Mohamed, from LetBox, has bitten the bait. LetBox have 20 of these 5GB VPS plans available and they also have some 2GB plans available. Both offers are exclusive to LowEndBox.
OpenVZ – 5120MB
| OpenVZ – 2048MB
Since November 2012, LetBox have been featured three times before. We last featured them in January when they were offering a $5.60/Month 2048MB OpenVZ VPS in Dallas, Texas. It’s great to see the odd image of a child has been replaced with an image of a rack! Their servers are using the Jaketown E5 Hex-Core processor, 32 GB or 64 GB ECC Memory, multiple Seagate Constellation drives in RAID10 with a Samsung 256GB 840 Pro Cache SSD. I’ve read over their last offer and reviews still seem to be mixed, so have a read for yourself before signing up. If you’re already a customer, leave your thoughts below.
LetBox accept both 2checkout (which accepts Paypal) and Payza. Refunds are not offer but Mohamed assures us that if your vps suffers with downtime, depending on the situation, you may be able to claim some service credit. IRC, VPN/private Proxies and Adult are allowed but Tor isn’t. For more information, you may want to view their Terms of Service.
Network Information:
They colocate their servers with coreXchange in Dallas, Texas.
Test IPv4:
Test File:
Test File:
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it’s really crazy! what a nice offer but i like it ! nice offer !
Why are all 4 offers for this LETBox posted by Zahra? 4 offers since November… Don’t the folks running this site see this as a bit much of pushing same provider when there are many others who are sitting in the queue?
See the same provider-centric posts by moderators/admins here.
Folks might want to beware that this company LETBox just merged/acquired/whatever the US operations of UP2VPS. UP2VPS services were amply problematic over the years.
The up2vps provide me 500 vps account i got 60 only form their seattle and i whish get what i paid for but looks like we will send their client back!
Hope understand now!
I really hope these folks speak/comprehend English better than UP2VPS support. Probably is one of the BIG reasons UP2VPS had so many issues with customers.
We working hard to make everyone happy!
On the order page, it lists the OS available but not the version. I am interested in Ubuntu 12.04.
The Ubuntu 12.04 is available under vPanel ready to installed.
Just bought one a few minutes ago
Waiting till it’s delivered :)
Nice healthy amount of RAM, and 100Mbps Unmetered? Nice!
OpenVZ…..I was afraid……
Do you expect to get 5GB real RAM usage 24/7 for this price? I better hope not :)
Hello, I am curious. What is vPanel? Is it a new breed of IspCP-Omega?
Home made VPS Control Panel. Still Incomplete but can do the job.
That’s great and looks promising, and surely can cut your production cost :)
vPanel? Never hear before mind to share more information regarding this CP?
It looks like OVerZold just got some competition.
OverZold never lose. :p
These folks aren’t going to compete with Prometeus. Good luck. Similar model at face value and that’s about it.
Yea, no comparison. No refunds, shady “credit” terms, website is pretty hard on the eyes. I’ll stick with Prometeus/IperWEB.
I purchased one VPS 2 months ago still now it’s working great. No issues hope this will remain the same :). But there was a 1 day delay in vps delivery.
We are sorry for delivery delay, and Thanks for share :).
This is really unmetered? In order link show 1 Tb bandwidth so?
Don’t worry about that :) the VPS will not get suspend even overusage 1TB :)
I have had a 2GB VPS with them for over 6 months now, and don’t have any complaints about it at all. I’ve had overwhelmingly great uptime, and the network is reliable. My VPS came with “4TB” of bandwidth at 100Mbps, and unmetered at 10Mbps thereafter. The CP isn’t so bad either. Support has been great for me thus far.
Thanks for share :)
@Key900 Any Moneybookers or Google Wallet payment option?
Sorry!, We don’t have this option as this moment.
Ok, thanks.
I worry about oversold.
We do some control on this.
Order one of the 5gb ones and everything was fine until the invoice was generated. For some reason the promo code was applied when I input all of my information however on clicking submit the invoice no longer had the promotional pricing. Ticket submitted.
8 minutes for a reply and fix from support. Seems like they are on top of things so far. Thanks guys!
DO NOT Buy from these guys!
Had the VPS for 2 hours, got it all set up, and they just stopped it without any warning.
Still waiting on them to get in touch with me and let me know why :(
Not pleased – been with Prometeus/Iperweb for 9 months and had no issues with them.
Fast response from support.
“No Torrenting Allowed” apparently, which is fair enough, though not something I’ve come across before.
So make sure you’re not going to be using it for torrenting before you buy it to save yourself some time.
We are sorry the issue you got, As per our terms No Torrenting Allowed.
I was, so not ordering.
For the Coupon: 5GBOFF is only working for monthly basis?
