Mark from VirtuallyDedicated/RockMyWeb emailed me their new LowEndBox special — $7/month will get you the following package
- 512MB memory
- 40GB storage
- 500GB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/VPSGrid
Servers are in ChicagoSouth Bend, where their new “cluster” is. The package does look very much alike Rizie’s Chicago offer that I posted just a moment ago — same amount of memory, same disk space, monthly data transfer amount, server location, etc. RockMyWeb however is running their own “VPSGrid” and “cloud server” platform, which is glorified OpenVZ VPS with extra features, such as high availability failover, load balancing, and instant upgrades, according to their FAQ. $1/month more expensive though.
RockMyWeb/VirtuallyDedicated has been around for quite a while.
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What is the CPU units offered for this exclusive offer? Which DC in Chicago?
Below is ping and traceroute from Malaysia: –
Oops, missed a question. No burst RAM?
There’s been awful lot of Chicago based lowend VPSs lately.
Need more Xen or Vmware or KVM :D
I’ve been with a.k.a since they made an offer via LEB
The package offered comes with no burst RAM (the one with burst RAM cost $10/mo) and they are using VPSGrid for their VPS control panel.
The only downtime I’ve experience is when they bought new machine and move me from east coast Data Center to a new one and got a new IP so I have to adjust things.
To sum up, based on their service to me and our communication via e-mail about several delicate things that I can’t post in this forum, Mark is honest and I’m a satisfied customer. :)
@Jamie that’s because FDC is located in Chigaco and they are cheap but their network is not really any good.
Just to clarify, our new DC does not use FDCServers. This is just where our web site is hosted. You can traceroute/ping for the new DC. It is hosted outside of Chicago on mainly Level3 bandwidth.
Thank you.
Are you sure? I get mostly Cogent.
And an rWHOIS on the IP ( ) shows you are in Colo Store which is South Bend, Indiana – it’s not even in the same state as Chicago – it’s on the other side of the water.
Its about 50-50 between Cogent/Level3 on their upstream( )according to BGP announces.
So it is not “mainly Level 3” and it’s not “in Chicago”.
It is mostly Level3 as stated in that graph. We find about 70% of routes go through Level3. Sure you will have some go through Cogent but mostly it picks the best route for the user.
As I said it is outside of Chicago not in Chicago. Dark fiber is used to deliver bandwidth from Chicago to our datacenter. You should find barely any difference between us and any provider in Chicago and you will find that most providers that claim Chicago are also outside of the city limits.
RockMyWeb is a good company, i had 2 VPS with them for a year or so, never had any issues. I think i didn’t open more than 2 tickets in all that time. Glad to see new offers! :)
Thanks for the kind words! Glad you are satisfied with our service.
almost 1 and half year with and as their name. its rock your vps with best.
Do you have an option to choose OS on the “LowEndBox special” page?
You can choose the operating system in the control panel after the ordering process. If you can’t find the OS your looking for we can most always add it. We have the standard offerings available all ready though.
Thank you,
Anyone bought this offer or any offer from their website? If yes, please show the /proc/cpuinfo output. However, I can’t find any money guarantee back from here or their website. Thanks :)
Hello Wing,
Maybe I can help you out with a question? You can always email us at if you have a question. The CPU offering on the lowendbox plan allows for you to burst to an entire CPU. If you need to use more than one CPU then your most likely better off upgrading to a larger plan. We don’t allow 4-CPU bursts on our low end plans, however I don’t see what benefit that would be for a normal user except for a 10 minute benchmark. As if you were bursting to multiple CPUs with any provider with a plan around $7 your most likely to get suspended very quickly.
You will find that our dedicated CPU resources will be better than any one else in our price range.
Thank you,
Ok, will email you again :)