Dylan from SparkVPS sent in some very nice special offers for Christmas! They are offering KVM SSD VPS’s as well as SSD VPS Resource Pools powered by OpenVZ – and best of all, all exclusive for LowEndBox readers!
Their WHOIS is public, and you can find their ToS/Legal Docs here. They accept PayPal and Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Monero, Bitcoin Cash) as payment methods.
Here’s what they had to say:
“SparkVPS is a faster-than-SSD VPS provider. Here at SparkVPS, we specialize in providing VPS hosting. We are able to deliver unparalleled performance in the industry via our proprietary technology, which we call “MaxIO,” combined with our optimized local RAID-10 pure SSD access storage allows us to deliver VPS hosting that is twice as fast as traditional SSD VPS hosting.
Our new SSD VPS Resource Pools allow you to create VPS’s whenever you need them, and allow you to destroy them whenever you’re done with it. Within your resource pool, you are in control of how you wish to utilize your resource capacities. At the moment, customers are given the option to deploy in Dallas, Atlanta, and New York – with more locations coming soon!
In addition, we have some KVM SSD VPS offers, which support Docker, Custom Kernel Builds, and so much more!” We are sure we have the right solution for you whether you are looking for an OpenVZ or KVM based VPS solution!”
Here’s the offers:
All Orders Get One Month Free – Open A Ticket After Your Order To Claim A Free Month Extension. *
Want more free months?
Prepay 2 Years (Biennially) – Get 2 Additional Months Free *
Prepay 3 Years (Triennially) – Get 3 Additional Months Free *
* Must order on or before 12/31/2018 to be eligible for the respective bonus. Please open a support ticket after your order in order to claim your free month(s).
4x SSD VPS Pool
| 8x SSD VPS Pool
| 12x SSD VPS Pool
| 16x SSD VPS Pool
Dallas, TX, USA
Test IPv4:
Test file:
Buffalo, NY, USA
Test IPv4:
Test file:
Atlanta, GA, USA
Test IPv4:
Test file:
OpenVZ Nodes:
– Intel Xeon E3 Series Processors
– Samsung Enterprise SSD’s
– Dual/Redundant Power Supply
– 1Gbps Network Uplink
KVM Host Nodes
– Intel Dual Xeon E5 Series Processors
– 128GB DDR3 RAM
– Samsung Enterprise SSD’s
– Dual/Redundant Power Supply
– 1Gbps Network Uplink
Please let us know if you have any questions/comments and enjoy! Merry Christmas!
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I’ve been using SparkVPS for a little over three months now and have had no issues, except for one minor one, which was quickly resolved with the help of their 24/7 support. They also assisted us in installing a program, which we appreciate the help.
We now have a total of 9 sites, and 4 databases and 2 frontend apps hosted with SparkVPS and couldn’t be happier with our setup.
Cheers, Happy Hol.
Thank you Jaime, and enjoy!
Happy Holidays!
I bought a 12x VPS pool. They have a very nice interface for creating and managing the VPS instances.
Performance is excellent and what I would expect from a SSD powered platform. I am happy with my purchase!
We appreciate your business! Hope you had a good Christmas.
Merry Christmas guys, sweet deals to be had this holiday season, I’m glad Im not sleeping :) Dylan runs a tight ship, nothing but good words to say about him and his company. We have a KVM VPS with him.
Thanks Ian, it means a lot to hear this =)
If there’s anything we can ever assist you with, just let us know.
Bought a KVM deal.
Good prices!
Thank you, welcome to SparkVPS =) Happy Holidays
Bandwidth is monthly or yearly ?
The bandwidth meters resets every month =)
The VPS pools – is it basically you have that much resources to split up into a max of 8 seperate VPS’s ?
Dylan can probably answer better but yes I think that is correct. I have a 2 CPU/2G ram I use for virtualmin web hosting and the rest as single VPS’s. Only thing I found is once setup you can’t change the resources for a vps. You need to delete and then reinstall that one.
Yes, with the VPS pools you can split up the resources between multiple VPS’s, or as one large VPS.
The OpenVZ boxes support OpenVPN, FUSE and Docker kernel modules?
I have had an 8 vps pool for a couple of months now and am very happy with Spark’s service. I am getting pretty constant load times for websites via Uptime Robot and the SSD VPS’s are fast with no signs of the server’s being oversold. I moved from NFP and am very impressed.
Any idea when new orders will move on from pending? I want to use my server soon. Thanks :)
Bandwidth is for the month or year? Any top up or upgrade options if it annual?
Dylan, why the service start good and keep going bad and bad everyday ? Why do you guys don’t answer the past offer comments ? Why do you guys don’t honor your own terms of refund and keep ignoring the people who ask for ? Why do you guys keep doing this ?
