Hello LEBers, My name is Mark, the second member of the LEB trio and I’ll be your pilot this evening. Ashley from VMPort has sent us the following OpenVZ Medium listing with approximately 30% discount and also a KVM offer for LEB members.
Ashley was helpful enough to include the following test IP’s
- UK > RackCenter #1, Hampshire >
- DE > Equinix DC, Dusseldorf >
- US > WholeSale Internet, Kansas City >
- US (KVM) > NJ3 Equinx >
- OpenVZ Medium £4.42/month ($6.95USD/month)
- 512MB RAM
- 1024MB Burst
- 60GB HDD Space
- 2 CPU Cores
- 600GB Data transfer on 100Mbit
- Signup Link (Promo Code: LEB)
- KVM Tiny £4.42/month ($6.95USD/month)
- 12GB HDD Space (Based on a 4X 15K RAID10 disk setup)
- 256MB Dedicated RAM (DDR3/ECC)
- 500GB Data Transfer (On a 1000Mbit connection)
- 1 Xeon “E3-1230” CPU Core @ 3.20GHz with HT
- 1 Dedicated IPv4 Address
- SolusVM Control Panel
- 100% Non oversold resources
- Signup Link (Promo Code: C5BZDN8K)
VMPort’s offerings are based out of Germany, the UK and the USA with the KVM Nodes running Intel Xeon E3-1230 CPU’s and 15K Raid 10 storage setups.
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LEB is more powerful than ever before
Welcome Mark
Thanks! :)
Hi Mark! Is there going to be an introduction post introducing all the trio members? I feel the visitors deserve to know who is running the ship behind the scenes :)
By the way you forgot to link the thumbnail image to VMPort’s site.
Nice catch, fixed up ;)
At some point I’ll write one up or just do it on LET to keep the front end for posts/write ups.
“256MB HDD Swap Space” should be “256MB Swap Space”
Also, I think the SWAP on KVM needs to be configured during setup and not already done by default. Please correct me if I am wrong
Correct, sorry about that. Fixed.
I had that fixed in my first draft of the post but rewrote it.
Its OK, we are here to help.
The OpenVZ signup link is not correct either. Technically, the “cart.php?a=confproduct&i=0” part in WHMCS comes AFTER you have visited the signup link and the “confproduct” indicates that the values are in session now. Of course it may work for you since you have visited it but not for the general audience.
This one may work http://my.kvmport.com/?cmd=cart&action=add&id=1
Nope, thats KVM. Im talking about the OpenVZ offer link
LOL sorry, I am sleeppy xD
Fixed as well :)
When all else fails, blame the boss so…
Chief, quit breaking the posts!
Thanks Mark
VMPort, why are you using two different billing softwares? Any specific reason for that and which one would you be keeping in the long run?
Hello Asim.
We are using two seperate billing systems purely to keep the finances for both company’s seperate. I have a slight OCD when it comes to things been kept tidy like that :P
We are keeping both in the long run :)
That said if any VMPort clients that use our first WHMCS system wanted a service via KVMPort but did not want two seperate billing accounts we could easily create the service manually under their current billing account.
We also replaced both ticket systems for each billing software with a central one for both services to use, to make things easier support wise for us and our clients.
Another note regarding the swap (KVM), its purely for advertising reasons just to save us getting swamped with “Why is there no burst/swap RAM!” from people that dont yet fully understand the KVM technology.
If anybody has any further questions please just give me a shout and i will be happy to get them answered for you.
Thank you Mark and the team for listing our offer, its good to be back :)
Glad to know that LEB has back.. :)
Admins, it’s 2012 already: on 2012-06-06 it’s the World IPv6 Launch, by which date even the behemoth US telecoms like at&t have now promised to start permanently offering IPv6 connectivity to the masses.
Yet there are still occasional providers that offer VPS without IPv6; others don’t make it clear that IPv6 is supported even if it actually is. Could you kindly make it a new rule for all future offers to specifically and unambiguously mention whether IPv6 is supported or not? I think a free allocation of at least a /112 (256 * 256) or /116 (16 * 256) should be an absolutely standard practice with VPS these days. There’s even no reason not to be giving out straight /48 and /64, either.
I got /64 from EvoRack :)
What would you even do with that many IPv6 addresses on a LEB :P
RFC 3177 suggests /48 for end sites.
If the provider has a /32 (arpnetworks.com) or /30 (linode.com), what would they really do with that many prefixes anyways, if not give everyone their own /48 as the RFCs suggest? :p
P.S. AT&T has 2602:300::/24 for 6rd alone, although they run it out of only /28, giving out every customer a /60 IPv6 prefix for every IPv4 address that they have. :-) I do hope they’ll be honoring the RFCs, and handing out /48 when the native support does come about. :-) I’m sure at&t can grab a few more /24’s no questions asked. (-:
That statement is outrageous and has nothing to do with our offer, shouldn’t this be discussed at LET.
Hello guys, first of all thank you to everybody that has purchased during this promotion, we value your business highly!
Just a small bit of information regarding stock levels, we have 9x remaining 512MB packages in DE, stock in the UK and US on 512MB plans is still very much available.
We have also released another 10x KVM packages, so get them while you can!
Im struggling to see your point here? Yes its a themeforest template, did you know that when you ripped it?
I would not worry about what folks on here say about a template because many of them have not stepped up beyond making comments on a discussion area to run a business like you have. Now if a “web designer” used a template to promote their own design company, it may be questionable, but why are people surprised when a company that deals with hosting purchases a theme / template from a provider to use on their site?
Sheesh. Some people need to get over themselves. Keep up the good work though!
Hey Joseph, thanks for the comments.. and your right.
The thing that actually makes me angry here is that this guy was ripping the designs of all of us that post offers here and was a regular member on LET until we found him out and then has the cheek to come here and point that out.
What a strange boy.. :P
Update: OpenVZ in Düsseldorf has now sold out!