Anthony from InceptionHosting, has a few Xen PV offers available in Netherlands and Phoenix, Arizona.
| Netherlands 128 XEN
InceptionHosting are a UK registered company who were founded in 2010. They were last featured back in June when they were promoting their 256MB plan in Netherlands which, at the time, cost €1 more a month. Inception has had a further seven offers published on here; they always seem to receive positive feedback. They came a respectable 15th in the Top Providers q3 poll and Anthony is active on LowEndTalk. Another quirky feature that some may find useful, is that Inception offer free unmetered inbound bandwidth on all their plans (servers are connected to 1000mbit ports). Two other offers can be viewed below by clicking “more”.
Netherlands XEN – EUVPS256
InceptionHosting’s Phoenix servers are located with ioflood at the PhoenixNAP datacenter and their Netherlands Servers are located with Snelserver at the SmartDC ( datacenter. They also provide 15GB of free off-site backup space, which you can claim by simply submitting a ticket. As well as virtual servers, InceptionHosting also offer dedicated servers and shared hosting. You can view some benchmarks of their plans here; courtesy of ServerBear. They have a 14 day money back guarantee, however, do check out their Terms of Service before signing up.
Network Information:
Phoenix, Arizona (U.S.A)
Test IPv4:
Rotterdam, Netherlands (Europe)
Test IPv4:
Test IPv6: 2a00:7b80:3019:12::36cb:c36f
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- Iniz – £2.75/Month 1024MB OpenVZ VPS in Buffalo, Chicago, LA & Netherlands - April 19, 2013
- PzEa – $6.98/Month 1024MB XEN VPS in Dallas, Texas - April 18, 2013
- GetKVM – £4.56/Month 1024MB KVM VPS in Germany, Moldova & New Jersey - April 18, 2013
I wouldn’t recommend this provider.
Well who you are and why should we care? :D
for all we know you might be running a competitor, or just pointlessly trolling.
I was with Inception for quite some time, a solid provider w/good prices and quality support. And now that they changed datacenters, problems with the network some people had earlier most likely have been solved.
Actually, I do recommend them. I have been a customer of Anthony for more then a year now.
Great support!
what is your story?
If you could please elaborate…
I would recommend you post something worth reading if your going to make accusations like that, its only fair after all. And i know from personal experience that InceptionHosting are superb and know Anthony personally, he is a great guy that actually knows what he’s doing (A somewhat rare occurrence in this market sector).
Don’t worry about this comment it is LAkid Inception Hostings number 1 troll :)
Thanks for posting the offer and thanks for the backup guys
Can’t really recommend them either. Had a VPS with them a while back and it had pretty poor performance. Might’ve been an isolated case though. I can just recommend to go with monthly payments, then nothing can seriously go wrong.
Do you have a ticket number I can look in too?
Performance issues can happen from time to time in any shared resource environments and can usually be quickly sorted out.
The sad fact is most people only pipe up when they have something negative to say and it is rarely backed up with any facts.
Not saying this is the case here but you would be stunned how many people who are used to OpenVZ based VPSes buy a 128mb ram VPS and try to run a 64 bit kernel and load it up with services then complain about performance while they live in swap, if you don’t ask for help in these cases or similar ones then it is understandable people just blame the host and move on.
*buy a 128mb ram Xen VPS
I have two EU VPS with InceptionHosting right now. One 128MB and one 1GB. I’ve had them both since about April.
In terms of server performance for the stats, they definitely come out to above average (compared to every host I’ve ever used). The 4 cores are very useful to me, as well. I don’t think I’ve ever had to reboot the VPS to fix any issues and I haven’t contacted IH for any related issues.
No downtime for the last 3 weeks or so (actual outage). From looking at my support history, before the server move the downtime and lag was heavy/often, but since the server move I’ve only had one ticket for an outage per month. The lag is still random and comes and goes.
The regular price is a tad high – especially when you factor in that it’s EUR – but with the current promotion, the price is right on the dot.
They are a good host who have solved any issues that I have had and responded fairly quickly about any concerns. I should mention that all of my support tickets (except for one minor issue) have been about lag or outages. In fact, I have at least one ticket for every month.
I would not recommend them right now, at least not in their EU location, because they are still having connection issues. Even now I’m getting a lot of random lag and I just tried to access their own panel to look at my support history (for the above paragraphs) and it’s completely lagged. Is this caused by today’s promo being posted here? If so, it’s NOT ACCEPTABLE, but it’s also not abnormal for IH (or at least their EU service). I haven’t bothered contacting them because I’m going to be canceling before the next cycle, in order to move to new host for reasons unrelated to the lag, but also because I don’t see the lag going away any time soon.
I don’t know of any benchmarks to run, so if you do have any you want me to run, feel free to post the commands here and I’ll post the results.
