Ryan, from evoBurst, has sent in these offers from his three brands: NanoVZ (IPv4-NAT VPS with low resources), MegaVZ (IPv4-NAT VPS with high resources), and BudgetVZ (IPv4 VPS with low or high resources). These are all paid annually. The MegaVZ1024 (listed after you click ‘Read more’) even has an exclusive discount.
| BVZ1024
More offers inside!
evoBurst is a registered company in Australia and has been registered since October 2014. They’ve quickly gained quite some following and attention with their amazing offers. I can even attest to the quality of BudgetVZ as I quite happily use one of those machines myself for VPS and it’s rock-solid. The locations vary between the brands, as do the IPv6 subnet allocations, and the host nodes. All nodes have at least RAID1, some may have RAID10, and a 1Gbps uplink. More information on this is inside. There are special bundles which can get you multiple machines for a lower price, for example: 5x NANO128 would normally cost €15/year, but as a bundle it will cost you €10/year! How’s that for a discount! As always, please share your experiences with these guys in the comments.
| BVZ512
Payments are accepted via PayPal, Stripe, or Bitcoin (Bitpay). There are a lot more offers available on their website that fall within the LowEnd price-range so be sure to check that out. Before you order, please read the Terms of Service (they are the same for all the brands as far as I know).
IPv6 subnet size
DE: /64
NC: /64
FR: /80
LA: /80
KC: /80
Network information
Dacentec – Lenoir, North Carolina, USA
NanoVZ and MegaVZ only
Test IPv4:
Test IPv6: 2607:5600::c7bf:385a
QuadraNet – Los Angeles, California, USA
NanoVZ and MegaVZ only
Test IPv4:
Test IPv6: 2607:fcd0:0:a::2
ProviderService – Dusseldorf, Germany
NanoVZ and MegaVZ only
Test IPv4:
Test IPv6: 2a02:e00:ffff:56:ffff:ffff:12a7:8cef
Datashack – Kansas City, Missouri, USA
NanoVZ and MegaVZ only
Test IPv4:
Test IPv6: 2604:4300:a:1:c000::1
OVH – Roubaix, France
NanoVZ and MegaVZ only
Test IPv4:
Test IPv6: 2001:41d0:2:876a::1
QuickPacket – Atlanta, Georgia, USA
BudgetVZ only
Test IPv4:
Test IPv6: 2607:3f00:1:100::2
Incero – Seattle, Washington, USA
BudgetVZ only
Test IPv4:
Test IPv6: 2604:880:8:2::2
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Thankyou very much Maarten for posting this one :)
Also thankyou for your kind words about our service.
Your company does not provide a “service”.
Your company is terrible. It offers bottom of the barrel quality.
Any proof of these accusations? There is only i think 4 Jason’s on our Billing system and only one had their service suspended for a very legitimate reason. So, would you mind ticketing in.
Do not say there is no evidence , I am your users , as your server migration and migration control panel cause I was unable to use the control panel to redo the system , because of language discrepancies , the expression may be unclear , customers no reason to suspend my service , service attitude is very little bad , we should stay away from , so do not choose junk business
yes, suspended issue correct this firm first allowe , card sharing in mega server , than i buy 1 year , 5vps, after 3 month all suspendedd
yes this is true. A terrible service! Server changed IP/Ports constantly without notification, account site not available, Staff is extremly unfriendly and not willing to help a bit!
Setup server has been clean and fast lighting, just seconds.And 1Gbps uplink is just amazing with aprox. 62,5 MB/s as vhwinfo says:
wget –no-check-certificate https://vhwinfo.com/vhwinfo.sh -O – -o /dev/null|bash
_____/\ \ __ ___ _______ ____________
/\ / \___\ _ _ / / / / | / / _/ | / / ____/ __ \
/ \ \ / / | | / / /_/ /| | /| / // // |/ / /_ / / / /
/ \ \/___/ \ | |/ / __ / | |/ |/ // // /| / __/ / /_/ /
/ \_________\ |___/_/ /_/ |__/|__/___/_/ |_/_/ \____/
\ / / vHWINFO 1.0 Oct 2014 | https://vhwinfo.com
hostname: XXXXXXX (public ip XXXXXXX)
SO: Debian GNULinux 7
(wheezy) 32 bits
kernel: 2.6.32-042stab103.6
virtual: OpenVZ
cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E31220 @ 3.10GHz
vcpu: 1 core / 6200.53 bogomips
RAM: 1024 MB (41% used) / swap 1024 MB (0% used)
HD: 25G (2% used)
cachefly 1MB: 62,5 MB/s (probably Gigabit Port)
Yes… That is Correct :)
Nice Offers
Vijay? lol
Nope. Ajay.
Already have bundle and I highly recommend it. Best deal ever.
Thanks David, Glad you are happy with our Services :)
That must be the only customer that is happy with your “services”.
Can I buy the VPS with German IP ?
You can Buy a NAT VPS with a NATTED German IP, yes.
Ryan B
Inblund traffic counted?
BudgetVZ do not count Incoming, although NanoVZ & MegaVZ Do.
Hope this helps.
Ryan B
Will MegaVZ work with cPanel DNSONLY? Unsure because it doesn’t have a dedicated ipv4 address.
cPanel DNSOnly will not work under a NAT Environment.
BudgetVZ will be perfect for it though.
I have the mega512 bundle. Latency to Germany and France nodes are good for openvpn from China, LA and NC work for Netflix streaming.
Only complaint I have is that 3 days after I got the bundle at full price, Ryan emailed an offer that doubled CPU, RAM and disk for newly purchased plans.
OS selection is good-
Centos, Debian, Fedora, suse and Ubuntu are available.
If you understand NAT restrictions (or for web servers use cloudflare’s pseudo ipv4), you’re getting a pretty good product for the price.
I bought two budgetvz last month and they’re performing very well so far (#2 and #6 on my chart of 107). Both CPU and network are great, disk I/O is average. Recommended.
@RyanB – I heard you have plans to add Netherlands to offer, is it true? :-)
hopefully yes, more NON-US/UK locations in europe ftw
Purchased BVZ512.
Horrible I/O performance. Choosed Debian 7 minimal as image. Full upgrade took around 20 minutes (~20 packages).
Network is good.
CPU is good.
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5420 @ 2.50GHz
Number of cores : 1
CPU frequency : 2003.000 MHz
Total amount of ram : 512 MB
Total amount of swap : 512 MB
System uptime : 24 min,
Download speed from CacheFly: 59.6MB/s
Download speed from Coloat, Atlanta GA: 111MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Dallas, TX: 48.2MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 11.1MB/s
Download speed from i3d.net, Rotterdam, NL: 10.5MB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 17.8MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 8.01MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 21.7MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 22.1MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 81.2MB/s
I/O speed : 32.4 MB/s
Don’t worry, we’re working on this now. we’ve sourced the issues on the node’s and we are dealing with them now. hopefully will get a LOT better soon.
Ryan B
How is it that stay unanswered?
seems inadequate support.
My question is this
are only minimal disk or
Also there debian 7 64bit?
