Babar, from YesUpHost, has sent in this special offer for a dedicated server. They contacted us several months ago about being featured, but at the time they couldn’t make the $49 price point work.
Dedicated Server special Offer
YesUp were founded in 1999 and are based in Toronto, Canada. According to their website, they currently host 50,000 dedicated servers. This offer comes with free remote reboot & free KVM-o-IP. Servers will be provisioned in their fully owned 40,000 square foot ‘green’ datacenter in Toronto, which is peered with HE, Cogent, Cogeco & AboveNet. YesUP also provide a 99.99% uptime guarantee. You can see their AUP here and their TOS here. There are not too many offers from Canada (other than OVH), so a dedicated server one is something special. I’m always a little cautious when hosts use desktop hardware, but for most of our needs, the i3 will be fine.
Network Info:
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The Baboon Is Here! ServaRICA's Dedicated Server Offer is Awesome!
- VPSDime – $7/Month 6GB RAM OpenVZ (Dallas) + Backupsy – $7/Month 250GB KVM (US/UK) - September 2, 2013
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Interesting……. They have always had this package, but it used to be gigabit.
Maybe they raised their prices or it was a special? Their last lowest offer was 60-70$ if I remember.
Yes that was a short promo about a year ago.
Alot of bad reviews of this company on WHT. Buyer beware.
We are very strict about maintaining our network quality and performace – having high security networks and network protected areas depending on client needs and requirements. This serves our 1000s of clients in their best interest. There are some really good reviews on many sites including WHT.
Aren’t you guys that are banned from WHT?
The interesting thing here, is the ability to get a bunch of extra HDDs and a RAID controller in their upgrades.
Sorry, I’ve answered instead of just reply :D
That was fun — just ordered one to test out what internet routing was like above the border, and also to see what kind of performance an I3 can do, as I don’t have much experience with this proc.
Apparently, they are:
Dear ,
Further to our recent Hardware Order Update, please note that your order is on back order.
You will receive your back ordered item within 3 business days from the date you purchased it and will send you an email with order information.
Just a quick reminder that any server that is out of stock or needs a server upgrade will be delivered within three business days.
3 days is ok imho
Yes, 3 days is fine with me also – I just received my welcome e-mail with the system info — I am glad they were able to deliver the product so quickly, although they mentioned the “up to 3 business days”. Personally, I do like when a company does the “under promise, over deliver” strategy.
Thank you – we always keep our promises. Since our customers are most important to us.
I hope this is indeed a good deal. I will be expecting more and more sale. But, I may have a look at their reviews everywhere. Will reply if I get any review.
Here is a review on WHT that might assist you: or
Hello Babar –
Attractive offer, @ least initially. I was looking @ OVH. Some concerns on this dedi: Extra IPs @ 2.00/mo? Fine. No soft-RAID nor CentOS 6.x i686/x64? No iKVM or OOB portal? Yikes. I don’t expect my hand to be held but I do like to know my data is safe & accessible… even if I lock myself out of SSHd. Heck, even firing up would be fine.
I’ll check back once you’ve got that sorted.
per the main page. I see 5 IPv4 are included in this offer. I stand corrected.
Still, lack of softRAID & CentOS 6.x are concerning.
Oh look, another dedicated server offer on LEB.
Another offer where the provider doesn’t have the stock to fulfill orders.
Here’s a hint to the inept ownership of LEB, force limits on offers of dedicated servers. Like a coupon with X uses and that is it.
You folks keep exposing people to undue harm, wait, stress, etc. in dealing with shady sellers of dedicated servers who seem to use this site as a means of fundraising / pre-sales.
I have only tried two offers from LEB for dedicated servers, and the first one I ordered in Miami with server305 ended up being provisioned in the Bay Area instead – server305 let me know they would move me over when they had a slot open up, and that happened a few days later. Not a big deal at all.
With this current offer, YesUpHost stated “up to 3 business days” but delivered in less than 24 hours. I am happy with this fact, as I am patient and was surprised with the early delivery, as I already had it set in my mind I would get it in the next few days.
