David, from PoundHost, has got a brand new dedicated offer for us after his last one managed to sell out! This plan has more ram than last time but is £5 cheaper. This offer is available to anyone, not just EU citizens!
HP ProLiant LEB Dedicated Server
PoundHost Internet Ltd has been featured once before on LowEndBox. They were formed in 2001 as a direct result of “the need for high quality, cost-effective Internet hosting”. After payment is received, generally servers can take around 6 hours to provision, slightly longer if customised. David informs us that they currently have over 8,000 servers and 235 full racks in service – I wouldn’t like to be their AC system! David also sent this snazzy graphic with the offer ;) On their last offer, a few people moaned about the price but customer reviews were good.
PoundHost accept payment via Credit/Debit Card or Bank Transfer (BACS). A 99.9% uptime SLA is included. Services will be setup the same day. If you’re located in the European Union and do not have a valid VAT ID, you will be charged 20% VAT. IPv6 is available on request. When you’re at the ordering stage, there are many addons that can be purchased for your server. For more information, take a look at their Terms of Service and Service Level Agreement.
Network Information:
Servers are located at the Pulsant datacenter in Maidenhead, Berkshire.
Test IPv4:
Test File: http://www.poundhost.com/20mb.bin
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the ovh is more cheaper !
If your going to compare every offer to OVH, you’re a fool. It’s far more expensive to host in the UK.
This are just random Chinese spamming, if someone would finally remove the href link to their shit sites, maybe half of this spam would stop.
I believe they are ‘no follow’ links so it doesn’t actually help them, but I’m not too up on SEO tbh so maybe someone can chip in who can confirm.
Last I know it’s nofollow @ lowendtalk and dofollow @ lowendbox.
seo ? you are a joke ? my site has a high pagerank, pagerank 6 !
Ha ha… You really hurt his feelings. :) He seems to be right regarding the PR too. :D
maybe they should remove your comment instead
Steal content from LEB, SPAM links with it on LEB and profit from ads. I’m amazed that such trash is not ip banned this website.
@Tom: This are just random Chinese spamming, if someone would finally remove the href link to their shit sites, maybe half of this spam would stop.
what the fuck do you think you are? shit !
i hate spams too ! only 4 Chinese character in the blank of the Name, is that spam ? You should learn to respect others !
@[NotTypableOnMyKeyboard]: When you state “You should learn to respect others” almost directly after using the phrase “what the fuck do you think you are?” and other expletives, you look a somewhat hypocritical and childish. I appreciate that English is not your first language so this may be an incorrect impression caused by the language barrier.
I know you see a great many people talking like that on the Internet but that does not mean it is generally considered acceptable to do so – I recommend you alter the tone of your responses if you wish to improve the impression people have of you.
And you should stop comparing everything to OVH.
Shame on you.
Oh shut up you piece of shit chinese spammer, you can’t speak our language, your forum posts are worthless, and no one wants a cheap chinese whiny client. STOP SPAMMING your links okay
Chinese people in general are annoying twats!
Try to respect others, you fucking idiot.
If you want to swear to Chinese people, do it elsewhere.
The name is not offending you. I am doing it now. You fucking asshole.
You really need a lesson. I’d rather find this is offending, instead of the name. I am a Chinese-Canadian. I hold double citizen
As a Asian Canadian who’s fluent in English and can’t speak a lick of Chinese, I find this rather offensive.
Not of all us are complete idiots who can’t speak bloody English. The Chinese spammers located above are a exception and should be banned either way.
Shame on you.
@Roberrt: Just to let you know that what you’ve said constitutes of hate speech which is illegal in US, where LEB is hosted, it would get you (if you are living in US or any country that has laws against hate speech), as well as LEB, into trouble.
@Liam: I would highly recommend you to take down this thread in the comments due to reasons mentioned above.
I always thought hate speech was legal in the us. (as part of the constitution), Look at westboro baptish church for example.
OVH are cheaper *if they ever finally deliver*.
“24 hours” was the delivery time when I ordered. That was revised to “1 to 10 days” when I looked the next day. A few days in I asked and they can’t give an ETA. This is day 10 and my order still has not been fulfilled. There is a considerable difference between inexpensive and cheap, and cheap is not always convenient!
