Nick, from RamNode, has some new offers for LowEndBox readers. To celebrate one year of business, the coupon code “ONEYEAR” will take 38% off for life. It will expire one week from today.
128MB OpenVZ SSD | 256MB KVM Cached |
RamNode LLC have been featured numerous times before. Servers are equipped with Intel Ivy and Sandy Bridge Processors, Samsung, Intel, and Kingston SSDs, WD and Seagate Enterprise HDDs, LSI RAID cards. RamNode have done well in our last three top providers polls, coming fourth, third and second respectively. Nick is pretty active on LowEndTalk. Past reviews, and comments made on their previous thread, having nothing but good things to say about RamNode. Happy Birthday RamNode!
RamNode accept payments via PayPal and Google Wallet. Refunds are offered with 3 days of your first invoice on your first service. Nothing illegal in the US or anything that is disruptive is allowed. Adult, Tor (Relays only; No exit nodes), IRC and VPN is allowed. TUN/TAP–PPP is available. You can view their OS list here. For more information, take a look at their Terms of Service and Acceptable Usage Policy.
128MB OpenVZ Cached | 256MB KVM SSD | 256MB OpenVZ SSD |
256MB OpenVZ Cached | 512MB OpenVZ SSD | 512MB OpenVZ Cached |
Network Information
Atlanta, Georgia (55 Marietta):
IPv4 –
IPv6 – 2604:180::7a1c:3cd1
100MB download –
100MB download – http://[2604:180::7a1c:3cd1]/100MB.test
1000MB download –
1000MB download – http://[2604:180::7a1c:3cd1]/1000MB.test
Seattle, Washington (The Westin):
IPv6: 2604:180:1::15b9:3c04
100MB download –
100MB download – http://[2604:180:1::15b9:3c04]/100MB.test
1000MB download –
1000MB download – http://[2604:180:1::15b9:3c04]/1000MB.test
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Thanks Liam! And thanks to all of our great clients who have supported us so far!
how do they feel about torrenting?
I’m a long-time RamNode customer and have been very happy with the fast servers and stable network. Recommended.
Thank you very much!
also any way to get a HD? If I can get slightly more capacity i’m ready to buy now :)
(for one of the year ones … actually nvm the quarter one seems ok)
this will be perfect for my personal storage needs
happy anniversary nich
Glad to have the opportunity to buy another Ramnode VPS :D
Have been a customer for almost a month now, and I am super satisfied with the service, 15+ days of uptime on my VPS not a single moment of downtime. May buy a couple more later on for hosting my blog and other websites as they get ready. Great deal, be sure to snatch this up if you’re looking for a good quality VPS for an affordable price! :D
Is upgrade/downgrade available once purchased a plan?
Yes, you can upgrade at any point.
seattle nod is down now.
From my end I could see it is not down…
Seattle is not all that stable recently, been seeing network problems like right now
Have you opened a support ticket? We have not received any reports of issues and we are here to help.
came back.
Regarding the network blip tonight, I see Pingdom showed some connection loss, but NodePing did not alert us. That is very rare and may indicate an unusual issue beyond normal DDoS, abuse, etc. Please open a ticket with any relevant information at your convenience. We pride ourselves on performance and stability, so we are obviously here to do whatever we can for you guys.
This may not be what happened here, but this can happen because NodePing don’t rotate their checks around their monitoring probes. If the DC had a loss of connectivity, but the node was being monitored by a NodePing server within the same data centre, the issue wouldn’t show. I asked NodePing about this, and they said they’re considering introducing rotation. Pingdom, of course, rotate every check around the group of 10 servers.
how does ramnode feel about torrenting?
Just bought one in Seattle and re-installed Debian 7 32 bit.
Although the solusvm says “Debian 7 32 bit” under “Operation System” after it’s done, here is what I got after login.
Could you please take a look? Thanks
Please open a ticket and we’ll be happy to look. The templates may not have been synced properly way back, or that one is mislabeled.