My Little Benchmark with BudgetvZ
Don’t worry, we’re working on this now. we’ve sourced the issues on the node’s and we are dealing with them now. hopefully will get a LOT better soon.
Ryan B
Except they are TERRIBLE nodes. All of them.
So, You are having an issue then? so you thought you wouldn’t send a ticket in and post in here?
What are the differences of a NATted NanoVZ VPS and a BudgetVZ VPS?
Do they both have own IPv6 addresses?
Are the IPv4 on NanoVZ shared with many customers?
Yes, both NanoVZ and BudgetVZ have got their own IPv6 assignments, the difference is Shared IPv4 (nanovz/megavz) vs Dedicated IPv4.
yes the IPv4’s on NanoVZ are shared amoungst many Customers.
Ryan B
Hello, is the 500GB transfer limit per month?
Yes Bandwidth measurements are calculated Monthly.
Ryan B
I was wondering the same, @Ryan, I suggest you make it clear on the post.
I do not understand nat ipv4 very much. For example, if a neighbor uses port 80, I can’t use port 80? I may need to go with port 81 or something?
Every customer gets 20 ports (+1 for SSH) on shared IPv4. Ie. you’ll get 45300-45320 and you can set up services like OpenVPN on these ports, which are your and assigned to your VPS.
Do not buy this product…it is uselesss. You will not get public ip…
You do get a public IP, both IPv4 and IPv6. What you do not get, however, is a _dedicated_ public IPv4 address. IPv6 is dedicated.
This service may not be for everyone, but it’s definitely not useless.
How can i reach the public IPv6 Address from outside? Can i reach every Port on this?
Yes you get every port on every ipv6 address assigned. Only ipv4 is limited on our nanovz and megavz offers.
Better don’t make any comment unless you know how IPv4-NAT works. It is clearly stated in product description.
How long does it take until the service is available when paying with PayPal takes place?
Service is generally available instantly, unless you didn’t set your hostname properly or Paypal’s IPN Service doesn’t want to play nice.
Ryan B
What does “unless you didn’t set your hostname properly” even mean, can’t you just randomly generate one as default? I don’t really care what my servers are named when I get them I’ll probably rename then anyways.
can use it with hitleap ?
mn akoun
Why do you lot want to abuse vps’s for hitleap?
I purchased the 5 location MegaVZ bundle, and I really like it. I’m relatively new to the VPS world, and the reverse proxy was a bit of a hurdle, but I now have several sites up and running, and am thoroughly pleased.
I’m glad you worked things out :) There’s always something new in the IT World to learn, and NAT IPv4 + IPv6 Is Definitely something people should get use to.
Ryan B
Can I get a BudgetVZ – BVZ512 in UK, France, Netherlands or Germany. I don’t really want to mess around with Nat IPv4
Sorry, but the answer is No.
Ryan B
Been on the fence about grabbing one of these. They price is great and they offer some unique locations, but those I/O benchmarks were atrocious.
Waiting until RyanB posts about the fixes he plans on making and someone else can post an updated benchmark.
Should start seeing improvements now.
Pretty Hectic there for a bit, but got the root cause and hopefully IO Speeds stay steady now
Excellent. Thank you for your hard work in correcting the issues.
Picked up one in KC and it’s working quite well.
Might have to grab one in NC as well.
Definitely go for it :)
We will be doing an Upgrade to the NC Server, as it is using a lower spec’d server then the KC Server. But is handling everything quite nicely. So, and upgrade is on the cards just no time frame for it as of yet.
Ryan B
Big thumbs up to Ryan for the great offers and service!
Thankyou Crab, Definitely couldn’t have done it without your Assistance at certain Stages. :-P
Ryan B
Ryan, are there plans to expand to Netherlands?
yep, Netherlands NAT wanted
Cave & David, if you are after NAT IPv4 VPS In the netherlands visit http://www.lowendspirit.com :) Anthony will hook you up with a great VM.
I want to add my opinion. Of course, other VPS is much faster. But several times more expensive. This is a good option for those who want a European server. But I have questions for reliability. I have connected my monitor.us and sometimes see uptime 90-93%. Perhaps this is a problem from the side of the monitor.us but maybe not…
Interestingly there is a big note not to contact support for trivial help connecting to the VPS as it is contained in the welcome email and enabling TUN/TAP as it is in the control panel. Well I must be blind because I can’t see either. I can find an IPv4 in the control panel but presume I need to find my SSH port number as well.
Well, if you’ve ever had a VPS Server that uses SolusVM, TUN/TAP is enabled the Exact same way.
SolusVM Login -> Select VPS -> Settings -> Enable TUN/TAP. Simple.
As for Logging into your VPS, there is a whole 10 Line (IIRC) explanation in your VPS Details email. Titled “IPv4 NAT IP Information”
So, as the VPS Details email says, in the Title and on the first couple of Lines, Read the Whole Entire Email.
Ryan B
Mine was in the email called “Your New VPS Information – READ IN FULL.”
There is a section called “IPv4 NAT IP Information” inside which should give you the ssh command to connect and your port range.
Haha Posted at the same Time :) Thanks RP
Maybe it isn’t setup yet then. I’ve received 3 emails from evoBurst (Welcome, Order Confirmation, Invoice Payment Confirmation)
Services are Instantly activated after payment unless there is a problem with your hostname, in which there are no Pending VPS Servers that are paid currently. So your VPS Is Ready to go..
Have you checked your Spam Folder? or go to this link https://www.evobilling.com/clientarea.php?action=emails
Ryan B
and I think I have found your account (with .com.au email?) Since it’s the last Matt that we’ve had in the last couple of days. So i’ve resent VPS Details Email.
Thanks Ryan, I thought there was something missing but didn’t want to cause undue work on your part. Can’t see the original email that would have been sent, obviously vanished into the aether.
You are more then Welcome Matt. unfortunately the Email didn’t arrive as it should have, but all sorted now :)
Anyway.. Hope you enjoy your New VPS Server :)
Ryan B
Bought the BudgetVZ1024 early this month and then followed by MegaVZ1024 server few days later.
All seems solid until now, no downtime or issue. Keep up the good works Ryan..
What about higher RAM configurations ? 4GB/6GB ?
Unfortunately, Not at this time.. Our Newest brand that will be due for release though will have some High Ram Options, but will have a price tag to match
Hello, I’ve pay with paypal but the status still unpaid, please reply the ticket. #YOL-988
Sorted :)
I tried one of their NanoVZ 64MB plans – awesome price and great for private VPN servers!
Thankyou Andrew :) you’re one of the lucky ones, we have had to stop selling the 64mb VPS’ Due to the amount of abuse that we would get from them.
Will I be punished for using ~90%-99% of my alloted momeory on such a host? I’m not planning to touch the swap though.
No you will not, only need to worry about CPU, IO and Network Usage. But as for RAM.. Go Nuts! :-P
I do not recommend them, if you have a problem with virtualization
they never returned the money.
I’m talking about the selvahost company. com
confused me page
again I turned to confuse was serverhub.com
Hello RyanB
I’ve just buy your nano128 vps,i read full email and download proxy.sh,but when sh proxy.sh ,there’s some problem(i reboot vps already):
” You can use the following information for webserver
IPv4: 173.254.*.*
IPv6: 2607:fcd0:*
For Domain s5.0736pc.com
Is now Proxied to
curl: (7) couldn’t connect to host ”
and domain can not to visit yet,seem’s not work,how can i fix it?
can i run a eggdrop for my channel on your vps?
