HostingBix is a new VPS provider based in India and hosting out of OVH France. HostingBix informs us that their nodes are running Intel Xeon W3520 CPUs and 24GB ram per node. They’re offering an introductory LEB offer of $5.39/month (55% Discount) with promo code “OFF552012”
- Plan B-Standard $5.39/month (normally $11.99/month)
- 1024MB of Ram
- 40GB of Storage
- 600GB of Bandwidth
- 1 CPU Core Access
- 1 IPV4 Address
- 100Mbit VPS Connection
- SolusVM/OpenVZ
- Direct Signup Link (Promo Code: OFF552012)
There is a relation between HostingBix and Pintwire, both Indian headquartered VPS companies with similar information on WHOIS. HostingBix.Com was registered on the 24th November 2011, exercise some caution on signup.
Payment methods accepted are 2checkout and Paypal. Test IP Address:
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now u jus kno no one is gonna exercise caution lol
I wonder how they buy from ovh, because
Hello Yomero my uncle location is Dorset. I am using him id
They could have a
money laundererfinancial intermediary in a supported country, similar to IPAP’s relationship with VolumeDrive, et cetera.Or they could buy from one of the thousands of OVH no-value-added-resellers.
Either way, I pretty much stopped reading (and caring) once I read “OVH” in the first sentance…
@Chief what is the significance of the relation? I can not find ‘Pintwire’ anywhere on LEB is there something bad about it?
Here is what he probably meant…
We didn’t find anything in concrete that was negative, merely that the two companies seem related and possibly the same owner. Beyond that we didn’t delve, just offered the information in case some individuals have experience with Pintwire.
SO why are they posting this when a related company has nulled whmcs?
It -was- nulled; now it’s not anymore. So that’s why he stated to take pre-cautions.
That makes it so much better? :) I thought the rules were that if it were nulled at any time you were banned from here for life.
Well, HostingBix is not the same as PintWire; so I would assume they have a clean record at the moment?
HostingBix’s WHMCS is not nulled, it is valid and current. We have only mentioned to exercise caution as they are a completely new VPS provider having registered their domain in November.
IE: Don’t go prepaying 6 months in advance at this stage.
check this url :
Wrong price information
Please validate your statement with what exactly is incorrect so they can rectify any errors.
You have corrected price..
@Chief the whois information on the domain names is concrete evidence that this is the same owner. Please check the screenshots. Phone number is the same, country the same, city the same, names the same… how much more evidence is needed?
Here is the negative…
Also found this,
he owns as well and was sending out this spam…
ripped a design.
r u from india? who is
This is the other site this guy owns.
please LEA don’t list this type of vps provider who has bad impression before..
Amit Jha please contact me immediately there is something that you are displaying publicly that needs to be password protected.
Amit Jha when admins start to follow such dumb requests we don’t get all possible informations, findings, etc… regarding hosts. Some of us prefer to see them posted and then to decide either we want to go with them or not. Just like always. Any information is better than no information at all. Beside that who ware you to decided in name of others and request web filtering for rest of readers?
Anyway, thanks for research and posted info. This is helpful. Web filtering demands aren’t.
i didn’t understand what do you want to say?
Do NOT list any provider like this!!!!
Better to list them and have us emphasise the fact that it’s a scam. LEB does well in a google search. ;)
Finally someone with some common sense here. I agree with Gary.
Bounch of newbs + some company representative screaming not to post something.. hell yeah! You people just use brains when you order something and you will be fine most of the time (and let also us others to make own opinion seeing such threads instead removing them).
Yes i m dumb because i went with hostrail and lost clients,
a lots of email fight with publicdomainregistry i got my three domains from hostrail back due to hostrail scam.because a lots of comment on this blog regarding hostrail i purchased vps servers ($30/month) but stuck with scam finally..i know i m nothing but i m a customer who faced scam.
Right now i have a server($25/month) with backup (another company) with virpus ..i really feel better that i didn’t read any comments about virpus before purchasing.
so spirit that’s why i wrote this comment…
Of course, but do you blame LEB site for your own mistakes? For your lack of responsability? I did some mistakes too but they are solely my own responsability. No one force me into anything and I am the one who decided to order and pay service.
Usually when I see interesting offer from to me unknown company I try to find out more about it. I check WHT, I check LEB, google about it, etc. Any info is better than noone. If people don’t review it, if people don’t talk about it many things aren’t discovered. So rather than demand for something not to be posted try to read, to research, try to find out more… and use some common sense before you put your clients blindly to some random unknown new host.
Don’t blame source of informations for your bad decisions but rather learn to use informations to make better decision.
If you would look at my history I have never asked anyone to not post something here….. I thought these guys were going to give better quality offers from the way they talked, and is this blog not against the rules for posting?
@Amit – Yeah it sucks when you get scammed. I had a Hostrail VPS as well, but I’ve never put anything critical to my business on a provider I wasn’t 100% sure about. Hostrail were a bit iffy from the start. If a Hostrail VPS was your source of income, you’re either greedy, cheap or both. Pay peanuts, get monkeys.
Think of offers posted here not as recommendations, but as a heads-up. It’s crowdsourcing the research part that you want the site owners to do. If they did research on every provider, they’d never have time to post all the interesting offers. As soon as a post is made on LEB, a dozen of us start digging and we usually find something. :)
You can’t decide by reading comments
virpus has a lot of bad reviews but my website is working good and support response is within 1 hour..
then how can i believe on lowendbox comments after hostrail scams(getting more than 100 good comments)…i m not saying to stop posting information but i have requested to post information with solid proof.
Virpus had their share or problems already, they lost their whole client database or something, can’t remember well but something happend to them although they recovered from it..
@Bernardo Andrade
yes i think also before but i m satisfied with support response and for fight with scam
i do daily backup on another hoster (Backup space from webbycart)
@Gary do you think $30/month is cheap ? are you sick ?
It depends what that $30 actually bought you. Either way, Hostrail were a cheap provider, offering bottom rung services. If your business model necessitated relying on such a shitty service, it’s time to think up a new business model.
i purchased everything cpanel, rvsitebuilder and softculaous with hostrail vps , website was running good speed i did everything for my clients but what was the result? !!!!!!!!!Scam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i m not selling hosting at big price but for a small price for example $30/year(20GB space,50Gb bandwidth) unlimited domains reseller package..
why do you make dead pool section?
why don’t you make investigation pool section?
i m not expert gary and i m not spamming LEB but i said which i face in past..
Like I said, the posts that get posted ARE the investigation pool service. If people jump in with both feet without researching, that’s their tough luck. I’ve done it myself. I learned the hard way. I still wasn’t dumb enough to use it for production though.
This is 100% scam site
I don’t understand all the hate for this company, It wasnt a scam, I used these guys for a month, got some cheap upgrades via a phonecall to india.
However, these are now dead-pooled because their site is offline and paypal can’t actually “contact” the seller, nor is the servers up. NO prior warning, disputed both payments and looking hopeful for both. :]
“They weren’t a scam till they scammed me, comeon guys!”
Hahaha yeah. Most of these dodgy providers are analogous to ponzi schemes, so the early customers will think everything’s ok by the very nature of the scam.
I actually enjoyed using this provider, however he’s disabled his phone and you can’t get in touch.
I should of known, however, he was leaneant to my 1TB+ usage /month BandWidth, where as other VPS hosters have been rather sceptical.
It is the best plan $5.39 for a month. But i wanna say something that $1 web hosting is the cheapest then This price. sorry for this words, But this is fact If you not Belive try it One for month.
I choose the dollar one web hosting at the first of year which is totally interesting, I think some also get the latest one i hope you should get the latest one here.
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