I should add that the outage last month was due to a DoS attack on one of their customers or something, accroding to the support reply.
I should also add that Anthony is the only person who has ever replied to my support requests.
How in the hell can you get a outage from a DOS attack? you mean DDOS?
1) DoS is what Anthony wrote in the support email.
2) I’m not sure you know what DoS/DDoS actually mean.
Oh by the way, your site had child porn links and jail-bait all over, you’re a sick individual. Remove that shit. @Mari.
What’s up with the kid porn. Aren’t you folks supposed to report that if you know about it?
Certainly not the type of customer you’d want for legal reasons.
Just to add, the questionable content is not hosted at inception hosting.
One more addition about the conneciton issues: before they moved datacenters, my tickets were all essentially, “we see nothing on our end so it must not exist,” no matter how many times I reported issues, even if it was multiple times in one day.
I can understand that it can be frustrating for the staff when they don’t see anything on their end, but it was extremely frustrating for me when I was essentially being ignored – especially when I had (and mentioned that I had) multiple services testing my server for downtime from locations around the world and double checking with my local machine when I was notified of outages. Of course, having the downtime/lag only last for 2 to 10 minutes at a time wasn’t helping, though they should have probably set up their own external monitoring solution after the first 8 or so complaints.
tl;dr: although IH was informed many times over 1-2 months, they didn’t take the submitted tickets as a sign to investigate further and so they inconvenienced many customers for a long time until they finally moved datacenters – probably because many more customers started noticing the lag/downtime or finally started reporting it.
I have found your support tickets
You have written more on LEB than you ever did in any support tickets so I am taking this as a dig at Inception Hosting.
You have written a book here that makes us look really bad and uncaring and I assure you that is not the case.
I am not denying that you have had some issues due to DOS attacks however the last issue you had was 37 days ago where you simply said: “The server isn’t responding for at least 5 minutes now.”
And yes this was a DDOS attack, we do not offer DDOS protected hosting.
prior to that it was 88 days ago you reported an issue and this was actually initially down to your own local issues you claimed your server and solusvm went down at the exact same time (hosted in 2 different locations) and no other issues were reported by other users, you were unable to provide any meaningful data to back this up just that you were able to get on another server somewhere else.
then 2 days later you appended a response to that ticket which was again a DDOS attack
So in the last 88 days or so you have had 2 brief outages both caused by large DDOS attacks.
Now that I have access to the IPMI’s on the servers on a completely different network issues like this are resolved fast.
I suggest to anyone that has network issues with any host you do not just open a ticket with “server down” or “Server is inaccessible!”
It is not going to help anyone and will only delay your response, run a trace route, and mtr or even just a simple ping would be better than a 2 word ticket and at least gives your host something it work with.
When you open a ticket for a network issue and provide no data or proof despite being asked to do so and you are the only one complaining, if your host is physically logged in to the server, has the real time bandwidth charts in front of them, has had no alerts from 3 different sources and then just gets “server down” and it is actually up your support ticket can only go one way.
Anyway if you want to discuss this further @Mari feel free to drop me an email or a ticket LEB is not a support desk, much of what you have said here is miss information and not based in fact which has made the whole thing sound one sided and much worse than t actually is.
>so I am taking this as a dig at Inception Hosting.
…and that’s where you went wrong. My entire first post was praising the company in every way except for the connection issues (which I still encounter here and there, though obviously much less often).
Everything I mentioned is true, especially the last comment which was about you ignoring a problem that forced you to move datacenters. If my issues weren’t real (those tickets), you wouldn’t have moved.
>if your host is physically logged in to the server, has the real time bandwidth charts in front of them, has had no alerts from 3 different sources and then just gets “server down” and it is actually up your support ticket can only go one way
If your connection to the outside world is down, it won’t matter if you’re logged in locally and see the server as online – because the server isn’t offline, your connection to the outside world is – and that’s where the problem was, and the basis for my post previous to this one. Same thing goes for your own 3 different sources – if they aren’t cut off from your DC, it doesn’t mean that everything else isn’t. The point is that my multiple sources were saying “we can’t see this server any longer!” and they were located in the USA, UK, Canada, etc.
>run a trace route, and mtr or even just a simple ping
It isn’t my job to troubleshoot your network. I believe you eventually asked me to run such a thing, though, and I believe I just gave up on the whole thing around that time (actually, just before that) and then you moved DCs. In fact, I clearly remember that I was planning to just cancel my IH server on that specific week because the renewal was coming up on/just after that specific week – but then you moved DCs and I didn’t bother to leave IH.
I also stated that *I* can’t *recommend* IH for the EU VPS due to the connection issues. There’s no reason for anyone to avoid the US servers, because I can’t provide my own experience with them. There’s no reason for anyone to ignore my lack of recommendation and go with an EU VPS, either – especially when I’ve PRAISED EVERYTHING ABOUT IH except for my bad experience with your connection issues.
