This year we are going to take a fresh approach to Low End Box to help make sure we are providing interesting and useful content to our community and readers. To help get us started we need to hear from you!
What sort of content do you want to see from Low End Box in 2020 and beyond? What would make you want to keep coming to the website? Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comments. Don’t hold back, we are looking for honesty above all else. We promise to listen.
Thanks for taking the time to help make Low End Box better.
- What Can You Use a GPU-Enabled VPS For (And Why Rent One on LowEndBox)? - March 26, 2025
- Have you ever visited the web’s busiest hosting forum? LowEndTalk awaits. - September 27, 2022
- Grab the deals first by subscribing to our new deal alerts - September 16, 2022
I don’t have any suggestions to add, I just want to thank everyone at LEB and the community for all the great deals, content, and advice.
I run a software startup that does quite well and it would not have happened without LEB. When we first started, I had no idea what to do with servers and provisioning and LEB provided a low cost yet effective solution. In fact one of the earlier $10 a year OpenVZ server provider we first used to test and sell our original product is still in use and the provider now hosts hundreds of our servers for customers along with AWS.
Once again thank you to all the great people who make this happen. For all the kids looking for cost-efficient and versatile tech, have fun here!
Thank you for being a part of our community and for the feedback.
More offer from Europe and the rest of the world, outside of US
We’ve got a great Asian offer coming up in two days. :)
More technical tutorials about configuring, securing and maintaining dedicated/virtual servers and services like www etc. But not another incomplete guidebook of which there are many on the internet. Also more warnings about companies that are not trustworthy. twice this year, I took offer of VPS companies that simply deceived their clients (lowendbox and snowvps).
We’ve hired two community members from Low End Talk to help write some great content. Hopefully we’ll start publishing this soon.
Cheap OVZ VPS Resource Pools
Thanks for the comments so far. Please keep them coming. :)
More deals from India and Asia.
Would be great to find some hosts in India, I agree!
You should do inhouse compilations or review posts. like “Top 10 price/performance” or full reviews.
We are working on some reviews like this. The first will be posted next week.
Just cheap, low-end VPS systems. I’m not interested in shared hosting or dedicated servers. Think LEB 8 or 9 years ago.
What sort of VPS type packages specifically?
I want to see more offers with ipv6.
Good idea, we’ll keep our eye out for this.
It would be nice to have some Canadian options.
VPS or dedicated servers? If dedicated servers check out the Server Mania offer we just published a few days ago as they have a location in Montreal.
Preferably Canadian VPS (KVM)
I would also love to see special section for trading/leasing of ips. Haven’t find anything like this anywhere.
This doesn’t exist on Low End Box yet (perhaps it should). But it does exist on Low End Talk here:
Really low end VPS (like $5/month (I don’t consider that low-end). And also: more outside of the US!
We are going to focus on providers outside of the US in an expanding fashion. :)
More special servers
We have more dedicated server offers coming.
To stop the nighters you promote here constant should be ashamed.of it
Yes we’re working harder to help avoid this type of stuff moving forward.
Not only Black Friday and Cyber Monday offers, you guys need to add the other countries festival offers also like Diwali, It is new year for India. Chinese new year for Chinese etc.
I just wanted to say thanks for existing, you guys rock!
Thank you we appreciate that!
I agree with Mitesh. We need more festival offers and should definitely focus on other countries and regions also.
I’d like to see better search capability. As of now, there is “Looking for Cheap VPS?” box where I can search by location tag (i.e. “United Kingdom”), but I can not select the whole “Europe” or multiple countries at once. Or I can search by virtualization (i.e. “Xen”), but then I can not select location…
Great suggestion, thank you. We will look into this.
I agree on this point. Having a better overview of all active offers would add great values. Having all offers in a Table view which can be filtered for example would be great!
This is a great idea and we are working on some improvements for the next few weeks.
