Nick from ChicagoVPS sent over a sale in honor of launching their Windows VPS line in Los Angeles, USA. We don’t expect this to remain in stock for long however we already have new systems in provisioning to help keep these plans in stock as much as possible!
There are two primary packages to pick from below but if you don’t see what you need they also have a site wide sale running, just use coupon code “LEBFEB2018” for 25% off anything on their site except for some Windows/Linux VPS plans (like WinVPS 1GB/2GB and a few others), dedicated servers, domains, addons and licenses. If you do not see a template you desire on the linux plan at checkout then no worries, just pop open a ticket after ordering and let us know what you are looking for so we can get that installed for you!
2GB KVM Windows VPS
| 2GB KVM Linux VPS
Network information is available after the break!
ChicagoVPS has a long history in the Low End Box market serving customers for many years and has been featured a bunch of times, having first been posted on Low End Box on October 16, 2010! The ChicagoVPS brand manager, Nick, is also an administrator, and an active user, on Low End Talk. ChicagoVPS, desipite their name, actually offers service in Chicago, Dallas, Buffalo, and Los Angeles. Backups are available for an extra cost, just submit a ticket in their customer Portal. ChicagoVPS is owned and operated by Velocity Servers Inc., a NY based cloud and IT management company founded in 2006 which also owns Low End Box and Low End Talk.
Network information
Buffalo, NY, USA – ColoCrossing
Test IP:
Looking Glass:
Los Angeles, CA, USA – ColoCrossing
Test IP:
Looking Glass:
“LEBFEB2018” for 25% off anything on the ChicagoVPS site except for some limited VPS plans (like WinVPS 1GB/2GB and a few others), dedicated servers, domains, addons and licenses.
We want to hear your feedback, so if you buy please be sure to comment below!
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Can we mount a Windows ISO on the linux KVM based plans?
Sadly due to licensing issues we have to keep things separate, we do offer the up to date Windows based Server templates on the Windows VPS plans and if you have any requests just let us know!
Do you have plans to work with ipv6?
We have been saying it for years now and still plan to offer it when the time comes :)
Is this SolusVM based windows VPS and fully windows license version OS server?
Correct, comes with a full license applied for Standard edition (if any issues with licensing pop in a ticket so we can simply apply a fresh one) and we do indeed use SolusVM on the back-end which is integrated for easy control through our Client Area.
Any chance I can do the $6/month for a month or two to see if I like the service and swap to the 1-year payment price later?
Thank you.
We can honor that specifically for you, would be $60 to add 12 months when you desire.
Pure SSD for the Windows plan and normal HDD for the Linux plan, is that right?
Nice day!
That is correct, HW RAID SSD setup on the Windows host nodes and HW RAID HDD setup on the Linux based host nodes.
We do have some pure SSD plans located @ (I have just made up a special code good for 50 uses that will give you 15% off any of the in stock plans (512MB+), use code “LEBSSDOVZ2018” at check out to redeem, enjoy!)
What about the speed in Asia? Which location is perfect for me if i want to run my website in Asia?
Have a nice day
I would definitely pick the Los Angeles location.
Missed this offer. Any plans to relaunch something similar?
We should be having another offer similar soon however feel free to pop a ticket in to sales referencing this :)