We love to highlight projects created by our members, and today we’re taking a look at @noob404’s link shortener, Gloo.top.
What is Gloo.top?
Gloo.top is a free Link/URL Shortener, text/paste storage solution, video locker and much more that offers multiple ways to earn money. Converts your long links to much shorter ones, use Gloo.top as a paste website. Each time someone visits your links, you earn money for your own ad codes that you can submit in the Dashboard! Also, are you a YouTuber? Use our Video Locker to gain ad income and watch time on your videos simultaneously! The concept of URL Shorteners or paste websites as income earning opportunities is nothing new. But, Gloo.top, in that respect is something unique.
So what’s the difference between this and other link shorteners?
Most Link Shorteners and Paste/Text storage websites that pay, only pay you a part of their earnings. Gloo.top is different. We do not use the interstitial page or ad page (the one where you see ‘Skip Ad’ or ‘Continue to website’) on the Shortener to show just our ads. Instead, we let you show your own ads on your short links and pastes!
They’ve got a nice video outlining the service. Refreshingly, it’s a real human narrating, not an AI.
And by the way, Gloo.top is completely free.
There’s an ocean of link shorteners on the Internet, and it’s hard for a new project to differentiate themselves. Gloo.top takes a little different approach…what do you think? Give it a whirl and let us know your thoughts in the comments below! You can also respond noob404’s thread.
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WTF the amount of ads…