I didn’t try the Versaweb/Leaseweb/etc dedicated offers that were on LEB, but I assume they delivered in a timely manner?
One thing that crosses my mind when I order from LEB providers — Seems like an offer will be posted here, and then the community will respond, and sometimes the provider is ready, and sometimes they are not ready for the influx of customers. This maybe because the provider sent the offer a few weeks ago(more) or so to LEB admins, and maybe they have since sold some of their product, and don’t have the supply they did have when they sent the offer for posting here? Maybe the provider and LEB don’t have much communication when the offer is posted and maybe it catches some providers by surprise?
My experience has been good so far with LEB dedicated’s, as I have had my ordered corrected, if there was any mistake to it.
YesUp host is decent.
Definitely not like the other companies offers that were posted.
Glad to hear they delivered @dano.
Have to keep eyeball on the offer and make sure others don’t get piled up and dumped with delays.
This is *encouraging*. Dedicated servers have proven problematic on here, but not all of them.
I guess hosters are feeling the pressure from OVH Canada ( :)
Its interesting you mention that because we regularly get clients who move from other providers including ovh. Since we never restrict our network like most other DCs. eg: OVH: “Up to 5 TB of traffic / month, then restricted to 10 Mbps.”
I’ve been with them for almost a year, I had a really good price with Babar – it’s more expensive nowadays.
Support was OK (though I didn’t really need anything from support) but Babar was friendly.
I was hosting a torrent related site, and all DCMA were forwarded to me – as one can expect from an host in Canada – with no hassle or whatever.
The network was the bad point, as link to europe was pretty crappy to many locations (sometime stuck @ few kb/s) – this was a bit better when I left though.
I’d say they are worth a try, but nowadays ovh are probably cheaper (performance/price wise) – and if you plan to focus on international traffic, a reverse proxy with a company having good bandwidth mix (netelligent?) could be a wise choice imo…
Tested out the i3 for the last couple of weeks but have ran into a bit of trouble and decided to cancel — this machine was paired up with a different architecture proc in a clustered file system of a couple of machines, and during high io testing, this machine would end up crashing. I decided to test on the same architecture and just move up to the e5 later and test that later. I would say the network is ok, as it never really impressed me with speed, but also never noticed any network outages either. I will mention that the “iKVM” is a huge pain in the rear, and it was the main reason I hit the “Cancel My Server” button yesterday – I spent way more hours than I should have with the “iKVM” and the errors I encountered – essentially, I would start an installation of my OS and then it would timeout on me — I would log back in and sometimes it would allow me to restart my session, other times I would have to “cntl-alt-delete” to get a new session going and able to see the video output again. Then ran into issues with resolution being too high. Yesterday I decided to give it another try, as I wanted to redo the machines disk layout to test another software – after the request and the access and the request for access to a cdrom drive, since the virtual disk doesn’t work, I started the install — once I was finished with the layout and sw selection, the cdrom/disk errored out on me and let me know that I needed to restart my installation – at this point in my yesuphost adventure, I said nevermind.
Since this machine was for testing, I needed the iKVM more than usual — unfortunately, it’s painful to use. If you don’t need to use the remote KVM for installation, and are looking for a machine north of the border, you can consider these folks – the network is ok, the machine is ok, but the support really did try and help out with everything I encountered, by trying to login to the iKVM, recommending possible items to try and get it to work, etc – hats off to the helpful support for trying to keep a customer happy!
tried pinging them, very slow response of servers & many times timeout occurred! I think price never matters but the quality does.
just wondering, is it going to be slow even if my customers are mostly from Toronto and surrounding areas?
please help me out,
Wow! I’m in Ottawa, Ontario Canada and the ping I get from their test IP is 70MS…. I get better ping from LA.
I check your hosting uptime in netcraft. You can keep 100% uptime over 6 months. How about the uptime in Oct? Also, do you still have this $49.95 offer?
Thanks in support of sharing such a pleasant opinion, post
is pleasant, thats why i have read it fully
Wow very interesting package.
interest package i like it
very interesting post
Always Plus One YesUp Host. I love their hosting services.
Interesting post thanks for sharing