LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

HostMem Returns With Asia-Optimized KVMs out of Los Angeles (from $12.99/year)

HostMem is back with some new offers and some cool screenshots of their self-developed control panel.

When I look at offers coming in, every now and then there’s one that stands out as really a “LowEndBox kind of offer” and I think HostMem’s might be one of those.  We’ve featured them several times over the last year.

First, as they explain below, they’re not looking to take over the universe but rather to build a solid client base they know they can support.  So many hosts want to stuff their nodes as fast as possible to become the next Amazon and it’s refreshing to see a company looking for sane, sustainable growht.

Second, they’ve invested in developing their own control panel (DuduVM).  They’ve provided some screen shots below.  There are only a handful of hosts who’ve done that and while I haven’t used their particular panel, it indicates they’re in this for the long haul and not just a slapdash operation.

So take a look and see if HostMem would meet your needs.  They’re out of Los Angeles and advertising an Asia-optimized network.

Their WHOIS is public. You can find their TOS on their website and you can pay with Credit/Debit Card, AMX, Unionpay, Alipay, and Wechatpay.

Remember that the LEB community would love to hear about your experience in the comments section below!

Here’s what they had to say: 

“Hostmem.com is a new web hosting provider which is designated to provide reliable web hosting environment to small and medium size users. Our projected client numbers will be kept between 500 and 700 users to ensure we have enough resources to accommodate all users. We introduce self-developed control panel DuduVM as our backend user interface. We specifically designed this interface that allows clients to pay for what they use and they can adjust resources as needed.”

Full info on their custom panel, host nodes, and network after the jump, but first, here are the offers!  


On E5-2620 Nodes

  • 2048MB RAM
  • 2x vCPU
  • 240GB HDD RAID-10
  • 2000GB transfer/mo
  • 100Mbps uplink
  • 1x IPv4
  • 2x IPv6
  • KVM/duduVM
  • $36.00/year
  • [ORDER]

On E5-2670v2 Nodes

  • 1024MB RAM
  • 1x vCPU
  • 60GB HDD space RAID-10
  • 500GB transfer/mo
  • 100Mbps uplink
  • 1x IPv4
  • 2x IPv6
  • KVM/duduVM
  • $12.99/year
  • [ORDER]

On E5-2670v2 Nodes

  •  2048MB RAM
  • 1x vCPU
  • 80GB HDD space RAID-10
  • 1000GB transfer/mo
  • 100Mbps uplink
  • 1x IPv4
  • 2x IPv6
  • KVM/duduVM
  • $16.99/year
  • [ORDER]

Additionally, if you prefer something else in their dynamic cloud servers, use the code off40 for 40% off!

Network Info
QuadraNet Enterprise LLC 6171 W. Century Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045
Test IPv4: (Asian optimization)
Test IPv6: 2607:fcd0:fa80:2a11::1
Test file: https://la-qn.lg.hostmem.com/100MB.test
Looking glass: https://la-qn.lg.hostmem.com/

Host Node Specifications for E5-2620 Nodes
  • 2x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620
  • 128GB RAM
  • 8x 2TB HDDs
  • Hardware RAID10
  • 1Gbps uplink
Host Node Specifications for E5-2670v2 Nodes
  • 2x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2
  • 256GB RAM
  • 8x 2TB HDDs
  • Hardware RAID10
  • 1Gbps uplink

Let’s check out their custom panel, which they call DuduVM.  Here are some screen shots:

Please let us know if you have any questions/comments and enjoy!



  1. tum:

    link to buy error 404 “我是404” please check

    October 1, 2020 @ 1:37 am | Reply
  2. kyaky:

    Looks like very cn2 gt CHINA-optimized:
    Due to a new provider started 2019 and based in China, really hope the company will last longer. seems a good offer.


    October 1, 2020 @ 6:11 am | Reply
  3. Mark Alfons:

    error 404 on order links

    October 1, 2020 @ 7:00 am | Reply
  4. Links not work


    October 1, 2020 @ 8:12 am | Reply
  5. kyaky:

    hope this Chinese service provider will last longer

    October 1, 2020 @ 10:39 am | Reply
  6. Luis:

    DO NOT BUY the service of this company. Their boxes have lost internet connections for nearly ONE week, but NO BODY is out to explain and solve this.

    April 12, 2021 @ 10:06 pm | Reply
  7. Janason:

    DO NOT BUY the service of this company. Their VPSs have lost internet connections for nearly ONE week, but NO BODY is out to explain and solve this.

    April 12, 2021 @ 10:12 pm | Reply

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