More tutorials, I saw you published a lot last year, they were great, really helpful, though there could be more – I had to google for some things not covered
We are working to add more tutorials to Low End Box. Right now we are hiring writers.
VPS with big data store – for private cloud storage.
I’ve noticed that the reply nesting for comments seems to be broken here, so I am looking into that. Anyone have any idea why or what might be causing it?
I like some of the following suggestions:
1. VPS with big storage
2. VPS focused for forex
3. Not only Black Friday and Cyber Monday offers, you guys need to add the other countries festival offers also like Diwali, It is new year for India. Chinese new year for Chinese etc.
4. I’d like to see better search capability. As of now, there is “Looking for Cheap VPS?” box where I can search by location tag (i.e. “United Kingdom”), but I can not select the whole “Europe” or multiple countries at once. Or I can search by virtualization (i.e. “Xen”), but then I can not select location…
5. It would be nice to have some Canadian options.
Just wanted to report that nested comments are fixed guys. :)
More European options.
Plenty more on the way over the next 30 days.
Cheap OpenVZ and KVM VPS around $10-$20/Year.
I want to stop seeing ads of 1 server VPS startups
India, under the Asia / Pacific region in menus.
Love the offers, keep them coming!
As a beginner, I would like more tutorials and guide from the experienced folks here rather than having to go and watch other noobs on YouTube.
– list of recommended providers
– recommendations for new VPS installs/setups – i.e. must do for security etc
– control panel recommendations
– specific function recommendations i.e. what VPS for a mailserver, multi WordPress server, storage etc
I appreciate, most of this is newbie stuff but it would be great to have a somewhere to go where actual pros in this give advice.
Thanks :)
Thanks for the feedback guys, keep it coming, this is really helpful.
I would like to see better vetting of some of the new “players”. It’s well and good to promote new people, but require enough information so only “real” businesses can show up.
Also make sure the tags match the offers. Like if I am looking for a KVM offer, I get other offers that didn’t even have a KVM type listed.
Better vetting is something we agree with. We’re working to enhance that now. On the tags we’ll pay closer attention to that too.
+1 for Better (and more) search options. And then some advanced search options, something probably built especially for LEB. For example: search by date (last 3 months, holiday specials, last year only, etc.), search by provider, search by features (RAM, disk size, number of IP addresses, etc.).
This would be great!
We are working on something like this.
In the meantime we have added more search options in the top dialog box on the home screen, such as High CPU, High RAM, High Storage, etc.
stop the bad hosting providers
agree with @marching
“stop the bad hosting providers”
Hosts like RACKNERD that have owners with a bad history need to go
> Hosts like RACKNERD that have owners with a bad history need to go
whats up with RackNerd? they look pretty solid
I like the adequacy of their offers
I again thought about what i’d like to see and came up with the following:
– estimate number of already active VPS nodes per VPS provider ad, so that I can filter out several-boxes startups
We’re doing quite well as a company, we’re healthy, sustainable and lots of positive feedback is being distributed by our end users. I have dealt with many customers over the years, and a lot know me as a solid individual and can vouch for that.
What you’re referencing is simply a rumor, sadly. This rumor has also already been addressed. Now you’re simply re-distributing a rumor, in addition to creating an online username that is targeted towards our company in attempt to tarnish our name. Or perhaps, you truly believe everything you read online. I’m not entirely sure, but I wish you well.
Hi Dmitry!
Thank you so much! Appreciate the support, we’re rapidly expanding and doing our best to create attractive promotions, most importantly providing services end users can count on.
Very good suggestion.
Low End Box has now been moved to the new hosting platform, all plugins are updated and the back end is updated. The website should be faster now too.
We also removed a handful of ads.
We also added links to Discord (instead of IRC) and cleaned up some of the older posts and older content.
More improvements on the way!
Hi Jon!
Loving the work you and the team are putting into LEB/LET. This community is amazing, happy to see that you’re running it.
Keep crushing it.
