Danny, from PaulVPS, has contacted us with a new promotion. PaulVPS has recently launched Xen PV VPS plans. The below plan normally retails for $8.5/month, but by using the promo code LEBXEN30OFF, it’s only $5.95/m.
XenDove 512M
PaulVPS have been featured on LowEndBox twice before. PaulVPS are the international subsidiary of chinese based PaulHost who were founded in October 2011. Whilst only 1 IPv4 is assigned by default, you can submit a ticket to get a second one added for free. Danny also tells us that their previous $2.50/Month OpenVZ german offer is still available if you use the coupon: DELOWEND. If you’re a customer of theirs, please leave a quick review below about your experience with PaulVPS.
PaulVPS accept payments via Paypal and Alipay (chinese equivalent of Paypal). They offer a 7 day moneyback guarantee and VPS services come with a 99.9% uptime guarantee. We are told that IPv6 coming soon. Management can be added for $20/Month. As usual you may want to read their Terms of Service and Acceptable Usage Policy before purchasing.
Network Information:
San Diego Test IPv4:
San Diego Test File:
Frankfurt Test IPv4:
Frankfurt Test File:
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good jobO.O
Indeed, very nice offer, don’t like it not having equal CPU share though!
[~]: wget
–2013-05-02 20:30:14–
Connecting to… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 404 Not Found
2013-05-02 20:30:14 ERROR 404: Not Found.
Sorry for the dead link, it’s been fixed.
hei Roy~Well done~
Here I need to clarify that Roy left PaulVPS in the early March,
It’s a pity that he cannot work with us any more, but we strive to provide better service.
Feel free to let us know if you have any questions in mind.
only 100mbps port on u vps :D
Thanks for your test :)
Yes currently all VPS will be given on 100mbps port.
We are talking with our provider on the upgrade, I believe 1Gbps will be available shortly.
in 1 server again i test
http://prntscr.com/137enk ^_^
I love paulvps. :)
2 IPv4s. Pity that there wasnt a cheaper lower spec plan. I was looking for one to work as nameserver.
Hi Joel,
Thanks for your interest, you can simply submit a ticket to our sales department and we can make a quote for you.
You can get 2 IPs for EUR 2.29/month here (same DC): http://www.lowendbox.com/blog/rootnerds-e2month-256mb-openvz-vps-in-frankfurt-germany/
It’s really nice offer from RoorNerds, while we also have competitive offer here http://www.lowendbox.com/blog/paulvps/
2nd IP for free can also be applied to that offer if you mention LEB when you checkout (Limited offer).
Very fast from china aliyun cloudhosting.
Thanks for the test :)
We are looking to contact you to post some newer offer in the near future.
Yes we are Chinese based.
Thanks for your attention :)
i used to have 256mb frankurt with them… actually their vps was good the speed also quite fast… it just that dont know why their frankurt vps to my netherland and france box have slow speed… dont know what happened but to my us box is damn fast…
Thanks for your words.
Maybe you can send us the tracert results and we will see what we can do.
Any information about the CPU?
Hi Ed,
Sorry for the long wait, the comment notification is not delivered to me so I am not aware until today.
The CPU is either i7-3770 or E3-1270 v2.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.
Best Regards
Danny Alex
do they ever answer any ticket?
Just did a check in our ticket system, we never have a ticket shown not answered.
If you have a ticket not resolvd, please show me the ticket number and I will look into it for you.
Best Regards
Danny Alex