Chris, from ChicagoVPS, has sent in a special Black Friday Sale, as well as a few other exclusive deals. Although it isn’t Black Friday anymore, they’re all still valid and available! They’ve also sent us a few special offers for their new location, Los Angeles, which is also exclusive to LowEndBox.
Enterprise $30/year
| LA Enterprise
N.B. There is a limited stock for the Enterprise $30/year promotion and it ends midnight EST 27/11/2012!
ChicagoVPS have been featured many times on LowEndBox since 2010, and are pretty well known for their 2GB offers. They’ve recently introduced a 128MB $12/year plan, which was the highlight of their last offer back in September but, at the time, they were only offering it in Chicago and Buffalo; it is now also available in Los Angeles. If you’re active on either LowEndBox or LowEndTalk, you’ll have seen that there has been a bit of commotion lately regarding ChicagoVPS, firstly with promoting their services by commenting on another providers LowEndBox offer which caused a bit of uproar, then they’ve also suffered a “hack” which brought 9 nodes offline. But it hasn’t stopped them providing new deals!
LA Basic
$12/year Order in Los Angeles | LA Professional
$5/month Order in Los Angeles |
They accept payments via PayPal and Credit/Debit Cards. They seem to allow IRC, VPNs, proxies and adult hosting, refunds may be provided on a “case to case” basis. Their full Terms of Service is available here and their Acceptable use Policy can be viewed here. They’re also giving each client free monitoring and a free 25 slot Mohawk Voice Server.
Network Information:
Chicago, IL
Test IP: with ColoCrossing
Buffalo, NY
Test IP: with ColoCrossing
Los Angeles, CA
Test IP:
Test Files: 10MB | 100MB | 1GB
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- VPSDime – $7/Month 6GB RAM OpenVZ (Dallas) + Backupsy – $7/Month 250GB KVM (US/UK) - September 2, 2013
- TortoiseLabs – $6.45/Month 512MB RAM Xen VPS in LA, FL, TX, CHI and London - August 25, 2013
- Crissic Solutions – $1.64/Month 256MB RAM OpenVZ VPS in Jacksonville - August 23, 2013
Great offer!
What a cyber …. offer, :)
The $30/year plan ends up being $2.50/month which is half the $5/month the same plan used to be. Not bad.
WoW.. ciyus miapa.. :)
THIS IS REALLY REALLY GOOD OFFER Enterprise only $30/year. But monthly price is $21.12.
one quick question before i buy : is this pricing forever? i mean next year when its time to renew can i get this price again usd30/y?
I ordered on a few hours ago, but its still not setup.
So I have their enterprise plan over a year now, it is a real deal. If they want to sell it for this price, just get it.
I am happy with it so far, so my recommendation.
Thanks for the kind words, Zeljko! We appreciate your loyalty.
Just tried to purchase the $30.00 plan and received this error:
The promotion code you entered has been applied to your cart but no items qualify for the discount yet – please check the promotion terms
You have to select the yearly thing, not monthly.
Good evening, is this promotion still valid?
I’m definitely selecting the year option (12 Month Price – $21.21 USD) with $254.49 due annually, but I am receiving the same error message posted by some other folks above (The promotion code you entered has been applied to your cart but no items qualify for the discount yet – please check the promotion terms).
Screenshot here
Not sure what else to try. I’d love to partake before it runs out.
Thanks for any advice!
Great offer! My third server with these guys and I’ve yet to be disappointed :-) CVPS rocks!
Don’t buy this is not work…
Need more information than that haha?
I think you’re making the mistake of selecting monthly billing, you have to select yearly for the coupon to work.
In for 1 in LA, thanks!
Oh fuck it, might as well :)
I’m not being suckered again, I keep getting 2GB boxes and not using them, so I’ll leave this, great offer though!
That’s their plan
Notice how 1000 $12 per year VPS servers disappear over the Solus/CVPS he said/she said and nobody is complaining?
I stopped using that $12 year VPS after like 3 days.
