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Oh Wait, One More Thing... LowEndTalk Competition!

While I was packing for my up-coming holidays (leaving in a few hours), I thought — maybe I will get you guys to do some fun things in the next 2 weeks. Let’s run a COMPETITION!


Build the LowEndTalk.com community. Many useful questions have been asked over the past few weeks and I have learned a lot from the answers you guys provided. Keep it up! So one thing I would like to do is to continue building this community and make it more lively.

Competition Criteria

Currently each person is given a “karma score” on LowEndTalk — it should be shown next to your username. On Thursday 23 December 2010 at 12AM UTC I would like to pick 3 winners that have the most karma score on LowEndTalk, excluding myself.

Here is a list of users sorted by their karma. If I need to pick the winners today it would be spindritf, rm_ and drmike.


For the 3 winners, each can choose a low end VPS package from any of the top 3 providers of 2010 Q4. For example right now a winner can choose from either QuickWeb, RamHost or BuyVM. I will pay a yearly package for you, i.e. up to the value of USD$84/year.

Rules & Conditions

Well. At the end LowEndTalk.com is where people ask questions and share knowledges. So please DO NOT game the system to get high karma. Instead, ask sound questions, or provide good answers, or give constructive comments.

For example, linking to pr0n site might get you a lot of votes with this male-dominated community, but is definitely a NO in building this community up :) I’ll audit the winners when I come back.

All clear? I still have a few hours to answer questions. Otherwise have fun and see ya in 2 weeks.

Latest posts by LEA (see all)


  1. id:

    haha. sounds good for a Christmas present.
    anyway, happy holiday to admin :)

    December 7, 2010 @ 1:58 pm | Reply
  2. Great LEA :)

    December 7, 2010 @ 1:58 pm | Reply
  3. Hanh:

    cannot beat th0se 3 guys

    December 7, 2010 @ 3:10 pm | Reply
  4. Very nice LEA :) May the best LEB-addict win :)

    December 7, 2010 @ 3:23 pm | Reply
  5. tommy:

    really nice christmas present

    December 7, 2010 @ 3:58 pm | Reply
  6. Heh heh heh…. can’t beat those three guys Bro, they are the most active in this neighborhood.

    December 7, 2010 @ 4:26 pm | Reply
  7. Have a safe and happy holiday!

    December 7, 2010 @ 11:34 pm | Reply
  8. Great Chrimas present LEA!

    December 8, 2010 @ 12:24 pm | Reply
  9. The irony of this is that I just paid for one about three days ago from Quickweb for my own personal sites. :)

    As to the “Can’t beat those guys” comments, I politely point out that I’m only on here for a couple of minutes each morning. I spend 5 weeks each year working with the local Salvation Army ringing a bell for them behind a Macy’s. You have plenty of time and opportunity to catch up.

    December 8, 2010 @ 12:57 pm | Reply
  10. What can be posted on LET? Does it need to be VPS related, or can you discuss anything tech related?

    December 8, 2010 @ 8:36 pm | Reply
  11. Good luck to all in this. Not sure I’ll be able to participate much but I look forward to reading the content whenever possible :)

    December 9, 2010 @ 9:18 pm | Reply
  12. Sancha:

    LEA is clearly going to win and keep the prize for himself!

    December 13, 2010 @ 3:09 pm | Reply
  13. I hereby wave my participation in this contest. Not for an ego trip or grandstanding (especially since we have a least another 8 days or so for the contest to run) but to be honest, I don’t another VPS or box. Long story short, I’ve just had a software dotcom drop me an early Christmas gift and would rather see someone use it who needs it instead of me just wasting it.

    To be honest, I like helping folks when I can and learning as I go. A lot of the answers I provide here and elsewhere I find by searching and reviewing the material. That also helps my own hosting clients.

    I would like to see, if I was to place in the top 3, the box go to someone who actually needs one and is unable to afford it. Granted there’s no real way to tell who needs something vs who just wants it but it would be a nice thought.

    LEA, thanks for running this. :)

    December 15, 2010 @ 5:41 pm | Reply
    • You’re so wise :)

      For a wish people like you, I could only wish, wish you got all the best in your life :)

      And btw, your gravatar is a woman, are you a woman ? :D
      If yes, then I would say ” Pheewwiiittt”


      December 21, 2010 @ 2:37 pm | Reply
      • Um, no.

        The avatar actually needs to be replaced. It’s not sticking out for me. I’m winding up rereading my own forum posts and comments.

        December 21, 2010 @ 5:32 pm | Reply
        • Ah,,.. Sorry sir

          As I can see from your picture, you’re wise person :)
          Wish you will always be healthy sir

          December 21, 2010 @ 10:24 pm | Reply
  14. I’m back, and the top 3 are still the same people. And now drmike has given up his prize, and I don’t think a provider should win (Francisco is #4 at the moment). 2 more days so anything can happy :)

    December 21, 2010 @ 1:11 pm | Reply
    • Cool, how’s your trip? I bet you would want to throw away the bathroom scale. :)

      December 21, 2010 @ 1:37 pm | Reply
    • Welcome back LEA.