>makes us look really bad and uncaring
I did not tell people to avoid IH because it’s horrible and they don’t care about their customers, because that’s not true. I just stated what I experienced, and even suggested that it was a good promotion to buy in to. With this promotion the price is perfect, in comparison to other hosts with equally good servers/plans for the price.
I also stated that there haven’t been any outages for the last three weeks… and stated exactly what you re-iterated (only two tickets since the DC move). The only place I made a mistake in my posts was: “Is this caused by today’s promo being posted here? If so, it’s NOT ACCEPTABLE,” because that specific case of lag was caused by the massive issues that the USA is having (therefore my routing was extremely lagged at the time), which I figured out a while after I made my previous posts.
Also, you are flaming me about a non-issue (DDoS), when it’s “Nexus” who crapped himself over the term you used (which was correct, regardless) in your reply to my ticket. The whole point in that post was to say “the outage wasn’t a fault of bad networking or a bad server, but due to a DoS attack on some OTHER CLIENT.” As in, not me, but someone else was causing an issue that you resolved and replied to very quickly.
Which leads me to the last point of, “They are a good host who have solved any issues that I have had and responded fairly quickly about any concerns.”
I’m not sure if you completely read my posts before writing all that you did, or just skimmed it then read what “Nexus” replied with, but your reaction is out of whack with what I wrote.
>Just to add, the questionable content is not hosted at inception hosting.
Yeah, that “questionable content” isn’t hosted anywhere.
>if you want to discuss this further @Mari feel free to drop me an email or a ticket LEB is not a support desk
No need. None of my posts are asking for support or resolution of any support issue. They are just posts about my experience, to give customers an idea of what I think of the company and what I encountered. The comments can be ignored or can be taken to heart; as they are written, comments of praise and of criticism.
Now that I think about it, you might have taken my second last statement, in the first post, as that of disdain, instead of what it said: I’ll be canceling at the end of the billing cycle for unrelated reasons. I don’t need the one server and the other one is getting replaced with one that’s closer to where I need it (plus it’s a tad more powerful for the same money). In other words, if I still needed the servers, I’d keep them.
Hi Mari,
As I have said most of what you have written is not actually factually correct, you have never backed up any of your claimed down time with anything but 2 word support tickets, this is not a soap box for your issues.
Feel free to email me if you want to discuss it further rather than absolutely dominate the entire page with your novel, you have made reference to me ignoring your issues and only taking notice after a long period of time and this hitting many users, I refute this and you have never provided a shred of data for me when opening support tickets.
I will chalk this down to not being able to please 100% of people 100% of the time, it is not any particular statement, my issue here is that you think it is fine to open 2 – 3 word support tickets with no data and then come on to a public advert and write an essay again without backup.
To be clear to everyone, we do not provide DDOS protected hosting, we do not provide HA clustered or SAN based hosting, if a large enough DDOS hits you will suffer packet loss and or down time.
Again in any cases of network related issues simply barking 2 words at your host is not helping anyone.
I’m not quite sure why you are ignoring the point and focusing on this non-issue DDoS thing.
You made a strong point of not recommending our EU services currently you are saying you are still having lag issues, I am refuting this completely it is just untrue.
Once again if you have any evidence to suggest otherwise please open a ticket.
I’ve used InceptionHosting for roughly 6 months – Flawless service. Would recommend :)
9 months here – Totally agree.
Looks good, less ping time than my buyvm from indonesia.
Will try it.
Bot locations is less than 270ms to my ISP (Spedy)
Indeed it’s fast :)
Nice offer!! GL
I have had a VM with Inceptionhosting for quite some time now.
For the DD geeks of LEB :
Speed Geeks of LEB
Overall a great little performer.
Thanks Jack,
Appreciated, sadly LEB seems to have become a soap box these days for people to vent what ever issues that 9/10 they caused themselves.
Hate to say it but I now understand why WHT modes make people report their IP’s etc when writing negative reviews.
Anyway this offer feels totally derailed now maybe next time I will come back with something totally new. :)
what he says is true your service is shite ive had it poor support and yes we see nothing from our end a million times lagg to death and had same thing ddos attack i moved to and never been more happy n no i dont work for them and have around 30+ service with them good proper support and service
regards ant
I smell bullshit.
I know for a fact you are lying about ‘poor support’.
And about ‘a million times lagg’. I have a VPS with Inception and I’m not experiencing any ‘lag’.
Maybe you can blame your own internet provider for you bad connection, but it’s not a problem with the VPS connection.
