Suhail, MD at OSHS, emailed me their exclusive offer from one of their brands, VPSDC. Use promo code lowendbox to get 20% off life time discount. That means under their Budget VPS range, you can get “Budget VPS 1” for $5.56/month. Direct sign up here.
- 256MB guaranteed/512MB burstable memory
- 10GB storage
- 50GB/month data trasfer
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
According to Suhail, VPS are available in either UK (Maidenhead and Manchester) or in US (Scranton, Dallas, Denver & Seattle). That sounds like they have servers all over place. OSHS has indeed been buying many VPS companies over the past years (, HighVPS, etc), however they are now consolidating everything under now.
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the bandwith at 50gb?
That is pretty poor bandwidth, my home ISP gets more bandwidth then that.
with my web this bw will end at 5 day.
Very expensive, 10GB storage is OK, but 50GB bandwith is nothing..
Thank you LowEndBox for posting our offer :)
Yes the Budget VPS Plan 1 comes with 50GB monthly traffic. We try and offer realistic storage/bandwidth limits instead of crazily overselling plans.
Trying not to sound rude, but 50GB isn’t that realistic in todays world. Im using 5GB transfer a day right now on my homes ISP.
Yes, 50 gigs aren’t that many theese days. But it depends on what you’re going to use your box for.
Daniel, you would be considered a heavy user. For example, Clearwire, a wireless provider here in the US has a 8 gig limit per month on their accounts. You get rate limited if you go over that.
Granted though that’s one of the reasons why I don;t use them. I do about 8-10 gigs in an afternoon from throwing around account backups.
Hey, I’m the only heavy internet user in the village. And I don’t use 5GBs intentionally a day (no BitTorrent etc), I just play a lot of games that are quite….. downloady :) (Minecraft, GMod, WoW)
I get 2GB a month on my mobile phone contract, I went over by 4GB once and wasen’t charged :)
really expensive. my site with not much image use 10 gb a day.
Hi all,
I do understand that for some people 50GB a month is not a lot of transfer. However for others it is more than enough which is why a number of people have already signed up.
In the UK, $5 would get you a Big Mac meal in McDonalds, and a one day off-peak tube underground costs £7.30 or $11.90. So there’s only so much that can be offered with a $5/month VPS!
Our Budget VPS plans are ideal for things like hosting websites, DNS servers, development/test bed servers etc. And you can be more confident about server nodes being stable when limits are not too high. Say someone offers 500GB monthly traffic with a $5 VPS. 20 customers signup and if they actually use this quota that’s 10,000GB of monthly traffic. Firstly a server using 10TB of traffic is probably not going to perform very well for all multiple users on it. Secondly it is a high spec box, 20 x $5 = $100 is hardly going to cover the costs of such a server, considering purchase/server rental/colo/support costs.
So this is my attempt to justify our VPS plan limits. As you can see on our website, we offer a host of plans but of course with a price to match them.
All the best! Hope you’re having a good weekend!
A Big Mac Meal is like £2, thats around $3.90 something.
I have a development server, and im still using around ~250GB of BW a month. You gotta remember, yum/apt-get installations of software. Say your node has around 10TB of BW, which is not a lot, that would take 200 VPSs to fill on the plan
I think a Big Mac (just the burger, without French fries and soft drink) is £2. A Big Mac MEAL would be around £3.80 ~USD$6.16. Certainly not the low end kind of meal, both in price and calorie!
IIRC… just the bigmac burger cost me £2.50 the other day… then a further £2.50 for mcflurry and coke…. :)
Just FYI, in Hongkong here you can get the Big Mac Meal (ie. with French Fries, and medium-sized coke) would cost only HKD$20 (~USD$2.57) during promotion hours (ie. 5~9PM everyday).
No able to order because of maxmind error.
Maxmind error = racist.
Hi Florin,
Maxmind is an automated fraud detection tool that we use with our billing system. It flags up orders which are potentially fraudulent. Nothing racist about it at all.
Having checked your order, you were asked to send in photo ID as your order failed the fraud check but you did not reply back.
You’re welcome to try again, but if your order is flagged as potentially fraudlent again, you will need to send in photo ID to get your order approved.