Can confirm ordering DOES work! Need to make sure you select yearly billing cycle or the coupon code does not work.
Been looking for LAX based cheap VPS for a while now.
Was it instant?
I figured out the problem and like another poster mentioned, I had to choose the yearly billing cycle. Web server w/ WordPress is already securely configured and running.
Anyone has the LA box and mysql installed please run the benchmark,
mysqlslap -uroot -p --auto-generate-sql --concurrency=100 --number-of-queries=20000 --detach=5 --number-char-cols=5 --number-int-cols=5 --engine=InnoDB
On the $5/mo “winning” special in LA:
[root@opportunities ~]# mysqlslap -uroot -p –auto-generate-sql –concurrency=100 –number-of-queries=20000 –detach=5 –number-char-cols=5 –number-int-cols=5 –engine=InnoDB
Enter password:
Running for engine InnoDB
Average number of seconds to run all queries: 76.619 seconds
Minimum number of seconds to run all queries: 76.619 seconds
Maximum number of seconds to run all queries: 76.619 seconds
Number of clients running queries: 100
Average number of queries per client: 200
MariaDB with some configuration the Percona tool spit out.
Thank you!
No ubuntu 12.04 no deal
… j/k I can’t pass up but tell me if you guys are gonna support it
I just ordered one, but it had almost three whole dollars of tax! Damn you NYC. It did get setup instantly and so far it’s pretty speedy.
4x of these:
model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1270 V2 @ 3.50GHz
cpu MHz : 1600.000
104,857,600 3.10M/s in 33s
How much are extra IP’s?
Great offer for the specs, is this the lowest we’ll ever see the LowEnd market go?
I am running engine=MyISAM not InnoDB. Here are the details:
mysqlslap -uroot -p –auto-generate-sql –concurrency=100 –number-of-queries=20000 –detach=5 –number-char-cols=5 –number-int-cols=5 –engine=MyISAM
Running for engine MyISAM
Average number of seconds to run all queries: 61.172 seconds
Minimum number of seconds to run all queries: 61.172 seconds
Maximum number of seconds to run all queries: 61.172 seconds
Number of clients running queries: 100
Average number of queries per client: 200
— Excellent price to performance ratio —-
Thanks! @smile93.
That mysqlslap test is rather destructive to a server. Run that on many well managed VPS’es and you are going to see your process killed. Mysqlslap is another fair test for performance testing, but it gets into CPU load ballooning in 40-50 range with these parameters.
One clear problem is the client count of 200 at the same time is too high. Default installs of MySQL won’t handle that many connections.
It’s nice that you can “get away” running this on a CVPS server, but horrible for overall server performance.
Doubt you’d be using a VPS like this and at price point with 200 clients non stop pushing high volume of MySQL queries. Wouldn’t be responsible to say the least.
Just want to know how fast an amount of 2GB of RAM is allocated, and to make sure that Chris is not cheating :)
wooooow, dont think anyone will be topping this any time soon
Is ppp supported to run a PPTP server on any of these OpenVZ plans?
I just setup the pptp, work fine here.
Yes, PPTP is supported and you can enable it yourself from the VPS control panel.
The test result of “Enterprise $30/year”
Is it possible to change a current server to the 30$/yr pricing from 7$/mo?
Guys, whats the numproc limit on the 2048 Enterprise plan?
Ordered (& dumped budgetvm)
Let’s see how well this runs TF2.
To be honest, I’m getting a strong “We need money. NOW.” vibe from this offer. I just don’t see how 2GB of RAM for $2.50 a month is viable in the VPS market, even with substantial overselling.
That was my first thought as well. The offer sounds too good to last. The must have had dozens of new subscriptions by now.
So we offer something special for a limited time, and you cant be happy about it? We dont need money at all, we wanted to have an offer never seen before. Like it says in the post, only a limited amount is available.
Thank you so much for this incredible offer! :)
From China Yunnan , download speed 600k–730k/s 6M adsl
Good speed.