We’re definitely doing the work that’s long overdue. Lots of positive stuff on the way. Glad you are enjoying the website Dustin and hope your hosting stuff is going well.
more reliable offers…I have signed up for 3 providers the last year and paid yearly only to see them close 3-6 montsh after and lose my money.
We’re working to focus on providers with longer positive track records rather than so many startups.
More low-end dedicated servers
What types of servers, budgets and locations interest you most?
Cut out Colocrossing resellers
Hi Jon,
You, Frank and LET / LEB teammates are doing a great job and pleasant to see that you are asking end users as well as providers feedback to improve the communities.
Kind regards,
– Mitesh
Thanks for the compliments!
Hi Jon,
Please check nested comments are still not fixed.
Kind regards,
– Mitesh
Should be fixed now, hopefully for good. It was a bug caused by a plugin that stopped it from working.
Hoping to see two things. One, more options in non-US locations. Secondly, more promotions from established providers, even if their offerrings are more expensive. Along with the offerings, provide some info about their track record. Over the years, I ordered 4 VPSs here. But one ordered last year went out of business.
We are working with larger providers to submit exclusive deals for Low End Box. Great suggestion, thank you!
In a age of growing cyber-threats many people are wondering what the best VPN for android, what the best VPN for iOS may turn out to be? FastestVPN opened its doors to the public in 2017 with the goal of providing cheap but reliable security. So choose their service when your in doubt, you wont regret it!
Nested comments are not working LOL
They are working now. A bug with a YoastSEO plugin was causing them not to work.
More Australian/New Zealand options
The price point is hard to achieve in AU/NZ but we are working on this.
Jon, when can you apply these feedbacks or you are just asking and asking!
Lots has already been implemented and more to come. If you scroll down towards the end of the comments you can see the big list of changes already completed.
Deeper/stricter vetting of hosts before posting they’re offers/promos. So we can try to avoid situations like what happened with kudo hosting.
We are actively working with the Low End Talk community to better vet hosts published on LEB. This is a work in progress.
Hi Guys,
Thanks again for the feedback! We are taking notes.
On the nested comment issue, it seems to work with Chrome all the time. Firefox it does not work as well in my experience. What are you guys seeing?
I would like to see offers on:
1. Directadmin/cPanel/other Panel shared/reseller hosting
2. VPS for game servers
3. Hosts accepting bitcoins apart from Paypal
4. Local hosting companies from Asian and European markets (Hong Kong, Singapore, India, Japan, Korea, Norway, Luxembourg, etc.)
Also, the web hosts should be minimum 1 year old and registered business if they want to post dirt-cheap deals like for example $10/yr 500GB reseller plan!
We have a great Sydney and Singapore offer coming tomorrow.
Thanks for the excellent feedback, we will work on these suggestions.
Please . NO MORE colocrossing none for 1 year will be good
Make evidence of no more scams.
No confidence in buying now.
i never see here, offers from latin america, and africa. search for prices in countrys how arg or south africa and put here.
Thanks for the feedback Julio, we will keep an eye on what we can do for those regions.
On a separate topic, does anyone have an idea why the inline comments are not working?
How about more low end dedicated servers?
We actually just featured Server Mania, you should check them out at — great deal on E3 servers.
-Better tracking of how many of any of the services or discounts exist and/or are available.
-Eliminate or archive old posts with discontinued offers
-Better layout – comparisons of specs for active, verified offers for instance
Thanks for the additional feedback everyone.
I am still trying to fix the nested comment issue. Has anyone seen this issue before?
Yes Jon, I have seen the problems with nested comments from WordPress and mostly happens related to custom themes. Please discuss with the LEB’s WP Theme developer to fix it.
Nested comments are fixed, it was an issue with YoastSEO.
