Manuel from domVPS emailed me their new LowEndBox promo code and some updates. They’ve got a new website, and are offering a better deal than last time. Promo code LEB15 gives you 15% off recurring discount on their VPS plans. “domBASIC 256” is now £3.83/month (~USD$6.23) after the discount. Here is the direct sign up link, which goes to their WHMCS at
- 256MB guaranteed/512MB burstable memory
- 40GB storage
- 250GB/month data transfer at 50Mbps
- 1x IPv4 + 10x IPv6
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
Only PayPal is offered. Servers in France with OVH. Some very vague ToS & SLA. Ran by 16 year old Cameron in UK, i.e. don’t expect dealing with a registered business entity here. No1Servers (the parent hosting site) is also heavily focused on SA-MP hosting, i.e. the gamer kind.
In my last domVPS post, both “Sam” and “Christopher” have also defended Cameron’s age by saying we should not judge someone’s ability by how young they are. True. I guess I just want to say — when I am picking a hosting company, owner’s technical ability is only a small part of equation. Mental maturity? Registered company that’s hopefully insured for public/product liability? Aiming for longevity of the business rather than quick growth and quick sales?
Although I’m not saying the non-teens are better. Heaps of grown-up scammers leaving their sinking boats in the dead pool here…
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France, I don‘t like it.
Thats a bit.. racist
More bigoted than racist I would think. Of course here in the US, we had our Freedom Fries.
I don’t know if I would have a box though in a OVH datacenter. Just feel kind of dirty with them being the home of all those seedboxes. I would have to wonder what would happen if the French government started paying attention to what they were doing over there.
Can’t believe I just had to link to NPR. Now I feel dirty.
No, because I’m a Chinese adsense. France, it’s too far. Speed is slow, so, I’m more like the United States. Especially in the west.
Opposite for me, Europe to the West US is pretty poor.
Yes, West Coast is pretty bad for us in Europe :S
OVH has nice connections to the UK, so thumbs up for me :)
I still had this post in my mind! Our next node is going to be located in the US. Where exactly is yet to be decided.
I’m not gonna trust a 16 year old with my financial details. And when school comes to bite him in the ass, I’m sure he’ll abandon the project.
I’ll maybe wait a few years to consider this. Though good for him for learning to set up such a big operation.
He uses PayPal, so he won’t even get them.
Lot’s of kids broke up school after 16 in Britan. So probabbly he’s no more a student.
Aren’t they all rioting in the streets right now anyway?
Haha, lol yeah
I’ll give this a try, will post disk I/O speedtest etc asap
Haha, you’re right @drmike :D
DRMIKE Can i riot outside your door?
@DrMike, we have a name for them. Chav, their the part of the population with a small amount of brain cells.
They are protesting a corrupt tory goverment.. and corrupt police force
And in meantime make some profit, a? :) Great way to protest!
Thing is most people do not look at both sides. Britain is a police state, Police get away with murder ( Ref. Ian Tomlinson/mark duggan) Obviously violence is bad but its the only way these scumbag tory’s will see it.
Police state? Every country have it’s own issues with government, etc… but it seems like you have no clue how good you live there… when even a protest can turn into a profit. In most others countries it cannot.
And don’t get me wrong, I don’t sympathize with your government, etc.. far from that but mass robbery is not a protesting. It’s making a profit.
I’m not new to this operation, I have had No1Servers for over two years (3 years in September) Providing Game Servers and Web Hosting to many happy customers.
“I’m not gonna trust a 16 year old with my financial details.”
I fully understand your mistrust and prejudice – it’s all about your choice whether you do want to order from us or not.
Kind regards,
Cameron Banfield
I’m sorry if I have offended you, but I’m just saying that at your age, things change rapidly. I’m sure you’re very skilled and have strong business experience. But at 16, we are constantly dropping things and making changes to our lives; that’s just a part of human nature that everyone experiences at that age that isn’t very conducive to creating a long term business IMO. Why I am saying this is that I am looking for a service that will be in it for the long run.
Anyways, best of luck.
Bought the VPS, Instant setup
When i got to the PayPal payment gateway it doesn’t show a company name but an email adress
Anyway, here are the test results:
Disk I/O
“Ran by 16 year old Cameron in UK, i.e. don’t expect dealing with a registered business entity here.”
So why would you expect any company names?
Coz i’m also 16 :)
When i would setup a company, i would do that
If its running at 50Mbps, then why is it downloading at 30 megabytes?
Hmmm :D i don’t know :P
Although, It has better speeds (30mb/s) then the VPS i got @ ZazoomVPS :)
Now that is funny!
Here is the IP of my server:
Will stay for 1 month, i won’t use the server
Just bought it for testing
And here is a speedtest:
Decided to give my VPS away!
Is maybe a registered company? I’m wondering if it’s a dba. Maybe the parents own that and this is a split off of that.
you can start a limited company in the uk at 16…
Doesn’t one need to be at least 18 years old to create a Paypal account?
Yes, you need to be 18 however I think PayPal gives everyone an account with a debit card or bank account. And there are lot of people using PayPal who are under 18.
The minimum age at which most banks can give a debit card (if you ask) is 13, however you can’t go overdrawn, and you have spending limits (which can be raised).
in the UK.
Seriously? I am 13 exactly. And I am in the UK but I wouldnt hook my debit card anyway.
I thought it was 13 for a card that you can use at an ATM but its 15 or 16 for a debit card that you can hook upto PayPal.
This kid Cameron is a scammer. He’s opened many VPS before and all have closed down. I used to chat with him regularly on MSN and he’d tell me how stupid his customers were. Example someone would buy a machine off him and then he’d tell them there is a delay in order for him to buy it cheaper from an EU company.
His hosted ended up closing down. Took everyone’s money. Claimed he sent emails telling people to back up (he didn’t) and then shut down. BEWARE!
Hello David,
You must be confused with another Cameron. I have never provided Virtual Servers before and have never closed any of my hosting projects down. Secondly, I do not scam any clients or potential customers – and certainly do not participate in call my clients stupid!
We also do not re-sell Virtual Servers from other company’s – we have our own nodes providing reliable, quality and reasonably priced Virtual Servers.
As you stated “His hosted ended up closing down. Took everyone’s money. Claimed he sent emails telling people to back up (he didn’t) and then shut down.” As I previously stated – I have never closed any of my hosting projects and certainly have never taken clients money without providing the service they are paying for.
I don’t know where you have got any of this information from – personally I believe you are confusing me with another person as I have never undertaken any of the actions as you described.
Kind regards,
Cameron Banfield
domVPS expands to the Netherlands. We now also offer VPSs at the same prices in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Do not hesitate to contact our Live Support for Pre-Sale Questions!