I’ve got BVZ512, I/O speed seems to be terrible
I start to wonder why the last few people on here, Create Tickets first.. and then post on here.. It amazes me, do they think that it will get better by posting in multiple places? or by a ticket system where i get email notifications etc.
Both of you can go check your Tickets.
Regards, Ryan B
Hilarious. It’s the nature of social media. People scream for attention.
But you are letting them get the best of you.
use an IPv4 NAT seems to me that even at $ 3 is a bad investment
your data are uncertain because the neighbor also has inflow and a hacker can access the node
too insecure to set up a VPN without SSL certificate
ping about 250-350 from indonesian to our Seattle BVZ256
Other than the fact that my SolusVM access has been disabled since I bought the account yesterday. I am still able to ssh into it.
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5520 @ 2.27GHz
Number of cores : 1
CPU frequency : 2268.000 MHz
Total amount of ram : 1024 MB
Total amount of swap : 1024 MB
System uptime : 11:58,
Download speed from CacheFly: 49.1MB/s
Download speed from Coloat, Atlanta GA: 110MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Dallas, TX: 51.3MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 6.02MB/s
Download speed from i3d.net, Rotterdam, NL: 10.4MB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 19.7MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 4.58MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 20.8MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 21.3MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 82.8MB/s
I/O speed : 372 MB/s
Happy with my Nano128 in NC. The IP I have is different from IP listed here. And my work firewall cuts my Nano IP as suspicious.
I am looking to purchase BVZ, is there any way to guarantee what IP I will have after purchase, so that I could check it with my work firewall?
I’ve bought two BudgetVPS on different locations and I’m really happy with this boxes. Good Speed, uptime is ok, everything is working and problems solved fast (IO for example). I use these VPS as VPN, emergency-fallback, backup and testing suite.
I had not expected so much for this small bucks, but Ryan does a really good job ;)
Thanks alot!
My experience with BVZ1024
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E31220 @ 3.10GHz
Number of cores : 1
CPU frequency : 2100.000 MHz
Total amount of ram : 1024 MB
Total amount of swap : 1024 MB
System uptime : 11:42,
Download speed from CacheFly: 52.1MB/s
Download speed from Coloat, Atlanta GA: 259KB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Dallas, TX: 42.5MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 13.7MB/s
Download speed from i3d.net, Rotterdam, NL: 128KB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 634KB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 337KB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 111MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 81.0MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 32.2MB/s
I/O speed : 48.7 MB/s
happy upgrade from BVZ256 to BVZ512
strict cpu limit, no peak usage
How is it a Strict CPU Limit? There are a lot of providers that have the same limitations as we use. if you want a dedicated core just for you to abuse, we aren’t the provider for you.
rly? so, tell to us one provider that limitation the use of cpu? I rent one at RamNode, Crissic, 123Systems and they offer the service really good, but you with this nano’s sucks is rly bad. and dont worry 3$ will not kill anyone ;)
Yes, it’s cheap but the admin act like asshole.
Right back at you in this case.
Really, are you saying Reputable providers like Ramnode and Crissic wouldn’t Restart your VPS if it was absolutely hammering the CPU? or even suspend it if say, it had a load over 100 or something. I find it quite hard to believe they wouldn’t.. So, keep your opinions to yourself and deal with facts.
Don’t like the policies, don’t buy it’s that simple. do you think i’m a multi millionare from offering you a 3 euro server? nope.. i do this so people that don’t want to abuse the servers can actually nearn new things and show it is possible to do things cheap and still good.
You did find it quite hard, because your service is bad. I dont care about your policies, go there to try make your farm money with this creep rules. I’m still have the accounts at RamNode, Crissic and 123Systems and my service is soon to renew it and i will do, because they know how to threat a Customer that is paying the service. Thing that you need learn with a high priority but maybe on next life, cos that you sitted sucks.
Quicbenchmar for four 128MB NanoVZ (I purchased bundle of 5, but 2 are same – Hetzner DC):
CPU model : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
Number of cores : 1
CPU frequency : 3401.000 MHz
Total amount of ram : 128 MB
Total amount of swap : 128 MB
System uptime : 5 days, 2:19,
Download speed from CacheFly: 55,2MB/s
Download speed from Coloat, Atlanta GA: 14,4MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Dallas, TX: 8,11MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 7,73MB/s
Download speed from i3d.net, Rotterdam, NL: 63,0MB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 60,1MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 6,16MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 7,19MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 11,7MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 9,21MB/s
I/O speed : 955 MB/s
CPU model : AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 3380
Number of cores : 1
CPU frequency : 2611.437 MHz
Total amount of ram : 128 MB
Total amount of swap : 128 MB
System uptime : 2 days, 1:12,
Download speed from CacheFly: 37,1MB/s
Download speed from Coloat, Atlanta GA: 3,12MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Dallas, TX: 16,5MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 3,61MB/s
Download speed from i3d.net, Rotterdam, NL: 20,9MB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 30,9MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 5,54MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 12,1MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 6,05MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 21,9MB/s
I/O speed : 3 MB/s
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU W3530 @ 2.80GHz
Number of cores : 1
CPU frequency : 2800.140 MHz
Total amount of ram : 128 MB
Total amount of swap : 128 MB
System uptime : 6 days, 23:37,
Download speed from CacheFly: 25,6MB/s
Download speed from Coloat, Atlanta GA: 6,43MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Dallas, TX: 11,2MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 4,14MB/s
Download speed from i3d.net, Rotterdam, NL: 48,1MB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 19,9MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 3,37MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 10,8MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 8,90MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 18,4MB/s
I/O speed : 7 MB/s
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E31240 @ 3.30GHz
Number of cores : 1
CPU frequency : 3301.000 MHz
Total amount of ram : 128 MB
Total amount of swap : 128 MB
System uptime : 2 days, 8:30,
Download speed from CacheFly: 81,3MB/s
Download speed from Coloat, Atlanta GA: 33,3MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Dallas, TX: 58,8MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 9,54MB/s
Download speed from i3d.net, Rotterdam, NL: 8,12MB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 30,4MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 10,7MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 68,3MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 96,8MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 6,27MB/s
I/O speed : 172 MB/s
Could you please test again using the command below? The problem seems to be in the last two lines of that script: they do not parse/display the I/O speed correctly when “,” is used as decimal separator (which happens with many locales different from us_*). Here’s my benchmark for MEGAVZ1024, Dusseldorf, Germany:
vretch send me in a ticket, your IO shouldn’t be that low in DE and FR. i’m seeing ~150MB/s from my end.
very good deal
Hi, Evo.
I helped a friend to sign up but cant login to panel. Would you kindly help? https://www.evobilling.com/viewticket.php?tid=SVI-738&c=i03RHQ46
Already sorted him out Jonathan :)
that was fast, thank you
VPS’s look good but the terms and conditions look pretty steep ..
