Wayne from YourDomainGoesHere has sent in a $45/Year 768MB OpenVZ VPS in Dallas, USA.
VPS1 Dallas Deal
- 768MB Dedicated Ram
- 30GB Diskspace
- 1TB Bandwidth
- 100Mbps Port
- 2x IPv4 Addresses
- SolusVM/OpenVZ
- $45.00/Year Signup Link
(Promo Code: LEB3)
YourDomainGoesHere’s offer is also available at $5/Month, however on an Annual subscription with the promo code it comes to $3.75/Month. On signup it’s possible a 10% discount is automatically applied, select “Do not use promo code” at the bottom of the page then enter the “LEB3” promo code to receive the 25% LowEndBox Annual discount. YourDomainGoesHere is just over 3 years old, with their Dallas nodes located at CoreXchange.
Dallas Test IP:
Dallas Test File: http://www.yourdomaingoeshere.com/100mb.zip
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Signup link has 512MB dedicated w/1024MB burstable, not 768MB dedicated.
You must be viewing an old version of our site? (From last month) the page definately says 768MB Dedicated Ram. Please refresh your page.
Yes, the page says 768MB. But when you add it to your cart, it goes down to 512MB
Looks like it’s fixed now
After I replied here I did some investigating to see if I could find it anywhere on the site and after clicking ‘edit configuration’ while it is in your cart you could see the old values so i fixed it.
Also the discount is listed as “one time,” not annual.
Recurring has been fixed, thank you!
Which are the frequency of the CPU cores?
Depends on what cpu you get. It can be anywhere from 2.6GHZ to 2.83GHZ per core.
i wouldn’t sign up for a vps from these guys ever again, they seem to forget what you/they have agreed to when signing up, and then out of nowhere suspend accounts for any reason they see fit.
@nothanks not sure what you are talking about. We have plenty happy customers! :)
Just basing my opinions on previous dealings with your company, that’s all, that’s my opinion. From what I remember your servers were reasonably stable and for a reasonable price, but like I mentioned, your companies overall attitude towards customers in the beginning is great, but you seem very trigger happy when it comes to suspensions without any warning, and then expect to be paid twice over for subscription renewal (when there’s still 3 months left on the existing subscription), when…
1. you suspend accounts for any reasons you see fit without any prior warning to customers.
2. upon discussion, you’re willing to oversee any suspension for a re-paid dollar amount.
What really confused me was, you suspend a customers account and are not willing to reinstate the current subscription, yet upon further discussions with your company you are willing to re-subscribe the same customer for a new subscription, on the exact same server/vps. That doesn’t make any sense apart from being greedy for money. Pointless to resubscribe (and pay twice for) to a service that you were suspended from with 3 months subscription remaining.
Not a company I would look at for a service again, No. Just having my say, others can take this on board or choose to ignore, their choice entirely.
I’m sure you have plenty of happy customers, and I’m sure you also have non-happy customers, but they won’t get any mention here as that’s negative publicity.
Regards, nothanks
Seems like you had a yearly plan and we suspended you with only 3 months left on your subscription. We did this because of abuse undoubtedly and weren’t going to reactivate your vps because of the time and hastle you kept causing our support. (If we were so money hungry why not suspend you with much more time left on subscription?)
1. We do not suspend first ask later anymore. A while back we changed our policy to ask first and suspend later because we felt it unfair to our customers to suspend without warning as it seems happened to you on multiple occasions because of abuse.
2. I think you will find what you describe was in our ToS at that time (I believe we said something about a $30 fee if you are causing a lot of trouble) that you accept on signup. We had put this there for customers that are continuously abusing our services so that we don’t have to keep spending time on their account and loosing money. We have since amended our ToS to not include this anymore and will just keep you suspended if you are causing us to spend an extended amount of admin time on your account due to abuse.