Yep, our Los Angeles VPS’s offer excellent connectivity and latency to Asia!
This makes me so hard to resist. :-)
I’m in for one as soon as I get an extra $30 deposited to my Paypal-attached bank account! Hopefully they don’t sell out before I can make that happen…
I got one of these for $60 a year and I thought that was a deal. This is insane!
I just jumped on this but I’m new to VPS. I figured it was a good price entry to learn about them. Can anyone tell me what is the major difference between these much cheaper VPS vs the brand names (e.g. hostgator, etc)?
Nothing whatsoever
Sometimes, (or more than sometimes), the cheaper VPS performs well than “brand names”. You get much better quality for much lower price.
I also wanted to add onto this. As we are no doubt a smaller company than Hostgator, we are able to focus more on our customers and our service, which allows us to provide more personalized service and support compared to the big guys.
So in a way, there is a difference, as with that said we are able to provide more attention into ensuring our servers are stable, and provide personalized support to our customers – this is something the big guys can’t do.
We may not be perfect, but we genuinely try to be, and have thousands of satisfied customers.
We appreciate your interest in ChicagoVPS. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.
Overselling by the balls :)
32GB RAM / 2GB RAM offer = 16 VPS servers x $2.5 = $40 income per server node
nice …
Who doesnt oversell? Overselling is not bad as long as its managed right. We obviously have it under control with thousands of happy customers.
Also, learn from me, stay out of other peoples threads. Karma will come back around someday.
Yes the control is pray they are not using the RAM :) I am not saying not to stop overselling just stop being so desperate and call is DEDICATED RAM.
@Qhoster, who is to even say what type of hardware we run? We have deployed E5’s with over 100GB of RAM. Yes some are E3’s with 32GB maxed out. Not sure what your getting at.
I would like to add to that, or at-least correct it. OpenVZ is based on shared resources, compared to XEN that is dedicated resources.
as they are named, they are all shared, :)
never have problem with CVPS, but it is yet an issue why they are so cheap!
100GB is perfect, just some guy mentioned newly deployed VPS is on E3 …
Its a mix, and like I said everything is managed very well and Im not going to provide a poor product just to make some money. Poor product = failed business.
Im here for the long run
The L.A node was unstable in the beginning, I was going to cancel the service, but now it is very stable and Chris is doing a good job of maintaining the node, I might change to this yearly deal, still thinking…
My 2nd VPS from Buffalo is down pls fix it!
Your OS templates are very old. Arch Linux wasn’t even worth fighting to update. Root gets mounted read-only, outdated glibc, etc. Hopefully I have better luck with Ubuntu 11.10 and pray that updates to 12.04 LTS.
So far SSH access was laggy and when I was finally able to get pacman -Syu to work, download speeds were terrible.. though that was from the main archlinux server so it could be their fault.
I’ll be back once I finally get a modern OS installed/updated/patched.
Depending on what node you are on, you might not be able to update to 12.04. If you are in Buffalo or LA then you will be fine. We will be releasing the 12.04 LTS templates in those locations within the next couple days.
Took $30/Year VPS at LA. I’m also one of those who’re waiting for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS template to be released (currently using Ubuntu 11.04).
Many thanks for the great offer though!
I will reply on here when I have it set up for Buffalo and LA. Also I will get it posted on our Facebook page.
I will be waiting for 12.04 then.
We now have 12.04.
@Luc Ayotte
I have already purchased a $30.00 per year VPS in Chicago, are there any plans to offer Ubuntu 12.04 in Chicago sometime soon as official vendor support for 11.10 ends in April 2013? If not, then I would like to arrange to have my VPS moved to another location that can be upgraded to Ubuntu 12.04.
@wm, We will be upgrading Chicago in the next month – 2 months
Ordered one in Buffalo. Instantly provisioned. VPS info sent to me via email. Logged in to client area and I can see the VPS status, “Active” and “Online”.
But I cannot access the VPS, not even ping. I open a ticket, no reply yet.
