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Vazapi - $4.99 256MB OpenVZ VPS in Chicago or San Jose

Update December 2011 — Vazapi has been sold to Netrouting and its domain is now on AdSense for Domain.

Vazapi Dominic, who is the CEO of ServerMinds and Graxis, who owns their low-end VPS brand Vazapi emailed me about their special offer. Use this direct sign up link to get a “leVZ-1” for $4.99/month (or $49.90/year). It’s similar to “uVZ-1” of their budget OpenVZ packages, but with extra disk space.

  • 256MB guaranteed/512MB burstable memory
  • 30GB storage
  • 1000GB/month data transfer
  • OpenVZ/SolusVM

They have servers with Continuum in Chicago (test IP:, and they have also recently announced their San Jose location (test IP: See previous post on Vazapi on a bit of my commentary on them. It’s not a one man company and they do own their IP range and their hardware. However I am still wondering what happened to the clients under their other failed brands. Dominic said that they were re-launching Zabogo in a few weeks — last September! I know business strategies change everyday. But at the same time I guess every consumer deserve a bit of assurance.

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  1. After searching for a bit on their website i can’t find any ToS.


    March 4, 2011 @ 3:13 am | Reply
  2. IPv6 supported?

    March 4, 2011 @ 4:37 am | Reply
  3. In regards to:

    However I am still wondering what happened to the clients under their other failed brands. Dominic said that they were re-launching Zabogo in a few weeks — last September! I know business strategies change everyday. But at the same time I guess every consumer deserve a bit of assurance.

    There where never any “failed” brands in terms of clients going offline, loosing all their data.
    On 12 July 2010 the Dedicated and VPS clients of SharedLayer and Zabogo where sold to North Texas Connect Inc. who was at that time the Colocation provider of Graxis.

    Zabogo didn’t return in September because we forgot to set the domain to auto renew, and the domain was hijacked and we refused to pay $10.000 to get it back.

    March 4, 2011 @ 11:45 am | Reply
  4. Damian:

    Do you offer custom packages upon request?

    March 4, 2011 @ 6:20 pm | Reply
    • Dominic Hakke:

      Yes, you should contact our Sales Department for that though.

      March 4, 2011 @ 9:53 pm | Reply
  5. Iker:

    I can’t find anything in the TOS or AUP about bittorrent and proxies. Are they allowed?

    March 4, 2011 @ 8:01 pm | Reply
    • I;d say no considering that in their AUP, they rule out specifically the transmission of copyrighted material. At least that’s how I read it.

      March 7, 2011 @ 1:14 am | Reply
  6. Unhappy Hakke:

    If this is the same dominic hakke that lives in the southern Netherlands he has run a number of hosting businesses is a crook and a fraud.

    Having met him I can also confirm that he is a spineless little shit and he should crawl back under the stone from where he arrived on this earth and never ever be allowed to run a business ever again.

    And no, I wasn’t a very satisfied customer !!!!

    May 10, 2012 @ 9:41 pm | Reply
  7. Unhappy Hakke:

    Yeah, it is the same little fucker, if I ever track the little shit down I with tear his fuckin heart out tad shove it up hs arse !!!!

    May 10, 2012 @ 10:02 pm | Reply
    • LOL!
      Well, I was ‘happy’.
      I had the first offer of $15/year. Then he sold his company or something and the customers were moved to netrouting, which was an average service too. I didn’t renewed because they wanted 35/year or sth like that.
      For me, Vazapi was ok.

      May 10, 2012 @ 11:51 pm | Reply

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