Travis from EdgeVPS has been quite persistent to get this deal up so here we go. Use promo code LEB5DOLLARSOFF to get $5 off recurring discount on their “Student” package, bringing the price down to $5/month. Direct ordering link.
- 512MB guaranteed/768MB burstable memory
- 10GB storage
- 500GB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
In the WHMCS ordering form you get to choose between “North Carolina” and “Chicago”. NC location would be in Asheville with Netriplex, and Latisys for Chicago. They had a website revamp since their last post. I was in the picky mode last month so go and read that for some background checks. They do aspire to be the next BuyVM though…
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Hey guys, Just so you know we also let you use this code on any of these plans also:
Minecraft USA & France:
10,15,20,25,30 Player Plans
Also thanks again LEB Admin for getting this up :)
test ip please.
Their main site seems to be on a shared hosting account with
Any reason you don’t have your own VPS at least for your site? Or at least a dedicated IP address so that you could at least put SSL on your order pages?
It’s considered normal to do such in this industry. That way if the provider’s servers go down, clients still have a method of contacting them and the provider has a method of updating their clients.
At least in theory. providers providing information seems to be an issue with some around here.
For reference, while my servers are located here in Charlotte, NC, the support forums, the support tickets and tracking is located off site on two VPSes, one in Texas and the other on Long Island. Secondary and tridary (How ever you spell it) DNS is located offsite as well.
I’ve been using Linode for redundant DNS, simple and extremely redundant due to world wide servers they use for it.
Shouldn’t any “serious” hosting provider have their main website on site, have a full redundant setup elsewhere to provide HA, utilising DNS failover, and reporting their status on Twitter? Problem with choosing a shared account elsewhere is, they are not guaranteed to be more stable.
Well that’s taking it an extra step as you’ve got both setups, local and backup offsite.
@drmike – I totally agree with having the main website (which houses support etc) hosted off-site and with a completely separate provider. What I don’t think is right is to have your main site on a SHARED hosting service.
Surely any serious provider would have their main site on something they have a little more control over, especially when it comes to things like security. Having 400+ other sites sharing the same server as your host means 400x more likely for their database to be compromised (well not exactly but you get the picture).
Hence you’d expect them to at least have a VPS? Maybe I just expect too much?
Currently we are using them as its just easier for us, and it also provides great redundancy for our site and we also get lightspeed for free out of it.
This also allows our billing center to have R1Soft backups made every minute, meaning if we notice a glitch we can restore to the exact minute before it happened.
I personally used HawkHost as from what I hear they have great uptime, I would use a VPS but I prefer to use cPanel for the mailing ect.
Lightspeed is over hyped trash that is no faster then a properly configured apache 2.2.x, even slower on multi-core configurations. You can get a VPS, cPanel from a partner NOC is $7-15, not very excessive if it is your business site, some of them even offer WHMCS at deeply discounted rates. Add in SSL for the sitre and SSL for SolusVM.
Or we can spend out money wisely and bring the discounts to the customers.
I would rather see the main site somewhere else, but not on a shared hosting account.
*aspire !inspire
You been drinkin’ again?
Ha yeah fixed that. One of those wee-hour post again.
We have currently closed orders to North Carolina for now due to a lot of sales on it, and to keep it at a good ram usage amount we want to make sure about not overloading it :)
As soon as North Carolina is able to supply more orders it will be back on the ordering form.
No offense but the reason behind that must be different. I doubt you got “a lot” of sales and stop trying to be like BuyVM…
BuyVM wanna bes that failed or has complaints:
And much more…
Yes we did get a lot not just from here, we have performed some clean up and now we have more stock in north Carolina.
Im pretty certain Vazapi is still going just fine, I have a VPS there…..
We all know you used to work there Jason.
Lulz :)
I didn’t know! :P
waiting enable my tun/tap…..!!!!
I just received a reply from support,tun/tap vps has been actived but after I check tun/tap not yet active… why support has not lied :(
What makes you say it has not been enabled? If you are checking using ifconfig you will not see a tun interface until you get it all set up.
Try running
cat /dev/net/tun
if it is enabled you should getcat: /dev/net/tun: File descriptor in bad state
yes I know sir, I try command “cat /dev/net/tun” on root and I get message “cat: /dev/net/tun: No such device” :(
Just drop them another ticket asking them to check they have enabled it. Include the output above (no such device). Probably just a mistake at their end.
This issue should be resolved for you, we deeply apologize.
it was worked…thanks ;)
No problem you have a great day, and thanks for choosing EdgeVPS :)
No TOS, No AUP, No Privacy Policy, No contactinfo page for offline communication, seems it’s too risky to choose this one anyway. – You agree to it when you are on the order page. – You can contact us when we are offline there.
I assure you were not risky at all.
Have to admit that I agree with Notice. Those links should be somewhere on the site, not being given out by staff when asked for on a third party site. Makes it look like you’ve got something to hide.
As an aside, I’m glad that you require your VPS’s to be “used for lawful purposes only” as it’s important. I do hope you’ll mention what laws you’re following as there’s no mention of it in the ToS.
Fix the typos and the charset issues too please.
Out of stock so I guess it’s all moot anyway:!/edgevps/status/79594696887906304
Our TOS link acually dropped during the site change I will make sure to add it back, and then the ticket link is right in the client area.
What do we have to hide?
Also the terms of service you get while your signing up.
Just ordered a Student package with discount. I have to say it’s a GOOD experience for following reason:
1. Very short setup time. My VPS was ready in 2 minutes after my order was confirmed;
2. Easy to re-install OS. It should not be a big obstacle for VPS. But it’s not supported well by a couple of vps provider.
3. The network condition is not bad.
4. The price ;)
Congratulations EdgeVPS, you guys have done a good job.
I’m not sure if I can stay with $5/month, if yes, I have no reason to switch to other providers in following years, I guess.
More promo codes, I’ll introduce your VPS to my friends. :D
Our stock is open for plans up to 2GB in North Carolina.
Ordered a Student package and we had some technical differences and I couldn’t wait until they got fixed that issue (ordered another VPS somewhere else) – but everything (beside that issue) worked fine (system was stable and fast) and also got refund instantly – so, would try again if I have some more time :)