Ben from RackVM emailed me about their exclusive super-low cost offer. When you order either a UK or a France OpenVZ package from RackVM, select yearly payment and then apply promo code LEB-YEARLY you will get a massive 75% off recurring discount. If I select “xUK-128-VZ” package in UK, which gives me
- 128MB guaranteed/256MB burstable memory
- 15GB storage
- 150Gb/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
After the discount it is just £6 per year (USD$9.17), or 50 pence per month. Cheaper and give more resource than my otherwise very stable 99 pence/month UK VPS from XenVZ. The discount also applies to other UK/FR OpenVZ packages when order yearly.
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Just ordered.. hopefully setup will be quick
It says that it’s with 100gb bandwidth and 10gb space ?
That the xen plan try:
Ordered one.. ;)
Ordered one too
Just to mention that’s not an affiliate link that I posted.. as I don’t think they offer an affiliate program..
Hi All
Thank you for your order’s a welcome email has been sent :)
How many core that we will get for 128MB & 256MB plan?
Any bench / test ip to see latency?
I think you get two cores
unixbench 4 get’s a score of 286 on Centos
so far Ben has been very helpful.. and responds to tickets pretty quick. Not something you would expect from a budget provider. Also the VPS is quite decent, downloads at 5.9MB/s and pretty responsive so far, hopefully it stays this way!
Just ordered one.
There maybe a slight delay on order deployment due to the great interest in the offer but will make sure all of the orders are setup by this afternoon GMT.
Thank you LEB Admin for helping us expand business and offer such great offers to the LEB Community.
just had to get one =) normaly a xen user but hey, why dont try something new.
Ordered one too -:)
Benchmark download and a test ip would be helpful.
Hi Ben,
How about space addon? I dont need much ram but i need more disk space :D
We could lower the memory to 64MB/128 Swap and double up disk space to 30GB at no extra cost. We also hope to introduce a full configurable option in August with a base package and customizable addons.
If this would be a good option for you please specify it in the order notes :)
Ordered one too, great price!
Hi Ben,
I dont remember to add note
Invoice #1879
Please custom for me :D
how long will this last?
@Sandro There currently isn’t an expiry date however this will run until a set number of servers are filled.
How is it going Ben? i suppose “Status: Pending” means your not done yet. =)
@C I am afraid we are awaiting more nodes to be deployed as the offer has been a great success. I shall make sure all orders are setup by 6pm GMT making sure no orders go over a 12 or 24 hour period. Many thanks for your patience and of course the orders :)
Got my VPS in around 2 hours after ordering. VPS seems to be pretty fast, but the node is only a Pentium Dual Core E5200. No biggy considering its only $9 a year :P But depending on how many they pack on the node, it might get pretty slow.
Just a mini review for you guys. :)
@Jamie A email should of been dispatched regarding UK02 as this shall be under going a 10 minutes upgrade at 14.00 Hours GMT which will include a quadcore processor and more memory.
just ordered mine. Hope it comes soon.(Not that i already have work lined up for this one :P )
And how can I select if it’s a UK or France VPS?
Is it correct that the lowend (128mb) VPSes are sold-out?
@Ben – Turns out that went into my spam folder. The other emails came in fine. Weird.
Discard my comment then i guess. :) Thanks RackVM!
Just ordered one xUK-128-VZ. Have anyone tested the France VPS?
can someone provide a test ip ? and it look like the 128Mb are sold out = =
The cheapest France VPS actually has 384MB of memory and a bit dealer which is why I did not use it to make this blog post. However you can still get 75% off discount when you order yearly + promo code.
I am with the French VPS which its offered at LowEndBox :
I used that offer for hosting my current website.
One for the hosting, and one for the DNS Cluster.
I have two VPS’s on OVH node, and it all working smooth.
Maybe I need another server in UK as my backup.
Thanks for RackVM
@Erawan – Thanks for the information, bro.
@LowEndAdmin – You make me want to explore the land of Penguins! You make me want to learn the way of the Penguins! You make the impossible 64 MB possible! You’re contagious! (That’s a compliment!)
Ordered one, to replace a 2Host VPS.
Will get back with details.
It’s up! It took 2 hours 41 minutes, thanks Ben.
it look like all 64bit OS , will u provid the 32bit os later ?
on website it says 10GB of data storage and 100 of bandwidth do i get extra “5” if I order yearly?
Ben mentioned something about their node only supporting 64 bit kernel.. so I don’t think 32 bit OS will be offered, It’s unfortunate cause Kloxo does not support 64 bit OS
sorry for double posting but prices have gone up now?
— ping statistics —
Got 2x
Can do more tests if anyone want
to make things clear i got core 0 and core 1 on the cpu not 2x dualcore =)
You definitely got better hardware/network.. my VPS is on an older AMD opteron 2212, and max download was around 5.9MB/s
could you do a unixbench?
