This is a new discount code from Peter at Coupon code Krj4E7 gives you 30% off recurring discount on their Xen PV servers. “Xen256” should be $6.27/month after the discount. Direct sign up link.
- 256MB memory
- 15GB storage
- 110GB/month data transfer
- Xen/SolusVM
Takes PayPal or credit card. Servers with Waveform Technology in Troy MI (test IP: Domain registered in 2009 to Magoro LLC in Detroit. We’ve actually posted quite a few offers from them before with no overwhelming responses. Nor can I find much review on WHT. I guess their plans are probably just, hmm, ordinary?
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Love to try, though the bandwidth cap seems to be too small.
How much bandwidth do you use each month? Most people I ask cannot answer such a simple question
My usage? Easy:
And yes, 100 GB per month is way too small.
The minimum amount for me to even start considering a plan is 250 GB, and to feel enough headroom that will need to be 500GB. If a provider does not want to give a larger allocation, I’d suggest to at least make it “100 GB at 1Gbps, then 10 Mbps unmetered till the end of month”. I do not want to have my VPS turned off just because I posted a large file and a bunch of people have downloaded it. Nor do I want to pay $1/GB or some other ridiculous amount for “overuse”.
Your average consumption is about 6,7 GB per month according to the stats you privided. How can 110GB/Month be not enough for you? Additionally you have to consider that bandwidth does indeed cost money. So when a provider does a calculation he calculates an estimated usage. This then makes a large portion of the monthly price. If you want unmetered bandwidth with a 1ooMBit/s connection you are quite above a LEB.
1) It may be enough *today*, however I don’t know what can happen tomorrow.
2) I do not want to be wary of uploading a 100 MB file in fear of stepping over the measly 100GB limit, I do not want to be having to limit myself also *here*, there are enough places in life already where we have to count consumption/minutes/megabytes/watts/liters/gallons.
3) 500GB is perceived as being enough not just for today but also for tomorrow, with all potential force-majeures summed in (like posting to Slashdot or me making my own 700MB GNU/Linux ISO).
4) there’s a *lot* of LEB providers giving 500GB or 1000GB (and even 1000GB@1GBit+10Mbps unmetered afterwards, like one VPS I have currently) – so why settle for less?
On sites, I get to spend around 10GB plus, though I’m planing to host some files for a game that we’re currently making so I assume that it will use *much* bandwidth
The $6.27 plan turns out to only be 5.7 cents per gigabyte and includes the server. For what it is worth, we charge $0.20 overage charge per gigabyte over your allotment or $0.10 per gigabyte if you add bandwidth ahead of time.
Thanks for the info. I’ll pass for now I guess.
I’ve had a VPS from Magoro since March and have been very happy with their service and stability. Very good uptime. This is a great VPS.