LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

xFuseSolutions - $6.99/Month 512MB KVM VPS in Phoenix

Brian from xFuseSolutions has an offer running for LowEndBox readers.


  • CPU Cores: 2
  • RAM: 512MB
  • SWAP: 1024MB
  • Diskspace: 25GB
  • KVM/SolusVM
  • Bandwidth: 100GB
  • IPv4 Address: 1
  • Port: 100Mbps
  • $6.99/Month
  • Order Link
  • Location: Phoenix

xFuseSolutions were founded in early June 2012 and thus this is their first offer. Brian has informed us that the coupon will expire on the 30th November (19 days) and only applies to monthly billed services. xFuseSolutions have an account on LowEndTalk but have only made three posts so far. Brian previously founded UrPad, according to the URPAD ‘About Us’ page, who are now one of the leading LowEnd providers. I have to admit, as a Star Wars fan, I love their 404 page! I couldn’t find any reviews on them, so if you’re a customer, feel free to let us know about your experience.

If you would like a custom Operating System, you can send it to them and they’ll upload it. They will assign the Operating System to you, so only you can see/use it. xFuse accept PayPal and Google Checkout as payment methods and offer a full 30 day money back refund policy. Additional IPv4 addresses are charged at $2 per month and DirectAdmin can be added for $8 a month. As well as VPS services, xFuse offer shared & reseller hosting and dedicated servers. Do check out their Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Acceptable Usage Policy.

Network Information:

Servers are located with IOFLOOD in the PhoenixNAP DataCenter in Phoenix, Arizona.

Test IPv4:
Test File [1MB]: http://stats.alpha.xfusesolutions.net/test_files/1mb.test
Test File [10MB]: http://stats.alpha.xfusesolutions.net/test_files/10mb.test
Test File [100MB]: http://stats.alpha.xfusesolutions.net/test_files/100mb.test
Test File [1GB]: http://stats.alpha.xfusesolutions.net/test_files/1gb.test


  1. Thanks Zahra for the post. It is nice to be back.

    November 11, 2012 @ 4:48 pm | Reply
  2. PhoenixNAP is a good DC, i like it.

    November 11, 2012 @ 7:17 pm | Reply
  3. 512MB memory and just 100GB transfer? I dont get it

    November 11, 2012 @ 7:24 pm | Reply
    • Wayne Workman:

      It’s a low-end solution, notice it’s 7 dollars a month! Perfect for low end needs. Get over yourself.

      November 11, 2012 @ 7:51 pm | Reply
    • Hahn:

      Sorry all you folks griping about 100gb of bandwidth.

      Show me where you use at least 85%+ of your bandwidth for non-backup, non-VPN and non-torrent purposes? I have 250gb with a medium traffic website and I use about 10gb per month. 25gb per month is a “busy month”

      Sheesh.. everyone wants 1TB+ these days

      November 11, 2012 @ 8:38 pm | Reply
      • Wayne and Hahn are correct. Not everyone uses the allocated bandwidth. We can, however, work with you to get the bandwidth that you looking to use if 100GB does not meant the need.

        November 11, 2012 @ 8:45 pm | Reply
      • William:

        No Torrent, no VPN, no Backup – 17TB, each month. No Downloads either.

        November 11, 2012 @ 11:53 pm | Reply
        • William, I’m sure you aren’t paying $7/month for that either. This is a budget plan. Simple and to the point. Not sure why you or Wayne even commented except for the fact to “bash” a plan that is meant to be for budget purposes. Thanks for your comments though everyone who defended the plan.

          November 12, 2012 @ 1:33 am | Reply
        • NickO:

          @William, you think you’ll use that on a node with a 100Mbps node? It’s a lowend solution not a flippin dedicated server.

          November 12, 2012 @ 1:37 am | Reply
        • Sorry, not Wayne, Asim Zeeshaun. Sorry Wayne. I appreciate it ;)

          November 12, 2012 @ 1:41 am | Reply
        • Thanks for sharing this. I dont bash providers but then some comments criticizing, in a positive way, can lead to such threads :)

          November 12, 2012 @ 2:30 am | Reply
    • Not everyone is hosting their low-traffic personal blog out of an LEB and there are people who have bandwidth usage non-VPN, no-offsite-backups and no-torrents

      My serious stuff is hosted on a dedicated server out of DimeNOC and I dont use an LEB for that but my point is, an LEB touching the ceiling price-wise having just 100GB? Most of my mid-sized apps would consume that in 20 days time if not in the first week.

