We haven’t heard much about XVPS.us when Yomura Holdings (owner of Delimiter, RentaVPS and many others) bought them out last month. Giles from Yomura just sent me an email about their latest LowEndBox exclusive special with this brand. Use coupon code LEBAUGUST2010 to get 25% off recurring discount. That brings down their basic package to $4.88/month (cheaper for longer payment terms).
- 256MB guaranteed/512MB burstable memory
- 30GB storage
- 300GB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
You also get to choose from 4 different data centers — Los Angeles, Chicago, Paris France or Frankfurt Germany. Giles said that there will be more locations this week and the same coupon code applies. The promo will be for August I guess.
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There website has some alignment issues for me in Chrome.
The website has alignment problems in all web browsers ;)
Thought so – I have emailed them regarding the matter.
Which was why I decided not to take the latest screenshot of their home page… yet.
Dear LEA,
Can you please tell us who the heck are “Yomura Holdings”.
@Dan — I have no idea.
From what I have seen it’s a parent company gobbling up many small hosting operators — some merge with existing brands, and some continue operating as an independent brand. Search for them on WebHostingTalk to get an idea.
Or do you have a hosting company for sale? :)
Server performance isn’t bad, but I opened a ticket requesting a reverse DNS change over 2 days ago and no response so far.
This looks like more or less exactly what I’ve been looking for. I might wait and see what these new locations are. OVH or Frankfurt (Netdirekt?) are both good (speedtests below) but i’ll hold off for a week I think.
.DE > .SE 2010-08-25 13:40:58 (9.74 MB/s) – `50mb-testfile.zip’ saved [52428800/52428800]
.DE > .UK 2010-08-25 12:43:32 (1.82 MB/s) – `50mb-testfile.zip’ saved [52428800/52428800]
.DE > .FR 2010-08-25 15:44:03 (17.3 MB/s) – `50mb-testfile.zip’ saved [52428800/52428800]
.FR > .FR 2010-08-25 15:44:30 (6.75 MB/s) – `50mb-testfile.zip.1′ saved [52428800/52428800]
.FR > .UK 2010-08-25 12:45:04 (6.65 MB/s) – `50mb-testfile.zip.1′ saved [52428800/52428800]
.FR > .SE 2010-08-25 13:45:01 (3.61 MB/s) – `50mb-testfile.zip’ saved [52428800/52428800]
Out of those I think I might end up going for .DE even though it has disappointing speeds to .UK (even more so directly to home – 4 or 5mbit tops)
Awesome speed to .SE and .FR – better than their OVH to my OVH! :D
Not selling yet, but thank you for link :)
I got excited, but they’ve got an untrusted SSL certificate on their main page…
This design looks similar to Delimiter hosting, and I think I’ve seen it on one other host as well. It must be a template. Not that this matters at all, but I’m just critical about web host designs.
The original post explain, they’re owned by the same people as delimiter.
They’re not a web design company, they’re a vps provider. If they do that well (no idea yet, haven’t taken the plunge) they can have a one-page static site for all i care. :)
Self-signed SSL certs aren’t a problem imo. It doesn’t look too professional, but I’m sure it’s just a temporary measure while they get a signed one sorted out. Either way it wouldn’t stop me ordering from them.
Is there a representative from XVPS around who can give us a sneak preview of the new locations? If there aren’t going to be new .EU locations I’ll just go for a Netdirekt one I think.
Gary, I don’t think self-signed SSL certificates are a problem in most cases, but here, where I might be buying something from them, I don’t want to potentially expose my purchase info to some third party. I would add an exception if, say LEA got an e-mail from XVPS and posted here the fingerprint of their certificate so I could verify that at least I’m not being taken for a ride. Also, since they are owned by a larger company, shouldn’t they be able to afford a $30 SSL certificate?
Otherwise, they sound pretty great. I am very interested in purchasing from them as long as the SSL issue is taken care of.
Their SSL is signed by GlobalSign with an intermediate CA, issued on 16 July. Not self-signed…
Ah, LEA thanks for clearing that up. I hadn’t actually ventured past their front page with the speed test files so I assumed Igor was correct.
Ah no, I take that back. Try and sign up as a reseller.
secure.xvps.eu uses an invalid security certificate.
The certificate is only valid for secure.xvps.us
(Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain)
so not self-signed, just signed for their other TLD.
They did not reply my ticket (#342041) for over 24h, even a saying “No”. That’s my first impression.
yes, they never reply my request !
I submit a ticket and in 8 hours the answer me. I will buy it now
Terrible tech support. They give a very late response. Be careful shopping will get done here. I regret I have received. You should hand in your head.
Reading around, the support seems to have gone down the pan when yomura bought them.
The most worrying thing is, I don’t see any reps from XVPS defending the company or explaining the problems. People like Rus from Thrust are very active in the community. I know he’s had his problems (and major ones) in the past, but he’s a well known figure in the hosting industry and I have to admire his willingness to interact with customers publicly.
XVPS don’t seem to respond to support tickets and haven’t posted in this topic once, despite offering a LEB specific discount.