Does anyone else face the same situation? Am I supposed to wait for the server to be fully provisioned and configured?
They already fixed it for me.
I have the same Problem!! pls fix it i write a ticket too!!
my Ip is from the buffalo VPS!
Hi White,
You ordered with a complex password, which caused SolusVM’s initial setup process for your container to break as the API doesn’t support advanced characters.
It seems like one of our techs already taken care of this for you and manually completed the setup process, but in the future if you were to order new VPS’s please keep this in mind, and don’t order with a complex password to begin with (letters and numbers only). After the VPS is setup, you can then change the password to something complex in SolusVM/SSH.
Thanks for choosing ChicagoVPS!
Oh Luc Ayotte is back :)
I thought he took the stage exit right with Jeremiah.
Luc was always here, he never left.
Hmmm… Seems like when I use Chicago the coupon is invalid, but it is valid for Buffalo and Los Angeles. Too bad since I get the best ping time from Chicago.
Subsequent tries for this offer wound up with Full charge (> $200 p.a.) for the account!
Thanks, but no thanks!
enter the promo code at checkout, it works just 5 minutes ago
$30/Year VPS is the self managemant for reinstall system?
Hi Tekin,
Yes, for every VPS plan we offer we include SolusVM manage access free of charge, which allows you to reinstall/reboot/start/console your VPS at anytime, instantly. =)
Sorry not ordering until I find out the official statement from ChicagoVPS about how 1000 virtual servers got deleted off of 10 servers and the 10 different stories about how it happened, including pointing the finger at a software vendor.
You folks are seriously this gullible?
But you kinda have to take this as it is though – yes, massive data loss happened – I lost my VPS with them, but restored it from the backup on the VPS control panel. The risk you take with any VPS, or any server for that matter. But would you seriously run anything that mission critical on a $30/year VPS? These can only be hobby boxes, maybe a massively over resourced PPTP server etc.
No explanation, no nothing, swept under the rug and a carrot put in front of everyone’s faces. Just remember, you get what you pay for
You tend to forget, the only person that knows anything LEFT ChicagoVPS. Without him I have no information.
So nobody with technical expertise or an understanding of what happened to lose that much stuff?
Thanks for the reaffirmation that everything is OK to sign up with your service that the reason why everything happened may or may not still be there, the source which I’m getting from you is you don’t know what happened and well… WHO WANTS A 2GB VPS FOR $30/YEAR!
Is LA down ?
I just ordered yesterday. And today, the server isn’t reachable.
Mine works perfectly…
Can’t pay the invoice. Error with Paypal.
That’s bad.
You need to contact PayPal. This is nothing on our end, and nothing we can do to fix it. Other customers have seen this issue and has been resolved when they called
2GBYR not working on yearly chicago any more :(
Any chance to fix it Chris? (lowest ping to me in NL)
Chicago is full, LA and Buffalo are only locations left
Been trying to cancel my Chicago slot for almost 2 days now. You can have mine once they get around to cancel & refunding.
Promo code is giving error, Pricing is $21.21.
I think you might closed this promotion offer.
enter the promo code, i tried again and works in LA
Ordered on Buffalo, waiting setup.
Your VPS should be installed. If it is not installed, please open a ticket and we will make sure it gets installed.
is this going to be provisioned in Los Angeles VPS1 ?
We have multiple nodes in every location, they are evenly provisioned across our nodes depending on availability.
Ubuntu 12.04 is here for Enterprise $30/year Buffalo VPS – Hooray … Am I the first customer to install this?
Signed up for the LA server 2 days ago and brilliant.
Was set up instantly.
Just decided to ditch my old host and sign up to their buffalo server as well but that wasn’t instant :(
That wasn’t instant.
Opened a ticket, hopefully it gets resolved soon.
And it did.
Thanks a lot Chris and Luc :)
Orders should be 100% instant now, we had a shortage yesterday in Buffalo while awaiting new nodes to be setup. If you experience any further issues, please let us know. We are always happy to help.
