LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

RapidXen Exclusive Deal - 20% off Recurring Discount

RapidXen Big thanks to William at RapidXen / SystemInPlace / Nerios for providing this exclusive deal for the LowEndBox.com readers.

He has added two coupon code to the system —

  • LOWENDBOX for 20% off recurring discount.
  • LOWENDBOX-2 for 50% off for the first month.

When the 20% off recurring discount coupon code is applied, you can get their cheapest Xen VPS for $6/month!

  • 128MB memory
  • 5GB storage
  • Unmetered 2mbps 95th%tile bandwidth
  • Xen/custom panel

Having been with RapidXen user for a year I can recommend their service, and you get admins who know what they are doing. Currently only Chicago is offered, while they are finding replacement DC for West Coast in LA.

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  1. tylerdu:

    Big thumbs up for Nerios/RapidXen!

    Been their customer for 4 months and I really like it. Their service is great, affordable and comes with a top-notch support. If you’re after a cheap and stable VPS, you’ve just found it!

    For any additional questions join the happy bunch @ #systeminplace (irc.systeminplace.net).

    October 17, 2009 @ 3:03 pm | Reply
  2. @tylerdu
    While most VPS providers clearly specify the monthly bandwidth limit, RapidXen calculates bandwidth usage as “Unmetered 2mbps 95th%tile bandwidth.” What’s the ratio between RapidXen’s bandwidth usage and the real average bandwidth usage in your experience? For example, supposed that your total data volume in one month is 324GB, which is about 1Mbps average, what would be your expected bandwidth usage according to RapidXen’s rule?

    October 26, 2009 @ 9:15 am | Reply
  3. Hi,

    The 95 percentile bandwidth would be very common in hosting I think — at least between data providers. 324GB is the amount of data transfer, and it might have little to do with the bandwidth. For example, you can consume all of that in 1 day (~30Mbps), but consumes nothing for the rest of the month. Your 95 percentile would be 30Mbps instead of 1Mbps in this case.

    It’s good for consistent data usage (which I think would be preferred by the DC as well). If you have weird burst patterns, then it might not be that good.

    October 26, 2009 @ 9:23 am | Reply
  4. tylerdu:

    @Daily Botnet Statistics, while 95th percentile is sometimes hard to understand, reasonably simple explanation can be found here: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/wiki/95th_percentile

    Basically it means that if most of the time your usage is below 2Mbit, occasional spikes to much more than that are not a problem. And if you break that rule, RapidXen will force you to comply by limiting you to those 2Mbit. But, you start unlimited.

    For me it works extremely well, most of the time I push much less than 2Mbit of traffic, but when I do backups of my VPS, i let it run at full speed, around 10Mbit, because backup process doesn’t take much time and is thus fully covered with that top 5% that is discarded when accounting for bandwidth usage.

    From what I understand, as long as you’re not a real bandwidth hog (running seedbox or such) you’ll be fine. And if you really need to push lots of data around, that 2Mbit gives you at least 650GB per month. More than that would probably require special arrangement. Or maybe just buying more VPS and balancing the traffic? ;)

    October 26, 2009 @ 10:38 am | Reply
  5. leow kian siong:

    I have paid for the basic vps from repidxen since morning….but till now yet to receive a/c login info….is it a norm to wait for 24hrs or more b4 getting the details…send 2 email but no reply till now….haiz…sad.

    August 10, 2010 @ 3:41 pm | Reply

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