Sure, using UnixBench v4.1.0 – WHT Variant 2
Forgotten to say i was using ubuntu 10.4
and the second user at the end was just to transfer my pubkey, shouldn’t have made a big inpact on the score
That’s odd.. cpu mark for a Pentium E5400 is 1,798 and Opteron 2212 received a cpu mark of 1,369.
but my bench results seems to be higher..
Are you on CentOS or Ubuntu?
Mabye theres alot of people running bench on my node right now.
Well heres a new test:
not close to yours.
All orders have been setup which were backloged from this afternoon. The order line is now clear and new nodes are live.
I’m using Centos 5.5, maybe Ubuntu has a higher overhead?
I tried doing a unixbench 5, but seems to get into memory problems.. maybe your right could be a lot of people updating their VPS’s now?
what the heck? all these for 6GBP/Year? Definitely oversell!!
@earl let’s give it a few days and see =)
It’s a good probability!! but so far my VPS does not feel like a 75 cent VPS, and support has been great!
Hopefully it keeps up..
Here is a speed test for you all.
Its hosted on my vps so PLEASE don’t kill my bandwith by looping the download.
I will keep it there for a few days
“@earl let’s give it a few days and see =)”
If still good…let’s give it a few months
Well if they are overselling the next few days should be bad due to everyone patching/testing/upgrading there vps.
Then we’ll se how long they are around. my experience from webangel is still good didn’t think they would last a week. Well good suprice :D
Well for what it’s worth.. I have an HP DL360 G3 1U server rack that gets a unixbench of 100.. I would imagine the electricy alone would cost me more than 75 cents a month, but aside from the cost the HP sounds like a jet engine when it’s running.. it’s loud even when it’s not turned on!!
so $10/yr does not seem like a whole heck of alot really..
Just ordered mine 25 minutes ago and waiting for it. It hope that it will be a good solution for my offsite backups.
It’s online ! Kudoz to rackvm.
This is an amazing offer! My VPS was setup within 30 minutes. I also submitted a support ticket, and had a reply in 2 minutes!
I’ve had a RackVM server for about 3 months now.
They definitely oversell as much as possible.
My VPS averages the same as the speed test link the other guy posted. Generally about 400 KB/s but I’ve had it frequently go down to just 40-60 KB/s.
At that speed it really isn’t even usable for important.
My support tickets get answered but not with an actual resolution, just somebody saying either
‘We’ll look into it’ or “I don’t know what to do, I’ll send to this to some other guy”.\
So it is a cheap box, and for this price, I don’t think anyone is expecting something amazing.
You need the hpasm – it will solve the problem with the noise. I had the same issue with another ProLiant.
of course they oversell but it’s cool they’re giving a vps in so low price!!
@skomes Do you have any factual evidence that support’s your claim? All of our servers are in fact undersold. As previous offers have mentioned we own all of our equipment (Excluding the French Location ) and also in private racks thus cutting out the middle man. Coming out with the alligation THEY OVER SELL! Is simply not on since you have no factual evidance to back it. It is only a remark of your opinion.
@Ben It’s quite impossible not to oversell (I don’t say you do).
An IP costs more than 0.50GBP/month I think.
Could you make a page with real-time stats for your servers as RamHost does?
Hi Ben. I had the high fraud profile which is pretty a shame ! I’m browsing with an IP at North American VPS company.
Hi We can get this implemented no problem, we don’t seem to be billed for our IP usage the majority of servers support between 8GB and 16GBs of memory upwards. I/O and CPU cores are also well planned out.
With regards to the to the claim of 400k speeds we’ve had numerous reviews above mentioning that users are able to push 10mbit with ease.
Are you on DSL?.. it could be your home internet connection limiting your download speed
@400KB/s seems like your on a 3Mbps residential DSL line.
you need to do a “wget” on your server.
I was getting 5.9MB/s (47.20 Mbps) and I think C was getting 10.2 MB/s (81.60 Mbps)
Hopefully the service will not degrade so much that network is an issue.. but I can’t really say much since I’ve only had the VPS for a day
Thanks Evo, I will give hpasm a try..
My home line (100/10 mbit) server gets:
My shell rackvm shell:
My current webangel shell:
This was my current speed test.
Oh hell !!! i fucked upp the rackvm test..
heres the correct one :
@Ben “Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5400 @ 2.70GHz” with 16GB Ram?
I would like to see the real-time stats.
We shall get some setup asap and realistically they are 8GB = DELL R200
Wow that’s big ben
Ben: What do you mean “realistically” ?
The evidence is how bad the speeds get on my VPS.
And it happens quite often as well.
You guys said the same thing in my WHT thread.