I just ordered $30/year offer half an hour ago, account status still pending and not instantly setup
So yesterday I decided to cancel. Was fed up with the OS templates and the poor performance I was having. Logged in, requested to cancel, got email saying it would be canceled in 24hrs. 24hrs later, no response. Opened a ticket about an hour ago and will wait another 24hrs before starting the chargeback process.
I realize this was a good deal, but as others have said apparently you really are getting what you paid for.
To those who don’t have any issues, I hope it stays that way. Good luck and hopefully I get a refund the easy way. :(
In the ToS it states we do not offer refunds, and if you used a Credit Card a $25 administration fee is required. If you want to pay the fee to save $5 then so be it.
Nah, I’ll just issue a charge back through my bank/Visa and go from there.
Man, what kind of company is this?
Seems like a company that follows their ToS. If he had a $30/year slot in LA or buffalo, can I have it?
Sounds like a company who isn’t thrilled that I posted a negative review of their service. That’s ok, however, I’m not the only one.
Yes, I had the $30/year slot in Chicago. You are more than welcome to it. Hopefully it performs better for you than it did for me.
Chicago would work for me too! Hopefully Chris chimes in and lets me claim the slot. :)
For the price, these are perfect for my usage. I’ve been with them for over a year and haven’t had a problem. I use these mostly for staging and personal purposes, which has much lower demands for performance.
Guess you didn’t see where 1000 virtual servers disappeared without any explanation, their main support staff left and everything was swept under the rug with this new gimmick?
The last gimmick was the reason for the servers disappearing: $12/year VPS.
Nobody requested refunds because of CVPS’ TOS and moved on, applying cream to the CVPS burn they received. I’ve been a customer, multiple times, and each time I give them a chance I shake my head each time.
I’ve read all the relevant threads about the issue. Lots of finger pointing, but as I’ve stated, I don’t use these for mission critical things and the performance is better than most of the other VPSes I’ve tried.
If mine are blown away, then I’ll just run a few scripts and have it back online without too much fuss. Anyone who doesn’t make their own offsite backups is a fool, even if you’re paying for a backup service you should still make your own.
What would be nice would be if Chris, acting on good faith of the company, would issue me a refund and just resell the slot to you or someone else. I’d even take a prorated refund for the 10 hours I tried out the slot… anything.. just please your customer(s) and don’t give people a reason to post negative reviews.
I’ve noticed that my slot is no longer active, but I haven’t heard a peep since an email from Chris saying “no refunds, or pay $25 and get $5 refund”.
Just ordered the enterprise to test out :) Awesome deal. Worse case scenario: this can be a testing ground for some of my newer sites
Welcome aboard! We won’t disappoint, I am confident that you will enjoy our services.
Anyone in Buffalo that is waiting to be provisioned will be provisioned tomorrow.
We had to build some new nodes as we got more orders than expected and did not want to overload.
I am having a lot of reliability issues with the LA $30 per year server. It works great when it does, but then goes offline for no reason. So far support does not seem to have any clue.
Had the same problem.
They’re looking into it.
Its a kernal issue, will be fixed shortly.
are you on LA Node 4?
LA node VPS 6 had some offline time about an hour ago
Yes, Los Angeles VPS 4. It has now been up for solid 9 hours :-)
i told yah so stay clear yeha cowboys
Who are you? Oh yeah, hides behind fake alias
Probably one of your competitors, if there is any….
LOL is this “Total Drama VPS”? For $30 I’d say it’s worth it for the entertainment value.
are you guys seeing any diskspace when you type “df” ? Mine are empty on the 3 VPSes I have
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/simfs 52428800 660320 51768480 2% /
none 1048576 0 1048576 0% /run/shm
whats going on on my VPSes then? all 3??? how do i get back df i rebooted but no difference
Open ticket and ask them.
could you paste me your /etc/fstab pls
pechspilz, I believe one of our techs already fixed this for you yesterday.
If you still experience any further issues don’t hesitate to let us know.
