LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

Got Burned on Crypto? Invest in a ServaRICA Cheap VPS! Your Storage Grows Every Day!

ServaRICA Logo

So check out this offer from ServaRICA:

  1. You start with initial disk space as set in your plan
  2. Daily,  you get some GBs added as disk quota in your VPS
  3. When you reboot your VPS, the disk quota you accumulated will be applied to your VPS and the disk size will be bigger by the same amount of the disk quota before rebootYour quota will keep increasing daily indefinitely as long as you keep the VPS active (paid for)

And get this – if you sell the VPS down the line, the new buyer gets the same storage and the same growth!  So…get in on the ground floor.  A VPS you rent today could grow to being something quite valuable down the line, and of course you have full use of it in the meantime!

ServaRICA last gave us an offer back on Black Friday 2021.  They are registered in Canada. Their Terms of Service is available on their web site. They accept We accept Paypal, Alipay, Credit Cards and crypto currencies like (BTC , ETH etc).

Here’s a little about ServaRICA in their own words:

“Servarica is VPS Hosting provider located in Montreal, Qc (Canada) that started more than 10 years ago. We have been featured on LEB since 2011. We offer real support with those offers and our team do 24/7 livechat support something you will rarely find in low end market and with this price point.”

The LEB community thrives on reports from our readers about the companies they patronize, so please comment below about your experience with ServaRICA.

Now read more to see the offers!

Lobster Unlimited
Expanding Storage Plan

  • 3GB RAM
  • 4x vCPU
  • Initial Disk Space of 2TB
  • Daily disk increase by 3GB
  • 6TB transfer on 1gbps or unlimited on 100mbps
  • 1Gbps uplink
  • 1x IPv4
  • /64 IPv6 free on demand
  • XenHVM (using our Xenica Control panel integrated in WHMCS)
  • $10/month
  • [ORDER]


  • ServaRICA Datacenter- Montreal ,Qc Canada
  • Test IPv4
  • Test Ipv6: 2602:ffd5:1:141::1
  • Test file: https://ping.servarica.com/100MB.test
  • Looking glass: http://ping.servarica.com


  • 2x Intel Xeon E5-2650v2 CPU or better
  • 128GB RAM or more
  • SAN Storage
  • Raidz2
  • 20Gbps uplink
Please let us know if you have any questions/comments and enjoy!


  1. Thanks Andrew for the post ,

    If anyone have questions please ask here and I will answer ASAP


    February 17, 2022 @ 11:25 pm | Reply
    • do you have vps with more than 4 cpu cores? 8 core, 12 core, etc. with ram min. 16gb and hdd minimum 8tb or more?

      March 24, 2024 @ 3:21 am | Reply
  2. Cobra:

    What’s the hypervisor type?

    February 18, 2022 @ 12:35 am | Reply
    • We use xcp-ng/citrix hypervisor/xenserver .
      in another word we use xen and all our VMs are Xen-HVM


      February 18, 2022 @ 7:13 am | Reply
  3. axman:

    Question on the transfer limit for the 1gbps speed. What time period is the 6TB transfer limit, monthly?

    February 18, 2022 @ 2:10 pm | Reply
    • It is monthly transfer limit correct

      February 18, 2022 @ 2:17 pm | Reply
    • doiup:

      which means any user having the vm will have those entries . lately we are trying to remove those entries from . https://vid-mate.mobi/

      October 5, 2023 @ 6:25 pm | Reply
  4. Ledgend:

    How would one “sell the VPS down the line”?

    February 18, 2022 @ 7:38 pm | Reply
    • That usually mean you can transfer the vps to someone else for a fee ,
      The idea is that the older the VPS the more the value of the VPS will be which mean you can ask for higher fee when transferring

      February 19, 2022 @ 12:45 am | Reply
      • Ledgend:

        Nice, if this had 8GB of RAM it would be perfect for me, how much extra would it be?

        February 19, 2022 @ 5:40 am | Reply
        • Since we are in LEB I can make you and offer for vps with same specs and 8GB of ram for 16$/m
          If you wish to take it order this package and then ask the support to add the extra ram for 6$


          February 19, 2022 @ 8:02 am | Reply
  5. Francisco:

    After reboot will the additional space be visible? What are you using for filesystem?

    February 19, 2022 @ 9:57 pm | Reply
    • Francisco Reyes:

      >After reboot will the additional space be visible?
      To clarify on that.. Will the new space be ready to use, or will one need to format the new extra space?

      Usability wise, this would be very hard to use if one had to do anything for the new space to be available to the OS.

      February 19, 2022 @ 9:59 pm | Reply
      • Hi Francisco,
        Yes if you install the VPS using our templates (not custom iso) and reboot from the client area , the extra storage will be applied to the file system wile booting and you will see it directly after the reboot with no action from your side ,
        This is the case as because we built the templates with the scripts that do the expansion on boot so you don’t have to manually handle it

        If you have any questions let me know

        February 19, 2022 @ 10:27 pm | Reply
        • Francisco Reyes:

          I used the link to the offer to try it out. To my surprise when I did last I see the below.. and many more entries

          reboot system boot 4.4.0-31-generic Tue Jun 26 03:32 – 03:43 (00:10)
          root pts/1 Tue Jun 26 03:21 – down (00:10)
          root pts/0 Tue Jun 26 03:20 – 03:32 (00:12)
          reboot system boot 4.4.0-31-generic Tue Jun 26 03:17 – 03:32 (00:15)
          root pts/2 Tue Jun 26 02:22 – 02:25 (00:02)
          root pts/1 Tue Jun 26 02:15 – down (00:10)
          root pts/0 Tue Jun 26 02:10 – down (00:15)
          reboot system boot 4.4.0-31-generic Tue Jun 26 01:32 – 02:25 (00:52)
          root pts/0 Tue Jun 26 02:08 – down (00:00)
          reboot system boot 4.4.0-31-generic Tue Jun 26 01:31 – 02:08 (00:37)
          root pts/0 Sun Jun 24 09:52 – 10:09 (00:16)
          root tty1 Sun Jun 24 09:50 – down (00:19)
          reboot system boot 4.4.0-31-generic Sun Jun 24 09:49 – 10:09 (00:20)
          ubuntu tty1 Sun Jun 24 09:43 – crash (00:05)
          reboot system boot 4.4.0-31-generic Sun Jun 24 09:43 – 10:09 (00:26)

          If this is a new virtual machine how can there be entries showing logins / activity going back to June of last year? My level of comfort on the security of this system dropped significantly upon seen all those entries.

          February 20, 2022 @ 12:07 am | Reply
          • your VM is secured and no one logged into it after it was created those entries are old entried from when the admin was creating the OS template

            All our templates are custom made and sometimes the admin working on the template forget to delete last entries when creating the template
            which means any user having the vm will have those entries

            lately we are trying to remove those entries from the templates but we still didnt review all templates yet

            But this is not security issue and again your vm is secured

            February 21, 2022 @ 9:05 pm | Reply
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    May 22, 2024 @ 8:36 am | Reply
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    May 22, 2024 @ 9:20 am | Reply

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