Anthony, from InceptionHosting, has sent in three different offers for LowEndBox readers. The first offer is being released exclusively to lowendbox and will not be advertised elsewhere until after it has been featured on here.
#1 Miami 1GB
| #2 Miami 2GB
| #3 Netherlands VPS
Inception Hosting is a UK Limited which has been trading as a company since January 25th 2011. They have been featured numerous times before. Their nodes are running CentOS 6 64bit with Xen 4.2. NL servers are located with SmartDC/i3d in Rotterdam and come equipped with the E3-1270 CPU and with 4 disks in Raid 10. Miami servers are located with Coresite and are equipped with the E2620 CPU and with 8 drives in Raid 10. Looking back at previous offers, comments regarding this provider are very positive.
Inception Hosting accept payments via Paypal or Moneybookers. They offer a 14 day refund policy. More IPv6 addresses can be added for free on request. CPU is provided on an equal share basis. Servers will be setup instantly and Free Backup Space is available. A range of extras are available for dutch based servers at checkout. As usual, have a read of their Terms of Service before signing up.
Network Information:
Test IPv4 Miami, FL:
Test IPv4 Rotterdam, NL:
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2048MB RAM
Xen – €5.35/Month
That’s killer deal.
Maybe. :)
The promo code for NL is: 2564380 btw not the one on the advert
Thanks :)
can i user Netherlands VPS for IRC clients ?
Thanks for posting the deal @Liam much appreciated as always.
@Lew yes no irc restrictions in place for the Netherlands.
@Spirit thanks :)
btw. for Miami 2GB offer promo doesn’t work (The promotion code entered has already been used).
Thanks @Spirit fixed.
What CPU you are using on 2GB plan?
Hi Jonathan,
The Processors are: E5-2620
“Although we appreciate products such as OpenVZ are great they are also open to abuse by other hosts, we chose XEN to give your confidence that you are getting what you pay for!”
need to sort this as this is the first page seen. change to:
Although we appreciate products such as OpenVZ, they are also open to abuse by other hosts, therefore we chose XEN, to give your confidence that you are getting what you pay for!”
Although we appreciate products such as OpenVZ, they are also open to abuse by other hosts, therefore we chose XEN, to give you confidence that you are getting what you pay for!”
That does read better thanks, although I was not looking for a site critique when putting out the offer, the whole site needs to be replaced in reality :)
I wish 6 cores / 2GB is in NL/EU. :D
I second that ;-)
I third that :D
Do you have Windows ISOs?
Hi Verl,
Windows is not offered at all, this is Xen PV, so you cant run Windows.
Hello! First, as always I am enjoying my products with you.
I got a xen one the past round and is going flawless
Second and offtopic, any plans to get new locations for the LES brand? Particularly a US one would be great.
Thanks @yomero always nice to get feedback.
The service will be getting the following locations:
1) NL – done
2) UK – done
3) Atlanta USA – in progress
4) West Coast USA – looking for DC/Host
5) Russia – because I like a challenge
6) Norway – because ….. just because
Thanks =)
I was asking because I am looking for a Dallas VPS to replace some crap for a VPN.
The exotic locations are interesting n_n
6) Norway – because ….. just because
I have yet to see that! Any ETA? :)
By the end of the year is the best I can give you at the moment.
What’s cPanel’s price with the 2 GB RAM promo?
Honestly I don’t offer any special prices for cPanel and recommend people get their own license, I could not beat the price.
Even legal torrents are disallowed?
Legal torrents are fine but I always ask people to pre allocate where possible to save on pointless disk IO.
Nice offer Anthony… Been with Inception pretty long time.. good service, have no complain at all.. :)
Thanks Wira, I probably owe you a pocket lamp by now you have been with Inception so long :)
Huh? Xen can run windows hosts.
Xen version 3.0 introduced the capability to run Microsoft Windows as a guest operating system unmodified if the host machine’s processor supports hardware virtualization provided by Intel VT-x (formerly codenamed Vanderpool) or AMD-V (formerly codenamed Pacifica).
