Here is another company getting their gears up ready for the summer, and coming to LowEndBox asking us to help them off-load some stocks! Brandon from eNetSouth has released some LowEndBox-exclusive offers. Here are the deals:
- LEBeVZ768 — Sign up links for San Jose CA (test IP: or Chicago IL (test IP:
- 768MB memory
- 20GB storage
- 1000GB/month data transfer
- $7/month
- LEBeVZ200 — Sign up link for Birmingham AL (test IP:
- 200MB guaranteed/256MB burstable memory
- 20GB storage
- 650GB/month data transfer
- $26/year
- LEBeVZ160 — Sign up link for Birmingham AL (test IP:
- 160MB guaranteed/256MB burstable memory
- 15GB storage
- 500GB/month data transfer
- $23/year
San Jose VPS also comes with 2x IPv6. They are also giving away an iPod Nano and free 6 months VPS hosting at their summer away promotion. I must say that Brandon has done a great job this year in their previous offer. You can also vote them in our current top provider poll here. They have also been testing Xen HVM and KVM VPS — hopefully we will see them next month.
Disclaimer: is hosted on a VMWare VPS provided by eNSCloud.
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Damn it! I just signed up with ramhost and Hostrail
Chicago? Birminghan? Is the same location o_O?
Also, about your disclaimer, enetcloud is an indian company….
LOL i want to comment it too, but you already did that.. hahaha
LEA is a traitor xD
Birmingham AL -> Alabama
Yes, I mean
Omg, nevermind, I read the whole thread u_u This just needs a new tag for Alabama :P
There are many places which name is Birmingham.
Argh. Looks like a popular name for places….
LOL. All those companies with similar sounding names…
No comment. Dissapointed.
That is very bad I/O
I agree. I had some issues with new nodes but they are resolved now. Just bad timing on special day. ;)
I guess Ikocka’s post was queued or something. This was made earlier this morning. We had a problem with a new node that is in the process of getting resolved. Actually two nodes that now do not any customers on them (moved them off to others) will be reloaded and put back out. The poor I/O performance was that bad with only 3 customers on the node.
I call it leftovers from KVM testing.
Brandon dealt with the issue professionally. I was temporary moved to a node with 30 MB I/O and now waiting to get a VPS on new node which is being reloaded. Will update you once I get new VPS.
When you get a free moment – check my last update in the ticket.
The link of “our current top provider poll…” should be, instead of lowendbox :P
Brandon, you’re on a roll… you said June would be a hot month, and it is thus far…
Hi, I’ve been wondering around the site for ages, tempted to get myself a LEB. Finally bit the bullet and decided to go with ENetSouth – right off the bat, I’m impressed. Quick and easy setup, absolutely amazing value for money and support is top-notch – outstanding response time!
Like all beginners still very much wet behind the ears, I got stuck on my VPS! But you know it’s okay because I sent a ticket 10mins ago and it was resolved 5mins later and now here I am willing to spread the good word.
If you are like me, daring to tread into the wonderful world of VPS’ after years of shared hosting, you can not go wrong with ENetSouth.
Go for it.
Any chance someone knows when eNS will provide KVM hosting to the public?
Brandon, I’m tempted to give you another shot.
I ran into some issues during the past 2 months with them, specifically related to their NOC, but Brandon resolved them to my expectations. ;) He seems like a good guy, and seems to care about the satisfaction of his clients.
Based on the positive reviews I’ve been reading over the past couple days, if you’re up for it Brandon, fire off an email to me with what price you can do for a 512MB cPanel box.
Thank you Brennan. Means a lot for the second chance!
I will email you later tonight.
Brandon Crawford
I feel I was a bit harsh, and all I’ve seen are positive reviews, so I figure it was an unfortunate coincidence — thanks for the opportunity.
And you were rightfully so.. We will win you over this go around. ;)
Thank you as well!
brandon. gonna take 2 tb bandwidth 128 mb ram 5gb disk. pls reply
I looked for a email from you requesting this. Unless I’m loosing my mind (very possible) I can’t find it. When we colo or rent servers we get x-amount of TB a month.. If a customer is going to need 100% every month we need to order more from the DC to prevent overages. If you want to cover that at cost then send me a email and we will provide it for you.
Any reason why LowEndTalk is down?
VPS seems to be online, however there is an error with nginx.
I noticed that, seems to be running again now.
This was thrown out in syslog around 12:30 CDT today:
It’s sitting around 2.3Ghz 100% CPU since that time — It’s doing something — just don’t know what. I thought about giving it a reboot for him but would rather hear from LEA about it.
Yeah there’s a known issue with OSQA which generates some idiotic SQL that causes MySQL to go 100% at times. Due to ORM (arghhhh! much prefer straight SQL) it is actually a bit hard to track down where this is generated.
I might need to spend some time looking at the code. Except I have no time…
You know what I say? Overcome it with brute force.. Would 4 to 6ghz make that 100% not last as long? hehe ;)
Seriously though if you need some more juice drop me a email and I will hook you up.