Yes for monthly.
I tried to purchase the 5gb VPS went through the whole process up to the payment and then Paypal wouldn’t work, tried like 5 times and it won’t let me pay.
What error have got?
Finally got it to work. I had to charge directly to my card through my paypal account.
Got one of the 5GB, so far, so good!
still no IPv6 support???
Our new swtich is ready but We waiting datacenter to replace our switch by monday during Business hours.
one hour left for Monday business hours…I assume you mean time in Texas…
still waiting for IPv6 connectivity..
btw the panel is saying offline (VPS is running fine), none of the panel features are working…
We have no control at this, We don’t work at network, we also waiting their update the IPV6 still need configured also keep in your mind we never promise about IPV6 and we working hard to get everything work Please appreciate that.
PS:The vPanel is working for me.
vpanel still not working….I don’t think I will ever be able to get IPv6 as a letbox customer…
The IPv6 is already up 2607:f348:1018::1 however we still working on it.
Still waiting for IPv6…
vPanel doesn’t work(it stopped working like a month ago, LetBox-434)
I think larger storage is more attractive than RAM. We all know RAM allocation can be heavily oversubscribed….
Putting CPU limit on a VPS product is just ridiculous…The cpu limit is already there by the amount of vCPUs you assign. I don’t get why the VPS service can be terminated by cpu overuse…it’s not a shared web hosting, right? With this kind of CPU policy good luck using 4GB of RAM…..
We need to sure the IPV6 is working prefect, the vPanel is working fine i can provide screenshot here if you like.
$7.00 for 5gb ram and 4 cores? That seems fishy to be honest.
If you have read terms of use we do some limit of CPU usage.
Please explain. I was hoping to buy one to build Android Roms and Linux kernels. Will the limitation affect me?
We do allow push 18 to 20% of CPU 24/7 and 1:00 to 1:99 load average all the day.this is good sources.
Sorry load average is 1:00
I try to pay by 2checkout(paypal),but faild,and i have no Payza account,It’s really dispirited
Did you use vpn or proxy?
Sorry, but bandwidth of test server is like 15mbit to Buffalo, and 0.3mbit to Europe (both Holland and Germany)
So Unmetered is nice, but with these speeds it does not matter.
The speed is nice from
and one of customer run test
Which ISP are you testing with?
# wget
–2013-04-01 18:08:25–
Resolving (…
Connecting to (||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 524288000 (500M) [application/zip]
Saving to: `’
62% [===============================================================================================> ] 327,692,280 11.4M/s
I am good with the speed.
I was downloading the letbox test 100mb file from my other vps’es
And their bandwidth was more then ok at that time. So maybe the upstre am o if letbox is / was not ok?
Can I install java app ? Thanks.
For me, it tops off at around 11.5 mb/s
–2013-04-01 18:26:50–
Resolving (…
Connecting to (||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: `100mb.test’
100%[======================================>] 104,857,600 11.9M/s in 8.5s
2013-04-01 18:26:58 (11.8 MB/s) – `100mb.test’ saved [104857600/104857600]
Maybe it just happens to be a bad node?
What’s with just 45GB disk space? SSD?
DO NOT buy servers with this host, they limit CPU usage to 20% if you go over that they will send you an e-mail that you need to answer in 2hrs or they shut you down.
This means even though it is not against their TOS, NO Minecraft servers or really anything else can be run on their VPS’s without going over that limit.
how it going? we have alot of client run Minecraft, if you can’t managed your Minecraft server then it’s your, not our fault.
even using the cPanel will never over 10% of CPU, you get over load overage to 2:00 and about 40% of CPU.
PS: i can give you big list of Minecraft server running at our nodes used 10% but we can’t for Privacy.
First off that is not possible “even using the cPanel will never over 10% of CPU” Each player logged in uses around 2% CPU (as measured by mcmyadmin) when they are standing(not moving) usage on a basic Minecraft server.
So with what your saying no MC server you have on your nodes has more then max 5 players and has ZERO mods, hell not even that much considering the CPU usage would jump past that depending on what they are doing in game.
I have a server that has normally around 13 players on it at any given time and is running Divine RPG. 13×2=26% if they are standing still. Not including spikes when a player first logs in or if they are moving across chunks or between worlds.
I can provide screenshots of all figures I have listed, can you provide screens of MC servers on your nodes not going over 10% CPU with the amount of players I have?
I can’t provide any:
1- Privacy
2- public
You could build one yourself and demo it? If you can provide the performance you say you can provide for Minecraft then surely you would get a lot of Minecraft customers?
(my reply above was for Key900 – nested comment limit)
both out of stock? boo :(
More stock will be add soon.
My box has been on pending for 2 days now….. When are you going to set it up?