      With that said, if everyone’s happy with just 100GB, sure play along but as I mentioned before I never *wished* 1TB but at least a decent 200GB – 300GB on a VPS offering solid 512MB. Please note that this is not hosted out of Europe/UK which has generally expensive and limited bandwidth.

      For a comparative study of all offers out of Phoenix, please see this http://www.lowendbox.com/tag/phoenix/ (you can leave out the OpenVZ with huge memory and disk and still you will see the point that I am trying to raise)

      November 12, 2012 @ 2:28 am | Reply
      • Asim, your point is not needed. Nobody asked for you to come on here and start bashing our plan. If you don’t want it, don’t get it. Simple as that. I think someone that has your knowledge would know that saying stuff that you are saying on here is out of context and not needed. Simple as that. I could really care less if you like it or not, what I care about is the potential customers, which you sir are apparently not. Either way, you’re trying to raise a point and in the process you’re sitting here bashing our plan. I’d appreciate it if you stop typing on this thread and stop trying to raise your insignificant point. Thanks.

        November 12, 2012 @ 3:17 am | Reply
        • > “…Brian had to take a step down and exit the company on July 28, 2011.”
          > From: http://www.urpad.net/about.shtml

          I was wondering why would a person who has started URPad.net would step down? Probably because you think every one who does not praise your company is a troll, have an “insignificant point” and not a “potential customer”. A “potential customer” will always have questions like I had and questions/demands that you may laugh or get angry over and this is how you raise a company, for all the people here, you should know that.

          On the other hand, a reply like the one you posted below would have been much appreciated and handled the thread very well. All the best for your first LEB thread, I hope you get a lot of good customers.

          By the way, Im a customer of URPad.net as well and I am loving their services, although the box is still idling and I have no use for it at the moment.

          November 12, 2012 @ 3:35 am | Reply
        • @Asim maybe bandwidth is expensive with their DC?

          November 12, 2012 @ 3:49 am | Reply
      • Hahn:

        > I was wondering why would a person who has started URPad.net would step down?

        But previously you said,

        > I dont bash providers but then some comments criticizing, in a positive way, can lead to such threads :)

        Asim, you can’t have it both ways. Please leave this guy alone

        November 12, 2012 @ 2:09 pm | Reply
  4. Dear Readers,

    My name is Duke Hebert. I am the CEO of XFuse Solutions. The plan we offer above is a sample of what we can offer. If the bandwidth is an issue for you and you would like to purchase this plan I will personally upgrade the bandwidth on your account once you get close to using the 100GB limit. We’re very easy to work with and will honor our word. This is my first time on Low End Box and so far some of the people aren’t very friendly. I appreciate your time on here and checking out our offer. If you have any questions feel free to open a support ticket and we’ll gladly answer your question asap.


    November 12, 2012 @ 3:22 am | Reply
  5. To clear the air about URPad. Yes, I did found and start URPad. During the 8 months that I had URPad, my military work life started to affect the company. As a result, URPad started to suffer. I did not want that to happen. I had no choose but to step down and pass the company along. I was in contact with Chris and he agreed to take it on. I passed all ownership to him and FTNHosting. I am very pleased to see that URPad has gone in the direction it has. It is growing to be what I had in mind for it.

    November 12, 2012 @ 3:57 am | Reply
  6. At least 300GB bandwidth allocation is nice.

    November 13, 2012 @ 6:28 am | Reply
  7. FWIW: They have a $3.5/mo 256MB KVM plan posted on WHT called ‘WHTKVM’ (http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1207106)

    I got one of the above, I will be posting Benchmarks etc soon

    November 13, 2012 @ 8:32 am | Reply
  8. ServerBear Benchmark http://serverbear.com/benchmark/2012/11/12/Q7QNkIzO3Iy4NWZe

    Please note that Brian told me that they received a good response from LEB and the node is almost full. The above benchmark is fresh hence keep that in mind its not an empty node.

    Overall, its a good bang for the money as they say.

    The support is fast and responsive and Brian is online almost 24×7 (I even posted him messages past-midnight and he replied within 15-20min)

    Keep up the good work

    November 13, 2012 @ 11:57 am | Reply
    • Thanks for the posting the Benchmark Asim. Yes, this current server is almost full. We have room for about 8 more of these plans. We are working now to get another server online and ready to go.

      November 13, 2012 @ 2:28 pm | Reply

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