I think we can assume their support is bad. For the money, you can’t expect much more than a basic level of support but right now it seems nonexistent. I’m still probably going to give them a try for a little over 3 pounds. I won’t need to use support unless there’s a serious problem with the VPS, so it’s worth the risk I think.
As xvps and delimiter are same company, in my past experience I can say that those are not good at all.
1. Support Staff – Late Response (Even 24h+ might be gone, you will not get answers)
2. Server Sometimes Down – No immediate solution by support – Almost 4-5 hours downtime sometime counted
3. No Phone Support, No Live Support by xvps/delimiter
4. Their site design, offer, promotion all looks attractive, but if you look their internal management, very worst than any others.
Yup, support appears to be non-existent at the moment. I sent a request for a reverse DNS 5 days ago, and I haven’t heard back from them.
Yeah, I’m going with NQHost. These guys clearly don’t care about customers. Sucks, because their packages are decent. No use if something goes wrong though. On the other hand, NQHost have a rep present on LEB who actually answers questions. They don’t give as much drivespace but they give umetered transfer, so it depends what you need.
$4.88/month (cheaper for longer payment terms),wow…I will sent request for a reverse DNS later.
Well I ended up going for one anyway, as well as NQHost. They’re both dirt cheap so if one (or both!) turn out to be rubbish I’m not losing much. Setup was very fast (totally automated by the looks of it) and speeds are great.
updating new WGET source list…
WGET list updated successfully.
beginning WGETs…
——- 10.3 MB/s 9.64 MB/s 10.1 MB/s 11.1 MB/s
——- 9.50 MB/s
ftp://ftp.ovh.net/test.bin 8.69 MB/s
ftp://test:test@ftp.abyssunderground.co.uk/test.bin 11.1 MB/s
ftp://ftp.free.fr/mirrors/AmericasArmy/Linux_v2.8.5/aa. 27.3 MB/s
http://testmeplease-eu.s3.amazonaws.com/100mb.bin 29.4 MB/s
ftp://dl.solcon.nl/pub/test/100mb.bin 9.47 MB/s
ftp://ftp.iae.nl/100MB.bin 5.20 MB/s
There seems to have been a problem with ftp://ftp.luna.nl/test/128MByte.bin – skipping…
ftp://ftp.tweakdsl.nl/test/100mb.bin 8.13 MB/s
ftp://ftp.xs4all.nl/pub/test/100mb.bin 4.53 MB/s 11.1 MB/s 27.6 MB/s 15.2 MB/s 11.2 MB/s
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http://ns0.multikabel.net/100mb.nul 11.1 MB/s
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http://speedtest.bbned.nl/download/file100mb.bin 1.30 MB/s
http://speedtest.exsilia.net/100mb.bin 11.1 MB/s
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http://speedtest.speedxs.nl/100mb.bin 137 KB/s
http://speedtest.swiftnoc.com/100MB.bin 10.2 MB/s
http://test.euroaccess.nl/100mb.bin 3.76 MB/s
http://www.giga-hosting.biz/treiber/testfile-100MB.test 10.8 MB/s
http://www.kpnbroadbandvalley.nl/mxarena/downloads/100mb.bin 237 KB/s
http://www.prahost.com/100mb.bin 7.26 MB/s
http://www.proserve.nl/100mb.bin 11.0 MB/s
http://www.streamservice.nl/100mb.bin 11.3 MB/s
http://www2.versatel.nl/100mb.bin 10.9 MB/s
http://speedtest.bahnhof.se/100M.zip 56.6 MB/s
http://download.thinkbroadband.com/100MB.zip 16.3 MB/s
http://download.thinkbroadband.com:8080/100MB.zip 9.13 MB/s
http://download.thinkbroadband.com:81/100MB.zip 15.2 MB/s
http://fuller.zen.co.uk/test/100MB_nonzero.bin 11.1 MB/s
http://static.btopenworld.com/broadband/adhoc_pages/speedtest/files/largedownload.me 4.90 MB/s
http://london1.linode.com/100MB-london.bin 41.2 MB/s
http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/news/nol/shared/spl/hi/technology/08/broadband_britain/broadband.mov 52.4 MB/s
ftp://gamefiles.blueyonder.co.uk/blueyondergames/blueyondergames/battlefield1942/battlecraft/samples.zip 4.55 MB/s
——- 2.19 MB/s 3.06 MB/s 985 KB/s 7.94 MB/s 82.2 KB/s
There seems to have been a problem with – skipping…
http://www.bldhosting.net/100MB.bin 675 KB/s 1.42 MB/s
http://the-irc.com/100MB.zip 796 KB/s
http://test-bgp.iweb.com/100mbtest.bin 1.21 MB/s
http://test-unmetered.iweb.com/100mbtest.bin 249 KB/s
http://buyvm.net/100mb.test 3.34 MB/s
http://newark1.linode.com/100MB-newark.bin 3.25 MB/s
http://atlanta1.linode.com/100MB-atlanta.bin 2.41 MB/s
http://dallas1.linode.com/100MB-dallas.bin 215 KB/s
http://fremont1.linode.com/100MB-fremont.bin 1.44 MB/s
http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test 52.9 MB/s
http://cachefly.cachefly.net/10mb.test 18.9 MB/s
Ticket #342041 has not been replied since 08/24/2010. This is my first and only ticket I opened.