When you pay less than $5/mo for our lowest package we can’t spend a significant amount of time on your account as it just doesn’t make a lot of business sense. Since you were a customer there have been several changes to our services that I think you would appreciate.
As far as ‘letting you signup again’. Yes why wouldn’t we let you signup again on the same server? We are giving you another chance to straiten up on the abuse. If you continually abused again of course we would just suspend you again.
Note: you have to ‘edit configuration’ and select the 12 month billing cycle in order for this discount to apply.
Note 1: you have to ‘edit configuration’ and select the 12 month billing cycle in order for this discount to apply.
Note 2: my initial take-away is that they have a great web billing/management interface. However, I had to file 2 support tickets right away, one because the javascript serial console is broken on ff, and the other because i couldn’t ssh into my new vm instance. I’ll update this note w/ my experiences.
Note 3: It seems weird to me that they send a confirmation email with all your account information *and passwords*, both for their ‘solus’ console and the newly created vps instance.
Sieral Console isn’t broken in firefox. You need to check your local Java installation.
You didn’t try to ssh into your new instance with the password we initially sent you…. in your ticket you said ‘
0. logged into solus
1. reset root password (screenshot)
2. reinstalled ubuntu x64 on instance (expect new password to be used for root)
3. $ ssh root@-
I changed the root pass to what you sent us and it worked.
How would you get your passwords otherwise? You can immediately log in and change your password.
On the configuration page, after hostname ns1 and ns2 prefixs, there is a root password entry. Now, I could be confused, as there are many passwords required for this site (main site, solus console, solus console terminal, and root), as I’ve mentioned in a ticket on your site…
At any rate, I think that this ‘root’ password entry is for the root account on the vps instance. Anyway, my expectation is that I’d provide whatever root/admin passwords are required for my site account, as well as any consoles ard root on the vps, and *not* have these passwords broadcast across the internet in email.
Configure Server
Hostname eg. server1(.yourdomain.com)
NS1 Prefix eg. ns1(.yourdomain.com)
NS2 Prefix eg. ns2(.yourdomain.com)
Root Password
Any IRC, VPN are allowed or not?
Thanks for the open ended honest feed back. I dont handle our suspensions, but if you feel there are unresolved issues do not hesitate to contact us. You can open a ticket attn: Wayne.
As for permanent suspension, I cant think of one time we have ever suspended anyone permanently the first time they abused services. Certain abuses are warned, other abuses are immediately suspended depending on the circumstances. The first suspension is always a warning and we simply tell you what the problem was and ask you to resolve it.
In my experience, almost everyone who abuses services knows exactly what they are doing. In some cases its an accident due to faulty coding or whatever.. Either way we do what is required to maintain stable and fast servers for the every client on each server.
@lugri VPN are allowed. IRC needs to come to pre sales.
Yes vpn / irc are allowed
thanks @YDGH-Wayne , i purchased Jul 5 (3 days ago) but cant receive server information. i am waiting response and wanna test as fast as.
Hey please let us know via support ticket if you still haven’t received your information.
I read the ToS, no proxy allowed means for example you can’t run squid?
Correct, we do not allow squid.
1. Passwords
On the configuration page, after hostname ns1 and ns2 prefixs, there is a root password entry. Now, I could be confused, as there are many passwords required for this site (main site, solus console, solus console terminal, and root), as I’ve mentioned in a ticket on their site…
At any rate, I think that this ‘root’ password entry is for the root account on the vps instance. Anyway, my expectation is that I’d provide whatever root/admin passwords are required for my site account, as well as any consoles ard root on the vps, and *not* have these passwords broadcast across the internet in email.
Configure Server
Hostname eg. server1(.yourdomain.com)
NS1 Prefix eg. ns1(.yourdomain.com)
NS2 Prefix eg. ns2(.yourdomain.com)
Root Password
2. Solus Web Console
Agreed, solus web console is not broken on ff. For any of you that get a stack trace in the solus console, try upgrading your browser to java6, and then make sure it’s enabled. I received a stack trace on ff + ubuntu desktop, and a message to upgrade the browser to java6 using ff + macosx.
