Via this WHT offer. SolidVPS (with a .ORG domain) is a company (ahem) that claims (on their WHT page) “SolidVPS is becoming a leader in VPS Hosting Solutions, SolidVPS has been bringing Professional, Affordable and Quality managed & unmanged hosting solutions to users all around the globe”. Professional or Quality we do not know as the domain is very new (registered on 28 Oct 2010). Affordable? YES! They currently have a special promotion at the moment — $20/Year with $2 once off set up fee. Here’s the spec:
- 128MB guaranteed/256MB burstable memory
- 15GB storage
- 500GB/month data transfer
- 1 IPv4, 16 IPv6 addresses
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
Ordering link here. From FAQ page it says the servers are located in either Fremont CA or New York City. Website is hosted on box inside HostDime in Orlando with both NS on the same IP as the website (FAIL!) Domain information masked by WHOIS protection — that’s a double FAIL for a company. You do get to see the pre-masked info on this WHT thread though (linked in an image file).
Since their servers are in Fremont so naturally I compared their plans with the ones from Then I found they have pretty much the same spec — except quite a bit more expensive. They could almost make a tidy sum by just reselling BuyVM’s (except they are out of stock at the moment).
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double fail. hm….hope this not flyby vps
Setup fee is now $5 not $2 as advertised on LEB …
That has certainly raise my alarm level…
Be careful with year plan offers… remember blazevps or rackvm.
BuyVM at
> All VPS’s come with the ability to run OpenVPN, PPTP, GRE and SIT tunnels by default
SolidVPS at WHT thread:
> Ability to run OpenVPN, PPTP, GRE and SIT tunnels by default
Okay but could they have at least not list them in the SAME DAMN ORDER :D
Oh wait, there’s more…
BuyVM at
> At minimum, all of our nodes are powered by Dual Quad XEON L5420’s, with most servers being Dual Quad XEON 5520’s.
SolidVPS at WHT thread:
> At minimum, all of our nodes are powered by Dual Quad XEON L5420’s, with most servers being Dual Quad XEON 5520’s.
Err.. nothing to comment here, yep.
That makes you wonder if they are reselling BuyVM.
you can easily check if they are selling maxmind geo-ip database show ip ranges for vps in Canada and they have a buyvm rdns entry
OK now this is weird, completely weird.
Compare and, which makes me wonder what’s the relationship between SolidVPS and BuyVM.
Thelen’s got a cheek throwing dirt at other people.
He bought a ton of boxes from, found out their network was crap, massive packet loss, routing problems and massively oversold.
They gave him a generous account credit and he used the account credit to basically become a reseller, undercutting by a decent percentage.
Yeah they were at a discount, but he was selling people servers he himself wouldn’t use. That’s a bit of a pisstake.
Interesting how a datacenter was able to gain access to a rack. I know my racks are locked. The only thing reachable is the on off switch and a USB port used for KVM access.
Not doubting anyone or the posts linked to. Just rather strange. The datacenter I’m in has some rather strict access rules since we have some rather high end *cough* organizations in there. Even for a datacenter tech to get a key, they have to jump though some rather high hoops.
Beware! These guys are most definitely reselling for BuyVM/Frantech. I have seen the owner try to steal business in the Frantech IRC channel after a foreign customer claimed the stress of waiting for Fransisco to get his shit together had caused him to relapse into his coke habit. Also, there are actually TWO BuyVM nodes with available slots exclusively for resellers so that direct customers arn’t effected by the extreme overselling Francisco allows his resellers to do. Anybody needing a BuyVM VPS should just wait until tomorrow and buy direct when new slots will open up for the public.
Ha. Love the “rumor mill” feature on LowEndBox where little birdies tweet about what they overheard from IRC channels behind anonymous proxies… :)
VPS hosting is serious business. All the drama!
