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This Week on ESPN 8 (The Ocho): World Server Throwing Championship 2025!

How far can you throw a rackmount server?  Far enough for GLORY?

That’s the question that will be all the buzz at CloudFest 2025, hosted in Germany from March 17-20.  There will probably be some chatter about deployment optimization, orchestration, cost savings, blah blah, but the real reason people come is the World Server Throwing Championship.

ESPN 8 The Ocho

Every attendee is eligible to participate.  Step up to the line, heft a server in your hands, and hurl it as far as you can.

Find out what awaits you at the World Server Throwing Championship, only at CloudFest 2025! The noble sport of server throwing, once confined to datacenter basements, is now taking the spotlight—this video shows you how it works, but it’s really not complicated. Two days of action in Men’s and Women’s divisions will determine who reigns supreme. This is the geekiest and most exciting sport in the internet infrastructure industry, so it makes sense to feature it at the world’s #1 cloud computing event. One thing is certain: servers WILL be harmed during the course of this event!


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