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Lunar Datacenter Offers Coming. We're Not Joking.

Lonestar LunarA startup called Lonestar Lunar is promising datacenters on the moon.

And unlike you, they’ve got funding for it.

According to Space News:

St. Petersburg, Florida-based Lonestar is preparing to send a proof-of-concept data center to the moon later this year on Intuitive Machines’ second lunar mission, IM-2.

Intuitive Machines’ first lunar mission is scheduled to launch in June on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. IM-2 is slated to follow later this year.

Lonestar’s initial data center, the size of a hardback novel, will be followed by a series of larger data centers offering data storage and edge processing.

Their initial datacenter will weigh 2kg and include 16TB of storage.  Hopefully with some spare RAID devices.

Some details on the gear:

The first datacenter payload will be built for Lonestar by space logistics company Skycorp, and will be based on a multi-core RISC-V server design. It will also be based on an 8TB M.2 SSD from Taiwan-based flash storage outfit Phison, which announced in December that the drive had passed the necessary flight qualification tests required to be included in the payload.

No word on power, though solar should be fantastically efficient…I think?  Correct me in the comments if you are a rocket scientist).



  1. Susan:

    As a teacher, I can see why they are doing this but on the other hand I see hungry children that could use the money. No pun indented, but I cannot get on board with this.

    March 8, 2023 @ 2:03 pm | Reply
    • signeduptoreplycrap:

      yeh, n’ nah, we also could use the money for removing at least half plastic that there’s in the ocean because of humans, and are we doing it? nope. so who cares that shit in 2k23. instead of investing in poverty, lets just evolve and let ’em die so they can stop pro-creating with no reason. pretty sure that sounded very heartless, but its the raw truth.

      April 15, 2023 @ 5:59 pm | Reply
  2. Gday
    Another system LIE

    No one has landed on the moon
    This is another lie by the International ((( System )))

    Earth is a Flat Non Rotating Realm

    ((( GRAVITY))) , ((( DINOSAURS )))) , ((( Moon Landing )))

    Its all a control method to prevent tax cattle exploring
    and finding the truth about the designed created reality

    We are on a PLANE , not a PLANET

    NASA has been a tax cattle money sponge for decades

    Before anyone automatically reacts to your upbringing conditioning

    Check out

    * Old World
    * Lost Technology
    * Atmosphere free energy (What Nikola Tesla rediscovered)
    * World Fairs
    * World Mudflood
    * Starforts
    * Icewall

    Check out the Channels on Odysee
    – EricDubay
    – psalm19
    – Taboo Conspiracy
    – mitchell fromAustralia

    Also check out the original 13 month calendar based off 28 days for every month

    Truth fears no investigation
    Facts don’t care about your feelings
    We have been all lied too on purpose

    Teachers should be after the truth
    not listen and repeat from the International mainstream and government mandated narrative

    The last 250-300 years of mainstream ((( History ))) has been a lie by all those in self appointed power
    to the tax cattle for control, gate keeping, keeping us in our lane

    Email – charliebrownau@protonmail.com

    March 8, 2023 @ 4:57 pm | Reply
    • Nathaniel Wapcaplet:

      The moon is flat too – don;t believe what they tell you !

      And there are no dinosaurs on it either ! Congress lies !

      March 9, 2023 @ 5:32 am | Reply
  3. Calling it a “datacenter” might be a bit of a stretch haha. What I’m wondering is how the bandwidth will be…

    March 9, 2023 @ 5:14 pm | Reply

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