LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

Our Most Popular Page Has Been Updated! Super Cheap VPS Offers!

Dollar VPSOf all of our 5,000+ pages and posts, one stands out as consistently the most popular page.  This page gets a ton of views every day, and if you google “lowendbox” it’s usually the second listing, right under the home page listing.

The page?  Our listing of $1 cheap VPS systems!

Yes, you can get a fabulous VPS system for $12 a year or yes.  Considering that you’ll pay 4-6 times that to get in the door at major providers, this is a pretty amazing deal.

Of course, technically it’s not $1 a month but $12 a year (or less) in most cases.  That’s because there is a transactional cost to billing someone for a dollar twelve times a year which would swamp any profits.

But getting a full years’ service for $12 is still a great deal!

These are usually systems in the 512MB-1GB range.  What could you do with such a system?  A lot.  Don’t look at that 512MB the way you’d look at your laptop.  512MB to 1GB is more than enough to run a VPN, monitoring poller, or small web site.  Really?  Oh yes, really.

We’ve got featured offers on that page from

  • RackNerd: 768MB for only $10.28/YEAR!
  • CloudServer: 1GB for only $10/YEAR!

Now if you want to step up to a little bit more – say, about $1.50 a month – then the field opens quite a bit.  Including:

  • ServerHost: 1.5GB system with unmetered bandwidth for $1.40/month
  • Ethernet Servers: 1GB system with 2TB bandwidth for only $14.95/year!



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