“Are you in love with your VPS?” is their tag line, and the answer would be a definite yes, only if it’s cheap, stable and fast. Matthew from LoveVPS has emailed me their latest Xen VPS offer (as seen on WHT), and hopefully it would fulfil all three criteria. Currently there’s a 30% off discount on those plans, and start at $7/month for the following package:
- 512MB memory
- 20GB storage
- 500GB/month data transfer
- 1x IPv4 + 5x IPv6 addresses
- Xen/SolusVM
Direct sign up link. Xen boxes are colocated with BurstNET in Scranton, whereas their OpenVZ servers are on leased dedicated servers from Burst. Test IP: At least two people working on it — Matt from UK and Andrew from Canada. They have started LoveVPS since Jan 2011, after purchasing the domain from previous owner.
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The few previous reviews in their two previous offers seem positive. Are they still behind Cloudflair?
What’s wrong with using a CDN, or do you also think AMD is a less reputable company because they’re “behind Akamai”? :)
I mentioned it last time, as moving to CloudFlare resolved their non-redundant VPS issue which I had with them in February. The only issue I raised was HTTPS. Their WHMCS is not behind CloudFlare anyway, nor has it got HTTPS.
We will be adding an SSL shortly after further advancements in redundancy mainly with databases.
Must be because they are on the free version of cloud fare which doesn’t support https last I looked.
We actually pay for our CloudFlare we just do not use it on our billing system because having cache’d pages isn’t not good for a client area.
Never said anything about being behind a CND was bad. Just a general question.
direct-connect.lovevps.com has address
Not starting well, the SolusVM passwords in my “your host has been created” email and displayed in the admin area on their site are different and neither works. And now my IP has been blocked from SolusVM due to too many incorrect login attempts.
Yep, they fixed it and gave me an extra day. Pretty quickly, too, especially considering they’re going to be under a high new signup load with this offer. No IPv6 though, although that’s due to delays at BurstNET.
We responded to this customers attempt. We changed the passwords for you and loged in this morning. This issue should now be resolved, although we where able to log in this morning using the SolusVM password provided in the welcome email.
Xen VPS’s are currently out of stock.
Back in stock.
just signed up, seems to be going fine.
Thanks, hope you love our servers.
Stock Update: 1 Xen 512MB Left. 5 OpenVZ VPS Left.
okay sorry i’m ocd but “ligtning” in big text is really bugging me
Strange, I didn;t even notice it.
Thank you, ab.
I will have Matthew to change spelling error.
Thank you for point it out!
Yeah, this really hasn’t worked out for me, so I’m closing my account (no refund).
Their debian images don’t work properly and have obviously never been tested by them. The (old) Debian 5.0 image has a broken /dev that can be fixed by installing udev, but if you try to upgrade it to debian 6 then you get warned that udev will break because you’re using a 2.6.18 kernel.
The Debian 6 image which they added starts up with a process that uses 100% CPU (nash-hotplug) and has to be killed. Full credit for emailing me that my VM was using loads of CPU but the default configuration doing that is pretty bad. And /dev was broken; most devices including /dev/null were only readable and writable by root.
They insist their images are tested and work. Goodness knows how they managed that. I’ve done nothing in solusVM other than change my root password and install images. They say “Our Xen has just been released and there are bound to be issues” — I don’t want to be the customer of someone who uses their customers as QA.
Wish I’d stayed with prgmr. They knew what they were doing.
We are sorry you have had a bad experience, but we ourselves are using this template and it is working. If find it strange how after re-installing your VPS then Debian 6 was online and running. It appeared to take you till today the 17th to find out that the server wasn’t working after your initial re-install to Debian on the 13th.