Xen HVM can yes, Xen PV cannot, regardless I am not SPLA nor do I intend to purchase DC edition so legally I cannot offer windows licenses to begin with and using your own is not strictly legal either despite the fact that a number of hosts do it.
For windows you are far better off looking for a KVM host anyway, windows performs better on KVM.
I ordered today but I received maxmind fraud problem. Would you please to resolve this issue? Thanks.
All Taken Care of :)
I love Anthony…. as a provider
Thanks @jcaleb appreciated as always.
@all this has been without a doubt one of the most insane offers ever put out for Inception Hosting on low end box, the order volume in the first 24 hours was not expected in a good way :)
I can fir 1 or 2 more people in on Miami and then thats it for stock, I will start making moves to get a new node stood up asap.
thanks again everyone.
Could I get a Miami node if you have more stock left? I’d be very grateful.
Hi Matt,
New servers racked, stock added.
I wonder, the 4 CPU cores mentioned in 1Gb Miami plan, are shared across several VPSes? If yes, how are they shared?
They are equal weighted share
Thank you. Perhaps the title fo your site should be somewhat reworded. When I read “get what you pay for”, the first thing I think of are dedicated resources.
Anyway, thanks for the offer.
I understand what you mean, your Ram is 100% dedicated however all adverts state cores are equal share and disk is always shared regardless of virt type, the only thing that will ever give you dedicated resources are dedicated servers.
Do you have any benchmarks for these VPSes?
Just a quick note to everyone, node performance is suffering as it looks like everyone is wanting to benchmark at the same time…. I dont think I need to go in to the reasons as to why that is not a great idea but hey ho, things will settle or heads will roll :)
Hmmm…. whose heads will roll?
Shall I take emasures to save my head where it’s now?
Personally, I do NOT running any benchmarks at the moment. I am just watching, so to say, passive indicators of performance.
It was meant in good humour, nothing to worry about :)
Hi Anthony.
Really appreciate these amazing offers, my only question – can extra IPv4 addresses be added and if so how much per address? I required 2 additional ideally.
Hi Tom,
It is not impossible although they do need full and proper justification.
IP’s are €2.50 p/quarter.
Thanks for getting back Anthony.
I’m sure I can give justification, can I ask, what does per quarter mean? How many is that?
Actually I just realised you mean 2.50 per IP every 3 months?
yep :)
No doubt one of the best providers here.
Friendly, knows his stuff and a rock solid service.
Insane Miami offers, hopefully available should I need them :)
Keep it up, Anthony :)
Thanks Bobby,
Feedback telling me I am doing things right is what keeps me going :)
Currently out of stock in Miami, new hardware should be stood up within 48 hours.
I just purchased one VPS. I am wondering when it will be ready.
Out of stock in Miami?
Hi Jon617
Miami is back in business :)
Be careful with InceptionHosting. When you sign up and pay with Paypal, it is automatically configured to a subscription, and if you cancel and forget to cancel the subscription, they keep any money subsequently sent.
After giving you 12 separate notifications on how ‘your’ paypal subscription works yes, what is that old saying.. you can lead a horse to water…
Anyway More stock added in Miami and anyone that agrees with the terms of service and AUP is more than welcome to order :)
Once again, when you try to pay via Paypal, just watch out as they configure it automatically to subscription rather than a one time payment. They also believe they can keep your money even if you don’t have a service with them. I think it’s a bit fraudulent. Customers be warned!
Once again, your paypal account and you are notified of subscriptions about 8 times during sign up including an email from paypal directly informing you that you have a subscription, it was your choice to ignore everything it is a free market you can choose any host you want.
Notice to all users in the interest of clarity:
we do have paypal subscriptions enabled by default but also allow one off payments too, if you go down the subscription route this is an agreement between you and paypal to send money on a regular basis, we inform you around 8 times during sign up of this and also have knowledge base articles covering it, additionally when your new invoice is sent 14 days in advance it has a foot note regarding subscriptions which gives you ample time to cancel them also.
