i don’t want to post this in our home page :D
for everyone who came from here, use this special offer. no promo code, same as our CFK-512 package specification, and only 10 available. please don’t ask me to do more if you don’t want to see us listed in next month dead pool. :p
https://pyramidserver.com/clients/order/?pid=45&skip=1 for $7
What os’es do you offer?
from order page you’ll see Centos 5.5, Debian 5.0, Fedora 13, Suse 11, Ubuntu 10.10 32/64-bit templates. but you can load any ISO in there. DragonFly, FreeBSD, OpenBSD tested and worked.
Windows ok?
you can load your own ISO and supply your license. but honestly if someone can point me to the “LATEST” microsoft license agreement i’ll be happy for that. (headache)
this is not working anymore, it says 9.60€
Well, there is still a code “4124” in their page, for 30% discount
Hi, please see my above comment,
you can use that link for 4,67 EUR per month
Will you restock your EU KVM-128 plan?
Hi, yes we will updating our stock soon. we have a couple canceled order, terminated abuser, etc :P and maybe we have stock in KVM-128 plan. perhaps tonight or tomorrow morning. thank you.
Sorry LEA, maybe i should change my middle name to “Hijacker” or something. :P but I’m really happy seeing LEB/LET still alive after getting huge DDoS from coward last week(?).
so, for anyone who want to join me use this coupon code “ALIVE” to get 50% recurring discount. expired August 2, 2011 (my birthday btw :D )
applicable for all node. CLK, CTK, CFK (256-1024). thank you. and keep strong LEB/LET. we are not going anywhere. :)
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