“We can’t oversell, it’s Xen etc. etc.” but you seemed to be confusing overselling resources such as HDD and RAM which can’t be oversold on Xen with things like I/O and bandwidth which can be oversold, even on a Xen VPS.
From my own VPS you must certainly be overselling your bandwidth.
All of my download tests were from me logging into my VPS and downloading test files.
I didn’t upload files myself and download them.
I tried at least 5 different locations and each of them resulted in the same terrible speeds.
@skomes: i don’t know but for me the speed is ok.
I didn’t say speeds are always bad. But they certainly have reached some very bad points.
I like the color scheme of thier design, but I’m still hesitating. Too trendy.
From my rackvmshell to my german vps:
I apologize if I misread your post, I thought when you said:
“My VPS averages the same as the speed test link the other guy posted.”
I was under the impression that you were downloading the speed test link that the user C provided on to your local computer and hence the 400KB/s which would relate to a 3mbps residential connection.
I’ve had a RackVM VPN for a couple of months now (Xen rather than OpenVZ). It has been an excellent service, and I’ve never noticed bad network contention.
I’ve just done a “wget -O /dev/null” on that server and the results were consistently around 6MB/sec.
I’ve also just bought an OpenVZ VPS and I’m getting a consistent 10MB/sec on that. Now I just need to find a use for this new VPS…
wow Ben you can tracert (still not convinced by the product)
Well, RackVM have kept their word. My VPS went down 7 hours ago, for the CPU upgrade as they promised, and it is indeed running a quad core CPU now. :)
i can do a tracert out from my shell.
To what adress?
but seriously, is it possible to offer the service at this price and create an income?
@Sandro He will mary a top model ! You’ll see ;)
@C that’s fine. Are you good at perl, btw?
I don’t think you can do a tracert in Linux.. I think it’s traceroute
Absolutely, forget about it. That a nice offer !
@Paulmankipu what do you mean?
a top business model of course ! So how many sold yet?
@Ben why you don’t offer 32bit?
As far as I know SolusVM doesn’t have support for both kernel setup’s on each machine. If this is otherwise we shall add this feature in.
@son9o I think you maybe getting confused with the Xen packages. This offer is only limited to OpenVZ.
Hi All orders must match the IP location in terms of country and address.
Wow. That is dirty cheap. At $0.75 a month, how can you not get one?
“but seriously, is it possible to offer the service at this price and create an income?”
I can’t see this promo being profitable in the long run.. but I guess it’s a great way to raise some quick capital.
I also saw that you can finance a new Dell R210 rack server for less than $30/month, if you colo a full rack at say $500, each 1u would cost less than $15/month(based on 35U with 7U for overhead on a 42U rack) add solusVM license for $10/month that totals to $55 per server. Now I might have missed something in my calculations as I’ve never done colo or financed a server before.. but it seems that when you do quantity a server is not all that expensive.. considering if you get 11 clients paying $5 a month, then your server is paid for. Not sure how many clients you can put in a Dell R210, but I think it could do at least 30-40?
I’m sure there is other things like paying for support and such, but overall I think there is still a lot of profit to be made.. I could be completely wrong thought.
Hi Earl
There is successful profit being made within the company which caters over and beyond the rest of the racks. This offer is mainly driven on the basis of becoming more established and well known. It is indeed also making more capital. The business operates without finance or higher purchase or even leasing thought DELL and the likes. All equipment is paid for with cash this cutting a considerable amount of monthly expenditure. Of course the costs need to be made up for the equipment brought but this can be done over time without needing to threat over monthly out goings.
Some equipment is older than other kit we use, depending on the offer this is reflected. We do our best to accomodate the needs for customers.
There will be a time where offers gradually fade out but for this to be possible we need to establish a good brand and quality of service. This is the method we have chosen to take.
We also have plans to eventually configure a vps without a set specification. The business plan is also to branch into Cloud Servers and also Dedicated.
There is also going to be an option added for a CDP R1Soft backup for each existing VPS Server at an extra cost each month should the customer wish to take advantage of it.
RackVM has had a considerable amount of planning gone into it and also financially we look forward to being a major provider within the server and hosting market in the near future.
@Ben thank you for clarifying that, i assume those are sold out for now, are you planning to make any more available? can’t wait to try it out.
Well thanks for clarifying Ben. I see what you’re saying, this promotion is more like a loss leader to get people accustomed to your services when so they feel comfortable with your company they will hopefully upgrade their services to something more profitable..
This promotion is probably cheaper than starting an advertising campaign like PPC, and your clients get to share the benefit directly.. it also seems that older servers are easy and cheap to come by as most companies dump their hardware every five or so years as it’s a write off anyways.. so you can pick them up pretty cheap as compared to financing.
Just wondering Ben are all your servers rack servers or do you have mid-towers as well?
