LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

GigaTux - £47.88/Year 128MB Xen VPS in UK

GigaTux Marc from GigaTux emailed me about their offer. GigaTux is based in UK and has been in business for almost 3 years (since Feb 2007).

I have produced three coupon codes exclusive to LowEndBox.com, valid until 28 Feb 2010 or until stock run out. Discount are recurring.

LOWENDBOX-YEARTaking £48 off the price of a yearly package.
LOWENDBOX-3MONTHTaking £12 off the price of a 3-month package.
LOWENDBOX-MONTHTaking £4 off the price of a 1-month package.

So taking their cheapest package (Uno L), prepay for 12 months, apply the coupon, it should now come down to £47.88/Year (£3.99/month or USD$6.44 as of today). The package includes

  • 128MB memory/128MB swap
  • 5GB storage
  • 50GB/month data transfer
  • Xen

Their servers are Xeon E55xx Nehalem minimum, and are in Maidenhead UK. They have a large collection of Turnkey Linux distributions range from Django stack to Zimbra box, and from the website it looks like they know what they are doing.

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  1. CPU core and CPU frequency restrictions?
    How many CPU core?

    January 29, 2010 @ 4:50 am | Reply
  2. Unfortunately
    Setup not free

    January 29, 2010 @ 4:52 am | Reply
  3. Set up fee is free if paying 3 months or a year in advance.

    January 29, 2010 @ 5:19 am | Reply
  4. Upon request, you can have access to all four cores. We don’t want you running idle clients (e.g. distributed.net or SETI), but that’s about it. We do not restrict CPU frequency, so you do have access to all four full cores.

    As LowEndAdmin said, setup is free for 3 months or more.

    January 30, 2010 @ 7:13 pm | Reply
  5. likounin:

    it says Unrecognised voucher code

    January 31, 2010 @ 5:46 am | Reply
  6. Adam D:

    Hey LowEndAdmin,

    Could you please email me as soon as you get the chance? I’m pretty sure you can see my email.

    Adam D

    January 31, 2010 @ 8:33 pm | Reply
  7. Remember that you have to use the postfix of -YEAR, -3MONTH or -MONTH for these vouchers – they will not work otherwise.

    February 1, 2010 @ 9:09 am | Reply

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