So you will charge the customer even if it was one of his clients that caused the issue ? Lets say a vps with WHM for hosting other people has been hacked , that means $250 charge to the owner of the VPS ?
Yes, it’s not our responsibility to look after your customers too.
Due to the prices we offer our services are used for abuse quite often, therefore we have had to impose strict restrictions in our Terms of Service to attempt to off put the Abusers.
We are quite lenient on things though, Plus with Nodewatch looking for SMTP connections etc and suspending those that get too high the chances are quite slim for blacklistings etc
Your recent email:
I dont understand how the bad IO and Heavy CPU Loads are our problems?
And requires ALL of us to help you?
Well, which would you rather. me suspend EVERY SINGLE Container that gets brute forced?
Imagine all of those SSH Sessions starting causing massive IO and CPU issues. and then having people complain.
All i ask is for people to actually Secure their VMs. It’s not that hard.
But i’m coming to the point of even if their VPS gets accessed my someone else and gets used for ddos there is no chances. it’s not MY Responsibility to keep your VPS Servers Secure.
If you choose not to I will more then happily Ignore all “Performance” issue Tickets and claims you have to say. Simple as that if you aren’t willing to help yourself then it’s none of my business.
You SHOULD suspend EVERY SINGLE Container that gets brute forced.
It is in your TOS.
The funny part is you keep telling people here that they agreed upon TOS so you can provide shitty service,
but you dont even execute the terms.
My guess is those being DDOSed are renting a lot so you dont dare to suspend them?
And you threat the good people here about listing them on FraudRecord, totally abusing that service.
And it is not my VPS getting attacked.
So why should I responsible for helping YOU, and those being attacked?
Didn’t know you are a communist.
The tos is very strict and no refund : http://budgetvz.com/tos.html
Just buy vps which has no restrictions on cancellations, and support full refund within the first 3 days of activation. That can save time and money.
does 20 ipv4 nat mean that i can get up to 20 ports of ip? i mean would each one has its own password and when logging via ftp connecting only to his port, having all rights: deleting, uploading etc.?
p.s. really not sure about that. will be glad to be enlightened
You get 20 Ports..
Assigned Randomly according to the IP you get assigned.
You can use them for VPN’s etc. but you must change the port configuration on your script to suit the Port assigned.
Can I install a proxy (without disk cache, just for traffic routing) or VPN server on your products? Which one do you recommend for low (1 user, ordinary home user with 4 or 8 mbit/sec connection speed)?
Kind regards.
Yes sure :)
with NAT, the 128MB Plan should do nicely, but all depends on your actual BW Usage.
“Oops, there’s a problem…
Out of Stock
We are currently out of stock on this item so orders for it have been suspended until more stock is available. For further information, please contact us.”
can i run a gameserver like cs 1.6 on your servers in europe?
i think 1024mb in germany or france (unavailable, hope not for long) would be nice; but too few ipv4-nat in DE:(
Yes, as long as it doesn’t hog the shared resources or attract attacks
EvoBurst is a joke. I issued a support ticket when I was unable to manage my VPN, it was closed saying that I needed to stop using port 22 for SSH and that they can’t be responsible for people not taking security in their own hands.
I was using port 4222 and had port 22 blocked with UFW. I asked for simple assistance and then to follow it up I received their email demanding that I discontinue using port 22 on my server which isn’t declared in the TOS. I disputed my PayPal payment and received an actual threat as well as more discussion about port 22.
Evoburst shouldn’t be doing business if they are not capable of doing the actual business they are selling. Not to mention they are in a service business and part of that is customer service. Not a single apology, only demands.
I get this is cheap service and I shouldn’t expect much but this all could have been resolved by a simple explanation of the problem and an apology instead of the actions they took.
You did not ask for simple assistance, infact you put in a Cancellation request, and then opened up a Paypal Claim. I do not need to apologize, as i personally did nothing wrong. and the “threats” which you said, you agreed upon in our Terms of Service. You put in Dispute, You get listed on FraudRecord. you said that one of the reasons that you were cancelling is that we are making you change from port 22 for ssh, when you aren’t using port 22 in the first place. so what is your problem.
Not once did you even try to communicate, now since you lost the paypal claim. you feel the need to blast on here with a heap of false claims.
And it’s true, i don’t have to sit here and make sure everyone has secured their VPS Server, if they haven’t it’s their problem. but when people are getting Bruteforced all day every day and then complaining about bad load’s what do you expect me to do?
Anyway, that is all from me. I suggest if you want to continue this discussion. use our Ticket system.
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5520 @ 2.27GHz
Number of cores : 1
CPU frequency : 2268.000 MHz
Total amount of ram : 1024 MB
Total amount of swap : 1024 MB
System uptime : 0 min,
Download speed from CacheFly: 63.0MB/s
Download speed from Coloat, Atlanta GA: 58.9MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Dallas, TX: 49.2MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 9.84MB/s
Download speed from i3d.net, Rotterdam, NL: 9.38MB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 18.3MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 8.06MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 19.3MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 22.2MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 81.0MB/s
I/O speed : 148 MB/s
Are the above stats good ?? I am using BVZ1024
Please let me know if I have to contact support if these are bad according to my plan
Well, do you think they are good?
Personally i think they are IO is decent, especially for some SATA Drives in RAID. Network is just under 1Gbit to some areas..
So, it’s decent.
I have taken a BudgetVZ and installed cPanel.
My service was suspended with notice “Excessive IO Usage – Cpanel Processes Going over 300mb/s Repetitively”
Well I opened a ticket so I could reinstall OS without cPanel and continue using my service.
I got a reply that the cPanel processes using so much IO was not acceptable.
Well I got that information in suspension message already , nothing new.
Ticket was replied with information but my service is not yet reactivated.
its been more than 24 hours now my service is down.
Issue has been resolved after many heated tickets exchanged.
Well there is no refunds here , so I will continue to use it hoping it does not suspend on me someday due to some resolvable issue.
I order several VPS here. This is what happened.
1. I can’t run my script there. They told me I abused their resources. Meanwhile I have dozen VPSes at other companies with similar configuration are doing well with my script.
2. Ok, I went through their way. Next, I tried to place a tracking software there, the CPV Lab. But the installation didn’t go through. Got database issues. I contacted the support. They said my CPV Lab got issues. Well, after that, the CPV Lab installed easily in other company’s VPS with similar configuration. Who was wrong?
3. Ok. Those things didn’t matter, coz I already purchased several VPSes with them. I didn’t want to waste my money. I placed static websites only. Only HTML and Javascript. But again, my websites are down! And this time I got sick. Go ahead take my money for nothing.
Anyway the support is good enough. They always answer my question. But the product are …..hmmm…. cr*p!
Well, after a search through all tickets there is no mention of “CPV” or anything of the sort. So i would have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, but this is an unmanaged service, we do not have to fix Database issues. We can generally give some sort of guidance but we do not offer ANY sort of Software Support.
Can i change mega1024 to nano128 or vica versa instead of renewing in the end of the year, with saving the same location and THE SAME IP, just changing resources?
and btw can i have additional nat ipv4 ports in germany? ping is lower for my location. But 1 port (not redirect but nat-port) isnt enough. Ideal would be 20 nat ports as in france.