I don’t think it’s sold out.. but the link is kinda hard to find. (Then scroll down to openVZ..)
I think LEA should update the post with the direct link posted.
@Ben: I have place an order yesterday, and wanted to make the payment today, by PayPal.
Order Number: 1309404752
Now, it seems that my account on WHMCS is deleted (No client account was found with the email address you entered).
Why ?
How do you make a payment using Google Checkout?
I dont belive this company anymore, I had a VPS with them, they change the username and password and I cant access to the website or VPS.
I ask them many times, and they had no given me an answer.
I think, they were changing from XEN to Open VZ, and they had kicked me with out saying me nothing.
Do not buy with them.
Yep, I cancelled my registration, they had too spice to their promotional campaign and I kind of feel blackmailed.
hey ya all! purchased one yesterday.
but have a little problem.
i am using debian, installed openvpn and got connected to it, but prob is it can’t connect to internet, anyone know how to fix?
btw why samba, apache2 and bind9 is installed by default on debian 5.0?
Has any one got server OFFLINE daily?
Am I the only one who got OFFLINE problem?
Everything is quite good (speed, performance, service), except the daily OFFLINE problem.
Did the offer just ended?
@Ben: Any answer for comment #102 ?
@IWTFI: Can you test is other distros are minimal install or not ?
My VPS at node UK03 is up and down today.
But another VPS at another node is ok.
Just ordered one. Will let you know how things travel!
@earl Thanks I totally couldn’t find it.
Order one, but still in pending, How long should wait?
you’re welcome son9o
All orders with out payment are removed within a couple of hours. No ticket has been raised with an issue simular to above.
This offer has been limited to 51 more orders where after this the offer will expire.
All orders that are currently pending will be setup within the next couple of hours. Thank you for your patience.
I just tried to order and received: # The promotion code entered has already been used #
I also opened a Sales Ticket.
Hey Ben looks like it’s Tuesday patch at rackvps.
I’ve just ordered over an hour ago – couldn’t resist – and it came to £5.69 – so even cheaper than expected!
It obviously won’t be useful for anything production grade but great for tinkering and if the support and network is good, will obviously feel comfortable purchasing more servers/moving to RackVM in the future.
Can’t fault the promotional strategy really – seems to have worked really well – and there’s nothing like a 12-month trial really is there? :)
Will let you know how it goes once set up etc
@Ben – Just ordered the same spec. Kloxo installation 70 percent successful in the first box, as the ioncube, zend, and webmail should be reinstalled manually. Memory consumption on idle around 58MB after tweaking the Apache and MySql. Ben, this is a good start I think, please don’t let me down.
@LowEndAdmin – thanks for the “64MB VPS Debian 5 Configuration Guide” it really inspires me to tweak my box (of course in another flavour).
I Don’t think Kloxo supports a 64bit OS.. you won’t be able to switch to lighttpd and your mail may not work..
@Ben – Wow that’s fast! 33 minutes from Order Confirmation. Keep it up Bro!
@earl – That’s right, I can’t switch to lighttpd and there is a conflict between sendmail and qmail during installation. I’m just trying to find a workaround.
Still waiting mine!
I think Ben mentioned that he may look into getting 32bit versions for Solusvm..but I’m sure he’s kinda busy for now!
For the send mail conflict you can try:
yum erase sendmail-doc sendmail-cf
@earl – I just try to install manually what was missing:
yum install bind
yum install djbdns
yum install spamassassin
but when I tried to install lighttpd there is a 64bit missing dependence.
Ben look as if butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth.
you don’t need to install those you just need to enable them, the majority of services are not started by default so you have to manually start them after the install. under admin mode look for a “service” icon,you will see a few services with the red button just click on the red button and they should start the services.. I just installed kloxo under centos 5.5 and it works fine.. lighttpd will not work because you need the 64 bit repo from kloxo, which is still being worked on.. you can’t install lighttpd by yum cause it’s not the same, you need the version from the kloxo repo.
Also you only need bind or djbdns(tinydns) not both.. I would go with tinydns since it’s lighter on memory. Under admin mode there is a icon labeled “switch program” from there you can switch from bind to tinydns..
@earl – Thanks earl
You’re welcome vRozenSch00n, also just as a precaution.. you should disable Anonymous Ftp login as it is enabled by default.
under admin mode find the icon “FTP config” and uncheck “Enable Anonymous Ftp” and click update.
@earl – Did that. The “switch program” works well except for the lighttpd.
lighttpd will only work on 32bit OS.. unless you know how to compile a 64bit version for Kloxo, as I mentioned they are working on getting 64bit compatibility for kloxo, but progress seems somewhat slow.
stick with apache for now until a 32bit Centos image is added to solusvm.