Why the first comments are always “fake” with good vps/services ? Why do you guys allow this type of company to be here ? Why don’t have a minimum of decency to check their products before try to selling it ?
Is KVM support install windows 7?
Guys please pay attention DYOR before buying, just see the red flags every new offer the first posts are about how good the service is then after a little you can see the real reviews and terror history for more easy just check their old offers click on sparkvps or do a search please read careful I am just trying to find some honest company that’s all but only so many red flags and bad comments… This works for all new offers you can see here looks like the golden era of good providers are over… I have an old offer from 2014 (128mb vps) I think still up and running with +1020 days of uptime… What these new guys can’t do a little effort and make a good name in the market instead of trying to scam people who don’t care about their money and don’t care to take fight to paypal or their credit card ? I think is how they still around… I think many people don’t try to have their money back…
Thank you so much for saving me. I was gonna place a few orders
not sure why kiko has such a problem with the host.
It’s working quite good and i didn’t have any downtime; Page-loads are working fine.
the SSD is a bit on the slow-hand side, but it’s realtivly stable around 200MB/s – which is totally fine and lots more than normal OpenVZ-Systems you can buy here.
here a very small VPS from the atl datacenter, which i created 6 days ago:
Dear Zero, I don’t have any problem with anyone I just have asked a few questions if you are the luckiest guy around here with the server running without ANY downtime or ANY problem good for you but since I am started checking the old offers I can see some “default posts” with HAPPY/FAKES reviews how good the provider are and right then after a few days we can see many complains don’t you see anything in the past offer/comments from this provider ? I mean you only have one little vps from ATL (one location) or do you have already deployed in other locations and have some other reviews to share with us ? Can you give us some update after a week if possible with the other locations too ? thank you
Greetings Zero,
if you would be so kind as to tell me how you generated that chart above, I would appreciate it, even if the VPS Pool providers would hate it.
I will share similar results from my adventures in VPS pools once I have gathered them.
FYI my response times from SparkVPS VPS pool has been pretty good, and the servers have been exactly what I expected.
I have even tested running some game servers on them and they have been… acceptable, which means for general hosting they should be fine. DISCLAIMER: I have only had my pool with them since Jan 2nd 2019, but again I have moved resources from datacenter to datacenter, and each seems to be adequate.
The only downside I have had with them is that it can be difficult to deploy in ATL GA and DAL TX due to limited NODE space, but Dylan informed me they would have more servers in DAL TX this week, and sure enough I have no problems deploying there now.
Just asking the 1 questions and telling my experience,
-Thrifty Scott
I found several bench and data collectors including the one you show here:
Thank you, I will create a thread somewhere on lowendtalk with my VPS pool results from SparkVPS
Have a great day,
-Thrifty Scott
Wish I had read your response earlier Kiko…
I contact SparkVPS prior to purchasing. Dylan was quick to respond with “Feel free to give us a try, and if you are not happy within the first 3 days we will be happy to grant a full refund for you no questions asked!”
Well I ordered and cancelled in under 30 minutes…
Its been in Dec 27th and I cannot get a response from Dylan. If I open a support ticket, there Tech Support always just say it has to go to Administration.
I just opened a dispute with Paypal..
A quick refund and I would gladly walk away and say they were good to deal with. It was not what I needed but Support was good and I would try them again if their product changes or my needs change.
Not the case it would appear.. I have even waited a few extra days due to the holidays. But they have had 4 business days now to respond with nothing.
To add to my previous post. After opening the Dispute with Paypal Spark issued a refund (within the hour)..
I want to say that I should not have had to open the dispute. That said it is a busy time of year… Who knows… Thanks for the refund..
Michael, at least you have a refund but even with the holidays and so on as you say it’s at least weird because you have to open a dispute since no one can answer to you anymore right ? Where the cordial and quick answers from Dylan ? I hope you can find some good provider these days because for me it’s too hard right now.
The ToS says 48h money back guarantee (as opposed to 3 days as in the quoted message from Dylan above). So this was changed recently. One man army?
Seems to be going well. Seems stable, more so then the elastic cloud / pooled VPS service.
Control panel, VNC and server up time all 100% If it changes I will report back here.
Who are these guys in the meat world? Physical address, linkedin profile?
Well I guess since we are at about three months with this host I can give an accurate review – they kinda suck. Speeds are OK when my server is UP however the VPS is constantly going down for no reason. I have already moved my websites off of this instance because of the problems, moved all email from it and it’s basically just sitting there being unused outside of an Icecast instance that has pulled a total of 2 listeners max.