Hello Everyone,
The work continues to improve our community and the websites behind it. I wanted to provide a review of what we’ve done the last two weeks along with what is coming the next couple of weeks:
Completed in the past two weeks as of 2/13/2020:
1. New hosting platform setup entirely on virtualized resources at numerous hosting providers.
2. CloudFlare setup and migrated for both LEB and LET
3. Low End Box WP and plugins all updated.
4. Low End Box moved to new hosting platform
5. Low End Talk environment prepared on new hosting platform, migration scheduled for 2/16/2020 — Updated, this was completed as scheduled tonight!
6. Low End Talk plugins updated
7. Low End Talk email fixed and SSL fixed
8. Low End Talk registration fixed
9. New writer hired (and discussed rules with her so mistakes happen less often)
10. Hired community member Northern (on discord) to write 4 tutorials per month
11. Discussed future of LEB and LET and my commitment to making our community better with @trewq at length and discussed specific ideas we could implement. Started the same conversation with the balance of the moderation team.
12. Fixed the LET help desk (which we’ll officially start using shortly, pending convo with the mods)
13. Got on Discord so I am readily available to anyone who needs me
14. Updated and cleaned up the LEB help desk
15. Removed all references to Deluxe and ColoCrossing
16. Removed all static banner ads
17. Reduced the amount of ad positions available through BSA to increase the value to our advertisers
18. Shuffled some content positioning to make LEB and LET a little cleaner
19. Updated some of the old LEB content pages to make things more consistent and uniform.
20. Answered a whole lot of questions on LET and Discord
21. Posted this thread on LET and a thread on LEB asking for feedback
22. Gained access to all social platforms and posted on Facebook for the first time
Additional Items Completed as of 2/21/2020:
1. Low End Box email subscriber form on the main page is fixed. It will now send you a confirmation email upon joining and then send you notices each time a new offer is submitted.
2. A second Low End Box tutorial writer from our community has been hired to provide paid content.
3. A social integration has been completed for Low End Box so that posts are automatically pushed to Facebook
4. A voting system to allow users to rate offers has been added to Low End Box
5. Prep and testing is underway to update Low End Talk’s vanilla installation, which is scheduled for next weekend.
6. Work continues to troubleshoot why nested comments are not working on Low End Box… working theory is it’s CloudFlare related
7. Low End Box and Low End Talk email are now sending via Amazon SES
8. The Low End Talk helpdesk has been cleared down of all old tickets and all new tickets have been replied to, or nearly all. Thanks to our mod team for their great work there.
9. The Low End Talk helpdesk now properly sends email confirmations upon ticket submissions to the end user
10. The Low End Box helpdesk has been cleared down and all old tickets replied to and closed. We’ve received a lot of new offers recently so we’re going to be working to get those written up the next few weeks
11. More work has been done to clean up the back ends and remove old static ads from HVH, ChicagoVPS and ColoCrossing
12. We’ve been making changes to Low End Box offers that do not conform to our rules or have other issues (thank you community for pointing these things out).
13. We are investigating a bug with the mobile LET theme
14. We are monitoring the loads on the new hosting platform and making changes as needed to make sure the websites stay super fast and stable.
In addition to all of that we are still working to make a bunch of other changes as previously described. More is on the way.
A lot of positive movement, love it! Good work Jon and team.
Thanks Dustin, we are working hard to improve things.
Email notification of offers, filtered by tag.
Please signup to our “Newsletter” on the right hand side of LEB and you’ll be notified by email of new offers. :)
I did that, but there’s no feedback that the entered email address has been accepted, should there be?
If not, then there’s another suggestion for you. ;)
In any case, I appear not to be receiving notifications.
Did you get an email asking you to confirm the email submission?
Minor request: On the right side of the main page, there is a small panel with “Latest Comments”. Is there a way to extend the number of entries? Two suggestions, click to another page with a longer list of the latest comments, or make the main page list expandable/collapsible with more comments. Sometimes I want to see what the latest comments are but more than 5 have been posted by the time I check the site, and then it takes some clicking through and scrolling through several of the recent posts… Just an idea, or maybe there’s already a way to view these that I just don’t know about?