It sounds like your VPS wasn’t provisioned properly or there is some issue with disk quota over there. Raise a ticket with them as said.
I know this might be a silly question, but I would like to confirm the 2TB of BW is PER MONTH, not per year? Also, is there any way to upgrade the HD space for an additional fee?
Hi PhDeez,
I can confirm that the bandwidth allocation is 2TB per month.
We offer HDD upgrades on a case by case basis, please contact our sales team at with your requirements. We will work with you.
Thanks for considering ChicagoVPS!
I just got a second Enterprise OpenVZ VPS and it performs way worse than the first one.. what gives?
Sorry to reply to myself, but here’s the serverbear benchmarks, easier to look at:
Anyone have any ideas what’s going on? I can see that the CPU is inherently weaker (2GHz vs 3.4GHz) but that doesn’t explain the much much lower IO and network speed.
Is there a reason you are not opening a ticket about this? We can better serve you and fix the issue if we know about it
I didn’t expect you to care. I’m running a second test on both nodes to see if the bad performance was temporary, if it wasn’t I’ll make a ticket.
Hi Henk,
Of course we care, we just can’t identify who you are and investigate this issue if you do not open a ticket. :)
However reviewing both of the serverbear links you posted, the I/O is acceptable on both of them as with CPU. The only thing that stands out is the network speed seems to be a bit slower with the second benchmark, I am assuming you benchmarked at a bad time when new clients were being setup on the node and others benchmarked as well.
Either way if you are still experiencing issues we would love to look into this for you!
Ok, I’ve given it a go the last couple of days but I’m not satisfied in the least. It’s rebooted multiple times since I posted my initial question and now it’s been offline for over an hour again. And sometimes it’s so slow it struggles to even keep up with commands over putty. My first server is still functioning just fine, could you please check what’s going on? This isn’t a one-time issue anymore, it’s persistent. Ticket: KXG-424792
Received an email at 4:19am this morning saying that my server was all set. Went into the control panel this morning and tried to get it installed and running but it *always* says it’s offline. I’ve tried everything to get it to start up and I’m getting nowhere. This morning I tried leaving a message through the chat service and didn’t receive a response. Opened a ticket a little while ago so will have to see how it goes. Hopefully it’ll get resolved soon so I can try it out.
Just read this, is it still available?
Which offer are you referring to?
What is “vps 6 node”, is it a single machine running multiple vps-es or a name for entire data center?
Hi Odin,
That would be a VPS hypervisor node. A VPS hypervisor contains a number of customer VPS’s.
Please let us know if you require any further clarification.
I got good news, we have now released the OS templates Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Fedora 17 for our Buffalo and LA locations.
If you have a problem with the template or do not see it. Please make a support ticket and we will fix it for you.
Thank you,
Upgraded to Ubuntu12.04, no problem so far. Thanks!
Glad to hear you were able to upgrade to 12.04 successfully! =)
when to release the OS templates Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Fedora 17 for Chicago, CHICAGOVPS?
Upgrading to 12.10 worked for me.
Just edit /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
You need to answer most questions with “No”, especially those that affect files in /etc/init.d
If you are not sure, enter “D” and see what has changed.
Does the 30/Year still available ? looking to have 1/2 VPS here.
Only the Buffalo location is still active for this promotion.
do you accept Liberty Reserve?
Hi FP!
Unfortunately at this time, we do not accept payments via Liberty Reserve.
We proudly accept payments through PayPal or Credit Cards. Let us know if you have any other questions.
After an initial hiccup with setup (resolved via ticket), everything seems to be smooth sailing on the LA $30/yr box I picked up during the promo! Who could have passed up an offer like this? :P
Those results look awesome – thanks for sharing! We appreciate the opportunity and look forward to hosting you for many years to come.
can i use this vps for private torrent seeder?
Do you accept Debit Cards from India…?
Hi Chirag,
Yes we do accept credit/debit cards from India, if you experience any problems when attempting to pay, please contact our billing department.