There are 20 Ports assigned to EACH NAT IPv4 VPS + One SSH Port, so 21 Ports in total for each VPS.
Yes, upgrades and downgrades of megavz and nanovz products are possible with the same IP’s etc.
Started out okay but it has been a fucking nightmare lately. The VPS is down long and often. I know it’s cheap but this is pretty useless right now.
which location VPS you got and which one?. Is the problem resolve yet?.
I’m at Dusseldorf, Germany. Is the problem resolved? It gets resolved temporarily, then once again(like now) massive downtime.
As they said in a previous announcement
And before the massive influx of tickets of “your service is crap i cannot use it” Remember, there is NO SLA Agreement for NanoVZ/MegaVZ OR BudgetVZ.”
I guess if you want to use your vps, pick another provider.
So, VPS was down for approximately 6 Hours (if not less, as the first ticket i got about the service been offline was ~4 hours BEFORE they started booting back up again). (i’m guessing you are in Atlanta) But if anything of the countless emails and announcements that have gone out about Atlanta & Seattle, you should already know what was happening.
This company is not serious, I ordered a VPS 1 day ago and They don’t setup it yet. My order is marked as unpaid, but I paid when I ordered the VPS by Paypal, so I opened a dipsute on Paypal and this is their answer:
So, lets play a game. Did you contact support before creating a Dispute? No.
Did you look on the billing panel and see that the invoice is marked as unpaid therefore an issue with Paypal not with Us? No.
Are you going to be provisioned a VPS Server while there is an Open Dispute? Negative.
I think you should have try to contact them at first if you there’s a problem…
Big crap!
The evoBurst website tells me to read their knowledgebase but their knowledgebase is completely empty.
Ryan told me to read the Terms of Service for abuse of CPU time, but their ToS only mentions the cases of servers with (1/2/3/or 4) standalone IP addresses. My VPS is behind NAT and so is not mentioned in their ToS.
Their ToS forbids abuse of network and hard disk resource, but does not “technically define” an abuse.
Their ToS says your service will be terminated if they detect INBOUND DDoS. Very good!!! If they want to terminate your service but are lack of a reason, simply DDoS your server themselves! Of course you can block DDoS with IPtables but they don’t care! You ARE attacked, and YOU are guilty!
Really? Below are quotes from our Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy.
For the abuse of Network, Hard Disk and CPU Resources, it’s called common sense. are you going to sit there CPU mining? we’re gonna suspend you, you’re going to sit there seeding torrents, we’re going to suspend you, you want to download test files all day every day, we’re going to suspend you. going to sit there using all available resources on the disks, yep.. you guessed it, we will suspend you.
So, by all means, you may keep your opinions to yourself if you are not going to bother getting your facts straight.
“Abusing shared resources is not allowed, utilizing heavy CPU and IO Resources on your VPS will get them suspended without notice in an effort to keep the shared resources available for all users.
VPS Servers can be Shutdown or Rebooted when loads hit over 0.90 CPU Load over 15 minute average. Repetitive reboots or shutdowns can lead to Suspension or Termination of services. ”
“Network Abuse in the case of Inbound DDoS your VPS Server will be Suspended for a period of 24 Hours on the first occurance, and subsiquent occurance will be terminated with no notice.
In the case of Outbound DDoS Attack, your VPS Will be Terminated Immediately, It is your Responsibility to keep your VPS Secure.”
Yesterday I purchased a package from them.
I had problem with resetting password on control panel and Ryan tried his best on helping me out.
Today I significantly notice that my vps acting weird… like slowness… or not even connecting sometimes.
It took me more then 30+ minutes to install sentora panel (auto installer) comparing to other vps (128mb and 6GB) that I have.
Maybe server is under DDOS as he already posted an announcement on the site. But what can you wish for at only 12$ per year. :)
So far only issue that I faced is connectivity problem on server
But you can contact with Ryan every time through Ticket. I believe he is alone handling everything. So it takes time…. But he is a nice person.
Thankyou Tuhin, Glad i could help. and as i posted on LET the other day, we are looking at upgrading all services to make them more stable, more reliable and the best of all… Faster! :D
A lot of Down time in GE1, worth the price although.
Not really downtime per say Crystom, IPv6 was still available, just one of the IPv4’s were Nullrouted due to DDoS Attack. (as was mentioned in the Billing Panel Announcement area)
A second(!!) day, doing a simple `ls` on DE1 is taking 10 minutes to execute, even with accessible IPv6 this VPS is completely useless. What a crap.
I am on ALT1 , I feel this slowness too. I haven’t tried IPv6 as I don’t know how to configure it….
My vps system is always 100%. When Ram & CPU is around 1%. That is what I don’t know why happens. Hopefully Ryan fix this connectivity and system issue.
ahh, i see neither of you have heard of a ticket system, where you can send in things like “hey man, can you check out why it’s slow”
since i’m not married to the servers i tend to not be on them unless someone actually reports things.
Hi, I am sorry to posting it here this time.
But I will send it to on ticket if happens again another time. :) (Already Happened)
BVZ1024 are out of stock. Are more BVZ1024 expected in near future?
I just finished a very minor ticket resolution with Ryan of EvoBurst, and I want to recommend his service to anyone. Quick response, accurate, professional and courteous.
Just curious, is there a DIY control panel to reinstall the OS, reboot servers etc for BudgetVZ? Or is one stuck with the OS and 32/64 bits choice made when ordering?
You can change OS at anytime using SolusVM
Many downtime everyday, it’s make me frustrated
I believe it’s not only you….
Well, we are trying to combat people that feel like brute forcing 24/7, we do need a break you know.
You need a break? You have paying customers. Grow up and run your business like a man.
Terrible Terrible Terrible VPS
Don’t buy it, vps performance is terrible. Only ejabber server with 5 user, not stable running on budgetvm plan. I open a ticket, they said, this is our service for 10 euro. Terrible, terrible, terrible.
and they havent moneyback guarantee.
Keep out!
Yes, that is right, we have no refund policy, which is said twice (i do believe) before a user purchases the service. (one in order form, one in terms of service).
Server all time is down. Not recommended
“All time is down” which server? did you create a support ticket? or read announcements at these times that the server was “down”
Full server **** upped. Totally crap! I regret saying it as good at first time.. I take back my words for the owner and his service.
Wasted my times and money (I believe its not only me). Even though it was cheap and no refund you offered But It was “Our CASH” that we gave you and not for a full time junk service.
Oh yes, I won’t post that in ticket any more now. This time you gotta explain your crap to us here if you’ve got the guts.
still can’t connect to control panel.
ah, so… if SolusVM’s webserver crashes it’s the end of the world correct?
do you have any proof of the fact your VPS was not using the resources that are shown? if i remember correctly, you are running cpanel on there, which when it has cronjobs going things happen.
So, you want me to explain “my crap” out here, sure thing then Tuhin.
If the SolusVM Webserver crashes (it does happen) then things on the panel in whmcs, do not work. as everything goes through SolusVM, so creating a ticket going “i cannot connect to solusvm so i tried to create a console and it timed out” (or something along those lines) is pretty much re-enforcing the same thing twice.
the fact that you asked to be moved to a different server in atlanta, and were greeted by the reply of “there is only currently one BudgetVZ node in atlanta” and then getting an email that says there is now a second one etc, you could have asked to move over there.