(note: I’ve had another server with OVH for a while now, and have not had any trouble with that, just pointing out that no deal is perfect)
As Ashley said. we are not OVH. You may not find the absolute cheapest prices with us, but then we place much more value on providing top notch service, support and infrastructure.
Are you representing PoundHost?
Yeh sorry I work for Namesco (PoundHost/Namesco/CheapVPS). I manage CheapVPS day to day so spend time over there mainly.
It’s not bad, but it’s not competitive given what else is available in europe.
Strange, I feel right opposite. You have Hetzner and you have OVH. Anything else? To me seems this a great deal for £20/Month. There’s not a lot of competition in this pricing range if from some reason you don’t want to go with two specific hosts.
I3d were doing quad xeons with 4gb ram and dual 160gb disks for £20 per month only last month…
You also have 1&1
I think it’s unfair to compare with expired plans.
And you have providerservice :-)
Intel G550T (2x 2.1GHz), 8GB RAM, 2x320GB HD, 5TB BW, 27.73€
You should first realise that the UK is not competitive at all compared to any location. Prices for bandwidth, hardware, and general costs of doing business are higher than almost all of Europe.
The UK is not competitive compared to any other location? Bandwidth, etc costs in the UK are a bargain compared to other places in Europe like Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, Malta. Try that “our bandwidth prices are so high” line in some place like South Africa or Kenya where they’re paying 100X more than anyone in the UK or Europe is paying and see if you get any sympathy :P
Back to the offer: £20/Month is a very good deal for the UK. :)
回到报价:20/Month英镑,英国是一个非常好的协议。 :)
Retour à l’offre: £ 20 par mois est une très bonne affaire pour le Royaume-Uni. :)
It is competitive, just because it does not match OVH does not make it not competitive – it’s a very good price for a Dedi of that spec.
No Paypal?
PoundHost do not accept PayPal. You can pay by debit/credit card or bank transfer (BACS)
So if not satisfied, up to no ways to get refund. Its not a clear way.
I’m not sure I understand sorry.
What he means is that, with Paypal, customers have a sense of security when dealing with providers they are not familiar with it. If the provider decides to shutdown service one fine day and disappear, the customer can raise a Paypal dispute and get a refund. Once it’s paid with a credit card, the chargeback process is more tedious from a customer’s point of view.
I’d think the fact that you don’t have to share your credit card details with an untrusted provider would be more important.
We’re hardly ‘untrusted’. All our legal info is available here:
Inc VAT: £24/m
which makes the matter much much worse.
Much much worse for an extra £4?
It’s a good price for a Dedi, especially as you can get an extra drive for only 99p as I’ve just seen.
For some people extra % matter really
As we are paying stupid governments doing stupid things when we rent a dedicated server.
The first couple of boxes that have been ordered are already in the last phase of their testing/provisioning and are about to be release to their new owners.
Anyone know if these guys are still running credit checks on people?
I don’t think we have ever required credit checks. Where did you get that impression from?
I think it was you guys anyway.
there used to be a note about running credit checks… Seems like a great offer, just a shame about the HDD size.
” Same day setup (if ordered before 4pm – Mon-Fri) and subject to credit and identification checks. “
We’ve never required a credit check (even when we had that old site) so I guess that is just a mistake!
Regarding the disk space, you can add a secondary disk if you like. An additional 160GB disk is 99p per month extra for example.
Hi there Daniel, We do not run a credit check on customers, we do however ask for ID if the order looks a little suspect.
Thanks for confirming.
Can you assign IPv6 /64 block? And is it possible to have Proxmox 3 installed ?
Drop a ticket in if you would like IPv6 and you can install what you like within reason as these are unmanaged boxes.
Hi there Netadmin,
We can indeed give you a /64 on IPV 6, and with the Promox 3, while we have not tried it ourselves there should be no issue with running it. The Xeon 3065 CPU that is in the servers supports virtualisation. For more info on the CPU have a look at http://ark.intel.com/products/30775/Intel-Xeon-Processor-3065-4M-Cache-2_33-GHz-1333-MHz-FSB?q=3065
This is a good configuration, but the price does not have the advantage, because it is in Europe. Looking forward to the U.S. room shelves!
Hope you could accept paypal payment.
Agree, please add paypal as payment method.
We don’t accept PayPal at PoundHost. As above, we do accept credit/debit cards or bank transfer (BACS)
Not sure if there’s a big delay now but its been 6+ hours since I placed my order :(
I think they deliver in office hours only (9-5) (UK TIME)
We’re currently provisioning the orders that came in overnight, apologies for the delay.