I just ordered a VPS from them. So far everything seems ok. They sent me everything within 30 minutes, which is the fastest I have seen. I just opened a ticket though asking to have the TUN interface activated. Hopefully I’ll get an answer soon…
Another happy customer here, 32bit OSes would be the icing on the cake but I’m fine with 64bit CentOS.
Speed test:
hey, is vpn working on ur side? mine is having no internet connection.. :(
My VPS is up and running and its running fast too!
@Bryan – So, how long did it take until your VPS is up? I think Ben is loosing sleep now.
@Ben – Now it’s up to you to keep your loyal customer by keeping a good service level and maintain an open communication.
Older technology is fine as long as it is fast, stable, and come with competitive pricing. What we consider new technology now will be an old technology within a year or less.
I believe in the long run you’re going to have a recurring profit, not to mention some of your loyal customer might want to upgrade to a higher spec with a higher but reasonable and competitive pricing.
It seems the trend lately with budget hosting is.. they rack up a large client base by offering cheap pricing and then they tend to sell off the company to another host possibly for a quick profit..
Hopefully that won’t be the case with RackVM.. cause they do seem to have their act together.. and the packages that they offer is being very realistic..
@earl – Yup, hosting is a very tough business. Some people wants to have fast cash rather than looking for a long term relationship.
I had that bad experience several times, that’s also the reason why I have several low end VPS in different companies. But hey, once in a while we need to give it a break and put some trust to people we newly know.
I host my main website in a same company for 8 years now and I intend to keep it that way, it is a shared hosting, but now I need more space for my other sites.
In my opinion RamHost is one of the best low end provider. So I expect the same with RackVM.
Yeah hopefully they do have their act together… Because I too also ordered one (and still waiting for activation). After all it’s just 6 pound.
no, the VPN is not working, because the TUN interface is not active on my VPS. So far I haven’t had a responde and it has beed over 12 hours. Hopefully ben is reading this and will give me an answer soon. The ticket number is 403075. This one I reopened because my first ticket got closed without getting a response. I hope they give me an answer soon. 12 hours is too much to wait for a support ticket to be answered.
Got a VPS up in 3~ hours, great offer, ping is nice, download speed LT->UK 2.2MB (capped).
Will report with a speed test
And here’s the benchmark, UK01
Finally got a respond to my ticket with this: We shall take alook at this for you shortly.
What kind of answer is that?? I think I’m going to ask for my money back, before I loose it. I kinda knew this was too good to be true…
@Freedom VPN There are other customers to assist and not just yourself. All of our customers business is important to us however If you feel this way I would recommend taking advtange of our 14 Day money back guarentee. We are going to be pulling in more man power in the next few weeks however your service is live and working there for this is reflected in terms of priority.
We have extented this offer to 37 more orders based over the French location and UK but once these are taken the offer will finally end.
OpenVZ VPS Servers – xUK-384-VZ 25GB Disk Space 250GB Bandwidth
so my “test” ip has gotten posted on some other blog and i got 100+ hits on the test file, got about 3gig of trafic now.
System works fine, i cant do dmesg (is this due to openvz?)
got a service announcement now
Dear Customer
We would like to give notice that the RackVM Server and site will be under going maintenance at 11pm GMT tonight which will last for 1 – 2 hours.
This is to cater for auto setups and also bandwidth and traffic demands.
Sorry for any inconvenience
Well not a problem for me, as long as im not “downgraded” and the vps will start agen.
@ Paulmankipu : not really why do you ask. Sorry for the late response.
@C That’s the usual procedure
@C To make sure. you got stuck I understand
Yes dmesg does not work with openVZ, does it work with Xen?
IG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED; some udev features will not work correctly
[ 4.118159] Adding 65528k swap on /dev/sda2. Priority:-1 extents:1 across:65528k
[ 4.171214] EXT3 FS on sda1, internal journal
[ 4.236589] NET: Registered protocol family 10
[ 4.236788] lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions
[ 14.925645] eth0: no IPv6 routers present
Yes! it works on xen
I received that downtime notice as well. Hopefully its a good sign.
It took about 2 hours for my VPS to be created, which for a budget box is not bad in my opinion.
Yeah 2 hours is not bad.. another provider I got it took them 36 hours!! to setup my VPS.. That was really annoying, and compared to this offer I can’t even classify them as a budget host anymore.
Hey Ben,
service is really great.. just took 1h to get my shell :)
When will the revers dns setting avalible for customers without contacting support ?
anything planned with plesk or other admin panels ?
thank you!
Rdns requests do need to be submitted by ticket I am afraid at the present time. We shall see if we can get this intergrated into SolusVM at some stage.
We haven’t had a great deal of interest in plesk at the moment but will see if we can add this next month.
