LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

Need a High RAM VPS? ByteHosting Has a HOT DEAL For You!

ByteHostingRecently someone was asking about high RAM VPS options on LowEndTalk.  The poster was looking for hourly options and I said:

High RAM, low cost – ByteHosting often offers high RAM packages. I personally have not used them, but I also haven’t seen a lot of complaints over the last couple years.

14GB for under 10 euro seems to be their usual jam.

My thought was that what someone would pay for a few hours of use, you could get a month’s service from ByteHosting.

But I said 14GB for €10…now you can get 14GB for only €6.99/month!

This is a hot deal, so if you’re looking for a high RAM VPS, you should definitely jump on this ASAP.

Special Offer

Ryzen 9 5900x
2 vCores
75 GB NVMe Storage
1x IPv4
20 TB Traffic
1 Gbit Uplink
Only €6.99 / month
Order Link:

Datacenter and Network Info

Test IPv4:
LG: http://lg.bytehosting.cloud/
DC: Tornado DC – Frankfurt am Main


1 Comment

  1. A Customer Who Asked For A Refund:

    I signed up for the deal and I’m blown away.

    In a bad way.

    Despite everything on this sales page and their site saying $$/mo as if they were selling subscriptions THEY’RE NOT, they’re selling ephemeral servers with a countdown timer set to nuke the box unless you add time. THEY DON’T AUTORENEW SERVERS.

    You have to manually add time every month, quarter, or year or the server goes bye-bye.

    So if you forget, if you don’t set a calendar alert, if life happens or you get sick you can kiss the box goodbye because they didn’t have the foresight to allow you to auto-renew.


    In an age when companies are trying to figure out how to attach themselves to your wallet here’s a company that doesn’t want to help you keep your sh*t online for a service which makes sense to auto-renew.

    March 1, 2025 @ 3:19 pm | Reply

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