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NQHost - $15/Quarter 128MB Xen VPS in Dallas

NQHost Julie from NQHost has sent me their new Xen offer in a new location. It’s Dallas TX this time with SoftLayer (test IP: For $15/Quarter you get

  • 128MB memory
  • 10GB storage
  • 100Mbps shared port unmetered bandwidth
  • 1x IPv4 and IPv6 on request
  • Xen/SolusVM

Direct sign up link. So it’s a bit low on resource, but in return you get unmetered bandwidth in a premium DC. NQHost has been around since February 2010, is part of Dolorem Ipsum, s.r.o in Czech Republic, and have other unmetered Xen servers in Germany and Russia.

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  1. Spo0lsh:

    How many IPv6 can You add to vps? I need aprox. 6.

    October 16, 2011 @ 6:21 pm | Reply
  2. paul:

    Shared port unmetered bandwidth? That sounds like a receipt for massive congestion.

    October 16, 2011 @ 6:31 pm | Reply
    • Just 10GB and 128MB RAM, I don’t think so

      October 16, 2011 @ 6:47 pm | Reply
      • paul:

        Use your imagination– you don’t need much ram for static file hosting and 10GB d/l’d by enough people adds up after a while. :)

        October 17, 2011 @ 1:06 am | Reply
        • Yes I know, but I guess is less probable getting abuser in these 128MB boxes, than some 512MB with 50GB boxes and this unmetered port

          October 17, 2011 @ 2:11 am | Reply
  3. Low resources and still good for VPN tunneling though.

    October 17, 2011 @ 1:02 am | Reply
    • mty:

      Do you have actual measurements? This looks really interesting for a cross-atlantic VPN, but I’m afraid the link will be to slow for video streaming.

      October 17, 2011 @ 2:26 pm | Reply
  4. mrm2005:


    I ordered a vps , exactly for the VPN and watching hulu. No Problem so far.
    Cachefly test tells me that i’m on 1Gbps connection (about 40MB/s).
    I’m Watching Hulu, (360p resolution ) , everything is OK.

    dd test is around 50MB/s , so it’s in the middle range. (actually i don’t care about it , because i don’t need that). CPU is 1 core Xeon 3460.

    Finally, as default there is no IPv6. You have to request it. After receiving welcome email, i requested assigning IPv6 and they asked to recreate the vps on another node (they said it’s faster), i accepted that and in 5 minutes i received new vps information (new VPS IP,.. etc).

    I had 2 or 3 tickets .I received the response with in 5 minutes.This is super fast.

    November 4, 2011 @ 5:57 pm | Reply
  5. florin:


    I recommend them also, have been working with them for a long time now (2010), and they are ok, also response time to tickets is fast

    November 7, 2011 @ 7:29 am | Reply
  6. Dallas:

    Just signed up for this to use as a VPN, seems to be working great so far!

    For those interested, I installed Debian 6 32bit, then ran the “put dispener here” script I found via google, only change is I had to run “apt-get install openvpn” before running the script. Up and running in about 15min!

    November 12, 2011 @ 7:55 pm | Reply
  7. Yingfei Zhang:

    A quick review. The servers are located in Dallas, Softlayer, which is great for me to set up a backup site. 1000M port, unlimited price, I love your service. The only requirement for them is to have more interaction with LEB comments.

    November 17, 2011 @ 12:21 pm | Reply
  8. mdh:

    I’ve got four VPS’ at three locations (Moscow, Dallas, Phoenix) from NQHost, all with 10mbit unmetered. I’ve been with them for about 3 months now. They all consistently out-perform my expectations in terms of network speed. The only one which ever experiences occasional downtime is the Moscow host, but it’s network-related, not system downtime, and a ocean/continent away from me, so that isn’t surprising, nor is it frequent (maybe 15 minutes per week total, on average).

    November 29, 2011 @ 4:30 pm | Reply
  9. Jack Woods:

    I’d stay away from NQHost. I signed up for a VPS and after about a 12 hour wait, I asked for an order status update. A few minutes later I got a response that they were cancelling my order because it didn’t pass their fraud detection. Kind of lame, they didn’t even ask me to back up that I was who I said I was. No questions just cancel out my service. Of course the money hasn’t come back into my Paypal account yet. Who knows if it ever will. I just don’t appreciate Pavel and NQHost calling me a fraud, especially since they are the ones who have my money….and haven’t provided the service….if anything I feel like NQHost has defrauded me.

    December 30, 2011 @ 1:46 pm | Reply
  10. REZ:

    I have the Germany VPS with them… has an extremely slow disk performance. I don’t want to bother testing, because even “apt-get upgrade” takes 40 minutes to complete with just about 23 packages to be updated (minor small packages), and the previous “apt-get update” took 12 minutes to complete. I mean, how ridiculous is that???

    Oversold! Oversold!

    I posted a ticket to address this issue, and now, after more than 24 hours, still no solution. They said they’d create a new VPS on another node… How long do I have to wait?

    March 15, 2012 @ 5:07 am | Reply

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