Otherwise, my main suggestions for the site have already been expressed above (e.g. more low end dedicated server offers, cheap but legit KVM offers in the $20-$30/year range or less, cheap KVM storage offers, more research to help avoid people/companies that run away with people’s money or offer bad services, etc.)
It’s difficult to maintain a site that caters to everyone, as we all have different requirements and preferences, but over the years, this site (along with LET) has helped me to find providers that mostly match what I’m looking for, and has helped to avoid a lot of headaches. I’d guess that everyone who has purchased from an offer featured here has probably at one time or another been duped, it’s happened to a lot of us. It’s difficult to avoid this, and there is risk in every provider we sign up with, and everyone’s experience here helps to make this site a great resource. I appreciate everyone’s contribution to making this site what it is, from the people behind the site, like Jon Biloh, and whoever else is behind the site, to everyone who takes the time to report back their experiences.
I am glad that you’ve enjoyed the time you’ve spent on Low End Box and Low End Talk! Thanks for being part of our community. We are working hard to make things even better and plenty of our changes should already be obvious from the past 60 days. I really like your suggestion about the comments — I will look into that right away. Thanks again for being part of our community.
Ask and you shall receive, it’s now the last 8 comments. Working on something better for a long term solution, too.
Thank you for the modification, looks better already. I thought 5 was too few, but 15-20 would be far too many (to be showing up in a sidebar like that), so hopefully a long term solution can be found that will be useful for those of us who benefit from the “Latest Comments” feature. And I have been noticing a number of improvements to the site all around, glad to see this! Thanks again for your work.
I just installed a plugin that allows you to subscribe to comments for each post. So I think that’s a nice addition too. Test it out and let me know what you think.
Not subscribed to the email list, but it looks like eight in the sidebar might be fine for now, thanks!
The follow-up comment feature that you added might be more useful for providers who want to know what people are saying about their listings, or if someone is interested in following specific providers, but it would be too many emails for me to get comments on various or all of the providers’ listings. Much easier to just quickly glance at the Latest Comments to see what people are saying about random listings that I may or may not be interested in following via email.
Another minor observation is that when clicking on the latest comment link, it used to take you directly to the comment on the page with the “#”, but perhaps the nested comments have thrown that off a bit? Not sure. For now, I just have to scroll around, or search by date for whatever comment would be the most recent. Not a major inconvenience, just something that people who use, or click on the “Latest Comments” links might have noticed.
I am noticing that too, but unfortunately this is something that is likely beyond my level of development expertise. I am going to have to try to find someone who can help troubleshoot that issue. I was playing with it a few days ago but didn’t have any luck.
I have been cleaning up the back end, plugins, modules, etc, but haven’t been able to get that issue fixed yet.
Oh, also, no offense, but I second a ban (or limitation) on ColoCrossing-related offers. I’ve had bad experiences with more than one of these, the worst was with a company that was run by someone currently working at ColoCrossing. There have been so many people complaining about ColoCrossing that it might do the community better to take a break from them for a while. The potential for conflicts of interest can also cause credibility problems in the long run.
There have been very few offers hosted by ColoCrossing in the past 60 days on Low End Box. We are working on really diversifying the offers. :)
First of all, I would like to thank you. Thanks to you guys, I found what I would say is probably one of the best deals I have ever found- $50/year for a 5GB KVM VPS. It has worked great for my game server, however now i have more players and am considering upgrading to a dedicated server. I would love to see more dedicated servers at low prices! Keep up the great work!
Thanks for the suggestion, we have more dedicated server offers on the way over the next month.
More reputable providers. Enough less reputable provider.
Thanks for the suggestion. We are working with more providers who are larger to submit offers.
Just an FYI we have fixed a minor bug with the comment subscriptions system on posts — everything is working nicely now. Enjoy :)