There is no problem with you cancelling your subscription at any time, if you however file some sort of claim or charge back because you could not be bothered to pay attention before, during or after sign up to the emails we send, the terms you agree to, the additional emails that have info about the subscription or the emails that paypal send you informing you that you have created a subscription do not expect anyone to hold your hand and kiss your feet, it is your paypal account no one else’s and your responsibility to maintain.
I would track down the order in question here however as this person has decided to anonymously stamp his cowardly feet I will leave it at that and say again, your can lead a horse to water…. if the horse chooses to ignore everything and assume it is not his responsibility to drink then there is nothing more that can be done to help the horse.
Have a great day.
A cancellation request effective at the end of the billing cycle was made, and the it was accommodated. Now, after subsequent payment was sent, you were notified that the email attached to the account had been inactive, and given the updated email. The InceptionHosting account email was updated, but became inaccessible shortly afterwards.
You were contacted about the error, and your only response was what seemed to be a forwarded confirmation of the initial cancellation request. You would not respond to a refund request.
If someone wires money into your account unintended, believe it or not, it does not belong to you. There is no need for the smirk and arrogance in your response. Normally, what a company not trying to defraud consumers would do is, after receiving the explanation of what happened and observing the situation, a refund would be issued. This is not even about a service, but rather you taking money that does not belong to you. I call it stealing.
Customers should consider this before signing up with this company. I cannot comment on the service itself because after signing up, I got really busy and didn’t use it. However, the customer service is definitely sub-par.
Lots of people don’t agree, to sum up, you did not read anything pre, during or post sign up, used an inactive email account, ignored paypal, and blamed Inception Hosting for your multiple failures and thought you would stamp your feet here.
I should add that I am new to the VPS scene. This is not an attempt to smear InceptionHosting. I current have accounts with BuyVM and MyRSK, and have used, and it’s been pleasant with good customer service.
InceptionHosting is the first VPS company I have had issues with. My complaint against them is not a service dispute, but them taking money not belonging to them. Money wired into your account even out of carelessness does not belong to you.
How exactly did Inception Hosting ‘Take’ money from you, did we log in to your paypal account and agree to send the money on your behalf? no.
Paypal wired money into your account even though there was no service being offered because of payment subscription that was not cancelled. You clearly believe that money belongs to you, though it was wired in error. I am sure others see it very clearly.
Do you believe money wired into your account in error belongs to you? If money is accidentally credited into your bank account, it is a crime to keep that money.
So, what you are doing in essence is stealing. The public should be informed about your practices.
You authorised the payment, you sent the payment, there was no error, the public has been informed and I have made the terms clear above, once again if you refuse to pay attention to any of the information given to you then you are beyond help.
Obviously if this was a paypal/bank error the case would be different but there is no theft here or wrong doing, any over payments are held as account credit which are made available for you to use, if however you decided you don’t like the terms of service after agreeing to them and being notified on multiple occasions by Inception Hosting and paypal how things actually work and decide to file a claim or charge back then your account is considered in abuse of terms and closed.
The obvious way to have handled this would have just been to abide by the terms you agreed to and use the account credit rather than stamping your feet in public because you could not be bothered to pay any attention.
To summarise / brake things down:
1) You were notified of your subscription being set by paypal during and after check out.
2) You agreed to the terms of service.
3) It is made clear a number of times before, during and after payment that your subscription is your responsibility.
4) Inception Hosting allow you to make one off payments, you chose not to do that.
5) You continued to operate the account with an invalid email, again this was your choice.
6) The invoices that are generated 14 days in advance of payment have information regarding the subscriptions on them
7) It is impossible for Inception Hosting to take money from your account, you have to send it.
8) You were informed multiple times that we do not refund subscription payments
9) Even the cancellation confirmation email asks you to cancel your subscription
10) This is a free and open market, you can choose any host you want, you chose Inception Hosting, you chose to agree with everything, you chose to ignore what you did not want to see/hear, no one forced you in to this you did everything through your own free will.