I wouldn’t suggest paying with debit/credit card. They have an awful policy if you aren’t happy and want a refund. $25 to click a button to refund.
Also might want to read through this thread, and the discussions on because ChicagoVPS is not customer friendly. Remember: You get what you pay for. And with ChicagoVPS you get nothing but hassle if you happen to be not satisifed. Also, good luck getting ahold of someone to get a refund once they finally cave. Their ‘billing’ manager has been MIA for sometime now.
MIA? Our billing department hours, as advertised on our support ticket page, are available Monday to Friday. Just because billing is not available during the weekends does not mean we are missing in action.
Support is a 24×7 department however and will always remain a 24×7 operation, as we feel technical support for our clients and other related service-impacting problems are priority.
I’ve been asking for a refund since the day this promotion started. I wasn’t happy with the performance. I’ve yet to hear from this elusive billing manager. I’m sure there has been at least one week day in there somewhere.
First reply was from your CEO, saying no refunds per your ToS. Not true. Then another forum post (read up higher) I was finally offered the $5 back after your absurd $25 credit card refund fee. I accepted that, and that’s the last I’ve heard, other than various reasons why the billing manager is not in/on vacation/not available.
What is your ticket ID so I can look into this for you?
The latest ticket that I have open, which was opened early Friday morning, was this one: #YVN-994228 where again the billing manager wasn’t available. Fine, that was Friday, people take days off. I didn’t touch the ticket during the weekend. I just updated the ticket a few minutes ago asking for an update.
I manually closed the other one out of frustration of the replies. Then my slot got canceled but no refund was issued, so I opened the one above this past Friday morning. It’s pretty simple: I either want $30 returned, $5 returned if I’m forced to pay the absurd $25 CC fee, or the VPS reactivated. I’ll take whichever is easiest to do.
If you wish to reactive the VPS and keep my money, I don’t care which location is chosen. It originally was Chicago, however.
At this point, I just want the issue resolved please. Thank you for your time.
I realize I’ve been harsh lately, but it still confuses my why out of all the VPS providers I’ve used, you guys have been the most consumer unfriendly policies.
This issue has finally been resolved. Enjoy the free $25 you made off me.
I cant get the $3.5 for the first month in LA.
Please advise
Sign up anyway, drop them a ticket saying you signed up via the lowendbox promotion asking for the second IP and a $3.50 credit – I found them very responsive. Frankly the box is nice enough that I’d have been just as happy sans credit ;)
Bought an Enterprise VPS in Buffalo, so far it’s great!
Hi Andy,
Welcome aboard to ChicagoVPS! We’re glad you are having a satisfactory experience with our services thus far, if you ever need anything just let us know.
Can anyone with a ChicagoVPS box comment on their uptime?
Mine has been great. Here’s my current uptime, and it would be longer if I had not manually rebooted the machine.
[root@www ~]# uptime
00:02:53 up 60 days, 19:49, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
just ask, could you change billing order from $5/month to $30/year?
I just got my VPS (Buffalo location ($30/year)),
Everything seems to be working great and as promised so far:
Welcome aboard, and thanks for the kind words!
can i still be able to get 30/y promo … ???
i just saw the promo.. i mean in buffalo location .. ???
We have re-claimed some stock in Buffalo, and you should be able to order the $30/Year promotion in our Buffalo location for a limited time. Only a few spaces left.
Select the 12 month billing cycle option and use promo code: 2GBYR when checking out to receive this VPS for just $30/Year!
Is tor or torrent allow?
Still available..??
Only in Buffalo
Thanks. I have one in LA from your last drop price in May and I’m quite happy whith it.
So I just ordered one in Buffalo. Great for backup and secondary DNS.
But Chris, Do you know when ipv6 will be available?
Previously I’m unable to order as the code is not matched. But now order has been placed.
I snagged on of the $30/yr deals and it seems pretty responsive. I am a returning customer and the price was too good to pass up.
Thanks for the kind words, and welcome back! We won’t disappoint, we appreciate the opportunity.
