This week’s interview is a little different. Amitz is one of the newer moderators over here in the LE* community, although has taken a firm but fair line to his moderatorship. I decided to put a few questions to him, to find out a bit more about him. So, without any further ado, lets get under way!
1) What got you interested in servers/IT?
I was born in 1974 and was following everything that had to do with IT since 1980. All the new possibilities seemed incredibly exciting to me. A whole new world to explore… My first computer was an Amstrad CPC, followed by (besides others) a Commodore Amiga 2000. I learned 68xxx Assembler and (don’t laugh) Modula-II during that time and was part of the Amiga Demo Scene. Around the year 2000, I ran a website (college humour and satire) together with a friend that was quite successful at the time. Remember: The WWW was a smaller place back then. We outgrew shared hosting within months and one of us had to learn how to handle a dedicated server and -eeek- that thing called “Linux”. That person was me and I had way more fun with the new hobby, than I would have expected. While my professional life has nothing to do with IT at all, still it is one of my main private passions. I would love to learn more everyday and admire many of the LET members for their profound level of knowledge that I will never reach. I mean, inventing something like “AutoBoot” – how cool is that? ;-)
2) Your time on LEB/LET has seen the sites go through their positive times, and their negative times. Out of all of the new developments you have seen in the LE* world, what do you think is the best one?
I think the best development is that we have an administration which is willing to listen and to experiment, as well as owners who are tolerating what they do. I am really not known as a big fan of ColoCrossing – if I am allowed to add that – but they give the team a lot of freedom, probably more than they ever did before. This is a big chance and something that I have to give them teeth-gnashingly credit for. A forum is an ever-changing place and the good old times have always been the best. But still I am confident that we will have a cozy and drama-rich future together.
3) What made you want to become a moderator on LEB/LET?
I admit that I may seem a bit strange from time to time, but trust me:
It was never one of my evil plans to become a moderator on LET. World Domination is something we could discuss anytime, but not that.
I had just stopped being moderator for 10 years at another large forum and had promised myself that I would never deal with a whole bunch of weird online nerds in a forum again.
Then, one morning, a ghost appeared right in front of me, out of nowhere. It was quite a cute ghost with red curly hair and a friendly smile, his face was surrounded by smoke (wherever that came from, probably from me) and glaring sunlight. He called himself “Jarland”, passed me a Red Bull with a large portion of Everclear and asked me whether I could imagine joining him and his team on a mission that could change the surface of the earth, if not the universe. He had two different types of pills to offer, I obviously took the right one and here I am now: A simple member with some extra buttons in the interface and unsettling new private messages from strangers.
No, seriously, the part with the pills never happened. The rest is completely true. The main reason for me to become part of the team was, even if it sounds a bit pathetic, that I wanted to give something back.
LET might be a harsh and unfriendly place every now and then, but I have learned so much there and profited in so many ways from LET, that I felt it would only be right to help a bit running this place within my limited possibilities. All team members are great guys and I just love insulting and eventually banning people when I am toasted.
Win-Win Situation.
4) If you could do anything on LE*, what would you do?
I would post pictures of my dog in naughty poses together with a fluffy toy octopus (imagine tentacles!) and try to sell cheap VMs without a provider tag. Then I would install a real forum software with the look of Vanilla and all the features that we do not have now and will probably never have. Finally, I would change Jarland’s and Ishaq’s profile images with something controversal, but still in good style, just because I can.
5) What are you most looking forward to seeing on LEB/LET in the next year?
Friendly and knowledgable help, a community that sticks together even more, the hottest deals and industry news, the public grilling of spammers and scammers, lots of splendid drama and a real good time.
6) Is there something you would like to add?
Yes. I would like to declare that my partner is the most beautiful and adorable women on earth. She said that this would be the prerequisite for her allowing me to spend my Sunday with some guy called “Harry” on the couch, talking about nerd shit, instead of enjoying the beautiful weather together with her outdoors. How could I ever reject the desire of the most beautiful and adorable woman on earth? So here we go.
I would like to thank Amitz for taking time out of his day to speak to LEB. Once again, if you are a provider (or a moderator for that matter) and want to be featured, just comment down below. Otherwise, you can PM @hawc on LET.
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<3 Amitz. He wasn't easily convinced to join the team, but caved quickly when I told him that I wasn't setting up for any expectations or responsibilities. I just wanted to give him the tools to do good when he saw opportunities to do so, and nothing more. Identify good people, empower them, and get out of their way. That's my game.
Congrats Amitz!
oh boy, you are a decade older than me :p
Hum, someone 1 year older, than me…
Every cunt must know this monkey boy
Don’t impersonate Nekki, Lucas!
That only his best friend parody,sir :)
My experience with this individual would, politely, be described as being on the receiving end of a violent psychotic’s machinations – at times, the epitome of narcissism, and then (clickity-click, bipolar trick) the leader of a Ministry of Truth reporting to Jar Jar Binks.
I’m not saying @Amitz is a bad guy, or that Harry is. I’m just saying that this is very impartial and it’s not like he even tried to make it look like this was a spot open to just anyone. It’s clear that this site is just one big circle jerk between the owners, admins, and moderators.
Just in case anyone needs to see it: Not sarcasm. Toodles.
Is he Indian?
i think seo expert need this