LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

TelVPS - $5.95 256MB OpenVZ VPS in Germany

TelVPS Omar from TelVPS emailed me about their exclusive discount to LowEndBox users. Use promo code LEB2011 to get 15% off recurring discount on any of their packages & on any payment term. Pick their “DE-256” plan for example, it would be $5.95/month after the discount (direct sign up link).

  • 256MB guaranteed/512MB burstable memory
  • 60GB storage
  • 600GB/month data transfer on 1Gbps
  • 2x IPv4 addresses
  • OpenVZ/SolusVM

Servers are in Germany with Interwerk (test IP: They also have Chicago-based VPS with ServerCentral but a bit more expensive. Domain was registered in July 2010 and NS on a pair of adjacent IP addresses.

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  1. marrco:

    “12 month prepay = 25% off total + double RAM” that’s really inviting. Here they have a test file:

    Pity i don’t trust new companies especially when they rise prices before giving discounts: on https://telvps.com/de.php they still advertise the same product for 6.50 usd/month

    February 8, 2011 @ 3:52 pm | Reply
    • Hello sir,

      I am a bit confused about what you mean, but the reason we have different prices on USA/DE services is because the cost for the hardware nodes in each location is slightly different. The servers in Frankfurt are less expensive to operate, so we are able to discount the VPS rates a little by default.

      Please, anyone can feel free to contact me directly at o.singh@telvps.com or through support ticket on the site. Thank you LowEndAdmin for the post!

      February 8, 2011 @ 4:55 pm | Reply
    • Gary:

      that test file is awful to the few places I tested it to. C4L, Rapidswitch, Hetzner. The latter two are gbit ports, and of course Hetzner is in .DE as well, so I’d expect better speeds…

      I didn’t manage over 5mbit on any of them with a wget.

      February 8, 2011 @ 7:11 pm | Reply
  2. Daniel @ LowEndTalk.com:

    Their page acts a bit funny in Safari.

    February 8, 2011 @ 5:13 pm | Reply
    • ab:

      maybe because literally eery block is like

      position: absolute;
      margin-top: -150px;
      margin-left: 167px;

      February 8, 2011 @ 6:19 pm | Reply
    • ab:

      iirc, they don’t use a css reset either and each browser handles default div spacing and stuff separately, so it’s basically like forcing blocks to go exactly at this x,y location while only testing it in one browser

      February 8, 2011 @ 6:49 pm | Reply
      • Yes, I believe the CSS still needs some tweaking for full WebKit compatibility. I am sure this will be done soon, in the mean time IE8 and all recent versions of FireFox check out ( > 80% of viewers). Thank you for the tip!

        February 8, 2011 @ 7:09 pm | Reply
      • Daniel @ LowEndTalk.com:

        Most Likely IE. If a Host designer doesn’t even use proper HTML/CSS (they probably used a WYSIWYG program), do you think their gonna know anything about running a VPS.

        February 8, 2011 @ 7:29 pm | Reply
        • Gary:

          I could say that if someone doesn’t know the difference between their and they’re, they don’t know how to run a VPS. You can’t draw comparisons like that though, it’s different skillsets.

          That said, it shows a lack of regard for doing things properly. They might be very knowledgeable about running VPSes, but the website being made so badly tells me they don’t know much about business in general. First impressions count, and catering to IE only, or not testing it on other browsers, gives a very bad impression.

          February 8, 2011 @ 7:50 pm | Reply
        • Daniel @ LowEndTalk.com:

          A company that use IE, shows that their not very technological skilled and advanced. Look at Microsoft.

          February 8, 2011 @ 8:00 pm | Reply
        • Gary:

          Good businessmen though. And I doubt anyone at MS uses IE as part of their job. :D

          February 8, 2011 @ 8:05 pm | Reply
        • Just to clear things up (I feel TelVPS has been rather unfairly criticized here), I have spoken to our staff in charge of web integration. The site was tested in FireFox and IE during design (accounting for 3/4 or so of viewers), and it renders without errors in those browsers. Even in WebKit, pages render incorrectly only some of the time (final tweaks are being put in place, the current design was only implemented recently).

          @Gary: Thanks for your comment. I personally think choosing FireFox and IE (two most popular browsers) for compatibility is a sound design choice where first impressions are concerned.

          Anyway, this isn’t a CSS gallery, it’s a web hosting blog, so let’s talk about web hosting!

          February 8, 2011 @ 8:24 pm | Reply
        • Daniel @ LowEndTalk.com:

          You should have a look at their twitter, all it is iPAD VS WINDOWS, WHY LINUX SUCKS AT SERVER SECURITY, BUY WINDOWS TODAY, Retweeting GOOD Mentions (they dont retweet bad ones), LIBEL etc etc.

          February 8, 2011 @ 8:50 pm | Reply
        • Gary:

          I took a peek, but I only see 6 tweets, and none that would be considered dodgy. Have they deleted their old tweets?