3/05/2011 05:17 AM Reinstall OS Blanked IP Complete
12/05/2011 05:06 AM Reboot Blanked IP Complete
12/05/2011 05:06 AM Change Root Password Blanked IP Complete
12/05/2011 04:58 AM Reinstall OS Blanked IP Complete
It’s great it works for you, but that template didn’t work for me. Maybe your different VM nodes are differently configured? Either way, not my problem — I’m not trying to sell a VPS service. You are — you should do it properly.
And yeah I’m kind of busy at the moment — I’m getting married next Saturday, moved house yesterday. Solus said it might take half an hour to reimage so I went away and got busy. Setting this up is a very low priority for me, especially as by that point I was already having reservations about the quality of your service.
I don’t appreciate your attitude which always seems to be that it works for you and I must be doing something wrong. I know what I’m doing. I’ve run a VPS hosting service on Xen for friends in the past, so long ago it started on UML and switched to Xen later. Gave up when commercial VPS services got cheap.
We are sorry you had such an bad experience. But SolusVM takes no where near 30 minutes to re-image. The quality of our service I can assure you is very high. If you go around accusing a provider of being un-experienced what kind of attitude do you expect to get back when we are 100% confident in the services we provide.
I have attached proof that the Debian template is working: http://cl.ly/1K1W241v0U3V0s013t2F
“Working” means more than “can log in”. Could you show us a ls -l of /dev on your newly imaged VM? Here are some choice tidbits from the one I got:
crw------- 1 root root 1, 3 May 16 20:44 null
crw------- 1 root root 1, 9 May 16 20:45 urandom
crw------- 1 root root 1, 5 May 16 20:44 zero
I first noticed this because rsync complained it couldn’t open /dev/null.
You yourself noticed that my newly imaged VM was running at 100%, Ticket 768525 that you created says: “I would just like to inform you of your High CPU usage on your Xen server please can you investigate this to avoid any service interruption.”
I’m going to give up on this thread now. Good luck with the hosting business. I hope your other customers’ experiences are better than mine.
That is increasing strange, because on a newly imaged VPS this is the output we get.
Just some of the ones you have mentioned above.
May I also report that our output was completely different to yours, and we are experiencing no CPU issues with this container.
Is anyone else having issues with network performance? I also had some issues with the Ubuntu 64 bit image but I think I have it sorted now. It seems pretty good, if the network issues are temporary. :))
Hello, The Ubuntu image takes a little longer to install that CentOS but give it time and it installs and starts up.
Please send support a traceroute and some details of the issues you had with Ubuntu.
Still awaiting a ticket or email from you?
NEWS: We will be launching our VPS Services in the DimeNoc DC very soon.
No Xen inventory (5/20/2011 1900 EDT)!
Too bad, would like to sign up.
We should have some more stock tomorrow. However it will be in the DimeNoc (HostDime) DC.
I have reduced the size of my dev VPS on the system in order to accommodate you. Its available to order now.
LoveVPS XEN’s Back in Stock, but this time in the HostDime DC in Orlando, Florida.
WIN an iPod with your next order at LoveVPS!
Only applies to certain packages though, any reason?
It only applies to our new HostDime VPS’s because we are trying to push the sales of our new Xen VPS’s. However daniel im curious to why you posted this here, since it was already discussed on MSN with you, along with the point bellow.
As a fellow competitor with your company ZazoomVPS I would not say a comment designed to slander is appropriate.
“Minimum of 200 VPS ordered between the dates above, once 200 VPS’s have been ordered the ipod prize draw will take place.”
This is just to insure that we can sustainably offer the VPS services. This target is completely below our sales predictions for the next month, so we are confident in achieving this number. This offer is indefinite like stated between them dates. As soon as we reach 200 orders the draw will be drawn, regardless if it is before the the deadline for entries 08/30/2011.
*This is just to insure that we can sustainably of the VPS services.