@Gary: where is your server located? Frankfurt?
Ah, should’ve mentioned that. Mine’s at OVH.
@Gary is your vps still fine with them?
Yeah, it’s been fine so far. A bit early to recommend them, and I’ve not had to use support yet…
Aaaaaaaaaaand now it’s down. Can’t ssh, can’t ping.
Control panel is loading slow as hell, but when it does load it says the VPS is offline. Try to reboot it, it says it’s gonna reboot, it does nothing.
Host aren’t responding to ping (assuming they’re meant to be), and my box is in that range. Went offline at 19:20 EDT judging by the graphs in the control panel, so it’s been down a little over an hour.
Off to submit a ticket, wish me luck!
It’s back now. No response to the ticket yet.
05:10:09 up 3 days, 11:00, 2 users, load average: 0.08, 0.02, 0.01
So it was online, just had no net connection it seems, since the control panel couldn’t connect to it, and neither could I.
Offline for 80 minutes or so in total. there are now 24 hosts online between
I have to say that I am eyeing one as well as a backup server for rsync/rdiff-backup + being packaging up the backup files for further processing. US West Coast, 30GB+ storage, under 5 bucks per month.
The lack of support is a worry though.
Back offline again. The performance when it was online was great. Good speeds all over the place, good disk IO, fast boxes. Just seems a little unstable. For what you’re thinking of it’ll probably be OK. I personally don’t mind a little downtime. I wouldn’t host anything mission critical on a box like this, but for the price, when it’s working (!) it’s very nice. I’m considering ordering one of their .de boxes for a month as well to see how it performs.
20 minute outage that time. Let’s see how it behaves from now on…
VERY happy to report that I received a reply to my ticket at XVPS, and in a reasonable amount of time, imo. For the price we pay I wouldn’t expect a reply within the hour, and the reply I got was ~12 hours after I submitted the original ticket.
It appears to be a routing problem within OVH, hence the node still being up, but being unreachable.
Big thanks to Mark at XVPS, hopefully the lack of ticket replies people have been talking about was a blip, and things are on the up now. The boxes and network are fast, support was all that was letting them down. Thumbs up from me.
It looks like they’ve sorted their support system out now.
Yeah, they told me that it’s been a tricky transition but they’re going to get everything going smoothly very soon. I hope so, my VPS with them performs very well.
i have 3 vps last time.. that no support, i request enable tun/tap and set RDNS is no respon, after 1 month !!! never support !!!
is that a good company ?????
When was this, Richard? Like I said, they’ve just been bought over a little while ago so time will tell if support improves.
Ok, just a heads-up. Don’t do business with these guys, they’re scum.
I bought a vps from them, in france. It works fine.
I then bought a VPS from them, in germany. It worked for a day, then broke. I couldn’t connect to it from anywhere, re-imaging the OS didn’t work, they wouldn’t respond to tickets.
4 days of me updating the tickets asking why they wouldn’t answer later, I open a paypal claim.
Now my .FR vps has been suspended, with no contact from them. The working one I paid for is now locked down, and I can’t use it.
They’re thieves. Stay away.
Hahaha, nice try XVPS
Funny how they’re able to email people when their funds are at risk. And accusing me of Fraud when they’re the ones who ripped me off? Priceless!
They (delimiter) have done the same to me. And also PayPal didn’t get me money back as that was virtual good…
Paypal are happy to take their commission, but don’t want to provide any kind of customer service. Paypal are a necessary evil sometimes. :(
That’s bad. You would not issue a PayPal charge back if they actual respond to support tickets.
Its a shame they dont have Tun/TAP enabled. The ping times are great from my place (Mumbai) and would have liked to get a good box from there if only they had tun/tap enabled.
JP, read this thread then google for Yomura or XVPS or Delimiter, and find out what these guys are like.
Just find another reputable provider who uses the datacentre that’s fast to you and go with them. Trust me, you’d regret going with XVPS.
I used XVPS since Aug 5, 2010; and for the first 3 months, OK service, and THEN! it’s been problems ever since.
I too got caught up in their PayPal issues, and then they had issues with Google Checkout, and now my server has been OFFLINE for 3 WEEKS, with NO REPLY from them. I can’t reboot it thru the console, the website, noda.
I agree with Gary – “YOU’D REGRET GOING WITH XVPS”.
Then you should stay away from their new Super-vm.com :)
This guy is Giles Anderson from Yomura Group?
Because this is the general manager of Centralhost Ltd and is a scammer.
Warning with this.
Yep, same bloke. Scammed a ton of people.
I want to test my website derekyao.com
Just find another reputable provider who uses the datacentre that’s fast to you and go with them. Trust me, you’d regret going with XVPS.
thank you