0. Sorry about double posting on this site…
1. Passwords
On the configuration page, after hostname ns1 and ns2 prefixs, there is a root password entry. Now, I could be confused, as there are many passwords required for this site (main site, solus console, solus console terminal, and root), as I’ve mentioned in a ticket on their site…
At any rate, I think that this ‘root’ password entry is for the root account on the vps instance. Anyway, my expectation is that I’d provide whatever root/admin passwords are required for my site account, as well as any consoles ard root on the vps, and *not* have these passwords broadcast across the internet in email.
Configure Server
Hostname eg. server1(.yourdomain.com)
NS1 Prefix eg. ns1(.yourdomain.com)
NS2 Prefix eg. ns2(.yourdomain.com)
Root Password
2. Solus Web Console
Agreed, solus web console is not broken on ff. For any of you that get a stack trace in the solus console, try upgrading your browser to java6, and then make sure it’s enabled. I received a stack trace on ff + ubuntu desktop, and a message to upgrade the browser to java6 using ff + macosx.
3. Summary after a couple of days…
The responses to my tickets were super prompt, even over the weekend. Once I figured out the browser + solus console issue, I had some head-scratching over the passwords required for use on the site.
My general solution was to:
* log into the vps admin site
* change the vps admin password and re-login
* re-install the new virtual machine
* log into solus serial console
* change the password for root (apparently it’s auto generated at install time)
* note: ssh root password auth is enabled by default, so now you can ssh in from a terminal
* log in from a terminal, set up ssh-key login and remove password auth
So far, so good. I’ll probably create a couple more instances soon.
@ToddG we have since changed our password policy to better suit the needs of the customer as per what you requested. Thank you!
Very cool, thank you! Mark me down as a satisfied customer.
Thanks ToddG!
A respone time is bitter slow (I think so), but YDGH’s services are very awesome. One of the most thing makes me feel happy: They offer many cores for each vps with low price. This is a good point.
The only time a ticket goes without answering is when we are asleep :O…..
What are your policies about using your servers to host games? I’ve read about other people using your service to host multiple TF2 MvM servers. I am pretty sure they use next to nothing for bandwidth (only 6 players per server). You guys are fine with this kind of usage?
As long as the game doesn’t cause so much IO that you are affecting other users you are fine….. We often have to suspend people with game servers because they have no clue how to optimize their game server to not use so much IO (some game servers don’t have very many options either.)
Just tons and tons of cpu use :P
I’m very satisfied with YDGH.
We had some hours of being unavailable, but they’re responsive and cleared up the problems; they tended to be abusive customers. I had to remind myself that VPS systems are shared, just in a different way, and with fewer tenants.
They’re a great value. I’m sure their higher lever services are even better.
This often happens when we put new users on a node. The particular customer got away with it for so long because we sold them a dedicated server and told them we would not shut off their vps until we got it ready (which took a while because we recently ran out of ips and had to get more from our provider.)
Thank you for your support and continued business Kim! You are a valued customer.
We recently launched a new brand!
Plans starting at $14/year or $3.33 / month!
I have a suspended account with YDGH, and for several days, they promise to investigate, yet no update. I have made my justification that it is a misconfiguration and I ment to fixed the problem, yet no answer.
This company runs by two people only. support are worst. paid a year subscription, and suspended, last i cancelled the account, no refund, they said passed 7 days money back guarantee. Yes, i know it is pass 7 days, but for the past 7 days you have given me, it is the worst kind o VPS service I had.
I have another account on YDGH VPS, hope these two guys will not suspend that as well.
YDGH is ripping me off.
THanks YDGH, thanks wayne, thanks corey.
Moving on to other services.
My review about them:
Basically the performance may not be that impressive but the VPS was fairly stable and the somewhat “active” support is really what I like about them.