LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

QuickWeb - $23.88/Year 128MB OpenVZ VPS in Phoenix

QuickWeb Sorry guys. Been sick (and still is) so the posting would be slow — those “please feature us!” emails just seemed to pile up in my inbox (well, not literally). Roel from QuickWeb sent me this almost a week ago. Their LowEndBox plans can be found on this dedicated page. It’s the same “Budget VZ” line that they used to have before — except now they are running their own BGP network at PhoenixNAP. Pricing start at $23.88/year for “Budget VZ 1”:

  • 128MB memory/256MB vswap
  • 6GB storage
  • 100GB/month data transfer on 10Mbps
  • 1x vCPU core
  • OpenVZ/SolusVM

If you open a ticket and mention that you are referred from LowEndBox, they’ll also give you a free upgrade to 200GB/month data on 100Mbps. Payment with PayPal or credit card. QuickWeb is one of more popular provider here with good reputation and quick support. And the disclaimer — LowEndBox.com is currently hosted on a VPS provided by QuickWeb.co.nz.

LowEndBox.com is still running on a Xen VPS in Softlayer Dallas. Earlier last week the host node had some issue and got a reboot. I/O tanked after the reboot (as all the VPS were running their bootstrapping scripts), so Roel decided to double the memory for this VPS. Now it’s running Debian 5 x86 with 160MB Xen. I’ve also done some optimization to speed it up a bit (& still have plenty of memory left).

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  1. circus:

    Get well soon :)

    September 29, 2011 @ 7:51 am | Reply
  2. belinik:

    do we get the bandwidth + port upgrade if ordering Budget VZ II?

    September 29, 2011 @ 8:22 am | Reply
  3. xx:

    why on their website list as:

    Budget VZ 1
    CPU: 1 x Intel E1230 CPU Core
    RAM: 128MB RAM
    vSwap: 256MB
    Disk: 6GB RAID10
    Bandwidth: 100GB @ 10Mbit port
    1 IPv4 / OpenVZ
    $1.99 per month (pre-paid annually)

    the disk and bandwidth is not as below

    September 29, 2011 @ 8:42 am | Reply
  4. Is there a typo error here? The page http://www.quickweb.co.nz/lowendbox.html showing

    Budget VZ 1
    RAM: 128MB RAM
    vSwap: 256MB
    Disk: 6GB RAID10
    Bandwidth: 100GB @ 10Mbit port

    September 29, 2011 @ 9:12 am | Reply
    • Actually there’s a couple of typos in the text at the bottom of that page. For example ‘howerver’ should be ‘however.’ Missing a couple of periods as well.

      September 29, 2011 @ 1:27 pm | Reply
      • They fixed the however and some of the punctuation problems but left the other mispellings. May want to check again, folks.

        September 30, 2011 @ 1:01 am | Reply
  5. dpflap:

    no more 1GBps upgrade in Phoenix?

    September 29, 2011 @ 11:15 am | Reply
  6. Is this running on the SSD drives? I know some of their offers have such hardware.

    September 29, 2011 @ 1:26 pm | Reply
    • Christian:

      I don’t think their budget range would be SSD…

      September 29, 2011 @ 2:59 pm | Reply
      • I believe most of their recent offers have been on SSD.

        September 29, 2011 @ 6:06 pm | Reply
      • Christian:

        They won’t give you SSD at this price range and not 6 GB…

        September 29, 2011 @ 6:16 pm | Reply
      • Hi drmike,

        These are not using SSD, however we are going to have it on Phoenix soon.

        September 29, 2011 @ 6:39 pm | Reply
  7. Have heard lots of good things about these guys on WHT – keep it up! :)

    September 29, 2011 @ 8:53 pm | Reply
  8. trafficdivide:

    I just wanted to give a thumbs up to the new Phoenix servers and network. I had not such a good experience with the old Atlantis node in Phoenix due to abusers causing repeated high server load but things have really been great lately. Now I’m finally starting to understand why these guys have such a good reputation (high-end servers, quality network, and prompt support). Keep up the great work!