11) Any additional over payments are held in credit for customers to use, the only exception to this is if a customer files a charge back or claim.
I don’t know what else to say here really, you are 100% responsible for your own finances and how you choose to handle them, if you cannot accept this then no one can help you.
Any further attempts to ignore your responsibilities by way of public winging will simply be referred back to this post, I assume you have achieved what you set out to do now, next time you put a $5 bill in a Coke machine that says no change given on it I expect you will stand next to the machine for a few weeks telling everyone about it too because you expected change anyway.
Your comment is a bit deceptive. The account had already been closed. After you were notified of the payment error through your ticketing system and given the updated email, the InceptionHosting account became inaccessible. Let me repeat; the InceptionHosting account became inaccessible. You were then contacted of the situation, and your only response was what seemed to be the initial cancellation confirmation. You would no longer respond. How was I supposed to use a service that was cancelled and you refusing to respond?
The appropriate thing to do would have been to say, OK we understand the circumstance and we’ll issue a refund. You believe however you are entitled to money deposited into your account whether or not it’s for a service or by mistake. Again, it is stealing.
It is out in the public and every individual can decide about your attitude. Have a nice day!
Yup let the public decide.. I don’t agree with you, any inaccessible account can be made accessible again.
You have to be logged in to cancel something to begin with so I don’t know what your talking about sorry.
Obviously you just paid no attention to anything, messed up and are looking to assign blame because:
You can cancel subs via paypals site…
That pretty much sums up cygni’s idiocy.
The public has spoken
This issue has arised one time again from the ashes. For people who have issues maintaining paypal subscriptions, follow this method.
1. When you click Payment button and you *realise* it is being redirected to the subscription page. Do not continue further. Just close the page
2. Go to the billing panel (WHMCS ) and pickup the due invoice and click Pay Now
3. If you choose Paypal, you will see two buttons. Use checkout option and complete the transaction.
4. Wait for the next invoice due date ;) to repeat steps 2 and 3 if you’re happy with the host else make a cancellation request and call it off.
Thanks @peppr the other more simple option is not to use a subscription payment option at all during check out.
can you post some benchmarks? Can you put LA location? Does miami has good latency in the philippines?
Thanks for getting back to me earlier, I guess I did not see the comment.
Could you explain the difference between an IPv6 vs an IPv4? Not the technical details, but why you are able to add more and free IPv6s and what the usable difference would be?
Another provider I have been using gives me 2 IPv4s and I can assign 2 seperate game servers to each one. Would I be able to do the same with the IPv6 or would it be a dynamic IP that changes or something.
Getting pretty terrible IO on the Miami VPS. I noticed a DB import was taking longer than expected, a disk test gave:
dd bs=1M count=512 if=/dev/zero of=test conv=fdatasync
512+0 records in
512+0 records out
536870912 bytes (537 MB) copied, 22.685 s, 23.7 MB/s
Erk (just moved from a cheaper VPS where I was getting 300+MB/s).
Hi Benjamin,
I have just shut down 3 out of control virtual servers on your node that were generating excessive IO.
After this was done:
# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 2.89568 s, 371 MB/s
This sort of thing is best put in a support ticket though rather than the 3rd page of a blog. :)
Im not sure if my message on your site went through, i dont think so, so wanted to try and contact you through here.
Regarding the #2 Miami 2GB package on lowendbox, how much does extra GB cost?
Also, how much is cpanel?
In the last 12 months, how much downtime have you had?
I’d just like to say what a pleasure it has been dealing with the InceptionHosting team, they have been in regular contact with me today, fast responses, and have offered me great and unbiased advice about the best VPS for me. I was not expecting such detailed and lengthy responses.
Absolutely excellent customer service.
Thanks Alam,
I don’t go after sales no matter what, I would rather give people enough information to make an informed decision, No point in selling something that is not going to work well for people :)
Is SolusVM enabled at the moment on Inception?