          February 8, 2011 @ 9:10 pm | Reply
        • Daniel @ LowEndTalk.com:

          Look where they post people opinions of Windows 7, loads of people submitted bad opinions, but they don’t retweet. They actually asked for opinions

          February 8, 2011 @ 9:36 pm | Reply
    • Daniel @ LowEndTalk.com:

      Some of my opinions on their tweets and retweets, anyway I think we should get back on topic :)

      “RT @nojoraccoc: @Windows I love Windows because there isn’t anything it can’t do. #winlove” – Well, It can’t run many things, and cant run on less then 30MB of RAM.

      “RT @KLCore: @Windows I love Windows because its the most reliable and powerful OS. #winlove” – Oh Please, we all know Linux last for around 2 years without needing a reboot, Windows, at maximum 1 week (them IE updates rebooting you :( )

      “RT @kenjancef: @Windows I love Windows because… it WORKS!! #winlove” – after you have installed all the drivers, and well them compatibility issues, too many to list. Linux just works, infact it works for 59 years without rebooting.

      “Internet Explorer 9 Reaches 23 Million Downloads and 1.82% Share on Windows 7 http://cot.ag/gaaCjP. #IE9 ^JAS” – They do realise that people only download IE9 to see how crap it was and if it actually rendered their web pages correctly for once, turned out it didn’t, and yet Microsoft use browser share statistics from Microsoft Funded websites, Joomla.org found that 50% of their users were using Firefox.

      “Windows vs. Ipad. Who do u got?! Microsoft: “Windows is better for business than the #ipad” http://cot.ag/fLtAFs ^KD #cagematch”ts comparing Hardware to an OS, its like comparing cars to the roads they run on.

      February 8, 2011 @ 9:42 pm | Reply
      • Daniel,

        I’m not sure what you’re looking at, but our Twitter profile is here: http://twitter.com/telvps

        Are you replying to the correct LEB thread? Possibly you replied in the wrong window?

        February 8, 2011 @ 11:13 pm | Reply
        • Daniel @ LowEndTalk.com:

          Oh I wasen’t refering to your twitter, was refering to someone who mentioned Microsoft and IE (And how crap it is)

          February 9, 2011 @ 4:01 pm | Reply
      • Spirit:

        Daniel @ LowEndTalk.com – there are still things you have to learn, young padawan…

        btw. that’s my desktop win XP PC which I use this moment and which by your “opinion” need to be updated at maximum 1 week:

        C:\Documents and Settings\admin>Systeminfo | Find “Up Time”
        System Up Time: 82 Days, 19 Hours, 58 Minutes, 30 Seconds

        February 8, 2011 @ 11:33 pm | Reply
        • At work, it’s company policy that we force reboot our Windoze PC every 7 days…

          February 8, 2011 @ 11:35 pm | Reply
        • Spirit:

          Oh and If I may add your regular linux vs windows posts around look very childish. Can you stop with that until you learn to use advantage of both systems?

          February 8, 2011 @ 11:35 pm | Reply
        • Daniel @ LowEndTalk.com:

          Spirit, what advantages does Windows actually have over any other OS? Plus, your system uptime of about 82 days, im guessing you’ve probably been hibernating, and are around 2000 security patches needing to install.

          February 9, 2011 @ 4:06 pm | Reply
      • Spirit:

        LowEndAdmin desktop PCs not servers, correct?

        February 8, 2011 @ 11:36 pm | Reply
        • Both. Windows XP desktops, Windows 7 desktops, Win 2003 servers and Win 2008R2 servers (no deployed WinVista desktop boxes at work though). I work at a Windows shop providing SaaS over web with around 400 Win2k3/Win2k8R2 dedicated boxes, and the most production servers that run our software *reboots every Sunday*.

          Damn I hate my job (and I’m a Linux guy since ~Slackware 2.2/2.3 days)

          February 8, 2011 @ 11:42 pm | Reply
        • ted:


          Out of curiosity, how much custom user-level software is running on those win boxes? Rebooting is just SOP for clearing up after poorly written user-level programs that don’t relinquish window resources properly. My core install of Win2k3 runs indefinitely without problems but then again, I don’t load it with anything other than IIS and Exchange.

          And yes, my Apache+Postfix linux box runs just fine too :)

          February 9, 2011 @ 12:25 am | Reply
        • The area I am responsible for — pretty much all user-level programs developed in a mix of C, C++, Java and Python processes. No IIS. No Exchange. And SQLServer usually chews up half the RAM right after starting up on DB boxes.

          February 9, 2011 @ 1:35 am | Reply
  3. Maybe contact them with the “funny” details so they could look into a fix?