Nope. Never overcome bad queries with brute force :) It’s just going to get uglier later on. I’ll take a look at the site over the weekend. Most likely just disable the places that causes bad queries.
Anyway. Looks like clicking on “Hottest” on the home page actually does not sort the questions by their hotness. Rather it means running the CPU to the hottest. I am disabling that for now and see how it goes.
Note to self.. Offer hosting to LEA for load testing of servers. ;)
iKocka requested the $7.00 plan in Birmingham, AL. I created it and offered it. If anyone else wants the same plan as Chicago, IL and San Jose, CA in the South East (Atlanta, GA peered) here is the direct link:
The gold standard LEB test on the BHM OpenVZ node. This is with load.
Gold standard haha. Slap that hard disks!!
I am starting to hate it… xD
It really shows that there is a issue somewhere if applied correctly. I think 8 times out of 10 a bad result is simply too many instances hitting the drives at once. But not always.. Other times though it can be the system as a whole is just to loaded. I’ve seen host nodes on the VMware side of things where most of the traffic is network and most of the instances are just eating RAM and PROC cycles (ie: Proxys, Routers, VPN) and there is not much disk I/O to be seen and it takes a hit.
Another problem I don’t think some have looked at is if the provider is selling CPU slices based on hyperthreads. VMware is bad about committing CPU based on total cores and their threads. So if you have a single proc with 4 cores @ 2.0GHZ but each core is hyperthreaded it thinks it has not 8Ghz but 12Ghz to allocate. Once you get over ~7.5Ghz total CPU and into the HT it falls face first in the pit of no performance.
I disable HT in the bios on every machine we have with a proc that supports it and just run off the cores. Much safer.
Also, it seems the load calculation is a little bit weird in Vmware. Sometimes I see some processes running and using cpu, but my load stays about 0. In other configurations surely gets rised.
Eh Brandon, I’d love to get a price in my inbox tonight & have it paid for and setup by tomorrow :) I’m leaving tomorrow for the weekend and it’d be nice to get my domains pointed to it and ready for when I get back.
I’m trying but your driving some hard bargins. I’m not even going to respect myself in the morning. ;)
Ahaha, I’ve got to try :P
I feel abused…. abused.. ;)
You’re fun to bargain with ;) Although you won’t stretch it haha :(
I’m just wondering if you will even buy me breakfast in the morning.. Check your email. Thats the best I can do. ;)
Have you hit send yet? :P My inbox is empty
Just get the San Jose link in the offer posted here.. I will handle the rest in WMHCS.
Done. Surprise me, haha.
Just waiting on the “Setup Sucessful email” from WHMCS. ;)
Open a ticket and tell me what port you want SSH on.. I will take care of securing the server and installing cPanel.
I didn’t pay for it yet, I figured you were going to adjust the invoice to include cPanel and the stuff we discussed… :P Would that be why you still havent gotten a Setup Sucessful email?
That would be it.. I trust you. Just handle that one outstanding because I’m lazy I want it to setup the server auto-style and I will edit the billing for the extras later.
Kk, you’ll have to email me & remind me later. I feel like I’m spamming these comments. Sorry LEA :/
He will forgive us for his CPU abuse over the past 12 hours. ;) (JK LEA)
OK — I see it. Open a ticket with what port you want SSHD to answer on.. and I’m doing the rest.
San Jose, CA
Chicago, IL
Birmingham, AL
San Jose for me:
Hi Brandon! A
Of your LEBeVZ768 plan please?
Sure, I think your on our VMware in SJC correct? Here is our node we are selling off of in SJC currently. Which is ovz4. It’s the new Sandy Bridge setup. ( link to Intel: )
This would show 8 but I don’t use HyperThreading .. just plain cores.
Ya know come to think about it I should have promoted the fact our new SJC nodes are Sandy Bridge.. which clock for clock is almost 17% faster than Lynnfield “Nehalem” processors.. Darn. ;)
It is almost 50% faster then the X34xx series :)
Thanks Brandon, but I mean, I get access to all these cores in the Leb768 plan?
And yes, I have a VMware with you in SJC :P
Yeah :)
Damn iKocka xD Seems pretty interesting… maybe I will take a month of this the next week :P
This is true. I must admit though the X34xx series are troopers. They have served us well. We have several of those in use currently.
This is ovz2. Which is at max capacity. It’s the one that Vedran is on.
Is something going on somewhere that I don’t know about? We have had more signups this evening alone than the whole time this offer has been up.
Is someone big down or going out?
HostRail is on its way out… people are probably racing to replace their services with them as quickly possible.. maybe your getting some of that traffic.
Thanks TLB.. I got a email from a current customer that told me the same thing.
If that is truly the case then any one who shows me proof they are coming here from that host I will cover their second month of service personally out of my pocket here at eNetSouth. I will let this offer stand from now till July 1st.
email me – brandonc [at]
In what offer do you will apply this? n_n I am getting more interest….
Everybody is fighting for the hostrail customers :D
Yeah, 60% price increase.