To which products does the discount apply? When I click the link for the 128MB OpenVZ Cached and attempt to check out, my cart is emptied and I am told “The promotion code you entered has been applied to your cart but no items qualify for the discount yet – please check the promotion terms”. Sad panda face.
strike above, worked a few minutes later no problems.
You can always use my aff link for science.
I wonder if this comment is… ok =/ mods?
I think it’s considered hijacking.
F*ck u!
Another satisfied customer chiming in. I’m late to the game, probably, only signing up after the LEB awards were announced but I’m loving my VPS and can definitely recommend.
I’ll buy one more VPS if you can provide 64MB or 96MB VPS :3
Sorry guys.
Amazing support, awesome servers. I have recommended them every time and none of the people whom I recommended had any issues with RamNode.
Been a customer for several months, can’t tell you anything about support as I’ve never had to contact them. I think that in itself speaks volumes. It’s my only SSD VPS and it’s lightning fast at reinstalls etc.
Would wholeheartedly recommend.
RamNode benchmarks on serverbear don’t lie. Their servers are FAST.
I think the price is good.
Thank you all for the recent comments! We wouldn’t be here without you guys!
Fraud Check
MaxMind Error
MaxMind has deemed your order to be potentially high risk and therefore it has been held for manual review.
If you feel you have received this message in error, then please accept our apologies and submit a support ticket to our Customer Service Team. Thank you.
are you from Indonesia?
Love Ramnode! Only started recently using them and absolutely no complaints. Had a little problem on my node and Nick was all over it. Tickets get responded to very quickly compared to most of my other providers as well.
How much is the additonal IPv4 addon per year?
Thank you
I can vouch that RamNode servers are fastest of all the VPSes i have. Their SSD servers are BLAZING fast and i am using the world literally. I have 3 of their 256mb OpenVZ servers. Looking forward to buy a few more. Keep up the good work RAMnode.
the test IP
Seattle, Washington (The Westin): ping from china:
171ms TTL=128
170ms TTL=128
171ms TTL=128
171ms TTL=128
171ms TTL=128
171ms TTL=128
170ms TTL=128
my order(Seattle):
309ms TTL=128
296ms TTL=128
295ms TTL=128
295ms TTL=128
307ms TTL=128
296ms TTL=128
295ms TTL=128
Please send us your IP through a ticket if you’d like. We have seen that ISPs will sometimes choose different carriers/routes to get to the same location.
First met so attentive service,TKS!
Happy birthday Ramnode! Keep up good work Nick!
Which KVM has best Unixbench / serverbear – stats. I recently posted a question on twitter:
E3-1270 has 8 cores@3.3GHz total so 1024MB SKVM uses 4/8 but E5 has 6 cores so 1024MB CKVM-E5 should perform better even though it is 2.3GHz. Is that correct?
You can see our UnixBench results at ServerBear if you’d like.
Hi Nick. I have tried. But frankly between the different dates and available configurations, I’ve not been able to really compare. Simply put, when you compare the offers:
1024MB SKVM with 4 cores (E3) this is 4 of 8 3.3GHZ cores
1024MB CKVM-E5 with 4 cores(E5) this is 4 of xxx 2.3GHz cores
This is important to understand what kind of CPU you are offering and the difference in CPU from SKVM and CKVM. Thanks for clarifying.
Note – I am already a customer with OpenVZ but need to find a KVM solution also.
E3-1240v2 versus E5-2630 between those if that helps?
Ok – Nick: Sorry – First, I love/reccomend you guys I’m really just trying to understand your offering.
I’m either not asking the right question or you (totally understandably) are not inclined to answer …
it looks like the E3-1240v2 has a total of 8 3.3GHz cores and the E5-2630 has 12 (2.3GHz) so with E3 you get 4/8 (50% of the CPU) and E5 you get 4/12 (33% of CPU). So If I go with E5-Cached I should expect a lower CPU performance … correct?
Also will 38% apply if I have an existing VPS?
Sorry to be so persistent – I appreciate your help!