    October 4, 2011 @ 7:58 am | Reply
    • trafficdivide:

      Ugh..I take back what I said and spoke too soon. Up and down for 6+ hours today with no resolution. I’m done with these budget providers for important web sites. You indeed most of the time get what you pay for.

      October 12, 2011 @ 6:34 pm | Reply
      • hello,

        do you have your ticket no? i will check this for you.

        October 12, 2011 @ 6:59 pm | Reply
        • trafficdivide:

          It’s back up but you guys need to do a better job of pro-actively monitoring the servers and acting promptly to disable accounts using excessive CPU load. Why allow those abusers to take down everyone else on the node? It really appears you guys are “too nice” to abusers because you don’t want to lose them as customers but eventually your long-term loyal customers are going to take a hike. Seriously, I’ve never had this much downtime even with a shared hosting account.

          October 12, 2011 @ 8:47 pm | Reply
      • hello it was an issue with the firmware of RAID card which become complicated but was fixed without data losses…

        October 12, 2011 @ 8:50 pm | Reply
        • trafficdivide:

          Nobody informed me of that issue when I opened a ticket and I was told high CPU load was the problem. Will see what happens and hope it’s fixed…

          October 12, 2011 @ 8:55 pm | Reply
        • trafficdivide:

          I’m done complaining here because this isn’t the place for support even though it seems to get me the best results. I’m just wondering why it was down for over 7 hours with no announcement and when I reported the server down I was never told you guys were aware of a problem? It would appear the only time the server is fixed is when I report it down?

          October 12, 2011 @ 9:02 pm | Reply
        • hello yes the RAID issue have caused i/o problem with results in high CPU load, when senior engineer was summoned it was immediately fixed this was around 3AM in the morning i think our time so he was off, thanks for your patience in this matter mate.

          October 12, 2011 @ 9:04 pm | Reply
        • it happened wee bit in the morning and the staff on duty was not capable of fixing the complicated issue which requires level 3 staff, it just happened when you posted it was being resolved. I’m happy to refund your payment if you are not happy thanks.

          October 12, 2011 @ 9:17 pm | Reply
        • trafficdivide:

          You guys obviously know what you are doing because support has always been helpful but it just seems like the servers need to have better monitoring. I hope monitoring improves and you provide better communication with server issues and announcements. Please take this as constructive feedback to improve your services instead of criticism.

          October 12, 2011 @ 9:18 pm | Reply
        • we have great monitoring system in place.

          October 12, 2011 @ 9:20 pm | Reply
  9. Mr_Five WenZ:

    Hi Roel,

    Can I installing and running CSF (Config Server Firewall) and cPanel DNS Only without any problem/ error/ missing iptables modules?

    October 9, 2011 @ 6:50 pm | Reply
  10. Anoy:

    Looking to see if there is any chance to get an unbranded IP(SecuredServers or PhoenixNAP whatever) regardless of location..

    October 18, 2011 @ 1:13 pm | Reply
    • no we do not use securedservers we own our network and machines including IP space in Phoenix

      October 19, 2011 @ 1:50 am | Reply
      • longvy2k:

        Is the free upgrade to 200GB/month data on 100Mbps still on? I just came accross this post today.

        November 1, 2011 @ 4:37 am | Reply
  11. Yep just for you if you order today :)

    November 1, 2011 @ 8:05 pm | Reply
    • longvy2k:

      Thanks for the info, Roel. Just placed my order in the submitted the ticket for the upgrade.

      November 1, 2011 @ 8:58 pm | Reply
    • Mr_Five WenZ:

      Hi Roel,

      I’m ordered 256MB VPS weeks ago, but why your support staff told me that there is no more free upgrade? :( :( :(

      November 2, 2011 @ 4:43 am | Reply
  12. longvy2k:

    The support was awesome. I put in the ticket and by the time I went to check my email, it was done. Total was about 5 minutes.

    November 2, 2011 @ 6:12 am | Reply

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