Also, the issue of, i do not get email notifications about issues on here, so if you are intent on not using the ticket system (as you got an awesome 6 minute reply on some things) then you will be waiting days upon days to actually get a reply over here. + there will be not much information on there to rule out privacy issues, as well as limiting attacks.
I have used them for two weeks since two days I have nothing but troubles with them
One of the VPS got suspended fot high CPU 0.90 with is still allowed look at there TOS
1 IPv4 Address – CPU Load cannot exceed 2.00 on 15 minute average
Now there are saying this :
BudgetVZ = Low End Servers
EvoBurst = High End Servers
The Terms of Service clearly state there is a difference between the brands. (with a Bolded heading too)
They make up strangs new rules becuase I look into the TOS and there is nothing about that .
After I made an ticket the admin called Ryan Braakhuis threatened me and act like kid .
I had software on the VPS what cost me 150 euro and its gone now . (my own fault I know)
So I was trying to enter 150,00 Euro as refund on paypal but I was unable to .
Anyway after I made the ticket(refund) on paypal my other VPS got closed down .
Just an warning to the rest of the poeple :
1. The admin act like an kid
2. They made up new rules
Good bye
1) we do not make up new rules, these rules are the ones you accepted when you purchased your VPS Service. Nor did i threaten you in any way. just the lack of actually reading our terms of service, i felt the need to remind you what was in it.
2) i do not need to make a second point, as this has already been done in the following..
and complaining that your other vps got shut down because you made a payment dispute, is also listed in the terms of service. so stop complaining since i’ve proved numerous times that you were in fact in the wrong.
Horrible service, Its complete ripoff after 20 days terminated VPS with stupid blame that I m performing DDOS attack!!! I have only clean/fresh Ubuntu install !run away from such service.!!
And, once again. did you ask for the log? you may have had a fresh Ubuntu install, but with a weak password (not our fault if you did)
We don’t suspend VPS Servers manually for DDoS Attacks, that is for our Abuse System to work out.
“We don’t suspend VPS Servers manually for DDoS Attacks”
Worst company ever!
What, we don’t that is what we have an Abuse System there to do. To monitor the Nodes for attacks Inbound & Outbound.
Do you have a problem with this?
Worst VPS I have ever had. RyanB is very immature. He has a habit of suspending servers with poor reasons to make himself feel like a man.
Cool story Jeremy, so.. I’m guessing there was a good reason to do so but you didn’t want to accept that reasoning? did you ask for logs?
Even discounting the reported issues on here, your responses RyanB are not representing your company well at all, confrontational in most cases borderline rude in others (if not outright) two wrongs don’t make a right.
Guess ill continue looking…
It’s more for the reason that LEB Comment area is not, and never should be considered as a replacement for a ticket system. for multiple reasons, 1) No notifications 2) no way to know what product a user is actually talking about, therefore not been able to give accurate responses etc. 3) the anonymity of LEB’s comment system. for instance, one person could be writing thing’s over and over in different ways on here to grab more and more attention.
As if people actually want support, and want answers for issues etc rather then coming up with claims which cannot be backed up etc then they can come to the Ticket System.
RyanB you are not getting the point.
The point is that people hate your company.
Why would they open ANOTHER ticket, and ANOTHER ticket, when you are not reasonable with them?
It’s easier to just lose the money, than to deal with your company.
I myself, was not looking for “support” ANYMORE after arguing with you which leads to nothing, because you’re an immature know-it-all, I came here to warn others, so they don’t ever have to deal with you.
I totally agree with you.
People can hate it all they want. I’m the one that is making an effort to make the service better, Not you “Jason”
Well, if there is an issue. That was thought to have been fixed at the time and then comes back later on, how am i supposed to know if someone does not inform me of the issue, and trust me i’m more then reasonable, but for those that are quite intent on doing the wrong thing or blatantly not listening to instructions etc.
Either way, I’ve wasted enough time talking to someone who probably isn’t even a customer that feels the need to do nothing other then slander around the place because it’s the cool thing to do. Good luck with your adventures “Jason”
Hi RyanB, it’s so great to hear from you!
Question: did you read this entire page of comments, before you responded to me? Because there’s lots of people who absolutely hate your business and the way you run it.
Are you going to tell them they aren’t customers either?
While you’re at it, why don’t you read the lowendtalk forum too… lots of complaints..
Stop hiding behind the “he’s probably not a customer”;… you’re right, I’m not ANYMORE. I made the mistake however, of being your customer, before you terminated my VPS.
Take some responsibility RyanB, it will serve you well :)
Totally agree with you on your points there RyanB but regardless of the method of communication lowering yourself to the tone of the comment’s brings down the name of those you represent, I speak from experience that while you will always find those who wish to put the boot in, you “catch more fly’s with honey than vinegar” and while you should’t bow to every comment with “yes sir/no sir” responses be professional regardless of the comment’s your replying to…. it will serve you in the long term.
I bought one server from EVO and got well advised by RyanB about which location was the least demanded. Server is good and cheap.
Server went offline on the 20th of April 2015 and the account was not booted automatically and I only noticed some days ago. So do monitor your servers!
I totally agree with you.
After a month I got suspended for high CPU usage, Ryan went up in smoke.
My final review:
technical ability: 10/10
sales ability: 10/10
communication with the customer: 0/10 (rebooting somebody’s VPS is their proper way to communicate??!)
behavior: 0/10
reptilian complex: 10/10 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triune_brain#Reptilian_complex
RyanB refunded me (???)… He didn’t want to keep my money.
Oh man, No stock in france?
@RyanB any possibility ? Do not need Nat, need IPv4
Got one today to serve my emails. Here is the benchmark:
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5520 @ 2.27GHz
Number of cores : 1
CPU frequency : 2268.000 MHz
Total amount of ram : 1024 MB
Total amount of swap : 1024 MB
System uptime : 1 min,
Download speed from CacheFly: 44.7MB/s
Download speed from Coloat, Atlanta GA: 111MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Dallas, TX: 53.1MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 8.16MB/s
Download speed from i3d.net, Rotterdam, NL: 284KB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 298KB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 7.61MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 21.5MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 21.4MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 1.80MB/s
I/O speed : 374 MB/s
Not bad for shared resources.
Here are my experiences / critique:
Since a few months ago I have a MegaVZ512 in DE1, Dusseldorf, even though the client area tells me Falkenstein as location. That is a bit confusing.
Also, the client area overview does not change the hostname to the assigned name (via SolusVM CP), that can be confusing when using multiple services and rearranging things.
It would be nice to also have the public IP and assigned ports easily available in the product details page to not have to search for the right welcome e-Mail. I guess that would far better sort out a lot of the unwanted and explicitly exempt support requests for “I cannot connect to my VPS” than the warnings at checkout and deep inside the announcements.
The Knowledgebase is empty. Could at least have that whole IP and NAT issue sorted out there.