    February 8, 2011 @ 5:31 pm | Reply
  4. Someone:

    I wouldn’t trust this provider, nor would I buy from them. One reason being that specs are too low for their price and OpenVZ, not to mention it’s in Germany where server and stuff are really cheap. Also, new company and probably operated from India (or another Asian/South Asian country), mind you I have nothing against that region but it has a rep. of being a region where scammers originate from.. technology using scammers. I’m not classing everyone as that but I would just practice some caution when buying from them.

    February 8, 2011 @ 9:15 pm | Reply
    • Sir,

      Please see my comment below on reply 6. TelVPS is USA-based.

      We operate colocated hardware in two datacenters, ServerCentral’s DF-CH1 in Chicago and the Interwerk DC in Frankfurt (this information is available on our website as well). It’s true that racks in Germany are cheaper than many other places, and admittedly the quality of networks there is only average, especially when compared to our IP transit partners in North America… but this is why the cost of the VPS is discounted.

      February 9, 2011 @ 7:06 pm | Reply
  5. @Someone: Anything wrong with servers in Germany? Hetzner does their job just fine.

    The “server and stuff being really cheap” doesn’t mean that they ain’t of quality. Just beacuse bandwidth its more expensive in USA doesn’t mean that Germany ( Europe in general ) bandwidth is bad.

    Same goes for hardware, maybe. Don’t know much about hardware costs in USA.

    February 8, 2011 @ 11:09 pm | Reply
  6. Belanger:

    @Omar Singh Are you operating from India why don’t you have correct address in domain Whois. Why is it USA address? Do you have any experience in hosting field?. Your “TRIAL PACKAGE CONCEPT LOOKS COPY OF SOME OTHER VPS COMPANY” ;) LEB Geeks catch it.

    Does your designer know how to fix it. Why don’t you contact original designer ;) Did you purchase this company? fishy…..

    I will not come to the conclusion right now I have little clue whose company is this, design looks similar to some other VPS company.

    Lowendbox can only say who really is commenting from which location by checking whois of the IP and let us know which location Omar Singh is commenting.

    February 8, 2011 @ 11:14 pm | Reply
    • Omar has a residential DSL IP address in US.

      February 8, 2011 @ 11:26 pm | Reply
    • Belanger,

      We are a USA-based company operated by K-R Networks (www.k-r.tel), by whom I am employed. Our managing staff are in Los Angeles, California and St. Paul, Minnesota. You could have learned this from WHOIS info and the footer of the TelVPS site.

      February 8, 2011 @ 11:49 pm | Reply
    • Imran:

      The pay pal is american. It says Donn Fry on the payment, thes is same as suprevm

      February 17, 2011 @ 9:56 pm | Reply
  7. Their test file its REALLY slow downloading though

    root@gluttony:~# wget
    --2011-02-08 23:12:31--
    Connecting to connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 105472000 (101M) [application/octet-stream]
    Saving to: `100mb.bin'
    100%[======================================>] 105,472,000  827K/s   in 2m 16s
    2011-02-08 23:14:47 (756 KB/s) - `100mb.bin' saved [105472000/105472000]

    From OVH, France.

    February 8, 2011 @ 11:16 pm | Reply
  8. Nikola:

    I have bought this VPS today in USA, the speed and connection seem very good. Not sure about Germany location as I tried this with free trial and the speed was less. Overall very good for budget VPS:

    TEST                                        BASELINE     RESULT      INDEX
    Dhrystone 2 using register variables        376783.7 19116625.9      507.4
    Double-Precision Whetstone                      83.1     1561.9      188.0
    Execl Throughput                               188.3    13653.0      725.1
    File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks         2672.0   380070.0     1422.4
    File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks           1077.0   106844.0      992.1
    File Read 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks        15382.0  2302081.0     1496.6
    Pipe-based Context Switching                 15448.6  1047992.8      678.4
    Pipe Throughput                             111814.6  3106943.2      277.9
    Process Creation                               569.3    36055.5      633.3
    Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)                    44.8     2297.2      512.8
    System Call Overhead                        114433.5  3193807.6      279.1
         FINAL SCORE                                                     579.9

    This seems far too high for VPS, so I guess it’s new node… be nice if it stays this way!

    February 9, 2011 @ 1:01 am | Reply
  9. @Omar: You can’t tell me that the speed of your port in Germany is normal. You also claim to have 1gbit, my connection from france to Germany needs to be way better then it is.

    I have had servers, with Hetzner in Germany they are also considerated “low cost” and i get speeds of 12mb/s you are not telling me that an avarage speed of 700kb/s is normal for a server hosted on 1gbit line from france to Germany.

    February 9, 2011 @ 11:42 pm | Reply
  10. goldman:

    just bought a De-128 from them. will post comment later for their product

    February 19, 2011 @ 8:57 am | Reply
    • goldman:

      feel their vps a little slow. the network speed is not good to china. only 10-20k/s.

      February 21, 2011 @ 10:13 pm | Reply
  11. Dieses Produkte werde ich kaufen

    December 29, 2012 @ 10:21 pm | Reply

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