I have nine complete outages on one ticket in the past 30 days. No one apparently notices this and my server remains down until I contact them. Then it can take hours to get it back up. I think almost half the hosts here are just running on a reseller instance from colocrossing because every cheap host that is in a CC data center has had the same identical problems like they are all using the default setups and know little to nothing about how to actually operate a reliable instance.
Let’s just say this is yet another host that may only be good for some sporadic testing but not if you expect any real reliability because this problem is not getting fixed.
Just thought I would Share my experience with SparkVPS thus far. (Ordered Services January 2nd, 2019)
Just some quick background so you know where I am coming from. I am an IT Engineer and have been in the industry since the 1990’s. I have been on the Support side of the industry, so I know how to treat the support staff in a respectful manner, and understand the role of support in an organization.
I set my expectations realistically, I would never expect a discount VPS package or resource pool to run like bare metal, nor would I expect OpenVZ (Containorization/Isolation) to perform like KVM or any other true virtualization technology. I also understand the limitations of OpenVZ such as not being able to manipulate the kernel, and oddities like symbolic links getting broken due to deep paths.
This is the first provider I have purchased a resource pool from, but not the only company I have purchased from. (I now have both SparkVPS and NFP Hosting, and I have interacted with HostMyBytes) I have also used standalone VPS’s from both large and small providers.
I purchased the 16x SSD VPS Pool for $120 Annually, so my initial expectations were low to medium.
(see my experience with my second VPS Pool Provider HostMyByte, Short Story, they failed
LINK: https://lowendbox.com/blog/hostmybytes-global-pooled-vps-in-los-angeles-chicago-uk-starting-at-2-vps-for-1-50-month/ )
1: Communication, This is the most important thing in the world to me. ( 8/10 )
A: Has email support +1 (have to start somewhere)
B: Support replies to opened tickets in a reasonable amount of time +1
C: Support is able to troubleshoot and resolve issues. +1
D: Support Communicated with me through the whole ticket process. +1
E: Support confirmed with me that my issue was resolved before closing ticket. +1
F: Pre-Sales replied to opened tickets. +1
G: Billing replies to open tickets. +1
H: Management replies to tickets when engaged +1
I: Has livechat support, not required but nice. +0
J: Has live phone support, not required but nice. +0
2: Usability: How I felt about the interface and user experience.(Subjective: 7/10)
A: They use SolusVM, this has an user-friendly interface.
B: The creation and destruction of instances is easy to understand.
C: Used and free resources are clearly displayed.
D: I was able to spin up instances in all advertised Data Centers.
( Partial Points: I was not able to at first, but I was promised more nodes were being added the following week, and they were. Bonus Point: They made a commitment, and followed through)
E: I was able to add/remove resources from deployed instances.
( Partial Points: You can not remove IP Address from deployed instances. I can do this at my other VPS Pool Provider using Virtualizor )
F: IP Black List, I did not find any of the IP’s I received on any blacklist.
(Important for mail servers)
3: Performance: This is more subjective and I will grade based on benchmarks, stability, connectivity. (Subjective: On this I give them a 7/10)
( Testing Tools: bench.sh, Busylog VPS Benchmark, UnixBench, Speedtest-cli, MTR, Rust Dedicated server)
( I test each created instance for 24 hours before determining if I use it or not)
A: All instances I spun up showed adequate performance for my needs, and in some cases exceeded expectations.
( I sometimes use game servers to gauge performance as they show system stalls and hitches better than static benchmarks, I did not expect any instance to be able to run a Rust dedicated server decently, I was surprised when some of my instances performed admirably. Bonus Point)
B: When I had performance related issues, Support resolved the issue.
C: Network speeds were solid both up and down stream.
D: Disk Subsystem: was hit or miss depending on the NODE but was mostly adequate.
( When I did have disk performance issues, Support resolved the issue )
E: Processor Performance: I will admit is was a little hit or miss based on a per node experience, but I found it easy to find a node that performed to my needs.
Please remember I went into this with medium to low expectations based on the offering, price, and some of the reviews on this site. Overall I would say SparkVPS exceeded my initial expections and I have been happy with the solid communication with them. I am not saying they are perfect, but I did not go into this expecting to really be able to use the service for much more than testing. I personally have ZERO reservations running my Mail/DNS/WEB, Small Private Asterisk PBX Server, NextCloud, or even a small private game server with them.
For the resource pool I got for $120/yr, I am happy with my service even if I had to NODE hop a bit to find the performance I wanted for each use case.
I am open to request for my test results. Please remember this based on a snapshot in time, so please take note of the date of this posting. I will update if my impressions change.