Not a problem – I probably didn’t understand what you were getting at. The E5 is slower per core, so you would have less CPU performance on an E5 system if you look at clock speed alone. Does that answer your question?
38% only applies for new orders or upgrades.
Thanks Nick:
Almost, I know they are a different architecture and all, perhaps someone else can ask the question better. When you offer CPU of “4 cores” those are logical cores and take into account Hyperthread, etc. so independent of the CPU speed it is important to know how many cores are in the CPU. the E5-2630 has 12 so getting 4 of them is a lot less than getting 4 of a CPU with 8 logical cores. That’s a pretty steep difference in performance so I’m just trying to see if it is worth paying for the E3 … make sense? Perhaps in KVM this will only kick-in if the machine is maxed out and most of the time it will use idle cores or something. just trying to gauge for my client (who actually raised the question) Thanks for sticking with me and hopefully someone else can clarify the question if it’s not making sense…
Sean, if I can jump in really quickly.
I’d highly recommend getting a dedicated server if you really need all of the resources you can get. If you just want to maximise the bang for your buck, maybe I can help you out.
Both of the machines have HT turned on, meaning that the E3 has 8 logical cores, and the E5 has 12 logical cores available. You are getting four of those logical cores in both of the plans. That means “half” of the available logical cores in the E3, and a third in the E5.
What you can’t do, however, is compare apples to oranges. In both cases, you are sharing resources with everyone else on the machine. While you get a bigger share of the overall server with the E3, you are sharing that with more people, and you could see a decrease in performance despite having the same amount of cores at a higher clock speed than the E5.
That being said, the E3 would theoretically provide more performance, as it has a higher clock speed versus the E5, and the same number of cores
Just to clarify one thing – the E5-2630 setup uses dual hex cores, so 24 logical cores :)
Sean, small correction
RamNode actually uses 2 x E5-2630 CPUs in each of their E5 nodes, meaning there are actually 24 logical cores (12 physical), so you are “getting” a sixth (4/ 24) of the total resources on the server – while that may seem like a bad thing, it’s actually the opposite.
Because you are splitting the server, the more total resources there are, the more performance your share can get you. While there may be fewer total clients on an 1 x E3 node, the end result will likely be that the 4 x E5 cores will provide you with more performance the majority of the time, as each core is in use by fewer people.
Thanks Nick and Nick :) this was very informative. I assume the virtual CPU is not pinned / affiliated to a physical core so the scheduler will give up the best 4 cores and I get what you are saying that by having 24 available, there is a better chance to get more resources (assuming they don’t over-provision which by all accounts they don’t.) So after all that the short answer is … it depends :) I did learn a lot though and will go with the promo.
Here is mine:
No complaints here!
HI – I’m not complaining. just trying to select the best package / config.
I wasn’t complaining either, I was just showing how much I like my services at Ramnode. :)
what is the cost for adding more bandwidth for 2000GB Bandwidth ?
$8/mo for 2000GB
Just signed up. It was easy to sign up and the machine is very fast. Thank you!
I have been using Ramnode for around two months now, and have no complaints so far. Great performance, honest policies, great pricing, and an awesome support team. It’s a win in many ways.
I think what really impressed me the most when I first started using Ramnode was seeing that they while their prices are very cheap, their performance is anything but cheap as they still strive for the best as a company and offer performance that’s hard to find even in more expensive VPS hosts. Nick is also very upfront and honest about all of his policies and his equipment, and I feel like I am in good hands hosting my website at Ramnode. I would definitely recommend this company.
Thanks Darth-Apple!
Any chance the ONEYEAR offer is still available? Was looking at the 2GB SSD OVZ.
Check out our latest offer :)
What is the cost if the offer also included 2GB or 3GB of ram?
The oneyear promo has expired, but we still have the LEB35 coupon listed on this site for your usage. You can plug it into our order form to figure out which price fits your budget. I don’t think we can post anything over $7 here.
LEB35 has expired. Do you have any current promos for LEB/LET?