The drawback with the shared IPv4 is that I’ve experienced a few times where DDoS attacks were performed on the IP and the service was unreachable (typically about 6h). Not all of them were mentioned in the announcements.
Other than that I have had multiple periods of downtime due to unknown reasons. Typically for 1-2 hours, sometimes even more. I cannot connect via SSH nor via the CP, which also cannot reach the node it seems. I have a monitoring script that tells me my system load supposedly is very high, but the process list shows all my processes as being mostly idle and using very little CPU and other resources. It’s not I/O blocks either. All that is running is OpenVPN and ts3. I have not opened a ticket yet though. I am still gathering extensive logs and trying to figure out what the issue is. But I am fairly certain by now, the issue is not with me.
Regarding IPv6:
The virtual interface is a venet (opposed to veth) which makes working with the assigned IPv6 address block difficult. You have to assign each possible IPv6 address you might want to use (e.g. for OpenVPN Clients) manually and find a workaround for your interface config to actually assign them to OpenVPN. There is no way to have the node assign / route the whole block to the VPS and let it manage the addresses.
But I guess that could be a limitation of the IPv4 NAT service not being compatible with veth, but not sure.
For setting up a VPN service, a veth interface and a block of at least /63 would actually be good to have a full /64 for your VPN clients with the best compatibility / interoperability.
Other services / locations that use a block smaller than /64, I would not recommend when relying on IPv6. As you could get easily blacklisted elsewhere with the same /64 network prefix that other users use and may abuse.
I really don’t get that restriction, it’s not that IPv6 is in short supply / expensive.
To sum things up, the reliability / availability is the biggest problem. You have to live with multiple hours of downtime at any time without notice multiple times a month.
To clarify / add:
The high load average is exclusively only during those times when I cannot reach the VPS.
The VPS in the US that I also have does not have that issue.
Product: MEGA512DE (DE1 Dusseldorf)
# wget freevps.us/downloads/bench.sh -O – -o /dev/null | LANG=C bash
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1240 V2 @ 3.40GHz
Number of cores : 1
CPU frequency : 3401.000 MHz
Total amount of ram : 512 MB
Total amount of swap : 512 MB
System uptime : 9:57,
Download speed from CacheFly: 62.4MB/s
Download speed from Coloat, Atlanta GA: 19.2MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Dallas, TX: 17.1MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 4.76MB/s
Download speed from i3d.net, Rotterdam, NL: 24.0MB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 63.9MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 8.22MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 14.0MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 11.5MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 22.5MB/s
I/O speed : 35.6 MB/s
Is it possible to directly manage server?
let1024mb coupon code is not working. is there any new promotion code for 512 or 1gb ram vps?
Hi, I am located at Tunis, Tunisia! what would suit me best among the listed offers ?
I’m from Morocco, I use France, for you, France, Spain, Italy are all good.
the best one is ovh for you, if it’s the same thing than morroco you will not have payment problems from Tunis.
evoburst have a lot of repressive TOS… your virtual machine can be disabled for all and nothing if you understand what im talking about…
good continuation Ayoub
got one of these 22/02/2015… left it idle for basically 6 months or so. forgot about the ToS and ran a nmap one day. BAM suspended. after a lengthy conversation via trouble tickets Ryan indicated that running nmap is like being 15 and stealing a car. said he was gonna report me to fraud record and maxmind. would not suggest doing business with this company.
http://pastebin.com/qmNf0gEV <– pastebin of FULL ticket interaction(s). minus a couple ip's and names.
Running NMAP is wrong in an shared environment with a IP4 (when u scan a NAT server its Very wrong)
you shouldn’t act like its not wrong and reply like a kid he is asking why you scan the network but u didn’t give any answer for that
Ryan is a reasonable man but you should have limitations how you interact with other humans
I have Exp with him in fact i have done a similar mistake with his service he handled it very professionaly
If you have done the same with other hosts in shared environment you will terminated immediately
ITS JUST MY OPINION Pls think before you act thats all
Have a nice day
scan a nat server? wtf does that even mean? i don’t need to explain WHY i did something. he isn’t my father… the interactions were provoked from the get go. after leaving the service idle for 6 months the only interaction with the node was a nmap. if the individual believes that is malicious it’s a indicator of how overboard Ryan will go to “protect” his service. IMO it’s pathetic. i could understand if he’d gotten in contact with me time and time again about a issue as such… but this is a 1 time situation… then i’m expected to sit down with DAD and have a TALK about what i did wrong? get bent… rather just close the service and sign up with a different company. then to have him compare nmap to being 15 and stealing a car? lol r u srs?
what is the ip adresss of the Falkenstein DE ?
This hoster really suck. Today my cross compilation machine have been suspended. Because mr ryan have found a tor packet in the vm who have been never used. And it s not the first time we got this kind of problem. Machine have been disabled for more than week because someone do a ddos attack… i guess it s king of teenager who administrate servers…
kind of support message:
Please do not lie, I am an all-seeing eye, Remove it from your service, or termination will be the next step.
Ryan B
For your last step i have make it easy for you Mr Bryan. i m tired to lost access each time for appliances and be a liar in the end. i canceled all my services and return back to OVH for a proffesionnal use.
Good continuation
Put yourself in my shoes..
Look at it with the information I have.
Ryan B
EvoBurst Solutions – Australia
#IKM-717 – You Are a Little Bitch
Thankyou for coming out of your hidey hole, to provide your current IP address for paypal, to confirm
1) Reciept of VPS Details
2) Usage of VPS server (last login command)
3) that you, are you. And you yourself ordered.
Thankyou for putting yourself in a hole.
Ryan B
EvoBurst Solutions – Australia
Ryan Braakhuis Staff
Hi there.
This ticket is to let you know, that you are a little bitch.
I’ve added you to Fraud Record, and to maxmind because of your claim on paypal.
Only because people do not like you, obviously because they keep attacking your VM.
But, All in all, i do not care..
You are the scum of the earth, i hope you get a pitchfork up your ass.
Ryan B
EvoBurst Solutions – Australia
lol XD such as i said, kind of teenager who administrate machines…
It seems that Mr. Ryan servers off when desired. I paid a year after the server has closed several months … not as they do not seem right. He knows just take the money otherwise he does not care. I sent my reply to the ticket and the ticket is 0.
Most of these offers are gone. Any chance the title can be updated with what’s actually available?
Hello, I recently was able to procure services through this site. I’d advise against it, the owner Ryan is very rude. Your given 20 fixed ports to use based on a ip address your assigned. The problem is that if they give you the wrong 20 ports, and your not allowed to change it. Your out of luck. However for some services not bound to a specific port that doesn’t go against their TOS, I suppose this is a interesting offer.
Open a paypal dispute with Ryan, so close their accounts using for payments. Ask for all the money back. It reported that it is not the first time that steals money from people.
Im not recommend this site because if the thief and liar.
I bought a cheap vps them on 01/10/2016 and it was not even sent me his information to my email.
I have connected me to the site to have the information of the latter, the problem that the site is opened 1/10 and faith each page not found.
and more every faith that the site is H / S the vps is also H / S and neither has anyone contacted!
a faith repaid decided to make me bitter three days, he did not want me and he repaid me fitter Treaty.
then whoever want to be and treat thief stole it has has bought here!
