Akamai, a leading global content delivery network, was responsible for an outage today which impacted large portions of the Internet, including popular websites FedEx, UPS, Home Depot, and many others. The outage lasted at least an hour and was the result of a “software configuration” update which went wrong, apparently causing a disruption to the DNS system at the company.
According to Akamai:
“At 15:46 UTC today, a software configuration update triggered a bug in the DNS system, the system that directs browsers to websites. This caused a disruption impacting availability of some customer websites. The disruption lasted up to an hour. Upon rolling back the software configuration update, the services resumed normal operations. Akamai can confirm this was not a cyberattack against Akamai’s platform.”
Akamai went on further in their post-outage announcement, explaining that they intend to do better in the future:
“We apologize for the inconvenience that resulted. We are reviewing our software update process to prevent future disruptions.”
This is just one of many serious recent outages caused by major content delivery networks and cloud hosting providers over the past year, including CloudFlare, Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, IBM Cloud, and Google Cloud. The recent run of outages may cause some CIOs and CTOs to re-evaluate their reliance on centralized CND and Cloud solutions.
Join the conversation at our message board companion website, LowEndTalk, about this latest outage.
See a larger list of impacted major websites by today’s outage below:
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At first i thought this was similar to GeoGuessr, but actually wheredle is a lot better (GeoGuessr i often have absolutely no idea where the location is)