I have a box there, excellent uptime (50+ days after MY restart) but it’s unfortunate they’re going down… Even though it’s only $1 difference, I have a feeling a lot of big customers will move, and overcrowding will take place at the very least.
Brandon should accommodate you guys nicely :P Check your inbox in a few minutes btw. This comment reminded me.
(That’s $1 difference to me, but it’s a LOT more for those who pay more — I sort of worded that weirdly)
Agreed. You can’t just up costs on customers in a few day “pay it or leave” situation. In any business that is a problem.
ovz6 is brand new and has 0 customers on it as of right now so we have room.
I had requests via email to do this – Just added:
$3.50 month / $10.25 3 months / $19.25 6 months
Chicago, IL:
Birmingham, AL:
Did you get my email earlier? :P
Yes – Working on a reply to it now.
Awesome :D
…and Yomero, of course he is, I’ve haggled him down so much he’s got to work for every dollar so he can have breakfast tomorrow :P
LOL breakfast hahaha xDDDDDDD
Damn Brandon! You are working HARD!!!! =)
So goes the life of trying to conqueror the world a few dollars at a time. ;)
More like a few cents when i’m around ;)
@Brennan — you might want to write a blog post “How to haggle with low end providers to squeeze them dry” :) I am sure no other providers would want to be featured here anymore.
Don’t worry, I’m already on page 2 of the eBook ;) Haha
*Todo list 6/27/11*
1) Randomly pause Yomero’s VM when seeing usage.
2) ..
3) ???
4) profit!
5) listen to yomero fuuuuuuu on LEB
Hi Fran .. Somewhere between 1 and 100 there has to be some sleep. Let me know when you find a number to put that by. ;)
The cries from yomero are like a lullaby~
208 sounds like a good number Brandon
Of course if you had it your way: We would be building servers for you all night.. *whipcrack* build faster!! Cheaper! NOW!
If I had it my way the whip I was cracking would be included in the penny profit you’re making :(
LOOOOL What is going on here?? I am getting scared xDDD
And don’t pause my VM u_u I was just moving files from hostfail and getting my kernel messed up xD
By the time you read this “all your server are belong to us”. Worried yet? ;)
Yes, I am… :S
I am more sad now… hostrail… curlhost… now Brandon? this will kill me u_u
I give up. ;)
Now your worrying me man.. ;)
@Yomero — Just means you can buy more from us right?
Yes I’m on it xD probably will need it, probably not. But I am considering several Chicago offers :P
What’s with my ticket regarding rDNS? Also I/O is getting slower :P
I will see what the deal is on rDNS. We have a lot of new clients servers coming online right now so it will settle down. If the load increases much more over where it is then I will put OVZ6 in the pool. It’s just sitting there with nothing on it ready to go.
Are you able to set rDNS or not?
is there something wrong in whcms? i didn’t received any email for welcome/payment confirmation/server details.
I already got the server details/solus login from my client area.
and no reply for my ticket 10 hrs had passed.
More so than not and I can’t figure out why WHMCS will not send emails. I can go back around a 1hr after a account is created and force a send — otherwise it just will not do it.
We have been working on this over a month now.
Anyways – I’m looking at your ticket.
Brandon, I’ve the same issue as blarehead. Additionally, my ticket #165503 has been open for almost a week and I haven’t received any type of response.
All fixed now, thanks Brandon.
Thank you Brandon. [solved]
Thank you sir!
Hey Brandon,
Could you please check ticket #814856.
It’s kinda urgent for me and will only take you a second to do.
dude pls enable my tuntap.. its disabled for weeks.. pls i need it asap
Then why did you not say anything for weeks? ;)
I disabled it and reenabled inside SolusVM. The OpenVZ node in San Jose was powered off and back on last night because of power company changes at that data center and I had to “modprobe tun” on the node. Even though I have that set to load at startup it did not so I will find out why.
Anyways – you should be good to go now.
As a side note “Phase II” of the power changes is scheduled for tomorrow July 4th at that DC – From what I am understanding it will only be a issue with their network gear and not affect server power sources like it did last night/this morning.
The datacenter changes power companies so it has to power everything off? What kind of datacenter is this??? No UPS, no generators?
I’m not their electrical engineer so I can’t answer that. Since you are hinting we host out of a 2bit datacenter then why don’t you call 8×8 and ask them if you are so concerned?
Their number is listed in page above.
Another question for you since we are on the subject.. How many publicly traded fortune 500 companies do you host with?
why don’t you guys just enable tun/tap automatically upon activation of the vps?
its a hassle to wait it get activated
Hi Brandon, before I proceed to order, is it possible for you to put a 10MB test file on a San Jose server and a Birmingham server so my remote colleague and I can test download speed from these servers? Just trying not to bump into another VPS with poor download speed from China like a VPS I have in South Bend :)
Thank you.
Can you try ? $ wget
post the result ty
Is it possible to have one of those lower offers (23$ or 26$) in San Jose?
I need a VPS to use as my own VPN (max two users and probably not at the same time) and because I’m in Asia at the moment, I guess US West Coast would be great!