Kiran from Super-VM emailed me their new exclusive offer to LowEndBox readers. Promo code LOWEND50 gives you 50% off recurring discount on their OpenVZ VPS products. You can get “i7core-svm2” for $4/month which comes with
- 256MB guaranteed/512MB burstable memory
- 40GB storage
- 600GB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
From its home page, it appears that the servers are either with Servercentral in Chicago IL, or BurstNet in Scranton PA. Super-VM is based in India that Kiran has been running since January this year. AUP here, and no IRC activity is allowed.
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Do customers from India have to pay VAT? And how much? Your phone no on the whois is incorrect. The ISD code should be +91 not +1.
“Super-VM has a “zero tolerance” policy regarding Denial of Service Attacks. Super-VM reserves the right to terminate any account which has been the target of a Denial of Service or similar attack.”
This seems a bit harsh like being sentenced for getting raped.
Only customers from Karnataka pay the VAT right? The promo code is not valid for svm1?
I Find It Strange That You Have Capitalized The Initial Letter Of Every Word In Every Sentence On Your Site. It Looks Unique.
Yes, right it should be +91(India code) we will correct it.
VAT is not implemented. More info:
Yes, Promo code is not Valid for 128MB VPS(svm1)
Capitalized The Initial Letter: We have not Capitalized each and every Initial Letter to look Unique. This is WordPress Theme and this was default coding in it’s css.
can you make promo code to be Valid for 128MB VPS(svm1)?
I’d like to get two of them.
Don’t need much ram.
Yes please give us a coupon for svm1
Now Coupon is even valid to svm1.
I signed up but can’t get pptp working. Can you confirm it is supported?
Yes, PPTP is supported.
Are you going to re-stock soon?
any chances of 128MB VPS plans to re-stock ?
128MB VPS in stock now
@super-vm Just got one .Thank you.
here is some test
I got 128MB VPS but india IP :( , I need us IP
sorry that ip is US ip from
Who is Shodan Nayak?
Isn’t the control panel secured?
while ordering the client area was secure:
Now that I have paid up this link:
https client area
redirects to:
I want secure client area and secure control panel or I am cancelling.
But the server is fast. The fastest I have seen so far.
hey Kiran what about for Technical Athma atleast 25% Promo Code is needed for my readers
have a nice day Kiran and admin of Lowendbox
@dd client area is secure. Now we have set force https
@dd Shodan is Tech who helped us to do complete migration of Super-VM from Alan to us Good friend of mine. Still works as freelancer to add new nodes.
I can confirm both pptp and openvpn tun/tap work fine :)
Test is usually as good as wanjie posted although i’ve seen it double or triple in some cases so it’s good enough for my needs :)
How did you get pptp to work?
We will provide VPS in new located Los Angeles, CA USA soon
Cool, estimated date when? Does current order will be provision to Chicago? Thank you.
Chicago servers are expensive. Hence, we can’t provide VPS at affordable price. We have plan to provision Chicago once again after few months. Right now we will provide VPS in Scranton, PA and Los Angeles, CA within a week.
VPS in Los Angeles, CA in stock now. Coupon code LOWEND50 50% lifetime recurring is valid only for first few orders.
How to specify the place of the server in the order? I want one in chicago and one in LA. I already have one in scranton.
Just subscribing to get notifications.
Their L.A node is weird, on and off, on and off all day long.
don’t buy this L.A node, it’s bad, 5 sec. up 20 sec. down.
worst m/c.
Have you purchase the LA vps? I don’t see any ticket with name Macro or anyone else with this issue.
@Macro you are always welcome to open Tech ticket.
why the Los Angeles, CA – VPS is not i7core
but the price is the same with Scranton, PA – VPS i7core ?
and the port-speed is 100M or 1G ?
Yes, Scranton, PA servers are i7 and Los Angeles, CA servers are i5. We get this servers under our budget, so we opted i5. Both DC servers port speed is 1gbps.
About @Marco comment: Till now we have not received any complaint about LA servers or any ticket from someone called marco. If someone have purchased VPS and if their is issue like “marco comment – off all day long” they would definitely report provider.
Now, they terminated L.A server compeltely, am I right?
It proves my point above.
@macro you are right. Later, we got many reports regarding this weird routing issue. We have terminated L.A server and gave option to clients either VPS migration to scranton servers or refund.
Also, we had whois info issue. Although, server is in LA in whois it was showing as scranton. We got answer for this from Burstnet that “Our main office is in Scranton when we purchased the IPs they registered them to Scranton. Generally we cannot update whois information unless it is on an entire /24.”