I know the offer has passed for the $30, however would there be a performance difference if I were to get the $7 plan?
Hi Jeff,
There wouldn’t be any performance differences.
Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Why not open a new nodes in Los Angeles?
We have brought online a batch of new servers in Los Angeles, CA yesterday =)
If anyone from ChicagoVPS could answer this, would be much appreciated:
I took a quick look through your Acceptable Use Policy, and saw no mention of anything related to file sharing, VoIP servers, or game servers.
So, specifically:
1. Is it acceptable to host video game servers on the VPS (Minecraft and AssaultCube specifically for now, potentially others later)?
2. Is it acceptable to run VoIP servers (such as TeamSpeak or Ventrillo, although I am more likely going to be writing my own program for it)?
3. Are file hosting sites allowed (of course, understanding that there is only 50 GB of disk space)?
Thank you.
– Zach
1. Yes, I host CS:S servers all the time. Minecraft is the top game hosted with these guys too(According to comments on one of the previous offers, due to the cheap 2GB of ram).
2. Yes, hosted both VoIP programs. Never had a problem.
3. Maybe? Not sure if content is legal or not…I’ve used the server for private hosting (backup stuff, etc) never had problem.
Anything that is not detrimental to the server should be fine to my knowledge.
1. Yes, we allow gameservers as long as it won’t cause abusive or disruptive CPU/IO usage.
2. ChicagoVPS allows VOIP servers such as Ventrilo/Teamspeak to be ran on our VPS’s.
3. As long as it’s legal content
If you have any additional questions, please let us know!
Thank you for your interest with ChicagoVPS.
Good afternoon. Did you receive my support ticket yesterday about the Los Angeles VPS ordered @ $3.50 for the first month via the link on this page, but Buffalo VPS was provided instead @ $7 for the first month?
Your VPS was always located in Los Angeles to begin with, like you specified/chosen in the order form when you ordered your VPS.
A tech already explained all of this to you in your ticket yesterday, if you need anything else please contact us via our ticketing system. Have a great evening.
i order buffalo vps but i don’t have paypal account but when i was trying to pay with my credit card it was showing error.. this is the last day of my due. i raised the ticket with id #ITO-558659
and my invoice is 40102
is setup is instant?
It looks like Chris has already taken care of this for you a few days ago, if you need anything else just contact us.
Thanks for choosing ChicagoVPS!
These guys are a joke. The website customer support ‘live chat’ just goes to a form which opens your email.
Had a real negative order experience with them. Stay away.
Sorry to hear that your experience wasn’t satisfactory, have you submitted a ticket about this? Can I have your order number so I can look up your account and see what is really going on? We’re always happy to help =) I don’t understand how someone could have a negative order experience with us when our services are instantly setup.
Just got the Buffalo VPS, does better than other one.
Buffalo New:
Older One:
2 days wairing for my server to be ready
Have you opened a ticket about this? Please open a ticket with your order number so we can look into this.
Wait i will make it now
Ticket number is #NOJ-563568
Looks like one of our support technicians already taken care of this for you, you should of contacted us to begin with as we gotten this resolved very quickly after you opened a ticket.
If you have any other questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to let us know.
I’ve been very happy with my buffalo node with ChicagoVPS so far. Using it for a school project.
08:56:05 up 20 days, 10:31, 2 users, load average: 0.10, 0.08, 0.08
Thanks Jeff!
I’ve just ordered a LA Professional VPS. Its download speed is too slow 250Kb/s which is slower than my own ISP :( Anyone encountered same issue?
I encountered same problem with you.I think the problem is in SSH,I try to install other SSH Server but this doesn’t solve the problem.When I use HTTP DOWNLOAD to test,speed it’s normal.
VPS located in Buffalo, NY.
my server is down :(
My server is down, this is consistently down.
Also, they didnt update the ubuntu versions on chicago. So, we have had to upload to servers, it shows we consumed the bandwidth. I dont think thats fair, since it should only deduct for web traffic and not software install.