Jonny, from Rackburst, writes us to share with you their new products! He has these two SSD VPS in the UK an LEB pricing for you:
| Cottage
We know Jonny from Evorack. Rackburst is owned by the same parent company as Evorack: ABPNI Computer Solutions Ltd. They have recently launched Rackburst and according to Jonny, we’re the first ones to publicly feature the website. The pricing for these plans is the normal pricing; no coupons required. Rackburst’s aim is to provide low-cost, affordable, fast OpenVZ VPS, whereas Evorack will maintain its focus on Xen. This offer is hosted on modern hardware, using Intel Xeon CPUs and RAID10 disk arrays. The offers is located in Rapidswitch in Nottingham, United Kingdom.
Payments are accepted via PayPal. As noted before, IPv6 addresses can be obtained for free and there is no limit on the amount of addresses you may request. IPv6 is native. Support is available via Live Support at least 8 hours a day or via support tickets. Give their Terms of Service a read before you order. Finally, please share your experiences with us in the comments or at LowEndTalk!
Network test
Test IPv4:
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Thanks for the listing!
Just to let everyone know, our Cottage plans (and above) come with 4 vCPU cores.
Will be interesting if Xen or KVM :P
Hi Lucas,
If you want Xen, please visit our Evorack brand. The following link will gets you VPSs at LEB prices:
Please note though that only Rackburst uses SSDs for the time being.
I mean current prices for XEN or KVM instead OVZ :P
Why XEN cost more than OVZ at same specs? Shit is cheaper? :D
Xen and KVM are seen to be a more premium service.
Speedtest link needs fixing, not that it even works…
Hi John,
This is an issue with the LEB site. The link is correct though.
Fixed. Forgot the http:// in front of it.
The only thing keeping me from buying is the low disk space. I’m also not sure what you mean by remote storage is. Is it NAS?
Hi There,
The disk space is small as these use SSD disks, which are smaller and more expensive than faster disks. They are much faster though. The remote storage is included to compensate for this. It is storage on a remote system that can be mounted using SSHFS. Ideal for bigger files and backups.
*more expensive than standard disks.
this is windows or linux ??
Linux – Debian, CentOS or Ubuntu
What is remote storage?
As SSD drives are expensive (however, much, much faster than standard drives), we are only able to give a smaller amount of space. To compensate for this, we are offering remote mountable storage which can be accessed just like normal storage. It’s slower than the SSD, but you get lots of it! :)
What does it show up like? Can you install programs etc on it?
is it like FTPfs?
It’s a remote SFTP mount which you can mount locally using SSHFS. Yes, you can install programs onto it. I have even personally tested it with using it as your webroot and it works :)
Any reason why it’s sshfs only and not NFS? The latter is much easier to use as “normal” disk and doesn’t use as much CPU/etc.
Is EvoRack also in Nottingham? Wasn’t aware of this previously.
Nope, Evorack currently only servers out of Gosport in the South of England.
I am in the same boad disk space is too little.
This is why we are giving you mountable remote storage to make up for it :)
The SSD space is small, but very, very fast for your OS (no lag!).
Note: offer says vSwap = 2 x RAM. it actually is vSwap = RAM. their website is correct though.
Just to let everyone know, they started throttling my CPU at 14%. False advertising.
Hi Everyone,
We don’t do CPU throttling, and don’t have any settings in place for this. We have approached this customer and offered suppot but have yet receive a reply.
As most of the community will know, we are a very honest team here. I’m really not sure what this comment is about. Perhaps the node was a bit busy when this guy did his test, but we’ve had no other complaints….
Hi There
We dont do any CPU throttling on Rackburst. We also don’t have any settings in place for this. What you state above is untrue, and we have offered you support but have yet to receive a reply.
Can you provide evidence to this?
I’ve just got this ssd vps. I’m pleased about it. And their support is amazing.
root@vps:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 5.83857 s, 184 MB/s
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 5.83857 s, 184 MB/s
Is this SSD ? not very fast for if it is – I have multiple VPS’s that are pure SSD and get close to 1GB
Its a shame they don’t allow IRC, else I would have been a happy customer.
Hi There,
We do allow IRC clients and bouncers for legal purposes. IRC servers/daemons may be allow with prior notification, so please do contact us.
Definitely it’s cost effective, I’ve never seen a reboot so fast, and Jonny offers a friendly support.
Very impressed, prices are low and customer support fantastic, not to mention very good connection latency and speed.
Can’t go far wrong!
Thanks for your nice comments :)
Thank you!! :)
I asked a question via the form on Rackburst’s website, but no reply. So let’s try here: do these plans support TAP/TUN and PPP?