NOTE TO ALL: There are 15 more places for orders and these are also on auto activation now.
just sign up. server setup 1min after paid. record? damn :)
Hope i can run openvpn on this openvz 128ram server
Well, maybe I shouldn’t complain since the price, but:
1, their openvz control plan has no https
2, they provide a really fat Debian 5.0: bind, apache, mysql and even X11
Other things are fine. Quick setup, and nice speed.
# The promotion code entered has already been used #
guess they’re sold out :(
Promos over.
thanks gawd. hope they can answer tickets now.
I still have my ticket unanswered. The VPS is really good, I’d just wish they had more than just one guy running the entire operation…
Well my tickets have been answered within 20-25 minutes so far.
Good for you little Bryan!
good for you man! in two hours my ticket will be 24 hours old. lol.
mine is even older… I hope Ben keeps his word about getting more people in, other wise this is not going to be a good experience.
@Freedom VPN
I think the “little” is a bit immature in your part.
I just posted a ticket at 10:49 and I received a response at 11:16am using their WHMCS to create and reply to tickets. Have you been emailing tickets or using WHMCS Freedom VPN?
@Bryan: What do you think?…
They’ve answered my tickets too. I’m happy now. ;) Freedom VPN, hope you get yourself sorted too.
Ordered with paypal, and immediately after paying and clicking “Continue to RackVM”, I was logged in and able to start managing my services. Less than 1 minute later I received my server login in email. So the instant activation is really nice.
However my ubuntu build didn’t have apt-get installed by default. I rebuilt the OS again from the SolusVM control panel and it was loaded correctly the second time. No idea what happened there.
Been getting good speeds on program installs and updates (5-8MB/s) so I am pretty happy so far. Nice speed and quick setup is all I ask for with a low end VPS. Time will tell on the uptime :)
you would think people would be grateful when a provider is willing to offer his services for so low.. I think you have to be realistic with your expectations, what is Ben making, less than 3 cents a day? I can understand your frustration if your VPS is not working, but it seems a bit much when you start requesting for features to be enabled instantly..
so he is the only one working there? You’re all referring to ben only :P
Jack and Jamie are also part of the team.
Sorry I mean Jake
Just an FYI for anyone else wanting to order from rackvm using Google Checkout. While they’ve got ads on wht saying they accept it as a payment method, it looks like they no longer do. Credit cards are UK only, and otherwise it’s just paypal or moneybookers.
Anyone got RDNS setup correctly? It’s been 4 days now but they still have’nt managed to get it setup correctly, they blame their upstream provider.
Want try buy 1 :)
So im still online, it restarted allright after the service.
A little bit laggy on SSH got some good speeds on compiling and downloading stuff.
It this is still online in 300+ days i’ll be really happy :D
I was able to order earlier today with the coupon code, and my VPS was setup instantly on UK06.
Also, while it’s not listed during the initial signup, after the order was submitted there’s a Google Checkout payment option in the drop down box now (there wasn’t a few days ago). Not sure if it works, as I used Moneybookers this time. I had wanted to pay with Google Checkout a few days ago, but couldn’t. Maybe this will help someone else out.
Here’s the package I’m using:
RackVM xUK-128-VZ VPS (UK)
OpenVZ, 15GB disk, 150GB monthly bandwidth, 128MB guaranteed RAM, 256MB burstable RAM
CentOS 5.5 64 bit
And here’s the unix bench results (Version 5.1.2):
So far so good. My expectations for this are low considering the price. If it works out, I hope to use it as a backup server, occasional personal OpenVPN use, and possibly secondary MX and secondary DNS.
still valid?
Test yourself.
@mina are you idiot?
@Sandro no. discounted.
Just ordered one, payed via Paypal and instantly setup :)
Node UK06
Just a thing I haven’t understand: 1 Year should end 26/07/2011 but the billing period seems 26/07/2010 – 01/07/2011 (the other 25 days ?) :(
I hope Ben clarify on this
@DrFalken, I had a similar thing with my billing. I’m assuming they’re just syncing it up with a full-month billing cycle (1st of the month to the last). So it ends July 1, 2011. Mine was prorated for a partial first month (paid $8.56 instead of $$9.16 for a full year).
@David: You’re right!
I’ve payed 6.66 Euro instead of 7.15 ;)
i got this msg when i tried to order
# The promotion code entered has already been used #
Just got confirmation from RackVM’s support – they have discontinued the discount. Guess I missed it.
my vps node not connecting with solusvm but it’s online. what the f%ck?
@IWTFI No problem here, I use to manage my VPS
what’s your node?
Same thing from UK1 to UK8
yes i’m on UK8
@IWFTI my node is UK08
Maybe is related to IP address…
someone must fix it soon.
Same issue here. I’m on UK08 as well.