Sales ID?
Was going to start a ticket but it says not to if your going to ask about setup time.
I can’t find any order by this number, Can you please creat ticket?
Created #498832
Are there going to be anymore 5GB VPS instock anytime soon? I’d love to get one of these.
We received the SAS drives but still waiting Rams.
Purchased mine on 03/31 got it set up same day after they corrected their billing issue. Went to go on my VPS today and it says it is suspended due to non-payment. Payment was made of $7.00 was made on 03/31 (naturally they did not set the VPS up until payment was made), now no more VPS. Ticket filed, no reply yet… frustrated.
Please accept my sorry, What is ticekt ID please?
The sales is not 24/7, I’m sorry again.
“you have no right to saying bad things”
This is what letbox said to me in a support ticket. Think twice before you buy it….. Hey this is America and people can say what the heck they want….
Why not compelet our respond?
“The staus is working form my end and you have no right to saying bad things it’s fair trying contact us to resolve this issue.( vpanel is down)”
The vpanel is not down as he Claims his VPS status just shows offline and actually online.
Everything is working on your end, too bad vpanel hasn’t been work on my side for weeks…
Nothing in vPanel worked, that’s offline instead of down…. I am not playing the word game….
Creat ticket to fix it for you will not harm at all!
So now we are playing by word! What next …?
Whatever, Thanks you for contact us to resolve this issue for you.
I purchased a yearly vps from them last year and I’ve had no complaints. Works great for a static website and and as a personal Dropbox alternative.
Thanks you :)
@key900 – Hi there! Been monitoring for new stock to be available through the last week and noticed that you were waiting for ram since April 4. Any idea when you’ll have more 5gb vps ready for sale? Thanks for the great offering and your hard work.
We are sorry for stock delay, We should have something between 25 to 28Th this month.
Thanks :)
More information: The IPV6 Is ready!
Can use it for a Dedicated Source Server (Counter-Strike Source) with 16-32 players ?
New Stock available!.
So much pathetic service… after making a payment from a cash card… not a credit card they tell me to submit ids for getting a service as a chance of fraud. assholes dont under stand that frauds happen on credit for cash card. They do not handle payments by themselves that why they dont understand anything. i doubt their service too…
Do not go for their service…
Thanks for the kind bad words but we not ass like you to use this language.
1: first order mark fraud by MaxMind
2: second order passed from 2checkout.
We have right to review any order from our side and cancel it.
The full refund already issued, Good luck.
I haven’t received your refund till now. You are really pathetic in everything for sure… 23 days still no refund.
What is the order ID? Have you contact
Letbox it sucks, support is very slow, if you got a problem with payment or another, you have to wait for days to resolve the problem, while the vps die, and you lose a lot of money.
Our hand is tied we can’t do anything with payment Process and all payment go through via
Paid your invoices in time then you will not get any issue.
People don’t need to paid their bills in time then claim that our fault, Sorry but what we can do for your then if you don’t paid your bills?
I did not come to argue, this is just my assessment, by comparing it with the others, if your service is good, it would not hurt for me to say “good”.
take a look at the other comments, I am not the only person who complained about the slow service.
There is too big different between slow server and slow payment or customer services,
Client need make sure paid in time, If you have ticket please ID, so i can looking into it and see what is happend exactly.
My sorry for issue you have got.
Just ordered one box several hours earlier but it is still not up yet.
Did you know about our Business hours? Have you read our Knowledgebase?
Setup time
We have no issue with setup time the OP not paid his invoice in time so VPS get suspended when he paid 2Checkout get too long to review it.
My order ID is 4982805551, and yes i raised the ticket with 2CO but there in no response from them in last 24 hrs.
Sale # 498280xxxx
Total (USD):$7.00 Refund:$7.00 Method: MasterCardCard Mask:54xxxx …01 AVS: CVV: Language:en
Customer ID:49xxxxxx Name:Ajay Sharma Address:xxxxx
Ixxx Phone: xxxxxxx Email:axxxxxxxx IP Address:xxxxxxxxxx (United States)
Intangible Sale
No Shipping
Order Date:
2013-04-30 12:22:22
Date Paid:
Not Yet Paid
HTTP Referrer:
Send payment receipt
ID Description Refund Your Amt
(US Dollars) USD Amt Customer Amt
(US Dollars)
1xxxx Cart Purchase: 1xxxx
2013-05-01 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00
17520 Cart Purchase: 17520
2013-05-01 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00
Total at Checkout $7.00 $7.00 $7.00
Total Refunds $7.00 $7.00 $7.00
Net Amount $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Sale Comments
Date Who Ip Comment
2013-05-01 13:45:35 xxxxxxxxxx Refund Issued On Invoice: Thanks