Thank you,
-Thrifty Scott
Beware. I took a 6GB VPS from them.
Most of the time it is suspended. Now down for last 10 days.
This despite nothing in production usage. This was just for a trial.
They just said suspend for high CPU usage. When i showed them hetrix tools chart, they had no answer.
Now they haven’t replied Further more they don’t even reply to tickets. Ticket opened for 10 days now
Complete Fraud. Screenshot of their ticket attached
Exactly same story here!
Is no one else out of their Atlanta farm getting daily downtime for a significant duration (which seems to correspond with their website being down as well)?
Greetings schylow,
I have 2 intsances out of ATL GA, on nodes :ATLOVZSSD1, ATLOVZSSD2, both of my instances seem to have been fine, though I have been testing on different instances.
I have services on both running, but the load is light.
Which node are you having trouble with? (Find your instance node in the detail screen of your instance listed as:
Nodename {location}OVZSSD{node number}
I have a resource pool so you may not see what I do in Solus
Maybe open a support ticket about your instance, and see what they say. They have been pretty responsive to my tickets, and have helped with an instance that was running subpar because the host node had an issue.
Good Luck and have a great day,
-Thrifty Scott
I have enjoyed using SparksVPS for over a month without any issues. I like the self service provisioning through their VPS Pool offers. They have a good dashboard where you can monitor your resource usage. In all I am very pleased with the service and performance and have purchased 2 of the 16x SSD VPS Pool.
Ordered one week ago. Got my access to the interface but the server is offline all the time and I can’t put it online. No responses to my tickets at all . Very disappointing. Wasted money.
Seems Spark is down at the moment? Can’t manage my pool on their site and seems my VPS’s are down as well. What Gives?
Have been using sparkvps for past few months. Service is very unreliable.
Servers are way overloaded. Do your self a favour please do not buy any service from these guys.
My sites are down almost daily.
I have used a spark 8vps pool for 2 months now and after a good first few days, the service is totally oversold. Weeks of support tickets of very high external load on the node at the same time of the day produced cut and paste “check now” responses. I did a lot of monitoring of my vps’s and the problem is their overloaded selling of vps’s. their final comment was “you should look at a KVM”. So they admitted their servers was unusable for a couple of webpages with 0-10 visits per day and they were deceiving their customers. Sparkvps is a company to be avoided, don’t waste your time and money. The worst provider I have ever used.
Ditto. Regret the $39.00 I threw out the window. While they’re fairly quick to respond to emails, nothing they are doing is resolving the downtime and lack of performance. Responses are generally cookie cutter and never address the underlying issues. Becoming a great frustration. I signed on for their 4 VPS pool and rarely can I do much of anything with them. Wondering if I can just cancel and get a refund from Paypal, spend my money elsewhere. Back-end is obviously colocrossing.
Hey guys. I have same situation here and paypal declined my refund. Let’s combine and claim a refund in paypal together – these scammers deserves to be punished
Nice idea but I am not sure it is going to work. In is in the terms that there are no refunds after 2 days (or was it 3) and Paypal are not going to even look at a claim, they care about as much as the Sparkvps scammers. I have basically stopped using my pool and have written off the $59. Put it down to experience. The best thing we can do is leave bad feedback when ever Spark put an offer on Lowendbox and warn other people. So where did I end up, I went back to Alpharacks after years of not using them and got a 2Gb KVM. I have not had any downtime for my webserver since then. Alpharacks are not that great and their standard vps’s and hosting service are unreliable but they seem to have a pretty big customer base and the KVM is working so far. I could had got a KVM with Spark but I would never give these cowboys any more money. Once again I advise DO NOT USE Sparkvps.
I had tired while use your service. My vps usually suspended, but I use very little
I have used his services a few months ago for 2 packages. In general, I am satisfied with the service.
But there is one vps from the 8GB RAM pool package that has a problem. This vps is online but cannot be accessed either through ssh or http. And smoothly run when accessed using ssh via the console path from the control panel.
This Vps IP can only be accessed via the Sparkvps local network. can not be accessed from outside. even when ssh via the ping console google.com failed.
And unfortunately sparkvps support failed to understand this problem. This vps repeatedly experiences the same thing. days inaccessible … And support thinks it’s fine.
BEWARE! This “company” is worst scammers i ever seen.
ATTENTION! They will lie you from the start – their support is fake.
WARNING! They will not return you a money. You will definitely lose your money due to terrible service!
Evidences – https://imgur.com/a/FCtF0vR
Terrible Service. Total Garbage. I raised multiple tickets and their Anthony Bradshaw guy responds with 4 word sentences every day. They cancelled my subscription and no refund yet.