I’m sorry to comment on this old post but I just wanted to say that Matthew has been awesome in helping me out. I was looking for a custom Xen VPS plan and not only was he quick to reply but he’s been able to create the custom plan for me and has been great with all of my questions. The VPS was created quickly and I rebuilt it with Debian 6 and updated it without any issues. I should point out that I’m currently in the HostDime data center so that might be why I’m having no issues (they told me that the Burst.net network was having issues so I wasn’t able to purchase a VPS on there, but I’m glad they told me before I tried). :)
We are actually moving all our customers to the HostDime DC due to the repetitive nature of network issues at the BurstNet DC. But the DimeNoc DC has a far superior network.
Thats impossible considoring your servers are on 100mbit connections.
[root@daniel2 ~]# wget http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test
--2011-07-10 05:57:59-- http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test
Resolving cachefly.cachefly.net...
Connecting to cachefly.cachefly.net||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: `100mb.test.1'
100%[======================================>] 104,857,600 10.8M/s in 9.7s
2011-07-10 05:58:09 (10.3 MB/s) - `100mb.test.1' saved [104857600/104857600]
[root@daniel2 ~]#
Glad you are loving your experience with us so far.
Love VPS website and VPS are down. Anyone experiencing the same problems as I do currently? Since they moved to Hostdime, network connectivity was more wishful thinking than reality, sometimes up, sometimes down since days. Now since at least 8 hours my VPS is down and Love VPS’s website and ticket system shows a Cloudflare error page they they are temporary not available. Doesn’t look good, anyone been in contact with Matthew recently?
Our website was offline, but non of our services where offline.
We had a case of packet loss last night into the HostDime DC via one connection, after talking to manny briefly if he knew anything about an outage, he mentioned that there was packet loss into the DC via one connection. Sadly this was not picked up by our monitoring system.
They seem to be pretty epic fail. I had the non-functional solusvm password issue that Donald had. Never did get the welcome email or whatever. Never got a root password either. Instead of fixing the situation, as Matthew did in Donald’s case, Matthew gave the epic fail reply of “Your SolusVM details are in the same email as the root password. So how you could have not received them is beyond me.”
Paypal disputed him within an hour or so of attempted signup. : (
Your welcome email was sent out. We do not appreciate false statements all because you wanted a refund. We gave you the login details also in the ticket you opened just incase they where in your junk mail box, but you where still insistant on a refund.
Here is the full ticket log with the “client”.
http://www.cl.ly/2h2D2G1N3u2m1I290E0l and a screenshot of the clients emails that where sent out to him. Clearly identifying that he got the email.
Your SolusVM details are in the same welcome email that you claim not to have received. I find the way you treated me personally disgusting and wish you all the best at your next host.
Ha, funny.
If he had just gone, sorry I didn’t really mean to buy this product instead of opening a ticket demanding a refund after a few mins and saying I never got the welcome email (even though you knew your SolusVM detials which are in the email) , we would have happily refunded the customer.
The SolusVM welcome email bug was fixed long ago, this was due to HostBill only using the Root Password, our email template at the time didn’t send out the SolusVM password. We inserted an extra row in the email template, got HostBill to define it in the SolusVM module and that was the fix.
Who actually gave you the right to post support tickets publicly?
Clients privacy has been protected by editing out his personal details. He decided to bring this issue up on a public area, we are entitled to provide evidence to back up our claims. This person simply wanted a refund and used deception to get it.
and what? you have absolutely no right to do such thing if you don’t get his permission first.
Many customers post confidential information from their hosts to the public – why try to claim different rules?
same rules apply in both cases.
Do you guys offer any packages with more RAM than 2 GB? I’m interested in increasing the amount of RAM allotted to our server at a different host, but their price scale is unusual.
Yeh sure send me an email at matthew [@] lovevps.com and I will get back to you with a quote.
I purchased Xen 512. 2 and a half hours ago but still no activation. And i send a mail one hour ago but have no reply.
Our setups are completed within 24 hours when we are backloged on setups.
Please tell me who you emailed as we haven’t received an email nor has one been imported into HostBill.
We have setup your account.
My service is now functional. Thanks