What in the world? :)
We do have reserve nodes for resellers, I’ve not done any fact checking on if these guys are using us – been far too busy with the usual rounds in the racks :) Our IRC channels shouldn’t be taken all that seriously considering many of the off colour conversations we have in there.
Our IP’s are Geolocated to different places since we *DO* SWIP them to the USA as well. Anything in our name will have an ARIN ‘network name’ starting with PONYNET-*. Don’t question our naming conventions, everything stems back to inside jokes/memes I’ve made on IRC and with my staff :) From our ARIN network names to the “pony” at the bottom of the Frantech site, it all has a meaning ;)
I’m not sure how us dedicated full equipment to our resellers so they don’t have to suffer a slow down when we’re full really constitutes as ‘oversold’. We’re pretty strict on who can resell us and generally aim mostly for people outside of North America that want to target their native language & countries.
Best of luck!
OMG Ponies!!! Do your racks come in pink as well? :)
So they are BuyVM/Frantech resellers or not ? …
a little birdie lol!
I gave up a long time ago with expecting *.org’s to be not for profit organizations and *.com’s to be for profit companies.
maybe the one who runs prefer .ORG domain since .ORG DNS servers is DNSSEC compliant and this guy wants to implement it early :P .
My name is David King, I’m the owner of I am a frequent reader of LowEndBox and noticed this advertisement tonight.
Please be aware that this company is using our website design and content without permission. Even web pages such as FAQ and ‘Why us’ use the exact wording from our website.
The design was made for us several years ago by Harzem (a WHT user/community guide) and adapted several times to comply with our needs.
Users should be weary when ordering from a website that is less than 2 weeks old and is already violating copyright laws. DMCA complaints have been issued.
Best regards,
David King
SolidVPS resolved the issue. Their web designer had ripped our website and tried to sell it to them as a unique website. Obviously this was not the case, but SolidVPS took down the website and everything should be ok now.
Thanks SolidVPS.
Bad news: I registeren and payed with paypal today morning at 7 a.m. but I didn’t get my server until now (5 a.m.) and my invoice is as “unpaid”.
Wow! The templates do look alike and some wordings too.
The wording between onenode and solidvps is EXACTLY the same. Including the TOS/FAQ/UPTIME SLA.
I finally got my account. Server has 99,38% of uptime. Speed was ~70Mb/s (there is in this test not so much)
Support is slow, but very frendly and helpful.
Wow, so you actually bought it? Can you please post your IP for us (don’t worry, no one will crack your server), so that we all could check in which datacenter/provider VPSes are in?
Bravo SolidVPS, taking down the website means you are really going to do a good business!
Best of luck!
My IP is there:
Yeah!!! Hax time!!! Just kidding…
OrgName: FranTech Solutions
That’s not looking good. maybe resellers should be provided with an extra protection layer to hide their reselling source!
A second extra protection layer also for those using their reseller program!
See the bottom of the faq page if you want to be a reseller of a reseller.
Yes you are correct.
NetRange –
Organization FranTech Solutions
Address: 3635 Craigmillar Ave
City: Victoria
StateProv: BC
PostalCode: V8P-3H2
Country: CA
OrgTechName: Dias, Francisco
OrgTechPhone: +1-250-389-1317
They removed my account when i request back my $20 refund , i leave a ticket to refund and had a reply that it will be refunded in 24 hours but after 48 hours i reply with please refund my $20 and my account removed ?? now i am going to open a case in Paypal !!
Looks like someone is doing a runner.
SolidVPS is a BuyVM reseller and the owner is a huge scammer, he’s responsible for Paralox going offline too
Paralox is dead because the owners don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground. Not only that, their adminstrators tried to flood one of our webservers earlier last week.
Yes, solidVPS was a reseller of us and yes, at this point we’ve been awaiting news from the owner about what’s going on. Users that have been paid up have kept their services.
If you’ve had your services suspended and want to be transferred to us directly, be sure to log a ticket and we’ll recover your data and make the adjustments.