Got my server provisioned earlier today. I had to send a scan of an ID card and utility bill to verify myself, but, oh well. It’s a pretty good deal especially for it being an Xeon CPU (everywhere else I look, its $50+ USD per month). Here is the benchmark I did:
Network speed doesnt look too good. None of the speeds max out a 100 Mbps.
Download speed from CacheFly: 11.0MB/s
Download speed from i3d.net, NL: 10.2MB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 11.0MB/s
Was going to sign up but I would want it today haha
If you order now you should have it today no problem. In fact drop me an email at gbennett@names.co.uk when you order and i’ll chase it for you.
Emailed you Greg
Could it be available to have additional IP address? It seems have no such options on the shopping page. Any suggestion? @Greg
Sure, we can provide IPv4 addresses with proper RIPE justification. You can have as many IPv6 addresses as you like within reason.
If it’s missing on the order page, just order your box as usual then drop a ticket in and we’ll provision the IP addresses.
Thanks for your prompt reply.
BTW, How about the fees for additional IPs?
IPv4 addresses are 50p per month. IPv6 are free.
CheapVPS and ProudHosting are amazing. Stop complaining about things which are not that important just to make a post here. Using paypal or credit card on their website is pretty much the same. The use third party payment processor which acts as paypal and you card is safe. If you have paypal so you have credit/debit card just use it if you need the service instead of complaining why there is no paypal. Complaining instead of taking the offer while it lasts clearly shows you do not need that service.
The network speed not reaching 100% you are not real man. How do you expect any data-center to give you dedicated 100mbps line. Of course it is shared and is not yours to use all the time. If you want such get it at home from a tier 1 ISP and see how much that will cost you.
Greg and all you guys keeping CheapVPS and PrpudHost great services Thank you. Keep up the good work. I have over a dozen of servers with you guys and these are running flawless since the moment we started these. There was a slight issue at the beginning with the KVM servers because these were beta project I believe but Abee took care of that within minutes for me. Just nothing to complain here I can only say that I hope more server providers will reach your level of service and price ranges.
The dedicated servers are a bit expensive for me as of right now but I will get one soon for dedicated databases server.
Thanks very much for the kind feedback Danail, much appreciated.
Here are some more European speed tests
Download speed from CacheFly: 10.8MB/s
Download speed from Telecoms.bg, Varna, BG: 6.08MB/s
Download speed from FDCServers, Zlin, CZ: 2.52MB/s
Download speed from Equinix, Dusseldorf, DE: 11.1MB/s
Download speed from Hetzner, Nuremberg, DE: 10.2MB/s
Download speed from Telehouse, Frankfurt, DE: 10.9MB/s
Download speed from Adamo, Barcelona, ES: 8.13MB/s
Download speed from OVH, Roubaix, FR: 5.48MB/s
Download speed from OVH, Strasbourg, FR: 5.07MB/s
Download speed from Ecatel, Amsterdam, NL: 10.4MB/s
Download speed from EvoSwitch, Haarlem, NL: 11.0MB/s
Download speed from SmartDC, Rotterdam, NL: 10.9MB/s
Download speed from Voxility, Bucharest, RO: 1.41MB/s
Download speed from Linode, London, UK: 11.1MB/s
Download speed from Rapidswitch, Maidenhead, UK: 11.2MB/s
Download speed from Redstation, Hampshire, UK: 11.1MB/s
Thank you for the data. I really appreciate. But it makes more sense to post upload rates as it is what a server is expected to do. :-)
Hi, is hosting legal porn allowed?
As long as you do not break the law with any content or scripts on the server you can host pretty much anything you like on the servers.
How are OS reloads and reboots handled?
I picked one up it seemed to good not to, especially in a UK DC at that price, 4 hours from order to delivery and I got an extra 160GB drive added for £0.99, with VAT its £26 which is still decent.
No complaints at all, does exactly what it promises and being in the UK it’s nice and responsive, the drives for their age still perform very well.
So yeah, all good.
Can someone show a smartctl disk age?
Seems to vary, I have one that’s 4 years old and another that is just over 1 year.
