Terii from Go-VPS-Go has emailed me their “777 512MB” offer — that’s 3 Seven’s as in $7/month VPS offers in 3 different locations. Use coupon code BG30PER to get the discount.
- 512MB memory/512MB swap
- 15GB storage
- 512GB/month data transfer on 100Mbps ports (1Gbps in Jacksonville)
- 1x vCPU core
- Xen (Scranton) or KVM (Jacksonville/Kansas City) on SolusVM
Payment in either PayPal, Google Checkout or Amazon SimplePay. They have test IPs and downloads page listing out things you need to test out latency and routes. Here are the order links for Scranton PA (VolumeDrive), Jacksonville FL (VolumeDrive) and Kansas City MO (TalentHouse). If you are looking for US West Coast — well they also have this offer in Los Angeles CA for $7/month but only has 320MB memory.
Terii has been running Go-VPS-Go since February this year. They also got personnels in China doing customer support in Chinese. No IRC as per ToS/AUP, and no IPv6 either in most locations.
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Thank you for posting our deals. Kansas City, MO is actually hosted with TalentHouse Hosting and on E3 Sandy bridge series. I do not believe Datashack have any E3 series (could be wrong). Thank you.
Thanks. It was just a lookup on the test IP that shows DataShack.
I updated the page with additional test IP in Kansas City – This should clear up some confusions. :)
hi there – just ordered one of your Jacksonville Instances.
two weird things I figured:
a) On the checkout page, it says like $11.something, -30% discount, totalling $8.something for the first order, $7 recurring.
b) I then paid using paypal, invoice remained “unpaid”, paypal’s account overview tells me the transactions has “not yet been booked”, which usually means that you have to accept that manually.
would be nice if you could explain a(I guess it’s somekind of a setup fee, but it’s not listed as such anywhere)
With a), they do pro-rata so the first invoice will cover 1 month + the reminder of your current calendar month.
LEA is right. We do prorated billing. We manually screen all PP payments nowadays – due to frauds.
hehe, after that issue sorted out, I’m really satisfied.
I had a little setup issue with solus not booting after I changed the CD image, but support fixed that quite fast. (Turnaround time above average, so +1)
Service has been stable since, speed is good.
I wish you’d offer Xen in Jacksonville too.
Great! Good to hear things are working out.
As far as Xen… we’ll keep it in consideration. Thank you!
Has a vps with them its was down all the time. Terrible!
Hi nelson,
Did you ever raise any support ticket regarding about it? If you did, please kindly email your ticket numbers to terii@ govpsgo.com and I’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you have. I will be more than happy to take ‘uptime’ screenshot from all physical node to show you otherwise. Also, all outages/downtime/maintenance are in our Announcement page. It is all public information. We did have some pretty major stability issues on one of our Kansas node… and they were multiple announcements about it as well. It was fixed. I am wondering if you were a customer on that particular node.
Anyways… unless you can prove to me you were actually a customer of ours, I will leave it at as it is. I just searched for “nelson” in our system and nothing came up. Thank you.
So mad I could not type HAD! Avoid!
I am really sorry you are/were upset. Please see my reply below!
“Undoubtedly, you have noticed repeatedly reboots almost daily. We felt the right and you deserve to know. For those of you been on this node earlier on, you know everything was smooth and stable for more than a month. However, things were not so peachy started about two weeks ago. We were seeing server crash frequently. We fixed that. In past few days we started to see network connectivity just completely drops. Resetting Ethernet adapter and down the bridge (bridge is where all VPSs passes traffic). What are we doing about all these problems?
– We have looked into all issues and are in communication with our datacenter/upstream.
– Upstream have swapped to a new switch port and a network cable. Things did improve.
– Upstream is using Juniper network equipment that has had some issues in the past. We were told the new core switch arrived today and will be tested prior to deployment. We will be hooked onto the new switch once it is ready. We are looking at ETA of next 48~72 hours.
– We continues to keep tight monitoring all around. We typically catches all issues pretty quick and remediate within minutes.
At the end of the day, we know is quite frustrating for some of you. As some of you have raised tickets about. We are frustrated too. The reason we are sending this email out is wanting you to rest assured that we ARE looking at the problem. We treat all customers the same – regardless of premium or budget VPS services.”
Yes, this was one of the emails went out to all affected customer on that node. I kind of guessed you were on this node. Please note, this problem was rectified and 100% resolved. I could only assume when you signed on with our service was just bad timing.
I beg to ask… we kept all affected customers informed of what was going on. What we were doing about it. There was never a time we ‘lied’ or try to ‘cover up’ any of it. I am deeply sorry that it wasn’t enough to keep you happy. But please, your account is still in our system (I don’t really know who you are), feel free to open a support ticket reference this thread and I’ll be more than happy to provide you one full month of VPS service. Or, if you want, I’ll be more than happy to refund your last transaction. Just open a billing ticket and I’ll take it from there. Again, I sincerely do apologize about what you had to go through. Thank you.
I just bought one to see whats up, but they must be sleeping :/
Hi dmau3,
Please provide invoice number. All orders for today were provisioned. Thank you.
They had some problems indeed in Kansas and the node rebooted daily, not their fault I think, they problems were fixed, no problems since they migrated, service has been stable for 46 days.
P.S. The only downside for some people is the manual payment, mostly for abusers I guess, as they need their order provided instantly so they can start right away :)