My VM has been down for a few hours now…
I have just canceled my account and got a full refund. I am not comfortable with their vps manager panel.
We are working to get this resolved I would like to make it perfectly clear that everyones vps server is live and active. If this isn’t the case please submit a ticket as the number of responses on here doesn’t tally with our ticket system.
My VM is back up (apparently the problem was unrelated to the control panel).
Kudos to Ben for the fast response.
My VPS was originally setup on UK06, but it looks like it got moved to UK08 today, and /proc/cpuinfo reports different CPUs, so I assume it’s a different server. It might have been nice to have been notified of the migration to a new server, but its ok.
Its been running fine since it was set up. It looks like there have been a few reboots now and then, but it’s come back up right away.
Support has been able to work through several startup issues with me so far, including setting up reverse dns, allowing access to set the date/time, and enabling the TUN adapter for openvpn. The only open issue I have left is enabling the use of MASQUERADE with iptables (for openvpn). That’s not a high priority, though, and I can wait.
# The promotion code entered has already been used #
Hi guys, i have my server with them, i asked support to enable tun for openvpn, but im trying to setup openvpn but i cant make it work… i dont know why… could anybody please tell me a tutorial or manual i could follow to get things going?
Thank you guys.
Have you enabled ipv4 forwarding?
Any such great offers on XEN?
*subscribing this thread*
the code dont work anymore
” # The promotion code entered has already been used # ”
and its only 100 GB of Bandwith not 150 GB
It is 150 GB. I have one.
when i wrote the comment it was not on the page and the code dont work on a Anualy 128 vps pack and the page
shows 100 GB
@Jim Show The plan you are refering to is the Xen VPS Server which wasn’t included in the offer.
the plan above states Open Vz VPS
so i go to the website ( and the first row is a xUK-128 like stated above for 4 British Pounds but it is not a openVZ because they are there wich gives me only a XUK-384 but the code dont work neither
The offer ended a while back.
@Jim, it’s hard to find the original plan on the vps page. Try using the link that Earl posted at the beginning of the comments:
Now i did. And i can surf internet, etc. But i still see My home IP address… What could be wrong?, Any ideas anyone?
Thank you again guys.
the code dont work anymore
# The promotion code entered has already been used #
OpenVZ VPS Servers – xUK-128-VZ 15GB Disk Space 150GB Bandwidth (server1.)
» OpenVZ Operating Systems: Debian 5.0 (i386)
[Edit Configuration]
(Pro Rata 01/08/2011)
Openvpn is not possible on Most VPS units and commonly support wont activate it
I sugest you to install a Squid Web proxy cache with authentication you can surf then over the box with box ip if you follow my Tutorial
My tutorial is based on Ubuntu 9 ore above
on a fresh install do
Apt-get update
apt-get install Squid mc
answer with Y(es)
*wait until finished*
cd /etc/squid
rm squid.conf
*create a new squid.conf with the content belowand modify it to your need*
#########Squid conf start###########
http_port Server-ip:3128
tcp_outgoing_address Server-ip
icp_port 0
udp_incoming_address Server-ip
hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
memory_replacement_policy heap LRU
cache_replacement_policy heap LRU
access_log /var/log/squid/squid1.log
refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 0% 0
refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320
error_directory /usr/share/squid/errors/*Prefered Squid language here*
hosts_file /etc/hosts
forwarded_for off
coredump_dir /var/spool/squid
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
no_cache deny QUERY
auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth
auth_param basic children 5
auth_param basic realm “enter a Realm Name here”
auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours
auth_param basic casesensitive off
acl all src
acl pam src *Server-ip-goes-here*/
acl users proxy_auth REQUIRED
acl pam_users proxy_auth REQUIRED
http_access allow pam_users
http_access deny all
via off
visible_hostname *Server-ip-goes-here*
################Squid.conf end##########
save file
then you need a user to login to the squid wenn requestion a website DONT Use Root !!!!
adduser *A username of your choice*
for security reasons restrict this user to a squid user only (no shell)
cd /etc
mcedit passwd
edit the users you just created from bin/bash to bin/false
save file
cd /etc/init.d
./squid reload
Your are DONE
open your browser and configure your browser to use a proxy wich is your server ip and port 3128
if you done all right you should a login Box when requestion a website key in your credentials you created above and all is fine
Enjoy Surfing over your server
@Jim Snow: It is totally possible to run OpenVPN on a VPS I have it running on 4 of my servers, three of them are on OpenVZ and one is in Xen. It is easier to do it on a Xen server because, the iptables are fully functional from the beginning, but it is just as possible to run them on OpenVZ. Just ask your support team to activate them. I have a server with RackVM, they were very nice to me and activated it without any trouble.