Real review
I use this dedicated server. The network is very good! 40MS from Hungary(5-10mb/s download). The dedicated speed is okay. But the dedicated is old.. CPU and etc. So its not too new. IP’s are great. 0,5 GBP only per one. The memory for the machines are expensive.How the fuck and why? DDR2 667MHZ why so.. expensive. 2 + GB memory 4,5GBP + VAT. Expensive. But anyway.. the support is great. And the machine is great too , not new.. but great :)
IO Speed 36mb/s. With RAID 0 2x 160GB. Very bad…. But thats all at this price :). If you need any question about it.. just tell me :). I am not one of the people who telling that: OMG a dedicated SERVER OMG. I did a REAL review.
Hi there Peter,
Thanks for the review, and I am glad your getting good service out of your machine.
Ah, support is shit though. I have SSH access to my server but the server is not in the portal and because it’s not there you can’t raise a ticket which is a pain. Livechat keep bouncing my question by going off and online.
In other words it seems it was a rush to get you the server without actually setting it all up properly.
@W1V_Lee I have had excellent support from the staff on duty, even in the middle of the night. Drop an email to sales@poundhost.com and I am sure they will fix your portal problem.
I did, yesterday and today, plus had 3 attempts at livechat and get no response. Not that I am expecting immediate response times but I don’t like asking a question on livechat, waiting 20 mins, it goes offline, trying again, then it goes offline and so on.
Maybe @Greg can help? => gbennett@names.co.uk
Our support is normally really good. If you drop me an email on the above address I’ll get it sorted ASAP for you. Sorry for the hassle.
All sorted. Thanks.
Glad to hear it!
So far my experience has not been great….ordered and paid for 6 on Saturday, it’s now Monday after 1pm and no server, no contact, nothing. Not a good start at all. Will update with progress.
6pm on Saturday even. Not 6 servers.
UPDATE: Server has just come available so a little slower to set up than I’d wished but I guess everyone needs a weekend :)
Very impressed after an initial delay in setup. Support has been swift and responsive.
Sorry for the initial mix up, glad to hear it’s all sorted now. Cheers
Really loving this host so far, this is the most powerful dedicated server I’ve ever had! Used to having the slower atom dedi with the slow processors *cough*ovh*cough. But yeah, the servers and poundhost are excellent! Great ping from the U.S. as well.
Tip for people outside of the EU, send them an email to remove the VAT since it won’t apply to people outside of the UK and EU. Will save a few bucks!
Host has been super responsive with my questions and support. Great host, worth it’s weight in gold and lives up to my expectations and hype from everyone. :)
Thanks for the great feedback Travis! Cheers
We’re down to the last few servers in this offer, but since it has proved so popular I am having another 20 of these servers built up ready to rock and roll.
“In a league of their own for service” – if you know what you are doing (sys admin of linux box ) – you will not find better on here – Sleep at night and pay a little bit more for a service that is excellent, delivers and continues to do so .. thank you Stuart ,Ram, Anup and all ~ for your prompt and capable service ,
Thanks for the feedback, glad you are happy with it!
David – what’s your email address please?
Hi Ian, you can get hold of me with david.ainscough@poundhost.com
Hi David,
Can I also get in touch with you since I won’t be able to submit ticket at portal (as there’s no product to choose yet which is compulsory). Other departments just not the right place to ask too. Hope to hear from you. Thank you so much :)
Hi Shyuan,
Got your email this morning and I think that Tim has been able to fix everything for you this morning. If you have any issues, you have my email address.
Hi David,
Thank you so much for sorting my issue! It’s been a great start with PoundHost! Thank you very much for the deal and customer service :)
Pff, never mind then. Why do i have to co-operate with the US when I have a server located in the UK?
I’m pretty sure they mean US as in THEM (PoundHost).
Hi there Yzord,
Travis is correct, that us US as in PoundHost
Are there any of these left ? if so can it be setup with software raid 1 if the additional HD is purchased ?.
The link is still working so I assume they still have some left. I ordered my second server from them yesterday, but it’s blocked by MaxMind again pfft. Apparently waiting for David to “rescue” my order. Hmm. Anyway, please wait for confirmation by one of the staff members there. Thanks for reading.
Thanks, I might take a punt and order one, the I can cancel my ovh order which has been waiting for setup for 3 weeks …
As for RAID 1, I think you will be able to get that if you add a secondary HD and choose RAID 1 in the order form since the option is there. Hehe.