      We’re missing you much :D

      December 21, 2010 @ 2:38 pm | Reply
    • I don’t think a provider should win

      That too. :)

      And don;t get me started on bathroom scales. I went to buy one this weekend. Cheapest one I could find was about $40 US. For a little thing that you may use once or twice a week.

      December 21, 2010 @ 5:30 pm | Reply
    • Ditto to bathroom scale. Now talking about the usual new year resolution on doing exercise and losing weight…

      December 21, 2010 @ 8:30 pm | Reply
    • Heh heh heh…. bathroom scale won’t work for me, I’m around 300lbs. So every time I step on one they start screaming.

      December 22, 2010 @ 4:36 am | Reply
  15. LEA is clearly going to win and keep the prize for himself!

    December 22, 2010 @ 2:21 am | Reply
  16. Okay. I am almost 9 hours late, but the winners are:

    1. spindritf
    2. rm_
    3. Daniel

    (Note: drmike has decided to wave his participation, and I don’t think providers should be able to partake either).

    Now these guys are able to pick an yearly plan from the top 3 providers from 2010 Q4:

    1. QuickWeb
    2. RAM Host
    3. BuyVM

    I’ll contact the winners later…

    December 23, 2010 @ 8:50 am | Reply
    • Congratulation guys! :) It’s a very nice Christmas gift from LEA.

      December 23, 2010 @ 9:05 am | Reply
    • Daniel:

      Awesome! LowEndTalk is an awesome place, and amount of problems i’ve got fixes for there is great. And thanks DrMike. Ill reply to your email LEA in a min after I search this blog from them providers.

      December 23, 2010 @ 10:40 pm | Reply
    • Daniel:

      BuyVM is out of stock. again.

      December 23, 2010 @ 10:46 pm | Reply
      • You can wait until BuyVM to have stock to redeem the prize. I can wait :)

        December 23, 2010 @ 11:16 pm | Reply
    • Daniel:

      RAMHost only has options to pay monthly.

      December 23, 2010 @ 11:11 pm | Reply
    • I guess if it is too hard to pick from the top 3 providers, it’s okay to pick from other providers featured here as well, as long as (1) they have stock (2) they allow annual payment.

      December 23, 2010 @ 11:19 pm | Reply
    • rm:

      I have now received my Christmas gift, the 512/1024 package from BuyVM. I was already using their 128MB plan, and now will be able to offload some of the RAM-hungry tasks to this new VPS, also perhaps move my Jabber server there (which currently runs on my server at home).
      It would be interesting to know which provider and plan other winners choose. :)
      And thank you again, LEA.

      December 25, 2010 @ 10:29 am | Reply
      • No problem! What do you use for Jabber server? Prosody is coded in Lua, very easy to get started, and does not use much RAM…

        December 25, 2010 @ 10:33 am | Reply
        • rm:

          I use ejabberd, it seems to consume quite a lot of RAM, maybe because it is written in Erlang.

          December 25, 2010 @ 11:06 am | Reply
      • Daniel:


        Because of my location and other things, im very…. complicated :P. I would choose BuyVM, but West Coast is far too bad for me, ~220MS pings, 100kbps connections. Not BuyVMs fault, but not for me.

        December 25, 2010 @ 11:35 am | Reply
        • Christian:

          If I am right you are in the UK. Why don’t you go with Quickweb in Germany?

          December 25, 2010 @ 12:27 pm | Reply
        • rm:

          Well, I am on the other side of the globe from BuyVM – getting about 240 msec ping.
          Yet I do get good speeds (can max out my Internet connection at 950 Kbytes per second downloading from a BuyVM VPS right now). With them you go via Hurricane Electric network, and they do have exceptionally good links/presence worldwide.
          Also not a singly visitor has complained about speed since I moved my website/forum there.
          So I think ping is not an issue, unless you run game servers or something.

          December 25, 2010 @ 2:10 pm | Reply
        • Daniel:

          I went with Bhost :)

          December 25, 2010 @ 2:39 pm | Reply
      • rm:

        It looks like someone at BuyVM support wasn’t aware of this, and decided to just nuke my new VPS without any warning or trace (nothing in SolusVM, nothing in WHMCS), because “it was paid for by another client”.
        Posted a ticket and got it back, but with none of my data in it, which is unfortunate as since last backup I spent several days reconfiguring it heavily.
        Wonder if it disappears again in future, when another support person decides to do holiday housekeeping.
        My first ever disappointment with this company.

        January 5, 2011 @ 6:07 pm | Reply
        • Yeah. I was wondering why I received the VPS welcoming email from BuyVM. Ask the support to talk to Francisco as I contacted him directly to migrate the VPS to your account. Looks like a very costly confusion there.

          January 5, 2011 @ 8:32 pm | Reply

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