There is no ddos protection, so when Inception is hit by it, you will feel it for a short time. But Anthony doesn’t hide that fact…
Before you complain, get your facts straight and stop trolling…
somebody can have bad impression, and some, good impression, don’t try to regulate other opinion.
It’s just an “opinion”. This is not China.
John will never understand the difference I have tried explaining to him too many times now if you open a paypal charge back and loose you have no one to blame but yourself especially when you make no effort to contact your host first.
So instead he trolls every single Inception Hosting offer for a year he is LAKid on LET.
Opinion is an opinion. When the facts say otherwise its called lying :)
Protip: if you want people to believe what you’re writing, try using some punctuation. Correct spelling and grammar would be great, as well.
Just an update,
I have tracked this x360 joker down after much research, turns out this guy is a DDos’er he got caught and suspended/terminated so now this is his way of stamping his feet about it.
Essentially the sort of guy that would take a crap on your doorstep at 2am in the mroning then wake you up asking for toilet paper.
It is all BS, your telling lies simple as that.
I guess LEB is just a slagging match these days, shame to see it go this way.
Ok, long time no posting here but…
Just saying…
You will hear the opinions of these trolls again? Just let them talk like idiots n_n
And keep going on.
I can only recommend InceptionHosting. I’ve had an EU vps for about a year now and with exception of serious network issues in the old datacenter I’ve had no issues whatsoever, good service and great support.
Thanks HR much appreciated :)
I als can only say positive things about inceptionhosting, my vps there and there support. Have had one issue where munin was swapping like hell, Anthony was very polite, issue was resolved hand server had always had good performance., pingdom hand my nagios all report no lag whatsoever…
lol what bull shite you say ant my name was l jones on your service you idiot and i had a website that went down more than it was up issues with the templates all the time and support sucked big time if you need to varify who i am ill log into my cp with you again and send a ticket and show my tickets lol then we can see whos lying and can you remove my account once and for all so i dont keep getting pestering emails from you
ddos i dont have a clue how 2 for one and for 2 blaming another person who tell the truth about yourself and service is so funny
If you were even talking half truths which you are not you would prove it simple as that, now kindly get back under your bridge.
Only 1 L Jones in the whole system and that is not you because they never even passed the fraud checks, I know who you are you are a DDOS’ing skiddie and probably half the reason anyone ever had any network issues on Node 7.
Ok, thisi is NOT a support forum or the right place for a pissing contest.
If this is the best you can do, do it via support tickets and work it out. Or continue at LET, I can reccomend the thread called ‘Cest pit’.
My initial reply was ment for x360.
After reading it again I think it needs to be clarified.
Appreciate the input from LEB Staff mikho, I think if anything x360 has proven my case for required moderation, he has been given opportunity to prove his claims more than enough times now, he has ONLY ever made trash comments about hosts here (unless he uses the x360 name only for doing this)
Every post these days gets trashed by these cowards and hosts who are simply trying to offer good deals and provide good service (most of the time) will just get sick in the end and LEB will bite the hand that feeds them via lack of moderation.
It would be simple enough just to mark all troll posts for moderation and give them 24 hours to add relevant details, order number, ticket number etc and if nothing gets added it gets trashed.
Further evidence you just like bashing providers without backing it up and based on your comments if you bought that (which I doubt) you have no idea what you are doing or how things actually work.
Anyway ticket number or just go away.
I have 3 boxes with IH and not planning to leave in the near future. Two of the boxes I use for more than a year.
Pingdom with 1 minute interval checks reports 40d 2h 13m of uptime for the monitored VPS.
An interesting observation – nodes with numbers >= 6 are more frequent targets for ddos attacks.
Thanks breton.
Your not wrong in your observations just bad luck that nodes 6 and 7 have had an unusual amount of attacks and also people causing issues.
No I am saying you made that name up.
If anything you are saying is true you would back it up, simple as that.
I’ve been a client for over 6 months with 5 different servers both in EU and US.
All i can say is that owners like Anthony are so rare. Sometime i wonder if this guy do ever sleep because the support is ultra fast and he is helping so much.
There were some issues with connectivity in the old datacenter but the new one had no problems since they moved so it’s great. As for the US server, i have 6 months+ uptime without a single second of downtime.
Keep it up Anthony
I’ve just noticed my VPS down due to apparent overload / network issues (ping says 97% packet loss) and (same as I wrote about neosurge recently) nothing in Inception’s twitter feed, server status page says “No Servers are currently being monitored”. There’s a suggestion in the support ticket submit fine print that suggests I check Client Announcements and *there* it says “Network issue”.
Can I suggest – in the spirit of wanting things to be as good as they possibly could be – that that’s not the best place for a problem status report?
Which node are you on?
Fair point Sean,
Although if it was a real network issue you would not have got that far as the support system is on the same network :)
I will look at moving things around a bit.