@Freedom VPN
DID you use or follow any manual or tutorial to setup OpenVPN on a VPS?, I have all running but the thing is i still see my IP over the IP of the VPN (VPS)… Maybe i miss something?
And. @Jim Snow
Thanks for your help, but what i need is a VPN. Thanks
just follow the howto from the openvpn documentation:
That is what I did, plus you need to have the MASQUERADE option for the iptables enabled in order to hide your home ip behind the server. That is all!
Hope this helps
@Freedom VPN : What Os are you using? If you are using centos try this vpsnoc guide :
I use Ubuntu. It is a nice script, bu I prefer to do it manually. Thank you!
@Freedom VPN:
Hi again, sorry to bother, im a newbie here.
I follow that openvpn guide, when i do this:
push “redirect-gateway def1”
push “dhcp-option DNS”
on server.conf in /etc/openvpn/
and then iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
i cant connect to the server via SSH or openvpn (was working before), so i logged via console in the solusvm panel, and edit server.conf and delete those 2 lines, and restarted openvpn and all start working again,
so what that means, its something missed?, like somethin of iptables modules in the server side (openvz)? or its in my side?
what should i tell rackvm support to active besides tun?
vzctl set YOUR_VEID –iptables ipt_REJECT –iptables ipt_tos –iptables ipt_TOS –iptables ipt_LOG –iptables ip_conntrack –iptables ipt_limit –iptables ipt_multiport –iptables iptable_filter –iptables iptable_mangle –iptables ipt_TCPMSS –iptables ipt_tcpmss –iptables ipt_ttl –iptables ipt_length –iptables ipt_state –iptables iptable_nat –iptables ip_nat_ftp –save
Thanks and sorry to bother. :$
I got annual XEN (custom-quote) and its amazing. So far its been up and serving since a week without any issues. I/O, network, cpu are all good.
Thanks Ben!
Hi guys, i just want to tell that Ben and the support team help me with the issue i had with openvpn. They give me a great support and i will definitely recommend to all you make business with rackvm
Best regards.
Ben from RackVM also worked with me until everything was right. Very professional and polite. I’m pleased with my vps there.
Hey David,
Can you give me OpenVPV installation tutorial :D
Hi Minh. I’m sorry I don’t have a tutorial.
LEB-YEARLY is gone over, right?
Things are going pretty bad now. My VPS has been unreachable most of the time of yesterday and today. Today I can ssh into the VPS but any command just times out. SolusVM also reports the VPS as being shutdown, but I cannot boot it. I submitted a support ticket yesterday, but still no response.
Anyone else experiencing this problems? I’m on the UK02 node.
@Pascal, too bad to hear that, though I have already cancelled my a/c within the first few days. Hope you will get back your VPS asap.
Im in due of invoice payment, but I can not make any payment using Paypal.
There is a message that the recipient email ( RackVM ) is not available.
Does someone have this issue to?
@Pascal, my RackVM vps is working fine, but it’s on UK00 according to the control panel.
@Erawan, I received an email from them on Aug. 5, 2010 that said they were having problems with PayPal, and that while they were working on it, they were asking clients to move to Google Checkout or MoneyBookers. I’m using MoneyBookers already and paid annually.
Thank you for the information. But currently I don’t have a moneybooker account, as for Google Checkout, it works slowly with my Credit Card. Just in case I can not make a payment, then my VPS subscription with RackVM will be ended. :(
Well, maybe I have to create a Google Checkout Account now.
@Pascal: Had same problems on node UK02. I have submitted a support ticket, and my problem was solved by moving me on another node. Thanks Ben :)
@Sorin, Glad to see they fixed it quickly, good support.
BTW, anyone can tell me if they’ve set up SSL for control panel yet? Thanks.
@scyllar, no they still didn’t.
Thanks for that, I think they really should set up SSL (EVEN SELF CA) for the c/p. It’s easy & cheap (EVEN FREE), so I don’t see why they just didn’t.
I’m happy to see this provider to stand / grow as long as possible and provide great service while they also make money from it ;)
@Erawan Google Checkout is slow? Well do you mean the 15min wait interval AFTER you process your order through Google Checkout? I also found this annoying but according to Google Checkout Team, its a grace period for the buyer to still cancel the order IF he wants to.
Just like to post an update. My VPS with RackVM is running beautifully. For ~US$10/year, I’m very happy!
Can I have a new promo code? I want buy vps at £6. :)
Well, it looks like the thoughts above regarding profitability might have come home to roost. RackVM have disappeared, taking their customer sites and data with them (including mine).
A little birdy tells me that one of their providers has “switched off their equipment” but was unwilling to comment further.
Ben, are you out there?
rackvm is dead!!! SCAM is unreachable!!!
What is the moral of this story? :) If support is not responsive, the `deal` is most surely a fraud. It is a litmus test for new hosts.