I am also still waiting mine at OVH. Pffft. :D
Hi there Paul,
I have a couple left in my inventory, ready to go live as soon as you need one.
Hi David,
Do you mind looking at my issue? :)
@David – I put an order in over the weekend.
@David, OK I just realised I didnt finalise the order because I didnt have my vat number to hand, will get one in ASAP
@Shyuan Check your mail box and mail me back ;)
Done replying you :) Thanks for taking care of us as customers :)
Not a problem, enjoy your new server, if you have any problems let me know or submit a ticket in the portal for a quick response for technical issues.
Morning Paul,
If I am seeing the right person on the order list your server has been set up and released to you, if you have any problems or issues please feel free to contact me.
I see from the portal that its been provisioned and I can see it in ssh, but I have no login details – was expecting an email or something …
OK sorted now :-)
Looks like people really like this server, so we do not run out over the weekend I am having another 20 boxes added to our stock for this offer! Remember the only place to get this offer is though LowEndBox.com
Whats the deal with these hosts asking for passport copy after doing a credit card payment? Is that a new norm? I find it very invasive…. Or… is it assumed anyone with a south-east asian billing address is a criminal?
In the past ive never had to provide this information for hosting.
Hi Sajal,
This is sadly becoming more and more common amongst web hosters & other service providers, it is not just for people ordering in south-east Asia, we have to protect against fraudsters in all countries, sadly this sometimes means that we are unable to provide our servers and services to genuine people.
… so why are you doing it, because everyone else is?
Unless you care to be transparent about what mechanisms are in place for you to check customer provided identification, this is a fallacy and does not prevent fraud outright. From stolen credit card information to identity theft/fraud doesn’t seem like a great leap. Sending you a .jpg sounds pathetic.
With a growing trend in privacy awareness, I suspect more and more genuine customers are dissuaded by this practice; or commit anyway because the desire for the service out weighs their perceived value. Those who have already sacrificed this information elsewhere may be more accepting.
The concern here is what pressure was applied to adopt checking customer identification as an accepted solution. Either some group dynamic, because everyone else is or an external entity such as a local authority wants to tie legitimate customers to servers for some nefarious reason. It’s not as if you’ve already got their banking details…
I merely wrote this post to perhaps instil some thought into your (including you, customer) practices and curiosity.
My identity is already with my bank/card issuer. The card issuer charges fees to the merchant (and me). If they do not prevent fraud, then do we pay them so much? The whole system is messed up. I wanted some new boxes to play with, got turned down by 3 providers and got accepted by the 4th. Something is not right here…
If these providers are so worried about fraud, then why dont they accept payments in bitcoins which is irreversible…
@Sajal Kayan
Adoption. Their supplier for equipment probably won’t be using bitcoins therefore there is more work to handle the exchange between bitcoin and local currency for payment.
Additionally, I suspect asking for ID can act as a deterrent (more work for the fraudster?), this will mean network engineers will be hopefully commissioning legitimate servers, rather than building and taking down those of fraudulent orders.
any company that asks for such info you should run far from. you don’t know you can trust them.. Plus id fraud is a possibility if you hand this info over.
I think unless there’s a better way to prevent fraud or reduce false positive and vice versa, otherwise checking ID is the only way to go for now. Different culture may have different point of view. I may be offended too if I were you.
But I didn’t feel that when PH asked for ID :P I think I am get used to it.
I’ve had to send several pieces of verifying info to hosters before (US here)
Come on man. Go an buy only cash items if you do not want to provide ID. Even if you pay on terminal on a store they have the right to ask for ID.
Get your own business running and when you have to deal with fraud lets see if you will post BS like that. If you do not like it start local cash only business.
Perhaps this was the wrong thread to start discussion on such a topic, I just saw the host provider had a number of active employees on here and thought I could get a response. I am just genuinely interested in why this is becoming accepted practice for hosting services.
When you purchase in store and they ask for identification, the check is, “this looks like a genuine ID card and you look like the picture on it”. Here, this doesn’t exist, other than the name is the same for billing and on the ID. so I ask the question again; what check is used and how is it preventing fraud?
Just to let you all know I have restocked on this offer so they are still available!
Do you have this available now i want one for my websites….
Hello, david do you have 1 in stock I want one for my asp.net websites… and how many days it take to provision…?