Hi, I currently have the cottage package and I do see options in the control panel to turn TAP/TUN and PPP on and off, so I would say yes, they do have them.
Overall good service. However, you have to request for your remote storage to set up separately which I’m not impressed with. I’m in dire need of that space right now. It should really have been set up when my server was set up in the first place. I shouldnt have to raise a ticket for something I already purchased. I’ve submitted the ticket for it. It’s Sunday today. Will I get today or tomorrow? We’ll see.
Hi There,
I’m sorry that you found it inconvenient to request the remote storage. The reason for this is simple: The process to setup the remote storage is not part of the automated provisioning that is provided by SolusVM. It is a separate system that requires our manual intervention.
since when has tor had an “abusive nature”?
Ping timeouts very often over the past days – I was told I’ll be moved to another node, as this one might be too busy at times. When there are no timeouts, everything else is top-notch :)
Service has been up and town over the last 72 hours. No response from support. Kingdom tests indicate average uptime of 66%. When it does work response times are in excess of 5000ms. Not really much use.
I’m very sorry you had this experience. I can assure you that we solved those issues you were having, most likely due to some form of node abuse. We have also hired more staff and aim to respond to tickets within 10 minutes :)
Have to say started off well, but now network is constantly flagging. Outbound connections timeout ALL the time and support do not reply to any of our ticket responses. Cheap doesnt always equal cheerful. Shame as i had high hopes for rackburst being a fit for our company.
I’m very sorry you had this experience. I can assure you that we solved those issues you were having, most likely due to some form of node abuse. We have also hired more staff and aim to respond to tickets within 10 minutes :)
Hello, why your site not working all days ?
Have had a ticket in with rackburst for a few days, we only rent a small server to support voice comms, but had no responce at all.
Our usege shows
Disk Usage:
618 MB of 3 GB Used / 2.4 GB Free
Memory Usage:
52 MB of 256 MB Used / 204 MB Free
Bandwidth Usage:
8.2 GB of 350 GB Used / 341.8 GB Free
Yet df shows
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/simfs 3145728 632876 396 100% /
none 131072 4 131068 1% /dev
tmpfs 131072 0 131072 0% /dev/shm
It looks to me like the whole disk on the server is full and cannot fulfil our allocation.
I have no response from RackBurst fro my support ticket. It is over 24 hours. Anything urgent cannot deal with them or him.
5th day of ticket still no answer from RackBurst. I suspect he taking time off and auto pilot the hosting which he thinks no support needed for his services.
I have the same problem as Berker. I know it has been 2 month ago but now same all again. For me my vps instance is offline or even worse, I cannot reboot I cannot boot or anything from solusvm admin page. It gives me an error that it has lost connection with the server and says please try again.
Since yesterday my production website is offline and now I am really losing my customers and as well their money. It is unthinkable that since yesterday afternoon no one from rackburst net has answered on my support tickets and I have opened 3 tickets even elevating one to High, it seem they don’t care or they simply have disappear?
Has anyone please have some info what is happening and why there is no one answering on tickets and am I the only one who’s site is being affected?
Please if anyone knows something can you share some info with me because now I am slowly getting into panic mode here. I haven’t got the latest backup downloaded to my pc and it is disaster for me now thinking I am going to get back my files from this vps.
I have a Cottage Plus plan and I been using it for months and paid regularly for service. I don’t know what is happening I know just that I need some help here if anyone knows what is going on? Their website seem to work except that it could load portal page few times I saw the cloudflare error page and that’s all.
Please if anyone knows anything I would greatly appreciate any info any help!!!
Thank you.
Hi all,
It’s November 17th 2016, 3 days since I wrote a post here and 5th day since my vps is offline. is part of group who are the owners of
I have been calling them now for 5th days every single day many many times and the answering machine is always what I hear and message “leave your name and number and we’ll get back to you” – well they didn’t, yet.
I am now looking for ways to find authorities who can be in charge for this kind of situation where I was fooled by some guys who are offering the service, accept the payments and when it comes to solving a simple technical issue they are like ghosts, they don’t exists. I consider this unfortunately as a FRAUD case because my money is gone and service which I have paid is not active and no one is there to fix it. You must be either dead or complete fraud if you don’t answer to your customers emails and support tickets.
If someone has an idea how could I push this thing further I would really like to hear it and even offer some financial tip or a donation for being helpful.
This is a screenshot of Solus VM and my vps is not offline, it is not online, it says status UNKNOWN!
Appreciate any thoughts from you and thank you.
Rackburst long time customer – PP.