I swear on my honor that was to my own experience with website I have nothing more added.
and scammers
je vous déconseille ce site ,car se des voleurs et des menteurs , il arnaque les clients .
j’ai acheté un vps cher eux le 10.01.2016 et il m’on même pas envoyé ses information sur mon email .
j’ai du me connecté sur le site pour avoir les information de ce dernier , le problème ce que le site s’ouvrais 1/10 et a chaque foi page not found .
en plus chaque foi que le site est H/S le vps est aussi H/S et il ni a personne a contacté !
une foi décidé de me faire remboursé âpre 3 jours , il ne voulez pas me remboursé et il m’en traité de monteur .
alors celui qui veux être volé et traitez de voleur il n’a qu’a acheté ici !
je vous jure sur mon honneur que s’est ma propre expérience avec se site je n’ai rien rajouté de plus .
arnaqueurs et
thief, you have no shame .
do not buy in to it’s website scammer .
hello all, I bought a server on mega vz I make the payment, and perform comande but after the livreson on site (I have not even received emails from Information fps), it 2:00 then works out, the site is also out, after 24 pm I tried to connected me to new and it’s the same thing out, so I decided to open a paypal dispute and I get a notification like what my vps is suspended because I have a paypal dispute OPEN.
I explained the situation to the seller why this approach, but denies any problem sellers are on site and are fps, and refuses to refund me my payment.
in addition I have the right to a refund Advent the late delivery of 48 fps, if a technical problem occurs on the eures services.
So I sand that person stealing money gent since it my component mine.
seller avoided if you do not want to be scammed.
So evoburst.com, evobilling.com are down.
Services are CHEAP, BUT don’t expect any support even if its down for day[S]. Any ticket you open about the service issues gets closed immediately with a nice message from Bryan B “Closed”.
If you don’t really care about services being down pretty often then go ahead. If you need them to be up and running, well… keep shopping
THIS IS THE PROOF THAT IS THE SAME PERSON OWNER https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/09928659/filing-history/MzEzODI2MDQwM2FkaXF6a2N4/document?format=pdf&download=0
That could be because you violated the terms of service, and not asked for the reason.
Have I disguised the fact that there’s a new domain for it? nope.
Infact, All domains lead to it. so, what exactly is your issue?
Well.. another client with the vps suspended. They notified me for a high load. I reviewed the server and decrease the load. But I did not response his email.. That is the reason for my suspension… Incredible.
They suspend the vps without alert me and all my files are deleted…
I think the first commenter has all the reason about this provider:
Please include proof as to myself saying that your files are deleted.
I’m allowed to suspend servers that are repetitively causing load issues on the server, it’s not my issue if you have not tended your VPS appropriately.
“They suspend the vps without alert me”
You just said that I notified you.
while you are at it, please feel free to include the areas of my ticket replies where i’m rude, and immature. noting that all i have done within the ticket, is tell you your VPS is suspended, and reasons as to why. and then answered your questions.
“How many do you think I am required to send? One email is all it takes. in fact I suspend a number of services with no contact apart from suspension notifications.”
That phrase is rude and inmature for me.
I have worked to decrease the load of the vps…But yes the server still had issues. You suspend the service before I find a solution
“Please include proof as to myself saying that your files are deleted.”
If you suspend the vps.. I can not access anymore so.. I can not view my files… You did not write the word ‘delete’ but in fact is the same result that ‘suspend’.
I think this conversation has nonsense. You suspend my vps and you has blocked my access to the vps. And I think you never allow me to access the vps… so that files are deleted for me…
1 email 8 days waiting for a result, while your VPS was constantly affecting the node, so, I am allowed to act. there’s nothing rude about what I have said there, merely stating a fact. that I only need to send one email.
This conversation is not nonsense, but more the way you are trying to twist everything to make me seem like I’m the bad guy is nonsense, when I have provided a chance for you to fix your issues, and saw nothing different over a 8 day period.
And, In the terms of service, you gave me permission to suspend your VPS. So, what exactly is your issue?
This is your first and unique email before cancel the VPS:
I’ve shut down your VPS due to excessive loads been produced from it having adverse affects throughout the node.
Please sort this issue at your earliest convenience.
Ryan B
VirtWire Global Ltd.”
If you are 8 days waiting for a result and after that suspend the VPS you have a big problem with the topìc “customer care”. You do not notify that no answer that email it produces the end of the service.
If you want your company grows up you must change that email and include the right information. I suppose you will say that information is at the TOS. That is possible, but you must specify that in the email.
In that 8 days, I have upgrade the ubuntu, decreased the number of services that are working in that vps, I have checked the code of some scripts… and yes it seems that was not enough.
And yes, you are the bad guy because you can not manage a hosting company in that way. “Treat your Customers Right” must be a reference for you.
I hope my advice help you to understand all the bad reviews about your services. You must improve your customer care skills if you don’t want to appear rude or inmature.
To be honest Carlos,
I do not actually care that you wish to slander around the place.
It’s more the point that you have had to defend yourself because you have been putting words into my mouth (ie, “Deleted files” etc) while, I’ve remained the one that gave you a week to get your VPS under control.
and, I don’t need to tell you if you don’t fix it I will suspend it, as it’s in the Terms of Service you agreed to, that says that I can suspend the VPS.
I can neither confirm nor deny that you performed anything other then restarting the VPS from it’s stopped state, no contact was made telling me you’d fixed or weren’t sure how to fix it etc.
I have treated the customer right in this case, by providing over a week for them to sort out their issues, where still might I add, NO contact was made until after I suspended the VPS.
So, As i said at the beginning, I don’t really care if you feel the need to slander, I know that I run an UNMANAGED service, I know that I have a strict Terms of Service & Acceptable Usage Policy, but the thing is, If **I** an required to follow each and every agreement made, I EXPECT the customers to do the same. It’s only fair.
Most providers you wouldn’t see dead saying stuff like this, but as everybody knows, I can be an asshole, but. Treat unto others as you wish to be treated. If you’re going to ignore warnings, and go straight to abuse and slander that there is something I’m not going to deal with. If you’re going to violate the terms of service you agreed to, i’m not here to deal with that either. it’s fairly cut and dry. If you’re going to ignore those pretty checkboxes when you create a ticket, I’m not going to help. These are all things to reduce my work load, and provide information to everybody at once.
/End Discussion.
You’re a bad employee , if I were your boss , I will fire you for no reason suspend customer service , I was a victim
The best or your response: “Treat unto others as you wish to be treated”
I hope you understand some day the difference between slander and a bad review about your service.
Do not say there is no evidence , I am your users , as your server migration and migration control panel cause I was unable to use the control panel to redo the system , because of language discrepancies , the expression may be unclear , customers no reason to suspend my service , service attitude is very little bad , we should stay away from , so do not choose junk business
This is 1 Roo(26Y-old) company
71-75, Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, United Kingdom, WC2H 9JQ
Appointed on 23 December 2015
Ryan Braakhuis
Date of birth October 1989
Country of residence: AUSTRALIA
Director Nationality Australian
company doesn’t exist anymore
look like the now owned by dts-net.com